Resharper NUnit tests failing with Unity - unit-testing

When running NUnit unit tests within Resharper, I'm getting the following error:
SetUp method failed. SetUp : System.IO.FileNotFoundException : Could not
load file or assembly 'Microsoft.Practices.Unity, Version=2.0.414.0,
Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35' or one of its dependencies.
The system cannot find the file specified.
If I then "Re-run the failed unit test" they complete (albeit this may take many times of re-runs). Appears to be since I upgraded to Resharper v8 from v7.
Running any of the multiple applications that we are unit testing does not show this error. We are using the ServiceLocator pattern throughout our code.

I appear to have fixed this within the Resharper settings, forcing each assembly to have its own AppDomain whilst running tests. See the third checkbox option down under Resharper -> Options -> Tools -> Unit Testing.

You should check that you used the first version of unity in the main project, because must match to test project and your main project in the meantime you must check all unity dll's.


Nunit tests are not found on tfs 2013 although NUnit test adapter package is used

I have a simple application and Nunit unit test project with 2 tests to test that app.
I've managed to have unit tests discovered and run locally in Visual studio 2013 but when trying to build application and run these unit tests on TFS 2013 test runner does not find tests ( both projects are built successfully.
No test found. Make sure that installed test discoverers & executors, platform & framework version settings are appropriate and try again.
I've added "NUnit adapter with framework" package to Unit tests project according to answer in this question and committed changes to the TFS.
Unit tests projects is successfully built but still no tests are found. The Test dll fits the **\*Test*.dll naming pattern as configured in the Build Definition.
Why no tests are found? How I can make sure Test Runner is aware of my NUnit test adapter?
If you go to the build, and look in diagnostics (from the web portal), there is a Run VS Test Runner section.
In the same log, there is a Run MSBuild section, it should say "Successfully installed xxxx" where xxx is the name of your adapter package.
Something like:
Check to see that the test runner is successfully restored.
Found the reason - build agent folder in source settings of Build definition was not set correctly - instead of setting it somewhere under build agent working folder I set it outside of it that's why unit tests were not found..
I discovered this using Build process activity log (which was saved in drop folder in my case).this log contains very detailed information (much more than you can see in Visual studio) - there I found in which location test runner is looking for unit tests and then understood what i did wrong.
That's what I saw in log:
Run VS Test Runner00:00:00
TestSpecs: BuildParameter[] Array
Enabled: True
ConfigurationsToTest: String[] Array
There were no matches for the search pattern C:\Builds\11\XXXX\Application -Gated\bin\**\*Test*.dll
Hope this will be helpful to someone else.
thanks to everyone who responded to my question!

TFS 2013 after build does not run the unit tests, no errors

I am working on a web app, solution in VS2013 with several project in it, one of them is used for unit tests - Ms Unit test framework. We have TFS 2013 set up to build the solution after each check in and trying to run the unit tests after each build.
From some reason unit tests are not executed after build, but also there is no error indicating that something broken or not found. I tried lot of things regarding editing the build definition - change the 'Test assembly file specification' to ***test*.dll, to use the exact dll name, changed the Target platform ...etc.
If I look into the log file I can see this:
Run VS Test Runner 00:00:15 Inputs TestSpecs: BuildParameter[] Array
Enabled: True ConfigurationsToTest: OutDir: The RunTestsActivity was
invoked without a value for Platform or Flavor. The values Any CPU and
Debug were used.
Test Run Completed. 0 tests executed.
What should I take a look, or what could be the problem ?

VS2013 All tests are not appearing in test exlorer

I have two projects in my solution which contains tests. I have tried clean build of solution but tests from only one project are appearing in the Test Explorer. I have also checked that Test->Test Settings->Default Processor Architecture is matching with that of project build settings (i.e. x86).
By default the Tests window will only show MsTest tests. If you have written your tests in Nunit you will need to install the 'Nunit Test Adapter' Visual studio extension for it to recognize those.
Have you tried "Kristian Kristensen's" answer to a similar question here:
How to get VS2010 to recognize my mstests generated by SpecFlow?
It worked for me.
When I set Project build settings to Any CPU it works but for any other settings (even when it matching with Test->Test Settings->Default) it fails to detect the unit tests.

Running BOOST unit tests from Visual Studio 2010

I am just starting to work with QuantLib project. There are quite a few BOOST unit tests defined, hence the question: is there an easy way to run these tests selectively from Visual Studio (and see results)?
I've only used unit testing in .Net languages so far, and there you can either use the built-in test runner if you use MsTest, or some add-on (I used Resharper and TestDriven.NET) for other frameworks. There you can choose which tests you run, and you can run them with the debugger attached (which is unfortunately useful sometimes). Are there similar add-ons for BOOST tests in unmanaged C++?
Yes you can!
If your boost unit test project is defined correctly, then you can run the entire test project from VS10 debugger by clicking
right click on project --> Debug --> Start new instance
This will run the tests inside VS framework which will give you all the debugger goodies.
For running specific test suites/cases, just edit the project command line arguments under
right click on project --> Properties --> General --> Debugging
and add the parameters according to the links in the other answers
you can run any test case or test suite via command line. running tests by name
it even allows wildcards.
ReSharper C++ supports discovery and selective running/debugging of Boost tests (with Boost 1.59 and later).
I'm using the Boost Unit Test Adapter. It's free and has a very nice output. It can also list the time the single tests consumed and you can start single tests and group of tests.
You can download it here:

Automating C++ unit test runs for WinRT

Since running Metro apps headlessly is still a gray area: Running a metro app headlessly, I've recently decided to add a native unit test project to my Windows Metro app in hopes that I can find a way to run these unit tests in an automated fashion on the build server. Basically, I'm looking for something similar to MSTest.exe - a utility which is great for running tests from batch files and/or scripts.
In fact, I've tried using the new version of MSTest.exe that comes with VS11 on a generated test .dll, but it fails with the error:
"Unable to load the test container 'test.dll' or one of its dependencies... Error details: Could not load file or assembly file://test.dll' or one of its dependencies. The Module was expected to contain an assembly manifest."
Does MSTest.exe work with test containers that contain WinRT code? If not, is there a utility that will do what I want?
Edit: I just found out that MSTest does not support running tests on a Metro style app. Found here: This really is too bad. I'm still hoping there's a utility out there that will work.
After blindly digging through the VS folders, I happened to find a new test runner under:
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio
This utility allows you to execute WinRT unit tests from the command line. It's very similar to MSTest.exe.
There doesn't seem to be any documentation out there for this yet, but at least a help command exists.
If you are executing vstest.console.exe <filename>.dll then your tests do not get executed in appcontainer mode. You need to give <filename>.appx to execute tests in appcontainer mode. More info on how to execute tests for Windows Metro style apps from command line can be found at Running Unit Tests for Windows Metro style apps from Command Line
There is a documentation about (among other things) running unit tests for Windows Phone:
It describes also the command line way of doing it using vstest.console.exe.
It also gives a comparison of supported features between unit tests for Windows Phone and WinRT.
One important detail is that unit tests for WinRT cannot be run on a device. This is a pity and relevant to question How to automate non-interactive tests on Microsoft Surface