unable to run openstack tempest testcases in group - python-2.7

i have created one sampletest.txt file in tempest folder and written tempest test case location in that file.
now i want to run that file using testr or nosetest so that all the test case present in that file get executed..
contents in sampletest.txt file
now i want to execute this sampletest.txt file so that all the testcase get executed...
if i am executing this file nosetests -vx sampletest.txt , i am getting error

Try to use tilt and cat the file Eg:
nosetest -vx `cat sampletest.txt`
Please make sure to configure your etc/tempest.conf are as below,
uri_v3 =
admin_domain_name = Default
admin_tenant_name = admin
admin_password = {your_openstack_admin_login_password}
admin_username = admin
tenant_name = {non-admin-tenant-eg-demo}
username = {non-admin-user-eg-demo}
password = {non-admin-user-password}
uri_v3 =
If still you are getting any errors please post your error logs.
You can also refer my post :http://naggappan.wordpress.com/2014/10/15/configure-and-execute-tempest-in-openstack-environment/


Permission Denied to Upload Django

i'm try upload file with django(xlsx) this is my code:
myfile = request.FILES['document']
fs = FileSystemStorage()
filename = fs.save(myfile.name, myfile)
on the model i have setup the folder "media" to uploads, get this error:
Permission denied: '/var/www/html/inventariosRG/media/my_file.xlsx'
this error i'm try fixed with this:
PATH = 'media/'
myfile = request.FILES['document']
import subprocess
RUTA_ABSOLUTA = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__)),PATH)
subprocess.Popen('sudo chmod -R 777 '+RUTA_ABSOLUTA, shell=True)
except Exception as e:
raise Exception ("Error ",e)
fs = FileSystemStorage()
filename = fs.save(myfile.name, myfile)
this code only show the same error "permission denied..." please i'm try set the permission by command on django, any suggest thanks..!!
These answers probably relate and are better than 777-ing:
Django - Media upload [Errno 13] Permission denied
A file from the internet is owned by user 'www-data:www-data' and that user has tightly restricted permissions (because files from the internet might be bad.) Your Django media/ folder needs to be accessible and writeable to the www-data user, so making that owner the user is appropriate.
Also, I'm not a sysadmin by any means and I may be speaking from unrecognized ignorance, but building the use of sudo into your Django application seems like a big security risk to me.
I can see a use for a 'config' script, that ensures a new deployment rolls out correctly, but keep that script and your Django code well separated from files from the internet. You could add your script to /etc/sudoers to give it the authority it needs (but remember to edit sudoers with visudo) if there was some reason to automate it.

Liquidsoap Icecast request.dynamic error

I would like to create dynamic playlist with liquidesoap and icecast. I've just copied the tutorial from the liquidsoap website but unfortunately it does not work.
This is my code:
def get_next() =
result = list.hd(get_process_lines("/var/www/radiod/yii program-generator/next-track 1"))
# Create and return a request using this result
# Create the source
s = request.dynamic(id="s", get_next)
# Output
source = output.icecast(%mp3, host="localhost", port=8000, mount="opera.mp3", password="asd123", s)
I get this error message when I run the check command:
Invalid value at line 9, char 20-37: That source is fallible.
So, the problem will be around this line:
s = request.dynamic(id="s", get_next)
Can you help me what could be the failure?
Thanking you in advance!
http://savonet.sourceforge.net/doc-svn/quick_start.html covers "That source is fallible." in detail. Might want to go through the whole page.

how to attach a pdf in google app engine python send_mail function?

I cannot find any example on how to attach files(pdf) that are within my root folder of the site in python (google app engine) send_mail function.
url_test = "https://mywebsite.com/pdf/test.pdf"
test_file = urlfetch.fetch(url_test)
if test_file.status_code == 200:
test_document = test_file.content
Decided to try it with EmailMessage:
message = mail.EmailMessage( sender=EMAIL_SENDER,
[(attachname, blob.archivoBlob)])
The above blob attachment is successfully sending however attaching a file with relative path always says "invalid attachment"
new_file = open(os.path.dirname(__file__) +
message = mail.EmailMessage( sender=EMAIL_SENDER,
[('testing',new_file )])
In debugging I have also tried to see if the file is being read by doing this:
It seems to be reading the file as it outputs some unicode characters
Please help why am I not able to attach a PDF while I can attach a blob
When calling the attachments, the File type has to be indicated on the file title, for example attachments= [('testing.pdf',new_file )]). View this link

GitPython: How can I access the contents of a file in a commit in GitPython

I am new to GitPython and I am trying to get the content of a file within a commit. I am able to get each file from a specific commit, but I am getting an error each time I run the command. Now, I know that the file exist in GitPython, but each time I run my program, I am getting the following error:
returned non-zero exit status 1
I am using Python 2.7.6 and Ubuntu Linux 14.04.
I know that the file exist, since I also go directly into Git from the command line, check out the respective commit, search for the file, and find it. I also run the cat command on it, and the file contents are displayed. Many times when the error shows up, it says that the file in question does not exist. I am trying to go through each commit with GitPython, get every blob or file from each individual commit, and run an external Java program on the content of that file. The Java program is designed to return a string to Python. To capture the string returned from my Java code, I am also using subprocess.check_output. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
I tried passing in the command as a list:
cmd = ['java', '-classpath', '/home/rahkeemg/workspace/CSCI499_Java/bin/:/usr/local/lib/*:', 'java_gram.mainJava','absolute/path/to/file']
subprocess.check_output(cmd, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, shell=False)
And I have also tried passing the command as a string:
subprocess.check_output('java -classpath /home/rahkeemg/workspace/CSCI499_Java/bin/:/usr/local/lib/*: java_gram.mainJava {file}'.format(file=entry.abspath.strip()), shell=True)
Is it possible to access the contents of a file from GitPython?
For example, say there is a commit and it has one file foo.java
In that file is the following lines of code:
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
public class foo{
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception{}
I want to access everything in the file and run an external program on it.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Below is a piece of the code I am using to do so
#! usr/bin/env python
__author__ = 'rahkeemg'
from git import *
import git, json, subprocess, re
git_dir = '/home/rahkeemg/Documents/GitRepositories/WhereHows'
# make an instance of the repository from specified path
repo = Repo(path=git_dir)
heads = repo.heads # obtain the different repositories
master = heads.master # get the master repository
print master
# get all of the commits on the master branch
commits = list(repo.iter_commits(master))
cmd = ['java', '-classpath', '/home/rahkeemg/workspace/CSCI499_Java/bin/:/usr/local/lib/*:', 'java_gram.mainJava']
# start at the very 1st commit, or start at commit 0
for i in range(len(commits) - 1, 0, -1):
commit = commits[i]
commit_num = len(commits) - 1 - i
print commit_num, ": ", commit.hexsha, '\n', commit.message, '\n'
for entry in commit.tree.traverse():
if re.search(r'\.java', entry.path):
current_file = str(entry.abspath.strip())
# add the current file or blob to the list for the command to run
print entry.abspath
# This is the scenario where I pass arguments into command as a string
print subprocess.check_output('java -classpath /home/rahkeemg/workspace/CSCI499_Java/bin/:/usr/local/lib/*: java_gram.mainJava {file}'.format(file=entry.abspath.strip()), shell=True)
# scenario where I pass arguments into command as a list
j_response = subprocess.check_output(cmd, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, shell=False)
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
print "Error on file: ", current_file
# Use pop on list to remove the last string, which is the selected file at the moment, to make place for the next file.
First of all, when you traverse the commit history like this, the file will not be checked out. All you get is the filename, maybe leading to the file or maybe not, but certainly it will not lead to the file from different revision than currently checked-out.
However, there is a solution to this. Remember that in principle, anything you could do with some git command, you can do with GitPython.
To get file contents from specific revision, you can do the following, which I've taken from that page:
git show <treeish>:<file>
therefore, in GitPython:
file_contents = repo.git.show('{}:{}'.format(commit.hexsha, entry.path))
However, that still wouldn't make the file appear on disk. If you need some real path for the file, you can use tempfile:
f = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False)
# at this point file with name f.name contains contents of
# the file from path entry.path at revision commit.hexsha
# your program launch goes here, use f.name as filename to be read
os.unlink(f.name) # delete the temp file

Django: No such file or directory

I have a process that scans a tape library and looks for media that has expired, so they can be removed and reused before sending the tapes to an offsite vault. (We have some 7 day policies that never make it offsite.) This process takes around 20 minutes to run, so I didn't want it to run on-demand when loading/refreshing the page. Rather, I set up a django-cron job (I know I could have done this in Linux cron, but wanted the project to be as self-contained as possible) to run the scan, and creates a file in /tmp. I've verified that this works -- the file exists in /tmp from this morning's execution. The problem I'm having is that now I want to display a list of those expired (scratch) media on my web page, but the script is saying that it can't find the file. When the file was created, I use the absolute filename "/tmp/scratch.2015-11-13.out" (for example), but here's the error I get in the browser:
IOError at /
[Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/tmp/corpscratch.2015-11-13.out'
My assumption is that this is a "web root" issue, but I just can't figure it out. I tried copying the file to the /static/ and /media/ directories configured in django, and even in the django root directory, and the project root directory, but nothing seems to work. When it says it cant' find /tmp/file, where is it really looking?
def sample():
""" Just testing """
today = datetime.date.today() #format 2015-11-31
inputfile = "/tmp/corpscratch.%s.out" % str(today)
with open(inputfile) as fh: # This is the line reporting the error
lines = [line.strip('\n') for line in fh]
The print statement was used for testing in the shell (which works, I might add), but the browser gives an error.
And the file does exist:
$ ls /tmp/corpscratch.2015-11-13.out
Edit: was mistaken, doesn't work in python shell either. Was thinking of a previous issue.
Use this instead:
today = datetime.datetime.today().date()
inputfile = "/tmp/corpscratch.%s.out" % str(today)
today = datetime.datetime.today().strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
inputfile = "/tmp/corpscratch.%s.out" % today # No need to use str()
See the difference:
>>> str(datetime.datetime.today().date())
>>> str(datetime.datetime.today())
'2015-11-13 15:56:19.578569'
I ended up finding this elsewhere:
today = datetime.date.today() #format 2015-11-31
inputfilename = "tmp/corpscratch.%s.out" % str(today)
inputfile = os.path.join(settings.PROJECT_ROOT, inputfilename)
With settings.py containing the following:
PROJECT_ROOT = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
Completely resolved my issues.