Direct2D/C++ - Offscreen Rendering using Bitmap - c++

I already have implemented a Direct2D application for windows desktop application using C++, where I show the graphical results (with points, lines, and ellipses) during the simulation. I keep a buffer for storing the simulation values as long as the simulation remains running, and every time interval I simply plot the values. Right now, the situation is, I draw directly on Hwnd (ID2D1HwndRenderTarget) like
for(values of simulation results)
Now I want use the offscreen rendering/drawing using Bitmap, as I need to store the bitmap as an image on the computer (equivalent to taking/capturing screenshot to store the simulation results). How should I proceed in this case (with/without Direct2D IWICBitmapFactory - for later screen capturing)?
create ID2D1HwndRenderTarget pHwndRenderTarget - using pD2DFactory->CreateHwndRenderTarget()
create ID2D1BitmapFactory pBitmapFactory - using pHwndRenderTarget->CreateCompatibleRenderTarget()
Create an empty bitmap ID2D1Bitmap ID2D1Bitmap pBmp - using pBitmapFactory->CreateBitmap()
?? On this Bitmap should I draw lines? if not, where should I draw lines
In the end, between whose BeginDraw() and EndDraw(), I should place the bitmap?
Later at some point, I'd capture a screenshot of this bitmap. Without IWICBitmapFactory can I achieve this? Any code samples would be appreciated.


Taking a screenshot, analyzing it, then deleting it

I've been trying to code an auto clicker for a simple game online (a php coded one), but I've had trouble analyzing the colors on-screen. (English isn't my first language, sorry!) I've already done a bit of C++ in university, but only for science-oriented simple console programs. (Edit: I'm working on windows!! forgot to mention)
I've already tried the getpixel function, but since my chrome window is zoomed out at 80% to get the full game in frame, it seems I'm having some DPI related issues, but looking into this made my head dizzy.
After watching a Codebullet video, I thought a better approach to this would be to take a screenshot of the problematic area, analyze it to see if the condition is filled, then delete the screenshot. The problem is, I have no idea how I could achieve this and Google didn't help much this time :\
My code is extremely messy so I can't show it right now, but it's basically just a:
-click there
-click there after 5 seconds
-click there if this pixel is this color
Is there an easy answer to this? I'd be really thankful if there is. Have a nice day! :)
You don't need to save the screen shot if you don't want to:
Pass the target window handle to GetDC(), t will return the the device context of the window.
Pass the device context to CreateCompatibleDC() to create a compatible DC.
Use CreateCompatibleBitmap(), passing in the DC and the size of the window. This returns a handle to a bitmap
Use SelectObject() to select the bitmap
Use BitBlt() to do a bitblock transfer of the selected pixels from the regular DC into the compatible DC using the SRCCOPY raster operation code to do a normal copy.
Create a BITMAP object. Use GetObject() and pass the handle to the bitmap you created.
Create a BITMAPINFOHEADER and define the member vars. Create an array of unsigned chars big enough to fit all the pixels from your bitmap.
Use GetDIBits() passing in the handle to the compatible bitmap, the bitmap header and a pointer to the pixel array. This loads the pixels from the bitmap into the pixel array.
Now parse all that juicy pixel data, search for the colors you're looking for and test the results against your conditionals to decide what to do next.
Don't forget to delete objects and release memory & device contexts.
I believe this is the tutorial I followed where I learned this, courtesy of MSDN:

Limiting rendered image size in CView::onDraw()

In a MFC SDI application containing a single CView, I pass the output device context pDC->m_hDC to a mapping library to render the map within the CMyView::OnDraw() method.
I would like the rendered image to appear in the centre of the cview surrounded by a black background, i.e. the image size would be smaller than the CView client rect size. I have experimented with CDC::SetViewportOrg() and set the device size in the mapping library, however unfortunately the mapping library draws outside of the device size set.
What is the best way of limiting the image to the desired size? Should I be looking at clipping functions? Or do I have to manually draw over the undesired parts of the image.
Well you can do it 2 ways.
1) You could SetBoundsRect to the boundaries you want.
2) You could just bit blt the section of the image you want into the DC.
Method 2 would be my preferred method as there is no extra logic. It only ever even tries to draw the part you are blitting :)

how to remove what setpixel put on the window?? (c++)

im using SetPixel to make stuff on my window which is the easyest because i only want to set one pixel at a time. SetPixel is great but i need to remove the color every time i update it, i could overwrite the color by black but.. it's a really big waste of time is there some way i can over write all of the colors to black? (i would like something that is faster then reseting them all to black). i make a window and then color with setpixel (there is other ways (to draw on the window) but i only want to set one pixel/color at a time)
You should typically create a bitmap, lock it, set and unset its pixels directly - possibly by direct access rather than using API calls, if there are a lot of updates - unlock and then invalidate the window so that your paint handler can blit the bitmap later.
If you want to restore pixels, you can keep two bitmaps and store the values to restore in one bitmap.

Shatter Glass desktop Win32 effect for windows?

I would like a win32 program that takes the desktop and acts like it is shattering glass and in the end would put the pieces back together is there way reference on Doing this kind of effect with C++?
I wrote a program (unfortunately now lost) to do something like this a few years ago.
The desktop image can be retrieved by creating a DC for the screen, creating a compatible bitmap, then using BitBlt to copy the screen contents into the bitmap. Then use GetDIBits to get the pixels from this bitmap in a known format.
This link doesn't do exactly that, but it demonstrates the principle, albeit using MFC. I couldn't find a Win32-specific example:
For the shattering effect, best to use Direct3D or OpenGL. (Further details are up to you.) Create a texture using the bitmap data saved earlier.
By way of window for associating with OpenGL or D3D, create a borderless window that fills the entire screen and doesn't do painting or background erasing. This will prevent any flicker when switching from the desktop image to the copy of the desktop image being used to draw.
(If using D3D, you'll also find GetMonitorInfo useful in conjunction with IDirect3D9::GetAdapterMonitor and friends, as you'll need to create a separate device for each monitor and you'll therefore need to know which portion of the desktop corresponds to that device.)

Using CreateCompatibleDC with mapping modes other than MM_TEXT

I have a visual C++ application that uses a CView derived class to render its display, which is primarily 3d vector data and true type text. The mapping mode used is either MM_ANISOTROPIC or MM_LOMETRIC. I can't use MM_TEXT as I use the same code for printing and plotting of the data and also have to overcome non-square screen pixel issues.
The drawing code currently draws directly onto the screen using the CViews OnDraw method and the CDC object provided. I am trying to replace this with drawing to a bitmap and blitting the bitmap to screen, using a CreateCompatibleDC / CreateCompatibleBitmap combination, as described in the MS documentation and elsewhere.
The problem is that the DCs are not compatible for mapping modes other than MM_TEXT, such that my view is rendered upside down and at the wrong scale. Investigation shows the following;
void CMyView::OnDraw(CDC *pDC)
CDC MyDC = CreateCompatibleDC(pDC); // Create a new memory DC;
int a = pDC->GetMapMode(),b = MyDC.GetMapMode();
a = 2
b = 1
Calling a SetMapMode on MyDC causes the display to be drawn entirely in black. Do I have to rewrite my code to suit MM_TEXT for drawing to a bitmap, or is there another way to overcome this problem.
You probably need to also call SetWindowExt and SetViewportExt. I have definitely used MM_ISOTROPIC with bitmap DCs before and it worked OK (don't have the code to hand as it was since ported to GDI+)