Cocos2d iAd banner appearing v3 - cocos2d-iphone

I am following this iAd banner tutorial Cocos2d_iAd_v3 and it works. I am now trying to get rid of the button that toggle the "Show banner" and "Hide banner" and only show the iAd banner only; however it doesn't seem to work.
How can I display the iAd banner without using the button to turn it on and off?

The iAd network is sending ads continuously, so as long as the banner view is visible (i.e. is placed in a visible region of the screen), you're going to see the banner and the ads always. Therefore, if during the initialization of the game (e.g. in AppDelegate) you create the banner view object, it should be there forever. However, you must consider hiding the banner view if an ad is not loaded, which you can check with the property "bannerLoaded" property.
I recently posted an entry in my blog on integrating iAd and Cocos2d. You might want to give it a read.


on-screen calculation with DA

dynamic actions fired to set values on
with simple math such as (:p1_lov_1's return value) * (a constant from global page) /100
and these changes on :p1_score_x fires another DA to do some other simple calculations.
eventually I am expecting a weighted_score to be calculated.
mechanically, it works. but when I click radio buttons a couple of times one after another, calculation goes crazy.
I believe my approach is wrong. What would you suggest? Should I submit the page after each radio button clicks?
Thanks in advance.
APEX version 18.x
browser Firefox
OS windows
I think chained dynamic actions are not the best idea. I changed the behaviour a little:
placed a dummyButton
hide realButton on page load
redirected dummyButton to page inline dialog saying to end user "please click calcButton"
show realButton when calcButton clicked
hide dummyButton when calcButton clicked
hide realButton & show dummyButton if anything changes on radioButtons
I wasn't sure if I should delete the post or reply it. admins; please delete if it somehow against the community rules.
thank you very much

swiftui button show in preview, but never show in simulator or device

please see the below image, I just have one button in swiftui content view.
you can see this button show in preview fine, but never show in similuator, or device. just blank there.
any idea what it is ?
I think it's your simulator or device can not support [Color("DarkGreen"), Color("LightGreen")], if you change [Color("DarkGreen"), Color("LightGreen")] to [,], you will see it.

Presenter mode of a Xaringan presentation does not sync

When I use Xaringan's presenter mode, the window (in chrome) showing the presenter mode and the window showing the normal view (another tab in chrome) are out of sync. IE, moving slides in the presenter mode window does not move the normal slides for the audience.
What could this issue be? I haven't
Unbelievable. Literally a few hours after trying things and I accidentally discover the answer immediately after posting a question.
You've got to press c to clone the presentation not copy a window or tab using the web browser ("duplicate tab" in chrome).

Implementing iAd in Cocos2d V3 with MyiAd

I downloaded iAd Banner Sample for cocos2d V3. Thanks so much for that code. The demo works fine and needs the user to tap Show Ad or Hide Ad button. Of course in my game I do not want the player to tap a button to Show Ads. In IntroScene.m I commented out the code that creates the buttons and added these lines at the end of init:
AppDelegate * app = (((AppDelegate*) [UIApplication sharedApplication].delegate));
[app ShowIAdBanner];
This is the same code that would have been executed if the Show Ad button had been pressed. I expected to see an ad without having to tap a button. However, I got no ad. I got the following error message in the log:
ADBannerView: Unhandled error (no delegate or delegate does not
implement didFailToReceiveAdWithError:): Error Domain=ADErrorDomain
Code=2 "The operation couldn’t be completed. Loading throttled"
There is -(void)bannerDidFail method in AppDelegate. It works by tapping button. How do I get the ads to show up automatically, without tapping a button first? Thanks.
The error seems to tell you exactly what is happening. Make sure that you have the following line:
bannerView.delegate = self; //bannerView is an object of type AdBannerView* that you created before
Check also that the class where the previous line is, implements the method:
-(void)bannerView:(ADBannerView *)banner didFailToReceiveAdWithError:(NSError *)error
I recently wrote a tutorial on integrating iAds in Cocos2d-x v3. Although the language is different (C++ instead of Objective-C), the procedure and syntax are rather similar:

Returning to my app after navigation

As suggested in other posts I used the following code to start navigation from my GDK application. When the user finishes navigating they go back to the main "Ok Glass" screen. Is there any way to bring the user back to my app?
Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW);
This is untested, but can you try adding the following flag to your intent and see if it changes the behavior?