South not working inside custom management command - django

I have a custom django management command that initializes an apps migrations. Trouble is, south does not detect the new migrations in the command.
for app in custom_apps:
call_command('schemamigration', app, initial=True)
call_command('migrate', app, fake=True)
This creates the initial migration, but does not apply them.
? You have no migrations for the 'profile' app. You might want some.
I tried using convert_to_south, but it only converts the first app in the list, and then gives this error for the rest of them
This application has no models; this command is for applications that already have models syncdb'd.
Make some models, and then use ./ schemamigration candidates --initial instead.
The commands work if I run them manually.
Can't figure out what's going on.

I think you are missing an argument to the migrate command.
See here) a small example for fake converting your app. Their command looks like this:
./ migrate myapp 0001 --fake
So, you could try something like this:
for app in custom_apps:
call_command('schemamigration', app, initial=True)
call_command('migrate', 0001, fake=True)
If you want to convert all your apps at once, you could use this code outside your loop.
call_command('migrate', 0001, fake=True, all=True)
Normally, this last command should fake applying the initial migrations for all your apps.
Good luck.


Why does Django update other apps/databases while migrating?

I would just like to understand something about Django migrations. I have a project with several apps and most of them have their own database. Now, let's say I add one field to the app App_A in the and run makemigrations App_A. Then this runs smoothly and tells me that there is just one field to be added. But when I run migrate --database=the_db_of_app_a it lists lots of migrations of other apps, but there I haven't change anything lately. So, I would like to know, why it does not only list the migrations of App_A.
Best regards

How to clear all data from an app in Django?

I want to remove all data from all models defined in a single Django app. The number of models might change in the app, hence I don't want to hard code model names. It would be great if it might be done using command, however I was not able to find one.
The flush command is not suitable, because it only allows to clear data from all apps.
If you are using django version greater than 1.7, which you are. You can simply use migrate zero command to drop from specific app. Like:
py migrate APPNAME zero
Here, APPNAME is name of the app from where you want to flush data.

Django south migration with --noinput does not remove contenttypes when renaming tables

I am using django-south for migrating database tables in a django project. And I am renaming a model as discussed in a previous question:
# Renaming model from 'Foo' to 'Bar'
db.rename_table('myapp_foo', 'myapp_bar')
db.send_create_signal('myapp', ['Bar'])
However, I use fabric to automatically deploy my application to production servers, and I want the migrations to run without any user input. For this, I run the migration command with the noinput option as follows
python migrate --noinput
This works fine except that the send_create_signal does not remove stale contenttypes in this mode.
This is because the django contenttype managament command update_contenttypes only removes the stale contenttypes if input is given.
I could replicate the update_contenttypes command directly in the south migration, but that does not seem like a good solution. Does anyone have suggestions on how to trigger the removal of the contenttypes without repeating what is in the django command?
In my experience, running syncdb --all works some, but not all of the time when South is involved. You might try giving it a go, as it has worked for me in the past, certainly when removing stale models from the content-types table.

newbie difficulty using south with pycharm - DatabaseError: no such table: south_migrationhistory

I'm using sqlite3 and pycharm to learn more about django, and googled to find that south is recommended to make it easier to modify models after they have been created.
I'm trying to follow the advice on
The most success I've had so far is to create a simple model and run syncdb before adding south to installed_apps. That way the intial tables are created and I get a chance to create a super user. (Django admin seems to fret if there are no users).
Then I add south to installed_apps, and run schemamigration bookmarks --initial
It seems to work fine. A new directory is created called migrations with a couple of files in it in my app folder and an encouraging message.
"Created You can now apply this migration with: ./ migrate bookmarks"
The next step -" migrate bookmarks generates the following error message
django.db.utils.DatabaseError: no such table: south_migrationhistory.
I thought that table would be created in the first schememigration step. What am I missing? Can anyone help?
South uses a table if its own to keep track of which migrations have been applied. Before you can apply any migrations, this must have been created, using python ./ syncdb.
As well as for setting up south, you will find syncdb sometimes necessary for non-south apps in your project, such as the very common django.contrib.auth.
Note that as a convenience, you can run both in one go like this
python ./ syncdb --migrate
My latest (unsuccessful) effort was the following
Create application – synch db – superuser created
Test run –admin screen shows basic tables
Add south, and syncdb from command line with syncdb – south_migrationhistory table created. Add basic vanilla model
Tried various combinations of syncdb –manage, and
schemamigration from Pycharm (if run from within pycharm a
migrations directory is created within the app
– if run from the command line the directory does not seem to be
Django admin screen shows table – but if I try to edit
the table it says that it doesn’t exist
Check database structure
using SQLite browser - table for newly created model doesn’t exist
I’m starting to think that the whole thing is not worth the time wasting hassle – maybe I’m better off just modifying the tables in SQLite browser
Answer in the similar question:
Run syncdb to add the Django and South tables to the database.

south migration error app "is not available in this migration"

This problem is basically the same as the previous question
However, the answer there does not work for me. I've installed the trunk version of south, manually entered the import line in the migration file in question, and done a full 'startmigration' in a separate directory and examined the file.
I have a Django project with several applications in it, one of them (named 'core') being referred to by the others. The south migration is trying to create a new table, with a column that has a foreign key to a model in core.
I'm currently importing core in the migration in question (0006), and I even added it to migration 0001, although it doesn't seem like that should matter.
Before I do something drastic, like removing that field, running the migration, and adding the field manually, is there a known manual workaround for fixing this south issue?
You probably did not use the --freeze option like this:
python startmigration <appname> migrate_core --freeze core
Having created a migration like so:
./ startmygration appname --model NewModel
This error occurs:
"The model 'program' from the app 'core' is not available in this migration."
Recreating the migration like this fixes it:
./managepy startmigration appname --model NewModel --freeze core.Program
Just doing "--freeze core" did not do the trick for me.
You can receive this error by trying to access a class that resides in another django app. Check to make sure the class you are trying to access is in the models dictionary.