How to copy EC2 snapshots to another amazon account - amazon-web-services

Is there a way to copy an EC2 snapshop made in one amazon account to another one and i.e. lauch a new instance with it? If it's possible, which steps do I have to do exactly? How to allow another account access to your snapshots and how to copy them across? Would appreciate your help.

This procedure will help you to share your unencrypted snapshots. For security reasons, encrypted snapshots cannot be shared or made public.
Open the Amazon EC2 console at
Click Snapshots in the navigation pane.
The console displays a list of current snapshots and their status.
Select a snapshot and select Modify Snapshot Permissions from the Actions list.
Choose whether to make the snapshot public or to share it with select AWS accounts:
Making your snapshot public shares all snapshot data with everyone. Snapshots with AWS Marketplace product codes cannot be made public.
To make the snapshot public, select Public.
To expose the snapshot only to specific AWS accounts, select Private, enter the ID of the AWS account (without hyphens) in the AWS Account Number field, and click Add Permission. Repeat until you've added all the required AWS accounts.
Click Save when you're done.
When you share a snapshot (whether by sharing it with another AWS account or making it public to all), you are giving others access to all the data on your snapshot. Share snapshots only with people with whom you want to share all your snapshot data.
See here for more :

If you want the other account to launch a clone of one of your instances, you can create an AMI from your instance and add the other account ID to the Permissions on the AMI.
The AMI will then appear in their list of "Shared With Me" AMIs and they can launch it.


To delete a shared or public snapshot, you must use the log into the AWS account that owns the snapshot

I created a test PostgreSQL instance in AWS and deleted the instance but public snapshots are growing more.
when I'm trying to delete those, it is saying 'To delete a shared or public snapshot, you must use the log into the AWS account that owns the snapshot.'
I followed
To delete a DB snapshot
* Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon RDS console at
* In the navigation pane, choose Snapshots.
* Choose the DB snapshot that you want to delete.
* For Actions, choose Delete Snapshot.
* Choose Delete on the confirmation page.
Suggest me the way or what I'm doing wrong?
Public Snapshots are snapshots created by other people that are being shared to everybody on AWS.
They are not your snapshots and they do not contain your data. Note the second column, which shows the name of the database. Those names should be unfamiliar to you, since they are other people's snapshots, not yours.
I can see the same listing as you.
Bottom line: Don't worry. They're not yours, they're not costing you money and your data is not being exposed (unless you specifically make a Snapshot public).

Regarding Retrieve AWS EC2 Instance as a snapshot

We had an instance where MongoDB hosted. now MongoDB someone deleted data by mistaken and we don't have any snapshots policy to retrieve backup for that account...
In this case, Can AWS provide backup as a snapshot from their data center backup mechanism??
Please let me know as its very important for us to work out this.
Unfortunately if you do not see an EBS snapshot in the account, then it does not exist. AWS does not keep extra backups of snapshots separate from it's customer accounts.
Under the AWS Shared Responsibility Model, customer data, including backups of that data, are the sole responsibility of the customer.

AWS Console - EC2 Instances not visible to other member's

I am member of an organisation account in AWS. I have created two EC2 instance in us-east-1 region. But other team members are not able to see this EC2 instance in Management console.
Since infrastructure or assets is managed by a team and not individuals we need to have a team view for all that is in use. The admin users should have ability to view any instance, that is what we want to achieve here. The problem is at present the user who created the EC2 instance is the only user who is able to see EC2 instance in console.
Below is the account details as it gets displayed in AWS Management Console -
Below is the screen shot which confirms that the user belongs to an organisation -
Can any one suggest how can this be achieved?
If users have the ability to view any instances in the EC2 management console, then they will see all instances in the console.
If they can see some instances (which proves they have the right permission to view instances), but some instances are not appearing then the problem might be one of:
The 'missing' instance was launched in a different account
The 'missing' instance was launched in a different region than you are viewing in the console
There is a filter active on the listing that is limiting the instances shown
You could also try using the AWS Command-Line Interface (CLI) aws ec2 describe-instances command to list instances to verify that the same information is returned for different credentials. (That is, run it as different users and compare the output.)
Bottom line: You should either see them all or see none (due to insufficient permissions to list instances). It is not possible to only view some.

Copy EC2 instance from one Amazon account to another one(for testing)

I want to copy the EC2 instance that i have to one amazon account to another one account that i have now.At the first account,at the EC2 instance i am running a website.I want exactly the same website to be copied at the new account that i have,because my second account is for testing purposes and i want to do changes to the website without affecting the first account,the website that is online.I don't know very well of the Amazon services and how can i manage them,I ask for your understanding.Can i do this?And if i can do it,which are the steps? But if i can make a copy inside the first account,that has the online website,and testing this copy without affecting the main website again,is accepted and i can do it,just tell me how can i do this. Thanks in advance
The following AWS KB article describes the process. It's not possible to copy the instance, but you can create an AMI of the instance and share it with the other AWS account. Then you create another instance from that AMI in the other account.
Stop Instance(if possible) and create AMI from it
Copy AMI from Account A to Account B .
launch Instance from AMI and you are good to go.
You can read about it here
Also, if you want to automate this then you can visit Botmetric

sharing an Amazon AWS AMI to another account via the console

I'm trying to view an AMI shared from one of my amazon accounts with another amazon account and it's not visible. I've followed all of the instructions here:
I've been able to share an EBS Volume successfully, but not the AMI. Are there any undocumented issues or steps anyone has run in to which might keep me from viewing the shared AMI?
Alternatively - is there a way to build an AMI from the snapshot?
It's possible that one of your accounts is set to a different region than your other. At least, that's what I just ran into.
AMIs don't cross regions - an AMI created in region A will never show up in any other region. You'll see this if your two accounts are in different regions, or even if you switch regions in one of your accounts.
There are two things you can do:
Just change regions in your target account. The AMI should magically appear - at least, it did for me. Easy, but unsatisfying, if you really like some other region.
In your source account, copy the AMI into the region that you'd like to use it from. Here are the official docs, but it's pretty straightforward. From the console, right-click the AMI, select Copy AMI, choose your region, and press the Copy AMI button. Wait until copied, then set permissions on the newly-generated AMI.
You'll have to wait, but at least you won't have to go through the song-and-dance that you used to.
You need to be in the correct region as well on the left hand side of the filter below launch there is a drop down menu that defaults the AMI's to "Owned by Me". Since you are in the destination account you need to select "Private Images"
All Amazon AWS AMI's are public and visible to all accounts. Are you talking about an AMI that you (or someone else) explicitly created following these steps:
If so, the instructions for sharing those are here:
(I'm not sure the difference between your link and this link. They seem... the same)
EBS Snapshots, which are not AMIs, can be shared with other accounts. The instructions for sharing EBS Snapshots with other accounts are here:
I don't know of any direct way to create an AMI from a snapshot. I don't think there is one.