unable to get fraction of seconds using strptime() - c++

I am receiving a datetime in YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss[.S+][Z|+-hh:mm] this format. and i m trying to copy that value using strptime as shown below
struct tm time = {0};
char *pEnd = strptime(datetime, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%Z", &time);
But I can't copy the fraction of seconds as strptime doesn't support it in C++.
So what should i do?
I found a solution using gettimeofday(). but I am already getting date and time in 'datetime' so please help me to find soluntion for it...I can use poco also . but even their we take local time.

You can remove the "S" component from the string before parsing with strptime, then use it however you like later (it won't fit anywhere in a Standard struct tm - there's no sub-second fields). Just datetime.find('.') and go from there, or use a regexp if you prefer - both tedious but not rocket science.

In C++11 you can use the the high precision timing objects in <chrono>, see the answers to this question.


Delete record by time in InfluxDB-CXX

Reference: https://github.com/offa/influxdb-cxx
It is easy to delete record by time using CLI interface,
delete from imagetable where time='2022-11-16T19:42:41.945508272Z'
but I am not able to figure out how to do the same with influxdb-cxx. i.e. not able to access the time through C++ interface.
e.g. Tags can be accessed with function points[0].getTags() but how to access the time ?
Have already tried to access it with points[0].getTimestamp() but not able to print it in this format in C++ 2022-11-17T03:37:25.934547412Z
can anyone please help ? Thanks in advance.
In influxdb-cxx you can use InfluxDB::execute method to execute InfluxQL statements like from your example for CLI interface. Regarding timestamps, they are saved as std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::system_clock> (source) in the library's Point class, which denotes Unix (epoch) time excluding leap seconds (which is what timestamps in InfluxDB represent). Your example uses RFC3339 notation to provide timestamp, but InfluxQL also directly understands "nanosecond count since epoch" notation for it (example). So, it isn't necessary to represent Point's timepoint in RFC3339 notation to use it in execute command (which is possible, but harder and reduntant), you can just use standard C++ chrono library functions to get nanoseconds since epoch for given timepoint. Example:
using namespace std::chrono;
auto nsEpoch = duration_cast<nanoseconds>(points[0].getTimestamp().time_since_epoch()).count();
idb->execute("delete from imagetable where time=" + std::to_string(nsEpoch));

Getting current date and time in C++

I am doing a school project which basically records the in and out time of an employee(of an particular company).The employee while checking in or out should enter a unique key generated specially for him so that no one else can check in and out for him.Then referring to the employees position( A worker or a manager or something like that) his total working time each day , for a week and a month is calculated. The company starts at 8 am and ends at 5 pm for 1st shift and for second shift from 3.30 pm to 2.30 am.Plus Saturday and Sunday off.
Then after a month the program refers to the working time date stored in a file and calculates his pay(For workers its per hour salary and for managers it aint). If an employee is consistently late the details are forwarded to the HR account( so that necessary steps are taken).This will help the company log the details of their employees duty time plus give enough detail to take action if someones always late.
I'm doing this as a school project and it needn't be of enterprise class and all.. But i want the coding to perform as it should.Also i'm forced to use the old Turbo C++.
Now i'm struck in the place where the time of the employees in and out time is logged.
This coding does the work
void main( )
char dateStr [9],timeStr [9];
_strdate( dateStr);
cout<<" The current date is "<<dateStr<<'\n';
_strtime( timeStr );
cout<<" The current time is "<<timeStr<<'\n';
I saw it somewhere on the web but can someone help me understand how it works.
I also saw another coding
typedef struct _SYSTEMTIME {
WORD wYear;
WORD wMonth;
WORD wDayOfWeek;
WORD wDay;
WORD wHour;
WORD wMinute;
WORD wSecond;
WORD wMilliseconds;
#include <Windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
printf("Year:%dnMonth:%dnDate:%dnHour:%dnMin:%dnSecond:% dn"
I think the second one is better as it not only gives me date but also gives me the day so i can check easily for the weekends.
So help me understand how these time functions work. Also if you have any suggestions for my project they are welcome.
You need to decide the format you want to store these clock "events", both for in-memory storage and manipulation and the persistent (on-disk) storage format. When you use different formats for in-memory and on-disk (or in-database) storage, you would use methods to "marshall" or "serialize"/"de-serialize" the data (look up and read about these terms). You also want to decide whether these datetime "events" will be stored or displayed in UTC (Zulu-time, GMT), or local time. You may find that storing these 'timestamps' in UTC is the best, and then you need functions/methods/routines to convert human-readable, displayable values to/from local time to UTC time.
Consider defining a "class" that has the above methods. Your class should have a method to record the current time, convert to human readable, and serialize/de-serialize the data.
Though printf works in C++, you might want to use the stream operators you have used in your first example, as they are more in the spirit of C++. Consider defining a parse method to de-serialize the data, and a to_string method (ruby uses to_s) to serialize (though reading up on stream operator overloading, and overloading the '<<' operator is more the C++ way).
The first uses C library functions (though Microsoft extensions to the standard libc). The second uses the winapi function GetSytemTime.
Both will give the system time.
The first thing I'd look at is what the rest of your code uses. You should distinguish between what is winapi code, C code and C++ code, currently your question uses a mixture of all three.
The C++ method is preferred (if you are intending to write in C++) which would be to use the newer library. The C method is as per your first example, though without mixing libc functions with stream operators (a c++ feature). The winapi method is as per your second example (I'll forgive the use of printf as FormatMessage is a pain).

Is it possible to work with DateTime value in C++?

I'm working with an API which offers date and time data as a double precision decimal value, which is compatible with the Windows Date/Time format. I'm writing a program in C++ and I'd like to be able to access elements of the data contained within the double Date/Time value and format them as human readable. For example take the Date/Time value like so 41411.583333 and print a string as DD/MM/YYYY HH:MM:SS using C++. Please can someone explain if/how this can be done?
The COleDateTime class (provided in the MFC and ATL libraries) provides everything you need. It includes a Format member function that can print date/time in numerous formats:
There's also the Boost.Date_Time library. Documentation here.

Custom Format for Current Date and Time in C++

I am trying to save a file into a directory of files based on the current date and time. I am trying to get the format of the following:
"FullMonth-FullYear" example:
"FullMonth-littleDay-year" example:
hour-minutes-seconds. example: "18:05:09" in 24 hour format
It depends on the format you have the time in right now. I'm a big fan of sprintf(), and since I mostly deal with big piles of seconds, milliseconds, or nanoseconds, I do a lot of modulus arithmetic to get what I want.
boost.date_time can do arbitrary formatting, to a higher a degree of precision than the standard functions are typically capable of. Specifically, see Date Time Input/Output Format Flags.

Date/Time parsing in C++

While doing the data/time parsing in c++ (converting a string in any format to a date), i found the following useful methods
1) strptime() - here the %d, %m etc can have either 1 or 2 characters. The function will take care of that. As a result of this it will enforce that we use a separator between two conversion specifiers. Ex: Its not valid to give %d%m it has be to %d/%m or any other separator. Also this does not support timezones.
2) Boost date IO - here the %d, %m has to have 2 characters. Now, the input string i get is not guaranteed to have this. As a result, its not possible to use this successfully. However, this does seem to support timezone, but not sure. because it says for inputs it does support timezone
So i am planning to use both in conjunction to determine the date. But i would like to get one where i can take into account the timezone as well. But none seems to be supporting that.
Does anybody have a suggestion?
#AJ: Added another answer so the code gets formatted
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <time.h>
struct tm tm[1] = {{0}};
strptime("Tue, 19 Feb 2008 20:47:53 +0530", "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z", tm);
fprintf(stdout, "off %ld\n", tm->tm_gmtoff);
return 0;
And a run looks like (glibc 2.10.1):
freundt#clyde:pts/28:~/temp> ./test
off 19800
Depends on the libc version, I'd say, and of course what you mean by `taking into account': Is it supposed to read the additional info and then ignore it, is it supposed to store the parsed info in the tm struct, or is it meant to convert to system/environment time?
glibc 2.10.1's strptime() does time zones, from the info page
The offset from GMT in ISO 8601/RFC822 format.
The timezone name.
_Note:_ Currently, this is not fully implemented. The format
is recognized, input is consumed but no field in TM is set.
As you noticed strptime doesn't directly support timezones. All it does is read formatted timezone-less data into a tm structure. You'll have to parse an optional timezone indicator yourself (unless it's fixed), and then set TZ and use mktime to convert into a time_t. If you set tm.is_dst to -1 you can even ask that mktime try to figure out the DST for you automatically.
Alternately you could construct your own parser using steams (boost supports a few formats, but may not be general enough). Again like above you can use mktime to compose a time_t.