thread execution example in c++ concurrency in action - c++

following code is a scoped thread example in c++ concurrency in action. but i has a question when run this example in xcode5.1, because the Scoped_thread t is join in its destructor function, destructor of t is run in the end of thread main()? so no matter how long I has the main() thread sleep, the main's output is before the t's output, but the answer is not? anyone can help me explain this?
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <thread>
#include <chrono>
using namespace std;
struct Scoped_thread
std::thread sthread;
Scoped_thread(std::thread tmp):sthread(std::move(tmp))
if (!sthread.joinable())
cout<<"error on contructor a scoped thread"<<endl;
Scoped_thread(Scoped_thread& tmp) = delete;
Scoped_thread& operator =(const Scoped_thread& tmp) = delete;
void hello_scoped_thread()
cout<<"this is scoped thread output"<<endl;
int main()
Scoped_thread t((std::thread(hello_scoped_thread)));
cout<<"this is in main thread"<<endl;
return 0;
edit plus:i want to know when the main thread known t thread is joined, when main do destruct the t? / during compiler parse the code or sometime like this?

The thread is running asynchronously, so there should be not too much concern about the order of actions between the thread and main. The actions are normally done as fast as possible, so when 1 thread waits, the others can just continue.
The scoped thread class just takes care that the main thread waits until the new thread finishes at the end of the scope, which is the end of the main() function, by joining.


c++ timer terminate without an active exception?

I want to design a timer in c++, to execute my function after a fixed time.
the code likes like:
#include <thread>
typedef void (*callback)();
class timer {
void start(int sec, callback f) {
std::thread t([&sec, &f]() {sleep(sec); f();});
void test () {
printf("here called\n");
int main() {
timer t;
t.start(3, test);
while (1);
but when i run this code, i got:
terminate called without an active exception
[1] 3168208 abort (core dumped) ./a.out
can you help on this? and, any suggestions for a more flexible timer design?
You created a std::thread and destructed it without detaching it.
std::thread t([&sec, &f]() {sleep(sec);
Either call join to wait on it, or call detach.
Note also the capture by reference issue in your comments.
There are a few problems with your code that need to be addressed:
After spawning a std::thread you need to synchronize it using std::thread::join().
Remove the reference capture from the sec parameter in order to prevent dangling of references by the end of the scope of start().
sleep() is platform-dependent, so your code will only work for certain platforms that support it. Instead use, std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::seconds(sec));
#include <thread>
#include <chrono> // For std::chrono
#include <cstdio> // For printf
typedef void (*callback)();
class timer {
// Bring the thread object outside the function and make it an instance variable of the class
std::thread t;
// Spawns a thread
void start(int const sec, callback&& f) {
if (t.joinable()) // If the object already has a thread attached to it, call 'join()' on it
/* Capture 'sec' by value as it is a local variable, consequently, capture
'f' by reference as it is a function and its lifetime is throughout the whole
program */
t = std::thread([sec, &f]() {
// After the class gets destroyed, the thread is synchronized
~timer() {
void test () {
printf("here called\n");
int main() {
timer t;
t.start(3, test);

Why can detached thread in C++11 execute even if the destructor has been called

I just read the doc about std::thread.detach() in C++11.
Here is my test:
#include <iostream>
#include <thread>
#include <chrono>
static int counter = 0;
void func()
while (true) {
int main()
std::thread t(func);
} // t is released after this line
// t has died, so who is holding the resources of the detached thread???
return 0;
This code works as expected. So it seems that the thread can keep running even if its destructor has been invoked. Is this true?
If it's true, who on earth holds the resources of the thread after the object t is released? Is there some mechanism to hold the resources, for example, a hidden anonymous object?
In C++, std::thread does not manage the thread of execution itself. C++ does not have controls for managing the thread of execution at all.
std::thread manages the thread handle - the identifier of a thread (thread_t in Posix world, which was largely a model for std::thread). Such identifier is used to communicate (as in control) with the thread, but in C++, the only standard way of communication would be to join the thread (which is simply waiting for thread's completion) or detaching from it.
When std::thread destructor is called, the thread handle is also destructed, and no further controlling of the thread is possible. But the thread of execution itself remains and continues being managed by implementation (or, more precisely, operation system).
Please note, for non-detached threads std::threads destructors throws an exception if the thread has not been joined. This is simply a safeguard against developers accidentally loosing the thread handle when they didn't intend to.
You are correct that the thread keeps running if detached after the thread's destructor.
No one on earth hold the resources (unless you make arrangements for someone to). However when your application exits, the application shutdown process will end the thread.
One can still arrange to communicate with and "wait" for a detached thread. In essence, join() is a convenience API so that you don't have to do something like this:
#include <atomic>
#include <chrono>
#include <iostream>
#include <thread>
static int counter = 0;
std::atomic<bool> time_to_quit{false};
std::atomic<bool> has_quit{false};
void func()
while (!time_to_quit) {
has_quit = true;
int main()
std::thread t(func);
} // t is released after this line
using namespace std::chrono_literals;
time_to_quit = true;
while (!has_quit)
std::cout << "orderly shutdown\n";
Threads of executions exist independently from the thread objects that you use to manage them in C++. When you detach a thread object, the thread of execution continues running, but the implementation (usually in combination with the Operating System) is responsible for it.

How to execute a function on a specific thread id in C++?

Is it possible I can invoke a function on a specific thread given the thread ID? I am currently on a different thread.
You need cooperation from the target thread; for instance, the target thread has to execute a loop at the top of which it waits on some sort of message box. Through that message box you give it a message that contains the function to be called and the arguments to use. Through the same mechanism, the function can produce a reply containing the result of the call.
But you can't just make a random thread that is running arbitrary code call your function. Although, never say never. There are tricks like, for instance, asynchronous POSIX signals and such: send a signal to a thread, which inspects some datum that tells it to call a function. That is confounded by the limitations as to what can be safely done out of a signal handler.
In a debugger, you can stop all the threads, then "switch" to a particular one and evaluate expressions in its context, including function calls. That is also an approach that would be inadvisable to integrate into production code; you have no idea what state a stopped thread is in to be able to safely and reliably do anything in that thread.
One possible solution is to make the worker threads execute based on tasks (functions),i.e you use a container to store functions you'd like the worker thread to execution, and the work thread's job is to execute functions in the container.
Here's an example, hope it helps.
#include <iostream>
#include <list>
#include <functional>
#include <thread>
#include <mutex>
#include <atomic>
#include <condition_variable>
using namespace std;
void foo() {
cout << "foo() is called" << endl;
template<typename T>
class TaskQueue {
void enqueue(T&& task) {
unique_lock<mutex> l(m);
bool empty() { unique_lock<mutex> l(m); return tasks.empty(); }
void setStop() { stop = true; unique_lock<mutex> l(m); cv.notify_one(); }
void run() {
T t;
while (!stop) {
unique_lock<mutex> l(m);
cv.wait(l, [&] {return !tasks.empty() || stop;});
if (!tasks.empty()) {
t = move(tasks.front());
atomic<bool> stop = false;
mutex m;
condition_variable cv;
list<T> tasks;
int main() {
TaskQueue<function<void(void)>> taskq;
thread t(&TaskQueue<function<void(void)>>::run, &taskq);
while (!taskq.empty()) {}

Why can't i create a thread in while loop?

I want to create a new thread inside a while loop but it makes the program instantly crash on start.
Any ideas on how to fix this?
#include <thread>
using namespace std;
void function1()
int main()
thread thread(function1);
return 0;
When your std::thread goes out of scope, its destructor is called. The std::thread destructor calls std::terminate() if the thread is still active. You MUST join() or detach() the std::thread object before it is destroyed.

std::thread::join blocks indefinitely out of main

std::thread::join does not return, even if the thread routine is exited.
Guess, I have a class.
class A
this->thr = std::thread(&A::foo, this);
void join()
if (this->thr.joinable())
void foo()
std::mutex mtx;
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lck(mtx);
MessageBox(L"I'm done!");
std::thread thr;
std::condition_variable cond;
My application contains the only instance of A. It is a global variable.
If A::join is called from the destructor, std::thread::join blocks forever.
If I call A::join manually (e.g. before exiting main), everything is alright.
My main looks like this:
A a;
int main()
auto timeout = std::chrono::seconds(3);
// a.join();
By the way, MessageBox is always executed.
Is that the same problem as here?
Yes it is the same bug as in the referenced link since your example also hangs on _Thrd_join. You could be interrested in this question which contains a far more detailed analysis.
from your comment
"It doesn't seem to be a great solution. I works, but what if the main
is not so trivial? There're a lot of different ways of exiting from my
application. Thus, I've got to join my threads manually every time I
need it?"
how about making A a std::unique_ptr within your main. that way, no matter how your main exits, it'll always destroy A before exiting main() and you won't have this problem.