Regex for get the path of file - regex

I have code to display a name of file to a jtable. Here is the code :
StringBuilder nameOfComparedFile = new StringBuilder(); //
if (idLexerSelection != getIDLexer()) {
nameOfComparedFile.append(file.getCanonicalPath()); //
System.out.println(file.getCanonicalPath() + " )");
And then, in jtable is displayed like this : D:/Data/
I dont wanna change getCanonicalPath, because on jtable that i Created will be using for next process. My question is : how to get just the name of file using regex

To get just the name:
If you absolutely must use regex:
String filename = file.getCanonicalPath().replaceAll(".*[\\\\/](.*)", "$1");


Typescript regex exclude whole string if followed by specific string

I'm been running into weird issues with regex and Typescript in which I'm trying to have my expression replace the value of test minus the first instance if followed by test. In other words, replace the first two lines that have test but for the third line below, replace only the second value of test.
Where it should look like:
I've come up with lots of variations but this is the one that I thought was simple enough to solve it and regex101 can confirm this works:
But when using Typescript (custom task in VSTS build), it actually replaces the values like this:
Update: It looks like a regex like (test)(?!.test) breaks when changing the use cases removing the square brackets, which makes me think this might be somewhere in the code. Could the problem be with the index that the value is replaced at?
Some of the code in Typescript that is calling this:
var filePattern = tl.getInput("filePattern", true);
var tokenRegex = tl.getInput("tokenRegex", true);
for (var i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
var file = files[i];`Starting regex replacement in [${file}]`);
var contents = fs.readFileSync(file).toString();
var reg = new RegExp(tokenRegex, "g");
// loop through each match
var match: RegExpExecArray;
// keep a separate var for the contents so that the regex index doesn't get messed up
// by replacing items underneath it
var newContents = contents;
while((match = reg.exec(contents)) !== null) {
var vName = match[1];
// find the variable value in the environment
var vValue = tl.getVariable(vName);
if (typeof vValue === 'undefined') {
tl.warning(`Token [${vName}] does not have an environment value`);
} else {
newContents = newContents.replace(match[0], vValue);`Replaced token [${vName }]`);
Full code is for the task I'm using this with:
For me this regex is working like you are expecting:
with a Typescript code like that
myString.replace(/\[(test)\](?!\.\[test\])/g, "[newvalue]");
Instead, the regex you are using should replace also the [db] part.
I've tried with this code:
class Greeter {
myString1: string;
myString2: string;
myString3: string;
greeting: string;
constructor(str1: string, str2: string, str3: string) {
this.myString1 = str1.replace(/\[(test)\](?!\.\[test\])/g, "[newvalue]");
this.myString2 = str2.replace(/\[(test)\](?!\.\[test\])/g, "[newvalue]");
this.myString3 = str3.replace(/\[(test)\](?!\.\[test\])/g, "[newvalue]");
this.greeting = this.myString1 + "\n" + this.myString2 + "\n" + this.myString3;
greet() {
return "Hello, these are your replacements:\n" + this.greeting;
let greeter = new Greeter("[test]", "[test].[db]", "[test].[test]");
let button = document.createElement('button');
button.textContent = "Say Hello";
button.onclick = function() {
Online playground here.

How to display Highlighted text using Solrj

I am new to Solr and SolrJ. I am trying to use for a desktop application and I have files(text files) to index and search. I wanted to use highlight feature and display the fragments with highlight,but I don't get them to display in yellow background as you highlight a text, please let me know how to display the text in yellow background.
here is my code snippet:
public void TestHighLight(SolrQuery query) throws
SolrServerException, IOException {
query.set("hl", "true");
query.set("hl.snippets", "5");
query.set("q", "text:Pune");
query.set("hl.fl", "*");
QueryResponse queryResponse = client.query(query);
SolrDocumentList docs = queryResponse.getResults();
Iterator iter = docs.iterator();
for (int i = 0; i < docs.size(); i++) {
iter = docs.get(i).getFieldNames().iterator();
String fldVal = (String) docs.get(i).getFieldValue("id");
String docID = (String) docs.get(i).get("id");
while (iter.hasNext()) {
String highlighText = getHighlightedText(queryResponse,
"text", docID);
System.out.println(" tHighlightedText is " + highlighText );
The output looks like this:how do I color it ?
[ for Java Developer at Pune
Thanks a lot !
Set the pre and post parameters of the highlighter. Specifies the “tag” to use before a highlighted term. This can be any string, but is most often an HTML or XML tag.
solrQueryHandler.setHighlightSimplePre("<font color="yellow">");
But note that this will work only for the Original Highlighter

Google Apps Script - find string and return the following characters

The output in the log should be " scripting" because these are the next 10 characters followed by the search criteria "general-purpose". Please visit to see what I mean, you will find the search string "general-purpose" on top of I think that I have done some more mistakes in this piece of code, right?
function parse() {
// parse site and store html in response
var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch('').getContentText();
// declare search string and new regex object
var str = "/general-purpose/+10-following-charcters";
var regExp = new RegExp("/general-purpose/.{0,10}", "gi");
// find the string "general-purpose" and store the next 10 characters in response
var response = regExp.exec(str[0]);
// expected result in logger output is " scripting"
It should be general-purpose(.{0,10}) and not /general-purpose/.{0,10}.
Also regExp.exec(str[0]) should be regExp.exec(str)[1].
This code seems to work fine
var str = UrlFetchApp.fetch('').getContentText();
var regExp = new RegExp("general-purpose(.{0,10})", "gi");
var response = regExp.exec(str)[1];

Custom Diplay name Json in android

I'm parsing a json file like this :
JSONObject stationJson = array.optJSONObject(i);
Station s = new Station();
This is the json file :
"number": 123,
"contract_name" : "7500 - London",
"name": "nom station",
"address": "adresse indicative",
I would like to display just the "London" in the name section not the Number.
I found this Code Snippet but I don't know how to use it :
private String buildDisplayName(String name) {
String regexp = "[\\d\\s]*([a-zA-Z](.*)$)";
Pattern p = Pattern.compile(regexp);
Matcher m = p.matcher(name);
if (m.find()) {
return name;
Any help would be great!
If it's always the exact same format why not use substring so you still understand your own code. For example, use:
String test = stationJson.optString("name");
This gets the string value from your name, 2 positions from the position of the hyphen ( the "-").
If you want to work with regex, that's great, but if you don't really know how it works, I wouldn't recommend it. This might give you an idea of what the code snippet you pasted is actually doing. And here is a tutorial about it.

Regular Expression for validating Windows-based file paths including UNC paths

I wanted to validate a file name along with its full path. I tried certain Regular Expressions as below but none of them worked correctly.
My requirement is as mentioned below:
Lets say if the file name is "c:\Demo.txt" then it should check every possibilites like no double slash should be included(c:\\Demo\\demo.text) no extra colon like(c::\Demo\demo.text). Should accept UNC files like(\\staging\servers) and others validation as well. Please help. I am really stuck here.
Why are you not using the File class ?
Always use it !
File f = null;
string sPathToTest = "C:\Test.txt";
f = new File(sPathToTest );
}catch(Exception e){
Console.WriteLine(string.Format("The file \"{0}\" is not a valid path, Error : {1}.", sPathToTest , e.Message);
Maybe you're just looking for File.Exists ( )
Also take a look to the Path class ( )
The GetAbsolutePath could be one way to get what you want! ( )
string sPathToTest = "C:\Test.txt";
string sAbsolutePath = "";
sAbsolutePath = Path.GetAbsolutePath(sPathToTest);
Console.WriteLine("Path valid");
Console.WriteLine("Bad path");
}catch(Exception e){
Console.WriteLine(string.Format("The file \"{0}\" is not a valid path, Error : {1}.", sPathToTest , e.Message);
If you are interested only in the filename part (and not the whole path because you get the file via upload) then you could try something like this:
string uploadedName = #"XX:\dem<<-***\demo.txt";
int pos = uploadedName.LastIndexOf("\\");
if(pos > -1)
uploadedName = uploadedName.Substring(pos+1);
var c = Path.GetInvalidFileNameChars();
if(uploadedName.IndexOfAny(c) != -1)
Console.WriteLine("Invalid name");
Console.WriteLine("Acceptable name");
This will avoid the use of Exceptions as method to drive the logic of your code.