Best way to Upgrade wamp 2.0 to 2.5 - wamp

My wamp 2.0 is using around more than 100 large database and a lot of projects.I also made around more than 50 virtual host. Now I need to upgrade wamp 2.0 to 2.5.
I got some suggestion on internet that take back up of database and files , then uninstall wamp 2.0 and install 2.5 then set up every thing again, but it seems it is not a right way.
What is the best way ?

Usually I follow following steps to do it easily.
Stop Wamp Service
Rename the wamp folder to wamp-backup
Download latest version of wamp and install it
Rename the data folder of mysql with some different name
copy data folder of mysql from wamp-backup and paste it to new
install wamp mysql folder (C:\wamp\bin\mysql\mysql5.5.20)
Rename new httpd-vhosts.conf file to httpd-vhosts-backup.conf.
Copy old httpd-vhosts.conf and paste to new installed wamp
In apache 2.4, the directive Allow was dropped in favor of new
directive Require. So change the settings from Order Deny,Allow
Deny from all Allow from all to Require all granted
Order Deny,Allow
Deny from all
Allow from all
Require all granted
9.The old www folder in wamp needs to be copied into the new one.
Let me know whether it's working or not.

you should do this , I recently updated it , first of all I took my Wamp directory back, then uninstall Wamp not remove the www directory , After that install the latest wamp on the same location , after this copy the folder named data inside the old wamp bin\mysql\mysql5.5.24 and paste that folder inside your new wamp on the same location then run your projects after starting the wamp services.
Note: folder version of db may be different and also latest wamp is based on virtual host so create v hosts also

You may directly Upgrade Wampserver from Secondary repository of Wampserver files.
There are various options present on the site:
Install Wampserver full version
Wampserver Update
Also, one could directly download Tools and Visual C++ packages from here.
So, my suggestion would not be to make any changes in any file in the wamp, nor uninstall the present wamp, and download the latest version. Simply update your wampserver from this website.
There will be no change to the Apache, PHP, MySQL, and MariaDB
settings and versions used; your local sites and databases will not be
affected. This update will be necessary to be able to install the last
addons Apache, PHP, MySQL or MariaDB
Quoted from the site itself.
NOTE: Before uptading, you may just make a copy/backup of your "wamp folder" somewhere on your local machine. In case there is some issue in the update, you won't lose any file and always be able to restore your previous work.
Hope this answer helps someone, if it does kindly upvote. All the best!

To update to latest wamp version safely, use
You can update complete wamp or install newer php/apache versions.


PMwiki doesn't work anymore after upgrade to CentOS7

We had PMwiki installed in a few directories under public_html running on our old CentOS6 server.
The home directories were on a file system (RAID) separate from the system, so they were not affected by the installation of CentOS7 from scratch.
Now the 'normal' pages under public_html are accessible, php works (version 7 instead of 5), mysql works, but when i point the browser to one of the pmwiki-pages nothing is displayed, not even an error message.
On another post from here i read that to port pmwiki from one server to another one it is sufficient to copy the wiki.d directory. But in this case i didn't even touch the pmwiki.
Is there a way to get the system going again, or at least to find out what the problem is?
To clarify:
does not work, but
does work
I think, the problem is around .htaccess config and your Clean URLs config.
You can download and install fresh PmWiki package and see if it works from the box. If it works, compare .htaccess and /local/config.php files from both installs to find out what is wrong.

Can't find the CORE WAMP download, keeps giving me addons only

I'm going through the official WAMP website too. It direct me to SourceForce which seems right. I then click Download and it start trying to give me wampserver3_x64_addon_mariadb10.3.7.exe. What happened with Wamp and SourceForge and is there any way to download WAMP right now?
You may find that the WAMPServer Backup Repo is a lot easier to navigate.
It is maintained by the same guy that builds the releases that are placed into SourceForge and is completely legitimate. It is often a few days ahead of SourceForge as they take time to do their own checks on the release.
You can find it here
Also remember you must install a Full Release first, then you can apply any of the ADDON versions of Apache / PHP / MySQL / mariaDB that you need to match the development environment you require.

Deploy django app on ubuntu apache2

I want to run my Django app created in virtualenv on ubuntu with python3. Folder structure in virtualenv folder:
The myapp folder contains my application with apache folder configured as specified in this tutorial:
I have all apps installed I need in my virtualenv, after 'sudo service apache2 restart' I see only Apache2 Ubuntu Default Page.
File /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default.conf is like in the tutorial:
<VirtualHost *:80>
WSGIScriptAlias / /home/myuser/mysite/apache/
<Directory "/home/myuser/mysite/apache/">
Require all granted
Of course with correct paths pointing to my project location in 'venv' folder.
No idea where to move on, what to check, thanks for suggestions.
I realy dont get this, I edited the mentioned file, had a try, nothing happened so I edited it back and after restart it it worked.
The official Django documentation on using mod_wsgi can be found at:
It may be better to consult that for how to set things up specifically for Django, you are missing various required configuration elements.
As to why you are still getting the default page, it could be because you added that configuration as an extra thing to the end of the default sites file, rather than inserting the contents of the VirtualHost you have into the existing VirtualHost in that file. If you added it after, it will be ignored as it will still use the existing VirtualHost as it comes first and you haven't set up correctly named based hosting.
Also be aware that where other people say you should use something else, every solution will have a learning curve if this is all new. No solution is simple if you want to integrate into your existing host system. So jumping around looking at different solutions can be a great waste of time. Select one which you think you like and stick with it. The idea that one is superior to others is in general nonsense as their performance is similar.
I would actually suggest you skip even trying to integrate it into your host system to begin with if you are just playing. Use a WSGI server that you can run from the command line, even if it is just the bundled development server with Django. Options which are simple to run from the command line are:
So after editing the file, restarting apache, editing the file back it works (/etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default.conf). Really dont get it, several restarts yesterday did not help...
I have Ubuntu 20.04 and Apache2. I followed the mod_wsgi installation instructions linked to here but forgot to enable the module in /etc/apache2/apache2.conf (or to include a file from apache2.conf that does so). I added that and then the WSGIScriptAlias / /home/myuser/mysite/apache/ directive in my 000-default.conf did not cause an error when I restarted the server with systemctl restart apache2

WAMP server directories within web directory(www) are not accessible

The problem I am facing is that I just upgraded to Win 7 64-bit and installed Wamp server with VC++ and it works fine.
But I can't access subdirectories in the web directory (C:\wamp\www), I can access the files although.
Please guide me through.
It is now strongly advised that you create Virtual Hosts for all your project, even those that you store in the \wamp\www\project1 folder structure.
WampServer now assumes that you have done this, and that is why you get this issue.
Here is a previous answer Project Links do not work on Wamp Server

Can't Find Upgrade Patch for phpMyAdmin

phpMyAdmin on my server is giving me a message
A newer version of phpMyAdmin is available and you should consider upgrading. The newest version is 4.1.7, released on 2014-02-09.
My tech support at cannot find the exact patch for the cpanel current version - WHM 11.40.1 (build 11).
Can you please tell me where to find this patch. Thank you.
Since your hosting provider is using a packaged version distributed by cPanel, you can either download the official phpMyAdmin source and install it manually out side of the existing phpMyAdmin installation, or you can wait for cPanel to provide an update.
As an aside, phpMyAdmin provides a specific way for other packages that include phpMyAdmin (like cPanel in this case) to suppress that warning, and it's probably an oversight that they don't. In the meantime, you could also turn off the warning by editing your and adding the line $cfg['VersionCheck'] = false;