Zoom window in OpenGL - c++

I've implemented Game of Life using OpenGL buffers (as specified here: http://www.glprogramming.com/red/chapter14.html#name20). In this implementation each pixel is a cell in the game.
My program receives the initial state of the game (2d array). The size array ,in my implementation, is the size of the window. This of course makes it "unplayable" if the array is 5x5 or some other small values.
At each iteration I'm reading the content of the framebuffer into a 2D array (its size is the window size):
glReadPixels(0, 0, win_x, win_y, GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, image);
Then, I'm doing the necessary steps to calculate the living and dead cells, and then draw a rectangle which covers the whole window, using:
glRectf(0, 0, win_x, win_y);
I want to zoom (or enlarge) the window without affecting the correctness of my code. If I resize the window, then the framebuffer content won't fit inside image(the array). Is there a way of zooming the window(so that each pixel be drawn as several pixels) without affecting the framebuffer?

First, you seem to be learning opengl 2, I would suggest instead learning a newer version, as it is more powerful and efficient. A good tutorial can be found here http://www.opengl-tutorial.org/
If i understand this correctly, you read in an initial state and draw it, then continuously read in the pixels on the screen, update the array based on the game of life logic then draw it back? this seems overly complicated.
The reading of the pixels on the screen is unnecessary, and will cause complications if you try to enlarge the rects to more than a pixel.
I would say a good solution would be to keep a bit array (1 is a organism, 0 is not), possibly as a 2d array in memory, updating the logic every say 30 iterations (for 30 fps), then drawing all the rects to the screen, black for 1, white for 0 using glColor(r,g,b,a) tied to an in statement in a nested for loop.
Then, if you give your rects a negative z coord, you can "zoom in" using glTranslate(x,y,z) triggered by a keyboard button.
Of course in a newer version of opengl, vertex buffers would make the code much cleaner and efficient.

You can't store your game state directly the window framebuffer and then resize it for rendering, since what is stored in the framebuffer is by definition what is about to be rendered. (You could overwrite it, but then you lose your game state...) The simplest solution would just to store the game state in an array (on the client side) and then update a texture based on that. Thus for each block that was set, you could set a pixel in a texture to be the appropriate color. Each frame, you then render a full screen quad with that texture (with GL_NEAREST filtering).
However, if you want to take advantage of your GPU there are some tricks that could massively speed up the simulation by using a fragment shader to generate the texture. In this case you would actually have two textures that you ping-pong between: one containing the current game state, and the other containing the next game state. Each frame you would use your fragment shader (along with a FBO) to generate the next state texture from the current state texture. Afterwards, the two textures are swapped, making the next state become the current state. The current state texture would then be rendered to the screen the same way as above.
I tried to give an overview of how you might be able to offload the computation onto the GPU, but if I was unclear anywhere just ask! For a more detailed explanation feel free to ask another question.


When exactly is glClear(GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT) and glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT) necessary?

In a nutshell, when should the color buffer be cleared and when should the depth buffer be cleared? Is it always at the start of the drawing of the current scene/frame? Are there times when you would draw the next frame without clearing these? Are there other times when you would clear these?
Ouff... even though it's a simple question it's a bit hard to explain ^^
It should be cleared before drawing the scene again. Yes, every time if you want to avoid strange and nearly uncontrollable effect.
You don't want to clear the two Buffers after swapping when you bind the scene to a texture () but right after that there's no more use for it.
The Color Buffer is as the name says a buffer, storing the computed color data. For better understanding, imagine you draw on a piece of paper. Each Point on the Paper knows which color was drawn on top of it - and that's basically all of it.
But: without the Depth Buffer, your Color Buffer is (except some special cases like multiple renderpasses for FX effects) nearly useless. It's like a second piece of paper but in a gray scale. How dark the gray is decides how far the last drawn pixel is away from the screen (relative to the zNear and zFar clipping plane).
If you instruct OpenGl to draw another primitive, it goes pixel by pixel and checks, which depth value the pixel would have. If it's higher than the value stored in the Depth Buffer for that pixel, it draws over the Color Buffer in that position and does nothing if the value is lower.
To recap, the Color Buffer stores the picture to be drawn on your screen, and the Depth Buffer decides weather a part of your primitive get's drawn in this position.
So clearing the Buffers for a new scene is basically changing the Paper to draw in top. If you want to mess with the old picture, then keep it, but it's in better hands on the monitor (or on the wall^^).

What exactly is a buffer in OpenGL, and how can I use multiple ones to my advantage?

Not long ago, I tried out a program from an OpenGL guidebook that was said to be double buffered; it displayed a spinning rectangle on the screen. Unfortunately, I don't have the book anymore, and I haven't found a clear, straightforward definition of what a buffer is in general. My guess is that it is a "place" to draw things, where using a lot could be like layering?
If that is the case, I am wondering if I can use multiple buffers to my advantage for a polygon clipping program. I have a nice little window that allows the user to draw polygons on the screen, plus a utility to drag and draw a selection box over the polygons. When the user has drawn the selection rectangle and lets go of the mouse, the polygons will be clipped based on the rectangle boundaries.
That is doable enough, but I also want the user to be able to start over: when the escape key is pressed, the clip box should disappear, and the original polygons should be restored. Since I am doing things pixel-by-pixel, it seems very difficult to figure out how to change the rectangle pixel colors back to either black like the background or the color of a particular polygon, depending on where they were drawn (unless I find a way to save the colors when each polygon pixel is drawn, but that seems overboard). I was wondering if it would help to give the rectangle its own buffer, in the hopes that it would act like a sort of transparent layer that could easily be cleared off (?) Is this the way buffers can be used, or do I need to find another solution?
OpenGL does know multiple kinds of buffers:
Framebuffers: Portions of memory to which drawing operations are directed changing pixel values in the buffer. OpenGL by default has on-screen buffers, which can be split into a front and a backbuffer, where drawing operations happen invisible on the backbuffer and are swapped to the front when finishes. In addition to that OpenGL uses a depth buffer for depth testing Z sort implementation, a stencil buffer used to limit rendering to cut-out (=stencil) like selected portions of the framebuffer. There used to be auxiliary and accumulation buffers. However those have been superseeded by so called framebuffer objects, which are user created object, combining several textures or renderbuffers into new framebuffers which can be rendered to.
Renderbuffers: User created render targets, to be attached to framebuffer objects.
Buffer Objects (Vertex and Pixel): User defined data storage. Used for geometry and image data.
Textures: Textures are sort of buffers, i.e. they hold data, which can be sources in drawing operations
The usual approach with OpenGL is to rerender the whole scene whenever something changes. If you want to save those drawing operations you can copy the contents of the framebuffer to a texture and then just draw that texture to a single quad and overdraw it with your selection rubberband rectangle.

How to efficiently implement "point-on-heightmap" picking in OpenGL?

I want to track the mouse coordinates in my OpenGL scene on the ground surface of the world which is modeled as a height map. Currently there is no fancy stuff like hardware tessellation. Note that this question is not about object picking.
Currently I'm doing the following which is clearly dropping the performance because of a read-back operation:
Render the world (the ground surface)
Read back the depth value at the mouse coordinates
Render the rest of the scene
Swap buffers and render the next frame
The read back is between the two render steps because I want the depth value of the ground surface without any objects in front of it. It is done using the following command:
GLfloat depth;
glReadPixels(x, y, 1, 1, GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT, GL_FLOAT, &depth);
My application limits the frame rate to 60 frames per second. When rendering the scene without the read back operation, I experience a CPU usage of less than 5%, but when doing the read back, it increases to about 75% although I'm not doing much to render the scene or update any game model or such things.
A temporary solution is to cache the depth value of the pixel under the mouse and update it only every 5th or 10th frame which causes the CPU usage going back down below 10%. But clearly can't be the best solution to the problem.
How can I implement picking (not object picking since I want the (floating point) coordinates on the surface) efficiently?
I already thought of reading back the depth value of the front buffer instead of the back buffer, but when googling on how to do so, I only find people complaining about glRead* methods to be best avoided at all. But how can I read something (do picking) without reading something (using glRead*)?
I'm confused. How do other people implement picking?
A totally different approach would be implementing the world surface picking in software. It should be no big deal to reconstruct a 3D ray from the camera "into the depth", representing the points in space which are rendered at the target pixel. Then I could implement an intersection algorithm to find the front-most point on the surface.
You typically implement it on the CPU! Find your picking ray in heightmap coordinates and do a simple line-trace across the heightmap. This is very similar to line-drawing. In each cell you intersect, test against the triangles you used to triangulate it.
It is important to avoid reading from the GPU until it's done. Since you normally schedule drawing commands several frames ahead (GL does this automatically), this means that you will also only get the results then - or stall the CPU until the GPU caught up. But don't do that for simple things like this!

rotate object in open gl without drowing the object again

I want to rotate an object in OpenGL without drawing again, to save time.
In the init method i want to draw the picture and then only rotate it according to mouse events.
Here is the full method:
gl.Rotate(camera_angle_v, 1.0f, 0.0, 0.0);
OpenGL doesn't work this way fundamentally. The frame you're rendering in is essentially a 2d array of pixels. When you draw an image, it changes the values of some of those pixels to create the image for you. Once something's been drawn, it will stay there until you clear it. OpenGL doesn't keep track of what you rendered in the past (except for the pixels it fills in the frame), so it can't do any transformations on anything but the triangle/line it's currently rendering.
At the beginning of your draw method, you clear the frame (reset all the pixels to the clear color). You have to redraw the object after that. It's how OpenGL works and it's very fast at it. On a modern GPU, you can draw millions of triangles each frame and still maintain 60fps. If you don't clear the frame at the beginning, the image will be drawn on top of the old frame and you'll get a hall-of-mirrors sort of effect.
If performance is an issue, consider learning more modern OpenGL. What you're using right now is immediate mode OpenGL, which was part of the OpenGL 1.0 specification back in 1992. In 1997, OpenGL 1.1 introduced vertex arrays, which provides a significant speed boost for large amounts of vertices since there's only one method call for all the vertices instead of one method call per vertex. And with each new version of OpenGL comes more optimized ways of drawing.
You have to draw the object again - that's how OpenGL works.
Each frame gets rendered from scratch based on the current scene geometry.
Well... If you're using immediate mode, I guess you can use display lists and call glRotate accordingly. Though as Robert Rouhani said, the technique you're using is ancient (And what 99% of online tutorials teach you). Use VAO (or even better, VBO) to draw the object.

OpenGL 2D game question

I want to make a game with Worms-like destructible terrain in 2D, using OpenGL.
What is the best approach for this?
Draw pixel per pixel? (Uh, not good?)
Have the world as a texture and manipulate it (is that possible?)
Thanks in advance
Thinking about the way Worms terrain looked, I came up with this idea. But I'm not sure how you would implement it in OpenGL. It's more of a layered 2D drawing approach. I'm posting the idea anyway. I've emulated the approach using Paint.NET.
First, you have a background sky layer.
And you have a terrain layer.
The terrain layer is masked so the top portion isn't drawn. Draw the terrain layer on top of the sky layer to form the scene.
Now for the main idea. Any time there is an explosion or other terrain-deforming event, you draw a circle or other shape on the terrain layer, using the terrain layer itself as a drawing mask (so only the part of the circle that overlaps existing terrain is drawn), to wipe out part of the terrain. Use a transparent/mask-color brush for the fill and some color similar to the terrain for the thick pen.
You can repeat this process to add more deformations. You could keep this layer in memory and add deformations as they occur or you could even render them in memory each frame if there aren't too many deformations to render.
I guess you'd better use texture-filled polygons with the correct mapping (a linear one that doesn't stretch the texture to use all the texels, but leaves the cropped areas out), and then reshape them as they get destroyed.
I'm assuming your problem will be to implement the collision between characters/weapons/terrain.
As long as you aren't doing this on opengl es, you might be able to get away with using the stencil buffer to do per-pixel collision detection and have your terrain be a single modifyable texture.
This page will give an idea:
The way I imagine it is this:
a plane with the texture applied
a path( a vector of points/segments ) used for ground collisions.
When something explodes, you do a boolean operation (rectangle-circle) for the texture(revealing the background) and for the 'walkable' path.
What I'm trying to say is you do a geometric boolean operation and you use the result to update the texture(with an alpha mask or something) and update the data structure you use to keep track of the walkable area(which ever that might be).
Split things up, instead of relying only on gl draw methods
I think I would start by drawing the foreground into the stencil buffer so the stencil buffer is set to 1 bits anywhere there's foreground, and 0 elsewhere (where you want your sky to show).
Then to draw a frame, you draw your sky, enable the stencil buffer, and draw the foreground. For the initial frame (before any explosion has destroyed part of the foreground) the stencil buffer won't really be doing anything.
When you do have an explosion, however, you draw it to the stencil buffer (clearing the stencil buffer for that circle). Then you re-draw your data as before: draw the sky, enable the stencil buffer, and draw the foreground.
This lets you get the effect you want (the foreground disappears where desired) without having to modify the foreground texture at all. If you prefer not to use the stencil buffer, the alternative that seems obvious to me would be to enable blending, and just manipulate the alpha channel of your foreground texture -- set the alpha to 0 (transparent) where it's been affected by an explosion. IMO, the stencil buffer is a bit cleaner approach, but manipulating the alpha channel is pretty simple as well.
I think, but this is just a quick idea, that a good way might be to draw a Very Large Number of Lines.
I'm thinking that you represent the landscape as a bunch of line segments, for each column of the screen you have 0..n vertical lines, that make up the ground:
12 789
0123 6789
In the above awesomeness, the column of "0":s makes up a single line, and so on. I didn't try to illustrate the case where a single pixel column has more than one line, since it's a bit hard in this coarse format.
I'm not sure this will be efficient, but it at least makes some sense since lines are an OpenGL primitive.
You can color and texture the lines by enabling texture-mapping and specifying the desired texture coordinates for each line segment.
Typically the way I have seen it done is to have each entity be a textured quad, then update the texture for animation. For a destructible terrain it might be best to break the train into tiles then you only have to update the ones that have changed. Don't use GLdrawpixels it is probably the slowest approach possible (outside of reloading textures from disk every frame though it would be close.)