This is quite a basic question. I'm learning about 3D graphics and lighting at the moment and I was wondering about how normal data is (normally) stored.
Is it standard to keep this data as part of any external 'model' file you load into your program, or to compute normal data anew from vertex data each time a new model is loaded?
Or are there advantages to both methods and they are sometimes used for different reasons?
This, as always in graphics, depends.
If you have a simple model, it shouldn't be a problem to recompute the normals. Storing them is basically caching, then.
If you use per-pixel lighting, however, normals are stored per-pixel in normal (bump etc) maps. In this case they typically can't be generated procedurally (they are generated from models with higher poly count).
opengl allows several attributes about each vertex when sending to the GPU for processing, most commonly used for this is position, normals and texture mappings
the most basic of all model filed (the obj file) allows the choice of whether to include the data at all. But for most more complicated models the normals aren't standard and require storing in the model files
In the general case, this is not just a performance consideration. The normals are part of the model, and cannot be thrown away and re-generated from the vertex positions.
Picture a typical case where you build a shape in a modelling program. The internal data describing the shape in the software most likely consists of analytical surfaces, e.g. spline surfaces. When you export the shape to a vertex based format, the analytical surface is approximated by a triangle mesh. The vertices of the mesh will be written out as vertex positions, along with connectivity information that defines how the vertices form a mesh. The normals of the analytical surface at the vertex position will be calculated for each vertex, and written out along with the vertex positions.
If you have a mesh of vertices without normals (e.g. because you never exported normals, or you discarded them), you can still calculate surface normals. This is typically done by averaging the face normals of all faces adjacent to the each vertex, possibly as a weighted average that takes the area or angle of the face into account. But no matter how this calculation is done, the result is an approximation of the normals of the original analytical surface.
The difference between using exact normals from the original analytical surface and using approximated normals reconstructed from the triangle mesh can be very visible when rendering. It will depend heavily on how fine the tessellation is, and on what lighting model is used. But in most cases, reconstructed normals are not as good as the normals from the original model, and the rendered surface will look much smoother/cleaner if the original normals are used.
Im trying to wrap my head around the GPU pipeline and the performance implications...
I create a coordinate system and put a million vertices on it, all of them are now in memory usable by the GPU. I assume this is the performance hit on this step: moving all the floating values into the GPU memory, implying the points where already created.
Then I transform my million points coordinates into clipping coordinates. Here I’m applying a transformation to each point.
As a result of this transformation some points are now outside of the clip coordinates, let’s say only a thousands points are in. Does the vertex shader run on the thousand or all million points? What about the fragment shader? And the building of triangles? Transformation into the final device coordinates only takes the thousand points?
My guess is that the vertex runs on all but the fragment only on the interpolation of the visible vertices.
Is the only optimization possible then to just include as little vertices as possible in the first place? If I’m looking at a full 3D world with buildings, trees, roads... and then zoom at just one rock I’m running all the shaders on all the objects anywhay... so the only solution would be to not put those trees and buildings in the first place? Or can I have this world on GPU memory but just compute the rock? Could I apply the transformation of coordinates to just the rock somehow? Where in the pipeline a technique like GPU culling, level of detail or dynamic tessellation takes place?
Vertex shaders are executed for each vertex submitted with glDrawArrays and glDrawElements function families, perhaps even multiple times per vertex. The transformed vertices are then assembled into primitives and clipped—if it's outside the viewport then their processing is done. To reduce the overhead of processing vertices of objects outside the viewport multiple techniques are employed. The simplest one is "frustum culling"—submit the object for rendering only if its bounding box intersects the camera frustum.
Fragment shaders are executed for each fragment ("pixel") in the framebuffer that passes the depth test. One way to reduce their count is to render front to back—so that only the front-visible fragments are ever calculated.
I am handling some OpenGL lighting tutorial, now on the topic of diffuse lighting. Wondering is it possible to calculate normal vector from "surface" of verticies purely by their location? (i.e. for each triangle, get p1 - p2 and p1 - p3 then cross product them).
Am I correct by thinking that it is prohibited by OpenGL's nature of parallel processing (verticies does not know who they are with, and no way to put their processing in sorted order)? And this is more efficiently handled by the actual verticies model providing them(i.e. vertex data containing x, y, z, nx, ny, nz) since it is mostly static, such that calculation is done in model generation (non-runtime) saving shader resource? Will this change when the model and thus vertex data is dynamically generated(and let me think, able to be handled by the geometry shader)?
Vertex normals are as unchanging as vertex positions (that is, if your positions don't change, the normals won't either). As such, unless the vertex positions change (and I don't mean by applying matrices to them), it's best to calculate normals once. On the CPU. Then put them in your mesh data.
Pretty much every art package can export vertex normals with a mesh.
To your specific question, no. Neither vertex shaders nor geometry shaders can generate normals. GS's have adjacency primitives that may be able to generate them, but the restrictions on such generation are very tight. Also, it would be slow.
Let there be a vertex which is part of a triangle, and of a quad.
To my best understanding, the normal of that vertex is the average of the normal of the quad and the normal of the triangle.
The triangle is drawn before the quad. When should I call glNormal and with what vector?
Should I call glNormal 2 times, each time with the same vector (the average normal vector)?
Should I call glNormal the last time the vertex is drawn, with the average normal vector?
To my best understanding, the normal of that vertex is the average of
the normal of the quad and the normal of the triangle.
Ideally, the normal vector should be orthogonal to the surface that you are rendering, on any point. However, the GL only supports rendering surfaces only as polygonal models (at least directly). So there are two principal possibilities:
The polygonal representation does exactly represent the object you want to visualize. A simple example would be a cube.
The polygonal represantation is just an (picewise linear) approximation of the surface you want to visualize. Think of smooth surfaces.
In case 1, you need one nomral per triangle (as the normal is unchaning for a flat surface defined by a triangle). However, this means that either for neighboring triangles who share an edge or corner, the normals will have to be different. From GL's point of view, each of the trianlges use different vertices, even if those vertices share the position in space. A vertex is the set of all attributes, not just the position. For the cube, that means that you will need not just 8 different vertices, but 24, so you have 3 at each corner.
In case 2, you do want to cover up the polygonal structure of the model as good as possible. One aspect of this is using smooth shading techniques. Averaging the normales of adjacent traingles at each vertex is one heuristic of doing so. In this case, neighboring primitives actually can share vertices, as the normal and the position of some corner point is the same for any triangle connected to it.
This heuristic has some drawbacks, especially if your surface does contain both smooth parts and "sharp edges" you want to preserve. There are some improved heuristics which try to detect sharp edges and splitting vertices to allow different normals for the connected triangles to not shooth such edges. But all such heuristics might fail in some cases - ideally, the normals are provided when the model is created in the first place.
The triangle is drawn before the quad. When should I call glNormal and
with what vector?
OpenGL is a state machine, meaning that things you set kepp that way until you channge them again - and setting normals is no exception. The second thing to note is that normals are a vertex attribute. So for every vertex, every arrtibute has always some value (but depending on the rest of your GL state, not all of these attributes are used when rendering).
Since you use the fixed-function GL, normals are builtin vertex attributes - so every vertex you issue in some way has some value as its normal attribute - in immediate mode rendering with glBegin()/End(), it will be the one you set with the most recent glNormal() call (or it will have the initial default value if you never called glNormal()).
So to answer you question:
YOu have to set that normal before you issue the glVertex() call for that particular vertex for the first time, and you have to re-issue that normal command for the second time drawing with "this" vertex (which technically is a different vertex anyway) if you did change it inbetween when specifying some other vertices.
To my best understanding, the normal of that vertex is the average of the normal of the quad and the normal of the triangle.
No. The normal of a plane is a vector pointing 'out of' the plane at a 90 degree angle. In OpenGL, this is used in shading calculations, and to support various effects, OpenGL lets you specify whatever normal you want instead of calculating it from the primitive. For flat lighting, the normal should be set to the mathematical definition of the normal for each primitive, while for smooth lighting, the normal should be set to the average normal of all primitives that share the vertex.
glNormal sets a value in OpenGL that is read whenever you call glVertex, and is persistent until you call glNormal again. So this code
specifies 4 vertices, each with a normal of (0,0,1).
I can't seem to understand the OpenGL pipeline process from a vertex to a pixel.
Can anyone tell me how important are vertex normals on these two shading techinques? As far as i know, in gouraud, lighting is calculated at each vertex, then the result color is interpolated across the polygon between vertices (is this done in fragment operations, before rasterizing?), and phong shading consists of interpolating first the vertices normals and then calculating the illumination on each of these normals.
Another thing is when bump mapping is applied to lets say a plane (2 triangles) and a brick texture as diffuse with its respect bump map, all of this with gouraud shading.
Bump mapping consist on altering the normals by a gradient depending on a bump map. But what normals does it alter and when (at the fragment shader?) if there are only 4 normals (4 vertices = plane), and all 4 are the same. In Gouraud you interpolate the color of each vertex after the illumination calculation, but this calculation is done after altering the normals.
How does the lighting work?
Vertex normals are absoloutely essential for both Gouraud and Phong shading.
In Gouraud shading the lighting is calculated per vertex and then interpolated across the triangle.
In Phong shading the normal is interpolated across the triangle and then the calculation is done per-pixel/fragment.
Bump-mapping refers to a range of different technologies. When doing normal mapping (probably the most common variety these days) the normals, bi-tangent (often erroneously called bi-normal) and tangent are calculated per-vertex to build a basis matrix. This basis matrix is then interpolated across the triangle. The normal retrieved from the normal map is then transformed by this basis matrix and then the lighting is performed per pixel.
There are extensions to the normal mapping technique above that allow bumps to hide other bumps behind them. This is, usually, performed by storing a height map along with the normal map and then ray marching through the height map to find parts that are being obscured. This technique is called Relief Mapping.
There are other older forms such as DUDV bump mapping (Which was implemented in DirectX 6 as Environment Mapped, bump mapping or EMBM).
You also have emboss bump mapping which was a really early way of doing bump mapping
Edit: In answer to your comment, emboss bump mapping CAN be performed on gouraud shaded triangles. Other forms of bump-mapping are, necessarily, per-pixel (due to the fact they work by modifying the surface normals on a per-pixel (or, at least, per-texel) basis). I wouldn't be surprised if there were other methods that can be performed with per-vertex lighting but I can't think of any off the top of my head. The results will look pretty rubbish compared to doing it on a per-pixel basis, though.
Re: Tangents and Bi-Tangents are actually quite simple once you get your head round them (took me years though, tbh ;)). Any 3D coordinate frame can be defined by a set of vectors that form an orthogonal basis matrix. By setting up the normal, tangent and bi-tangent per vertex you are merely setting up the coordinate frame at each vertex. From this you have the ability to transform a world or object space vector into the triangle's own coordinate frame. From here you can simply translate a light vector (or position) into the coordinate frame of a given pixel on the surface of the triangle. This then means that the normals in the normal map don't need to be stored in the object's space and hence as those triangles move around (when being animated, for example) the normals are already being handled in their own local space.
Normal mapping, one of the techniques to simulate bumped surfaces basically perturbs the per-pixel normals before you compute the light equation on that pixel.
For example, one way to implement requires you to interpolate surface normals and binormal (2 of the tangent space basis) and compute the third per-pixel (2+1 vectors which are the tangent basis). This technique also requires to interpolate the light vector. With those 3 (2+1 computed) vectors (named tagent space basis) you have a way to change the light vector from object space into tagent space. This is because these 3 vectors can be arranged as a 3x3 matrix which can be used to change the basis of your light direction vector.
Then it is simply a matter of using that tagent-space light vector and compute the light equation per pixel, where it most basic form would be a dot product between the tagent-space light vector and the normal map (your bump texture).
This is how a normal maps looks like (the normal component is stored in each channel of the texture and is already in tangent space):
This is one way, you can compute things in view space but the above is more easy to understand.
Old bump mapping was way simpler and was also kind of a fake effect.
All bump mapping techniques operate at pixel level, as they perturb in one way or other, how the surface is rendered. Even the old emboss bump mapping did some computation per pixel.
EDIT: I added a few more clarifications, when I have some spare minutes I will try to add some math and examples. Although there are great resources out there that explain this in great detail.
First of all, you don't need to understand the whole graphics pipeline to write a simple shader :). But, of course, you should know whats going on. You could read the graphics pipeline chapter in real-time rendering, 3rd edition (möller, hofmann, akenine-moller). What you describe is per-vertex and per-fragment lighting. For both calculations the vertex normals are part of the equation. For the bump mapping shader you alter the interpolated normals. So after rasterization you have fragments where missing data has to be caculated to determine the final pixel color.
I know that normal mapping describes the process of adding detail to meshes without increasing the polygon count, and that this is achieved by using specific normal textures for manipulating the way light is applied to the object. Okay.
But what is bump mapping then? Is it just another term for normal mapping?
How do the visual results compare? Can both techniques be combined?
Bump Mapping describes a general technique for simulating bumps and wrinkles on the surface of an object. This is normally accomplished by manipulating surface normals when doing lighting calculations.
Normal Mapping is a variation of Bump Mapping in which the surface normals are provided via a texture, with normals embedded into the RGB channels of the image.
Other techniques, such as Parallax Mapping, are also Bump Mapping techniques because they distort the surface normals.
To answer the second part of the question, they could fairly easily be combined. The base surface normals could be determined from a normal mapping and then modified via another bump mapping technique.
Bump mapping was originally suggested by Jim Blinn back in 1978. His system basically works by perturbing the normal on a surface by using the height of that texel and the height of the surrounding texels.
This is quite similar to DUDV bumpmapping (You may recall the original environment mapped bump mapping as introduced in DX6 which was DUDV). This works by pre-calculating the derivatives from above so that you can miss out the first stage of the calculation (as it does not change each frame).
Normal mapping is a very similar technique that works by, simply, replacing the normal at each texel position. Conceptually its much simpler.
There is another technique that produces "similar" results. It is called emboss bump mapping. This method works by using multipass rendering. Basically you end up subtracting a gray scale heightmap from the last pass but offsetting it a small amount based on the light direction.
There are other ways of emulating surface topology as well.
Elevation mapping uses the height map as an alpha texture and then renders multiple slices through that texture with a different alpha value to simulate the change in height. If not performed correctly, however, the slices can be very visible.
Displacement mapping works by generating a 3D mesh that uses the texture as its basis. This, obviously, massively increase your vertex count.
Steep parallax, relief mapping, etc are the newest techniques. They work by casting a ray through the heightmap until it intersects. This has the big advantage that if a lump should block out the texture behing it now does as the ray doesn't hit the heightmap behind where it initially hits so always displays the "closest" texel.