Disaster recovery for Web Services - web-services

I had form a system integration between system A and system B. System A would sync a same record to system B everytime a new record was inserted into a local Database of system A via Web Services. When there is some exception or failure to cause the web services disconnected, system A does not able to sync record to system B because the web services to be consume from system B cannot be reach. Is there any best practice to cater scenario in real life like this ? The new record created in system A cannot duplicate to system B. What if I schedule a job to check any failure record sync to system B and once the web services was back to online and trigger a patching operation to patch the record in system A back to system B?

You have answer in your query. You can maintain a flag in System As rows, whether the Sync happened successfully or not (one more column with values true for successful sync and false (default value) failed sync). During happy scenario once the sync happened successfully your webservice can return success with insertion and you can mark the flag true in source system. If there are issues during sync your source rows will have default value which false. You can have failover webservice which can look for rows with false status and sync again.

Is there any other best solution or more practical workaround to solve this issues. Especially when it comes to an Enterprise level application, what is the most conventional way to cater it ? For me it is a bit slow and unpractical.


Spring Data Neo4J - Unable to acquire connection from pool within configured maximum time

We have a Reactive REST API using Spring Data Neo4j (SpringBoot v2.7.5) deployed to Kubernetes. When running a stress test to determine the breaking point, once the volume of requests that the service can handle has been breached, the service does not auto-recover, even after the load has dropped to a level at which the service can handle.
After the service has fallen over the Neo4J health indicator shows:
“org.neo4j.driver.exceptions.ClientException: Unable to acquire connection from the pool within configured maximum time of 60000ms”
With respect to connection/configuration settings we are using defaults configured by SDN.
Up until the point at which the service breaks only a small number of connections are utilised, at the point at which it breaks the connections in use jumps up to the max pool size and the above mentioned error is observed. No matter how much time passes (even well beyond the max connection lifetime) the service is unable to acquire a connection from the pool. Upon manually shutting down and restarting the service/pod the service returns to a healthy state.
As an interim solution we now check the Neo4J health indicator, if the mentioned error is present the liveness state is set to down which triggers Kubernetes to restart the service automatically. However, I’m wondering if there is an underlying issue with the connections in the pool not getting ‘cleaned up’?
You can take a look at this discussion https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-data-neo4j/issues/2632
I had the same issue. The problem is that either Spring Framework or Neo4j reactive transaction manager doesn't close connections in a complex reactive flow e.g. when there are a lot of inner calls/mappings and somewhere inside an exception is thrown.
So as a workaround you can add #Transactional in such places to avoid multiple transactions to be created.

Race condition for Microservice architecture [CosmosDB]

We have a micro service based architecture. Let's say we have front and backend completely isolated. The backend microserviceA exposes a rest endpoint which basically calls a thirdParty service and updates a record in cosmosDB. Now, this micro service is deployed over kubernetes cluster and hence can have multiple replication factor for load balancing. As mentioned before, the frontEnd is isolated and it consumes the exposed endpoint.
Problem :
FrontEnd has been written in such a manner that if the response is not obtained within a certain time frame or if a network failure occurs, it retries the endpoint. It has been observed that in some rare scenarios(doesn't matter what) UI makes multiple calls (mostly 2) one after another with time difference in milliseconds. Now here comes the race condition at the backend logic.
If the first call goes to ThirdParty first and obtained a success response, the second call will get a failure(bcz the first one was already a success). We can not change the behaviour of ThirdParty.
Taking above scenario as base, Now if the second call(failure one) updates the DB first and reaches the UI. UI takes this as a failure(whereas the first call was already a success) and take failure actions.
If the success calls makes it to the UI first, everything works fine.
Possible solution I can think of:
Put a cache as source of truth.
apiCall : Status
If (entry not present in cache) {
Put Entry in cache With Status NULL or Something with specific TTL
(acquire lock on specific entry) {
If (status is success) return successResponse.
MAKE ThirdParty Call
Update DB
Update cache
Release LOCK
} else {
(acquire lock on specific entry) {
MAKE ThirdParty Call
Update DB
Update cache
Release LOCK
Else block will never be executed. seems like.
Only in case of failure, instead of updating the DB, put a thread.sleep(10000) for couple of times in hope that another thread will update the DB with success response.
If still not success, return a failure update and update DB.
Put a poller on UI side. If it is a failure. Try to poll couple of times more in hope that the status changes. If not, take the failure actions.
Optimistic locking for cosmos record.
Not sure how this can help.
Let's say, both api calls read the record when the version was 0.
Now the second api call update the the DB record, as the version was not changed,
it will be a successful update.
Now the DB holds Failure as value.
The first api call tries to update it and it found a version mismatch,
the update will not go through and another attempt will be made to update the DB as it was a success.
In case of failure, no attempts to update DB will be made.
Now, the second API call will appear to UI first and UI will again take the failure action.
UI require a poller in such cases.
But if the UI requires a poller, why do we need the optimistic locking in first place. :)
I don't know cosmosDB functionality much. If there is some functionality cosmos provides to handle, Please be kind enough to share.
What will be the best way to handle such kind of scenarios.
It seems in your application design you have made it necessary to wait for each execution to finish before you fire the next one, I am not debating if this is good or bad that's a different discussion, but it seems the only option you have to fire all your DB Updates in a synchronous manner in this case.
Optimistic locking is very good to ensure that the document you are updating have not been updated while your code did other things but it will not help your UI issue here.
I think you need to abstract the UI in order to make this work properly otherwise you are stuck running things in synchronous mode

flink readCSV thrown back with "org.apache.flink.fs.s3base.shaded.com.amazonaws.SdkClientException:Timeout waiting for connection from pool"

We are using Flink 1.9.0 Dataset API to read CSV files from Amazon S3 Bucket. Facing connection pool timeout most of the times.
Following are the configurations at Flink level
Reading 19708 objects from s3 in a single go, as we need to apply the logic on top of whole data set. Lets take an eg: Imagine have 20 source folders eg( AAA, BBB, CCC ) with multiple subfolders (AAA/4May2020/../../1.csv,AAA/4May2020/../../2.csv, AAA/3May2020/../../1.csv ,AAA/3May2020/../../2.csv ....), for the read to happen, before calling the readCSV, the logic scan folders and pick the one only with latest date folder and pass that for read. For the read operation we use parallelism as "5". But when the execution graph is formed all 20 Sources comes together.
Running on Kube-Aws with around 10
Task Managers hosted under "m5.4X large machine". Task Manager
docker is allocated with "8" cores and "50GB" memory.
Following were tried to address the issue, but no luck so far. Really need some pointers and help to address this
Enabled the Flink retry mechanism with failover as "region", sometimes with retries it gets through. But even with retry it fails intermittently.
Revisited the core-site.xml as per AWS Site:
Also could anyone help with the following questions
Is there anyway to check if the HTTP connections opened by readCSV
are closed
Any pointers to understand how dataset ReadCSV operates
will help.
Any way to introduce a wait mechanisms before the
Any better way to address this issue

Running Task In The Background

What is the technology which allows the web application to process the task in the background without holding user to wait until the task to finish.
Example, as a user,
1. I want to submit a form which requires heavy processing. (Assume it requires to checking or actions, upload documentation or etc)
2. After submitting the form, the task will be running in the background, then I can go to other page and do something else.
2.1 At the same time, I might submit another form to the server.
The request can be process at the same time or can be queue under a queue system
3. I will receive a notification from the system whenever the server return a response. (Regardless it is success or failure)
This feature is similar to Google Cloud Platform.
Try Kue or any other similar libraries. The term to "google" is "[language] task queue"
You can of course roll your own. Though it will be much easier if you make use of an existing server such as redis or rabbitmq. So that queuing part is handled for you by the server and you could concentrate on your business logic.

Architecture for robust payment processing

Imagine 3 system components:
1. External ecommerce web service to process credit card transactions
2. Local Database to store processing results
3. Local UI (or win service) to perform payment processing of the customer order document
The external web service is obviously not transactional, so how to guarantee:
1. results to be eventually persisted to database when received from web service even in case the database is not accessible at that moment(network issue, db timeout)
2. prevent clients from processing the customer order while payment initiated by other client but results not successfully persisted to database yet(and waiting in some kind of recovery queue)
The aim is to do processing having non transactional system components and guarantee the transaction won't be repeated by other process in case of failure.
(please look at it in the context of post sell payment processing, where multiple operators might attempt manual payment processing; not web checkout application)
Ask the payment processor whether they can detect duplicate transactions based on an order ID you supply. Then if you are unable to store the response due to a database failure, you can safely resubmit the request without fear of double-charging (at least one PSP I've used returned the same response/auth code in this scenario, along with a flag to say that this was a duplicate).
Alternatively, just set a flag on your order immediately before attempting payment, and don't attempt payment if the flag was already set. If an error then occurs during payment, you can investigate and fix the data at your leisure.
I'd be reluctant to go down the route of trying to automatically cancel the order and resubmitting, as this just gets confusing (e.g. what if cancelling fails - should you retry or not?). Best to keep the logic simple so when something goes wrong you know exactly where you stand.
In any system like this, you need robust error handling and error reporting. This is doubly true when it comes to dealing with payments, where you absolutely do not want to accidentaly take someone's money and not deliver the goods.
Because you're outsourcing your payment handling to a 3rd party, you're ultimately very reliant on the gateway having robust error handling and reporting systems.
In general then, you hand off control to the payment gateway and start a task that waits for a response from the gateway, which is either 'payment accepted' or 'payment declined'. When you get that response you move onto the next step in your process and everything is good.
When you don't get a response at all (time out), or the response is invalid, then how you proceed very much depends on the payment gateway:
If the gateway supports it send a 'cancel payment' style request. If the payment cancels successfully then you probably want to send the user to a 'sorry, please try again' style page.
If the gateway doesn't support canceling, or you have no communications to the gateway then you will need to manually (in person, such as telephone) contact the 3rd party to discover what went wrong and how to proceed. To aid this you need to dump as much detail as you have to error logs, such as date/time, customer id, transaction value, product ids etc.
Once you're back on your site (and payment is accepted) then you're much more in control of errors, but in brief if you cant complete the order, then you should either dump the details to disk (such as csv file for manual handling) or contact the gateway to cancel the payment.
Its also worth having a system in place to track errors as they occur, and if an excessive number occur then consider what should happen. If its a high traffic site for example you may want to temporarily prevent further customers from placing orders whilst the issue is investigated.
Distributed messaging.
When your payment gateway returns submit a message to a durable queue that guarantees a handler will eventually get it and process it. The handler would update the database. Should failure occur at that point the handler can leave the message in the queue or repost it to the queue, or post an alternate message.
Should something occur later that invalidates the transaction, another message could be queued to "undo" the change.
There's a fair amount of buzz lately about eventual consistency and distribute messaging. NServiceBus is the new component hotness. I suggest looking into this, I know we are.