Decimal values of Extended ASCII characters - c++

I wrote a function to test if a string consists only of letters, and it works well:
bool is_all_letters(const char* src) {
while (*src) {
// A-Z, a-z
if ((*src>64 && *src<91) || (*src>96 && *src<123)) {
else {
return false;
return true;
My next step was to include “Extended ASCII Codes”, I thought it was going to be really easy but that’s where I ran into trouble. For example:
std::cout << (unsigned int)'A' // 65 <-- decimal ascii value
std::cout << (unsigned int)'ñ'; // 4294967281 <-- what?
I thought that the decimal value for ‘ñ’ was going to be 164 as listed on the ASCII chart at
My goal is to restrict user input to only letters in ISO 8859-1 (latin 1). I’ve only worked with single byte characters and would like to avoid multi-byte characters if possible.
I am guessing that I can compare the unsigned int values above, i.e.: 4294967281, but it does not feel right to me and besides, I don’t know if that large integer is VC 8.0 representation of 'ñ' and changes from compiler to compiler.
Please advise
UPDATE - Per some suggestions made by Christophe, I ran the following code:
locale loc("spanish") ;
cout<< << endl; // Spanish_Spain.1252
for (int i = 0; i < 255; i++) {
cout << i << " " << isalpha(i, loc)<< " " << (isprint(i,loc) ? (char)(i):'?') << endl;
It does return Spanish_Spain.1252 but unfortunately, the loop iterations print the same data as the default C locale (using VC++ 8 / VS 2005).
Christophe shows different (desired) results as you can see in his screen shots below, but he uses a much newer version of VC++.

The code chart you found on the internet is actually Windows OEM code page 437, which was never endorsed as a standard. Although it is sometimes called "extended ASCII", that description is highly misleading. (See the Wikipedia article Extended ASCII: "The use of the term is sometimes criticized, because it can be mistakenly interpreted that the ASCII standard has been updated to include more than 128 characters or that the term unambiguously identifies a single encoding, both of which are untrue."
You can find the history of OEM437 on Wikipedia, in various versions.
What was endorsed as a standard 8-bit encoding is ISO-8859-1, which later became the first 256 code points in Unicode. (It's one of a series of 8-bit encodings designed for use in different parts of the world; ISO-8859-1 is specified to the Americas and Western Europe.) So that's what you will find in most computers produced in this century in those regions, although more recently more and more operating systems are converting to full Unicode support.
The value you see for (unsigned int)'ñ' is the result of casting the ISO-8859-1 code 0xF1 from a (signed) char (that is, -15) to an unsigned int. Had you cast it to an int, you would have seen -15.

I thought that the decimal value for ‘ñ’ was going to be 164 as listed on the ASCII chart at appears to give the code for the old IBM437 DOS character set (still used in the Windows command prompt), in which ñ is indeed 164. But that's just one of hundreds of “extended ASCII” variants.
The value 4294967281 = 0xFFFFFFF1 you got is a sign-extension of the (signed) char value 0xF1, which is how ñ is encoded in ISO-8859-1 and close variants like Windows-1252.

To start with, you're trying to reinvent std::isalpha. But you'll need to pass the ISO-8859-1 locale IIRC, by default that just checks ASCII.
The behavior you see is because char is signed (because you didn't compile with /J, which is the smart thing to do when you use more than just ASCII - VC++ defaults to signed char).

There is already plenty of information here. However, I'd like to propose some ideas to adress your inital problem, being the categorisation of extended character set.
For this, I suggest the use of <locale> (country specific topics), and especially the new locale-aware form of isalpha(), isspace(), isprint(), ... .
Here a little piece of code to help you to find out what chars could be a letter in your local alphabet:
std::locale::global(std::locale("")); // sets the environment default locale currently in place
std::cout << std::locale().name() << std::endl; // display name of current locale
std::locale loc ; // use a copy of the active global locale (you could use another)
for (int i = 0; i < 255; i++) {
cout << i << " " << isalpha(i, loc)<< " " << (isprint(i,loc) ? (char)(i):'?') << endl;
This will print out the ascii code from 0 to 255, followed by an indicator if it is a letter according to the local settings, and the character itself if it's printable.
FOr example, on my PC, I get:
And all the accented chars, as well as ñ, and greek letters are considered as alpha, whereas £ and mathematical symbols are considered as non alpha printable.


Printing unicode Characters in C++

im trying to print a interface using these characters:
but, when i try to print it, returns something like this:
unsigned char* tabuleiroImportado() {
std::ifstream TABULEIRO;"tabuleiro.txt");
unsigned char tabu[36][256];
for (unsigned char i = 0; i < 36; i++) {
TABULEIRO >> tabu[i];
std::cout << tabu[i] << std::endl;
return *tabu;
i'm using this function to import the interface.
Just like every other possible kind of data that lives in your computer, it must be represented by a sequence of bytes. Each byte can have just 256 possible values.
All the carbon-based life forms, that live on the third planet from the sun, use all sorts of different alphabets with all sorts of characters, whose total number is much, more than 256.
A single byte by itself cannot, therefore, express all characters. The most simple way of handling all possible permutations of characters is to pick just 256 (or less) of them at a time, and assign the possible (up to 256) to a small set of characters, and call it your "character set".
Such is, apparently, your "tabuleiro.txt" file: its contents must be using some particular character set which includes the characters you expect to see there.
Your screen display, however, uses a different character set, hence the same values show different characters.
However, it's probably more complicated than that: modern operating system and modern terminals employ multi-byte character sequence, where a single character can be represented by specific sequences of more than just one byte. It's fairly likely that your terminal screen is based on multi-byte Unicode encoding.
In summary: you need to figure out two things:
Which character set your file uses
Which character set your terminal display uses
Then write the code to properly translate one to the other
It goes without saying that noone else could possibly tell you which character set your file uses, and which character set your terminal display uses. That's something you'll need to figure out. And without knowing both, you can't do step 3.
To print the Unicode characters, you can put the Unicode value with the prefix \u.
If the console does not support Unicode, then you cannot get the correct result.
#include <iostream>
int main() {
std::cout << "Character: \u2563" << std::endl;
std::cout << "Character: \u2551" << std::endl;
std::cout << "Character: \u2560" << std::endl;
Character: ╣
Character: ║
Character: ╠
the answer is use the unsigned char in = manner like char than a = unicode num
so this how to do it i did get an word like that when i was making an game engine for cmd so please up vote because it works in c++17 gnu gcc and in 2021 too to 2022 use anything in the place of a named a

how to detect non-ascii characters in C++ Windows?

I'm simply trying detect non-ascii characters in my C++ program on Windows.
Using something like isascii() or :
bool is_printable_ascii = (ch & ~0x7f) == 0 &&
(isprint() || isspace()) ;
does not work because non-ascii characters are getting mapped to ascii characters before or while getchar() is doing its thing. For example, if I have some code like:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
int c;
c = getchar();
cout << isascii(c) << endl;
cout << c << endl;
printf("0x%x\n", c);
cout << (char)c;
return 0;
and input a 😁 (because i am so happy right now), the output is
Furthermore, if I feed the program something (outside of the extended ascii range (codepage 437)) like 'Ĥ', I get the output to be
This works with similar inputs such as Ĭ or ō (goes to I and o). So this seems algorithmic and not just mojibake or something. A quick check in python (via same terminal) with a program like
i = input()
gives me the expected actual hex code instead of the ascii mapped one (so its not the codepage or the terminal (?)). This makes me believe getchar() or C++ compilers (tested on VS compiler and g++) is doing something funky. I have also tried using cin and many other alternatives. Note that I've tried this on Linux and I cannot reproduce this issue which makes me inclined to believe that it is something to do with Windows (10 pro). Can anyone explain what is going on here?
Try replacing getchar() with getwchar(); I think you're right that its a Windows-only problem.
I think the problem is that getchar(); is expecting input as a char type, which is 8 bits and only supports ASCII. getwchar(); supports the wchar_t type which allows for other text encodings. "😁" isn't ASCII, and from this page: , it seems like Windows encodes extended characters like this in UTF-16. I was having trouble finding a lookup table for utf-16 emoji, but I'm guessing that one of the bytes in the utf-16 "😁" is 0x39 which is why you're seeing that printed out.
Okay, I have solved this. I was not aware of translation modes.
_setmode(_fileno(stdin), _O_WTEXT);
Was the solution. The link below essentially explains that there are translation modes and I think phase 5 (character-set mapping) explains what happened.

How to apply <cctype> functions on text files with different encoding in c++

I would like to Split some files (around 1000) into words and remove numbers and punctuation. I will then process these tokenized words accordingly... However, the files are mostly in German language and are encoded in different types:
ISO Latin-1
The problem that I am facing is that I cannot find a correct way to apply Character Conversion functions such as tolower() and I also get some weird icons in the terminal when I use std::cout at Ubuntu linux.
For example, in non UTF-8 files, the word französische is shown as franz�sische, für as
f�r etc... Also, words like Örebro or Österreich are ignored by tolower(). From what I know the "Unicode replacement character" � (U+FFFD) is inserted for any character that the program cannot decode correctly when trying to handle Unicode.
When I open UTF-8 files i dont get any weird characters but i still cannot convert upper case special characters such as Ö to lower case... I used std::setlocale(LC_ALL, "de_DE.iso88591"); and some other options that I have found on stackoverflow but I still dont get the desired output.
My guess on how I should solve this is:
Check encoding of file that is about to be opened
open file according to its specific encoding
Convert file input to UTF-8
Process file and apply tolower() etc
Is the above algorithm feasible or the complexity will skyrocket?
What is the correct approach for this problem? How can I open the files with some sort of encoding options?
1. Should my OS have the corresponding locale enabled as global variable to process (without bothering how console displays it) text? (in linux for example I do not have de_DE enabled when i use -locale -a)
2. Is this problem only visible due to terminal default encoding? Do I need to take any further steps before i process the extracted string normally in c++?
My linux locale:
Here is some sample code that I wrote that doesnt work as I want atm.
void processFiles() {
std::string filename = "17454-8.txt";
std::ifstream inFile;;
if (!inFile) {
std::cerr << "Failed to open file" << std::endl;
//calculate file size
std::string s = "";
s.reserve(filesize(filename) + std::ifstream::pos_type(1));
std::string line;
while( (inFile.good()) && std::getline(inFile, line) ) {
s.append(line + "\n");
std::cout << s << std::endl;
//remove punctuation, numbers, tolower,
//TODO encoding detection and specific transformation (cannot catch Ö, Ä etc) will add too much complexity...
std::setlocale(LC_ALL, "de_DE.iso88591");
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < s.length(); ++i) {
if (std::ispunct(s[i]) || std::isdigit(s[i]))
s[i] = ' ';
if (std::isupper(s[i]))
//std::cout << s << std::endl;
//tokenize string
std::istringstream iss(s);
tokens = {std::istream_iterator<std::string>{iss}, std::istream_iterator<std::string>{}};
for (auto & i : tokens)
std::cout << i << std::endl;
Unicode defines "code points" for characters. A code point is a 32 bit value. There are some types of encodings. ASCII only uses 7 bits, which gives 128 different chars. The 8th bit was used by Microsoft to define another 128 chars, depending on the locale, and called "code pages". Nowadays MS uses UTF-16 2 bytes encoding. Because this is not enough for the whole Unicode set, UTF-16 is also locale dependant, with names that match Unicode's names "Latin-1", or "ISO-8859-1" etc.
Most used in Linux (typically for files) is UTF-8, which uses a variable number of bytes for each character. The first 128 chars are exactly the same as ASCII chars, with just one byte per character. To represent a character UTF8 can use up to 4 bytes. More onfo in the Wikipedia.
While MS uses UTF-16 for both files and RAM, Linux likely uses UFT-32 for RAM.
In order to read a file you need to know its encoding. Trying to detect it is a real nightmare which may not succeed. The use of std::basic_ios::imbue allows you to set the desired locale for your stream, like in this SO answer
tolower and such functions can work with a locale, e.g.
#include <iostream>
#include <locale>
int main() {
wchar_t s = L'\u00D6'; //latin capital 'o' with diaeresis, decimal 214
wchar_t sL = std::tolower(s, std::locale("en_US.UTF-8")); //hex= 00F6, dec= 246
std::cout << "s = " << s << std::endl;
std::cout << "sL= " << sL << std::endl;
return 0;
s = 214
sL= 246
In this other SO answer you can find good solutions, as the use of iconv Linux or iconv W32 library.
In Linux the terminal can be set to use a locale with the help of LC_ALL, LANG and LANGUAGE, e.g.:

C++ Visual Studio Unicode confusion

I've been looking at the Unicode chart, and know that the first 127 code points are equivalent for almost all encoding schemes, ASCII (probably the original), UCS-2, ANSI, UTF-8, UTF-16, UTF-32 and anything else.
I wrote a loop to go through the characters starting from decimal 122, which is lowercase "z". After that there are a couple more characters such as {, |, and }. After that it gets into no-man's land which is basically around 20 "control characters", and then the characters begin again at 161 with an inverted exclamation mark, 162 which is the cent sign with a stroke through it, and so on.
The problem is, my results don't correspond the Unicode chart, UTF-8, or UCS-2 chart, the symbols seem random. By the way, the reason I made the "character variable a four-byte int was that when I was using "char" (which is essentially a one byte signed data type, after 127 it cycled back to -128, and I thought this might be messing it up.
I know I'm doing something wrong, can anyone figure out what's happening? This happens whether I set the character set to Unicode or Multibyte characters in the project settings. Here is the code you can run.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
unsigned int character = 122; // Starting at "z"
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
cout << (char)character << endl;
cout << "decimal code point = " << (int)character << endl;
cout << "size of character = " << sizeof(character) << endl;
cout << endl;
return 0;
By the way, here is the Unicode chart
Very likely the bytes you're printing are displayed using the console code page (sometimes referred to as OEM), which may be different than the local single- or double-byte character set used by Windows applications (called ANSI).
For instance, on my English language Windows install ANSI means windows-1252, while a console by default uses code page 850.
There are a few ways to write arbitrary Unicode characters to the console, see How to Output Unicode Strings on the Windows Console

C++ Non ASCII letters

How do i loop through the letters of a string when it has non ASCII charaters?
This works on Windows!
for (int i = 0; i < text.length(); i++)
std::cout << text[i]
But on linux if i do:
std::string text = "á";
std::cout << text.length() << std::endl;
It tells me the string "á" has a length of 2 while on windows it's only 1
But with ASCII letters it works good!
In your windows system's code page, á is a single byte character, i.e. every char in the string is indeed a character. So you can just loop and print them.
On Linux, á is represented as the multibyte (2 bytes to be exact) utf-8 character 'C3 A1'. This means that in your string, the á actually consists of two chars, and printing those (or handling them in any way) separately yields nonsense. This will never happen with ASCII characters because the utf-8 representation of every ASCII character fits in a single byte.
Unfortunately, utf-8 is not really supported by C++ standard facilities. As long as you only handle the whole string and neither access individual chars from it nor assume the length of the string equals the number of actual characters in the string, std::string will most likely do fine.
If you need more utf-8 support, look for a good library that implements what you need.
You might also want to read this for a more detailed discussion on different character sets on different systems and advice regarding string vs. wstring.
Also have a look at this for information on how to handle different character encodings portably.
Try using std::wstring. The encoding used isn't supported by the standard as far as I know, so I wouldn't save these contents to a file without a library that handles a specific format. of some sort. It supports multi-byte characters so you can use letters and symbols not supported by ASCII.
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
int main()
std::wstring text = L"áéíóú";
for (int i = 0; i < text.length(); i++)
std::wcout << text[i];
std::wcout << text.length() << std::endl;