Is there a way to pass an empty std::span<int> to a function?
I have a function like below:
bool func( const std::vector<int>& indices )
if ( !indices.empty( ) )
/* do something */
// when calling it with an empty vector
const bool isAcceptable { func( std::vector<int>( 0 ) ) };
And I want to change it to use std::span instead of std::vector so that it can also get std::array and raw array as its argument.
Now here:
bool func( const std::span<const int> indices )
if ( !indices.empty( ) )
/* do something */
// when calling it with an empty span
const bool isAcceptable { func( std::span<int>( ) ) }; // Is this valid code?
Also does std::span properly support all contiguous containers (e.g. std::vector, std::array, etc.)?
std::span's default constuctor is documented as:
constexpr span() noexcept;
Constructs an empty span whose data() == nullptr and size() == 0.
Hence, passing a default constructed std::span<int>() is well-defined. Calling empty() on it is guaranteed to return true.
Does std::span properly support all contiguous containers (e.g. std::vector, std::array, etc.)?
Basically, std::span can be constructed from anything that models a contiguous and sized range:
template<class R>
explicit(extent != std::dynamic_extent)
constexpr span(R&& range);
Constructs a span that is a view over the range range; the resulting span has size() == std::ranges::size(range) and data() == std::ranges::data(range).
In particular, std::vector does satisfy these requirements.
For C-style arrays and std::array there are special constructors (to harness their compile-time size):
template<std::size_t N>
constexpr span(element_type (&arr)[N]) noexcept;
template<class U, std::size_t N>
constexpr span(std::array<U, N>& arr) noexcept;
template<class U, std::size_t N>
constexpr span(const std::array<U, N>& arr) noexcept;
Constructs a span that is a view over the array arr; the resulting span has size() == N and data() == std::data(arr).
I'm working on a school project in which I need to dynamically manage a 3D matrix (or array, I don't think it makes a difference, right?).
My first idea was to use a C-like approach, like this:
3Dmatrix(unsigned int height, unsigned int col, unsigned int row) : _3D_matrix(0), _row(0), _col(0), _height(0) {
try {
_3D_matrix = new T**[height];
for(int i =0; i<height; i++){
_3D_matrix[i] = new T*[col];
for(int j =0; j<col; j++){
_3D_matrix[i][j] = new T[row];
catch(...) {
delete[] _3D_matrix;
_row = row;
_col = col;
_height = height;
With this approach, though, the memory is not contiguous, and trying to work with iterators is almost impossible. So I decided to switch to a different strategy, "indexing" the 3D array to a 1D array using the formula
A[ x * height * depth + y * depth + z]
to index the element M[x][y][z]. Since I'm not really sure this approach is what I'm looking for, and I also find other discussions on this topic not very helpful, do you think this approach can serve my purpose?
In particular, I'm worried about getter and setter methods, as well as iterators for reading and writing.
PS: since this project is for didactic use, I'm not allowed to use std library classes like vector or similar, and C++11 or later as well
You could try an approach like this:
struct Vector {
unsigned int X;
unsigned int Y;
unsigned int Z;
struct Matrix {
Vector rows[3]; // Depends on if you want row or col major.
// Vector cols[3];
// Or Matrix {
Vector* pRows; // Depends on if you want row or col major.
// Vector* pCols;
// Or
struct Matrix { // Row Major
Vector row1;
Vector row2;
Vector row3;
// Or
struct Matrix { // Col Major
Vector col1;
Vector col2;
Vector col3;
I did not add any constructors, operators nor functions only just shown basic data structure to illustrate the main point.
Note: This kind of pattern has a fixed dimensional size as it is a 3x3x3 matrix.
I do have a class template that can be a variable size matrix of any number of dimensions however it does use advanced techniques in which you stated that you were not able to use such as the standard library and c++11 or higher features. However as a bonus and for future use I can show it here as a good reference to look back on. This does not have anything to do with actually answering your question above; but this is what modern c++ would look like.
file Matrix.h
#ifndef MATRIX_H
#define MATRIX_H
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <numeric>
namespace foo {
template<typename Type, size_t... Dims>
class Matrix {
static const size_t _numDims = sizeof...(Dims);
size_t _numElements;
std::vector<Type> _elements;
std::vector<size_t> _strides;
Matrix() noexcept;
template<typename... Args>
Matrix( Args&&... args ) noexcept;
const Type& operator[]( size_t idx );
const Type operator[]( size_t idx ) const;
const Type& operator() ( size_t idx );
const Type operator() ( size_t idx ) const;
size_t numElements() const {
return _elements.size();
const std::vector<size_t>& strides() const {
return _strides;
const std::vector<Type>& elements() const {
return _elements;
#include "Matrix.inl"
} // namespace foo
#endif // !MATRIX_H
file Matrix.inl
template<typename Type, size_t... Dims>
Matrix<Type, Dims...>::Matrix() noexcept :
_strides( { Dims... } ) {
using std::begin;
using std::end;
auto mult = std::accumulate( begin( _strides ), end( strides ), 1, std::multiplies<>() );
_numElements = mult;
_elements.resize( _numElements );
template<typename Type, size_t... Dims>
template<typename... Args>
Matrix<Type, Dims...>::Matrix( Args&&... args ) noexcept :
_elements( { args... } ),
_strides( { Dims... } ) {
_numElements = _elements.size();
template<typename Type, size_t... Dims>
const Type Matrix<Type, Dims...>::operator[]( size_t idx ) const {
return _elements[idx];
template<typename Type, size_t... Dims>
const Type& Matrix<Type, Dims...>::operator[]( size_t idx ) {
return _elements[idx];
template<typename Type, size_t... Dims>
const Type Matrix<Type, Dims...>::operator()( size_t idx ) const {
return _elements[idx];
template<typename Type, size_t... Dims>
const Type& Matrix<Type, Dims...>::operator()( size_t idx ) {
return _elements[idx];
typical uses:
Matrix<int,2,3,4> iMat2x3x4;
Matrix<double,5,9> dMat5x9;
struct MyStruct {
int x;
float y;
char z;
Matrix<MyStruct, 4, 9, 7, 2, 3, 6> massiveMyStructMatrix;
The class upon instantiation will store the elements into one of its member vectors while calculating the strides for the dimensions and storing them into another vector. If a matrix is a 2x3x4x5 which is a 4D matrix the _strides container will have 4 values {2,3,4,5} respectively. This way if you need to do any kind of indexing the values are stored sequentially and you don't have to remember them, you can just index into the vector to get the size of the stride to do the appropriate indexing in the current level of your loop. All of the elements are contiguous in memory via the vector. There are also a few basic operators [] and () for both non const and const types. A method to return the number of elements which is the size of the _elements container. And two methods to return the actual containers.
Now you could take this idea and abstract the vectors out of the way however it still does not remove the dependency of the c++11 and higher features especially the use of variadic templates. This is nothing more than a good reference for future use.
With this approach, though, the memory is not contiguous ...
That's not wholly true. Each row is contiguous, and if you mostly operate row-by-row, that might be fine. It's a performance question anyway, so get it working as simply as possible first and worry about optimization later (if at all).
[indexing] ... I'm not really sure this approach is what I'm looking for ... do you think this approach can serve my purpose?
What is your purpose?
A flattened array is easier to manage in the sense that there's only one dynamic (de)allocation - your existing nested structure is buggy because it's hard to clean up correctly part-way through construction.
A flattened array is probably slightly faster, if you care, depending on size and access pattern.
A nested structure is easier to write (and test, and generalize) in that you can layer it up one dimension at a time, roughly like
template <typename T> class Vector;
template <typename T> using Matrix2d = Vector<Vector<T>>;
template <typename T> using Matrix3d = Vector<Matrix2d<T>>;
trying to work with iterators is almost impossible
Slow down. Write one layer of abstraction at a time. If you can write the get(x,y,z) accessor, do that first and layer iteration on top of it.
I want a generic zipWith function in C++ of variable arity. I have two problems. The first is that I cannot determine the type of the function pointer passed to zipWith. It must be of the same arity as the number of vectors passed to zipWith and it must accept references to the vectors' element types respectively. The second is that I have no idea how to walk these vectors in parallel to build an argument list, call func(), and bail once the shortest vector is exhausted.
template <typename R, typename T, typename... Vargs>
std::vector<R> zipWith (R func(???<what goes here>), std::vector<T> first, Vargs rest) {
I had a long answer, then I changed my mind in a way that made the solution much shorter. But I'm going to show my thought process and give you both answers!
My first step is to determine the proper signature. I don't understand all of it, but you can treat a parameter pack as a comma-separated list of the actual items with the text-dump hidden. You can extend the list on either side by more comma-separated items! So directly applying that:
template <typename R, typename T, typename... Vargs>
std::vector<R> zipWith (R func(T,Vargs...), std::vector<T> first, Vargs rest) {
You have to put a "..." after a parameter pack for an expression section to see the expanded list. You have to put one in the regular parameter portion, too:
template <typename R, typename T, typename... Vargs>
std::vector<R> zipWith (R func(T,Vargs...), std::vector<T> first, Vargs... rest) {
You said that your function parameters are a bunch of vectors. Here, you're hoping that each of Vargs is really a std::vector. Type transformations can be applied to a parameter pack, so why don't we ensure that you have vectors:
template <typename R, typename T, typename... Vargs>
std::vector<R> zipWith (R func(T,Vargs...), std::vector<T> first, std::vector<Vargs> {
Vectors can be huge objects, so let's use const l-value references. Also, we could use std::function so we can use lambda or std::bind expressions:
template <typename R, typename T, typename... Vargs>
std::vector<R> zipWith (std::function<R(T, Vargs...)> func, std::vector<T> const &first, std::vector<Vargs> const & {
(I ran into problems here from using std::pow for testing. My compiler wouldn't accept a classic function pointer being converted into a std::function object. So I had to wrap it in a lambda. Maybe I should ask here about that....)
At this point, I reloaded the page and saw one response (by pmr). I don't really understand this zipping, folding, exploding, whatever stuff, so I thought his/her solution was too complicated. So I thought about a more direct solution:
template < typename R, typename T, typename ...MoreTs >
zip_with( std::function<R(T,MoreTs...)> func,
const std::vector<T>& first, const std::vector<MoreTs>& )
auto const tuples = rearrange_vectors( first, rest... );
std::vector<R> result;
result.reserve( tuples.size() );
for ( auto const &x : tuples )
result.push_back( evaluate(x, func) );
return result;
I would create a vector of tuples, where each tuple was made from plucking corresponding elements from each vector. Then I would create a vector of
evaluation results from passing a tuple and func each time.
The rearrange_vectors has to make table of values in advance (default-constructed) and fill out each entry a sub-object at a time:
template < typename T, typename ...MoreTs >
std::vector<std::tuple<T, MoreTs...>>
rearrange_vectors( const std::vector<T>& first,
const std::vector<MoreTs>& )
decltype(rearrange_vectors(first, rest...))
result( first.size() );
fill_vector_perpendicularly<0>( result, first, rest... );
return result;
The first part of the first line lets the function access its own return type without copy-and-paste. The only caveat is that r-value reference parameters must be surrounded by std::forward (or move) so a l-value overload of the recursive call doesn't get chosen by mistake. The function that mutates part of each tuple element has to explicitly take the current index. The index moves up by one during parameter pack peeling:
template < std::size_t, typename ...U >
void fill_vector_perpendicularly( std::vector<std::tuple<U...>>& )
{ }
template < std::size_t I, class Seq, class ...MoreSeqs, typename ...U >
void fill_vector_perpendicularly( std::vector<std::tuple<U...>>&
table, const Seq& first, const MoreSeqs& )
auto t = table.begin();
auto const te = table.end();
for ( auto f = first.begin(), fe = first.end(); (te != t) && (fe
!= f) ; ++t, ++f )
std::get<I>( *t ) = *f;
table.erase( t, te );
fill_vector_perpendicularly<I + 1u>( table, rest... );
The table is as long as the shortest input vector, so we have to trim the table whenever the current input vector ends first. (I wish I could mark fe as const within the for block.) I originally had first and rest as std::vector, but I realized I could abstract that out; all I need are types that match the standard (sequence) containers in iteration interface. But now I'm stumped on evaluate:
template < typename R, typename T, typename ...MoreTs >
R evaluate( const std::tuple<T, MoreTs...>& x,
std::function<R(T,MoreTs...)> func )
I can do individual cases:
template < typename R >
R evaluate( const std::tuple<>& x, std::function<R()> func )
{ return func(); }
template < typename R, typename T >
R evaluate( const std::tuple<T>& x, std::function<R(T)> func )
{ return func( std::get<0>(x) ); }
but I can't generalize it for a recursive case. IIUC, std::tuple doesn't support peeling off the tail (and/or head) as a sub-tuple. Nor does std::bind support currying arguments into a function in piecemeal, and its placeholder system isn't compatible with arbitrary-length parameter packs. I wish I could just list each parameter like I could if I had access to the original input vectors....
...Wait, why don't I do just that?!...
...Well, I never heard of it. I've seen transferring a template parameter pack to the function parameters; I just showed it in zipWith. Can I do it from the function parameter list to the function's internals? (As I'm writing, I now remember seeing it in the member-initialization part of class constructors, for non-static members that are arrays or class types.) Only one way to find out:
template < typename R, typename T, typename ...MoreTs >
zip_with( std::function<R(T,MoreTs...)> func, const std::vector<T>&
first, const std::vector<MoreTs>& )
auto const s = minimum_common_size( first, rest... );
decltype(zip_with(func,first,rest...)) result;
result.reserve( s );
for ( std::size_t i = 0 ; i < s ; ++i )
result.push_back( func(first[i], rest[i]...) );
return result;
where I'm forced to compute the total number of calls beforehand:
inline std::size_t minimum_common_size() { return 0u; }
template < class SizedSequence >
std::size_t minimum_common_size( const SizedSequence& first )
{ return first.size(); }
template < class Seq, class ...MoreSeqs >
minimum_common_size( const Seq& first, const MoreSeqs& )
{ return std::min( first.size(), minimum_common_size(rest...) ); }
and sure enough, it worked! Of course, this meant that I over-thought the problem just as bad as the other respondent (in a different way). It also means that I unnecessarily bored you with most of this post. As I wrapped this up, I realized that the replacement of std::vector with generic sequence-container types can be applied in zip_width. And I realized that I could reduce the mandatory one vector to no mandatory vectors:
template < typename R, typename ...T, class ...SizedSequences >
zip_with( R func(T...) /*std::function<R(T...)> func*/,
SizedSequences const& ...containers )
static_assert( sizeof...(T) == sizeof...(SizedSequences),
"The input and processing lengths don't match." );
auto const s = minimum_common_size( containers... );
decltype( zip_with(func, containers...) ) result;
result.reserve( s );
for ( std::size_t i = 0 ; i < s ; ++i )
result.push_back( func(containers[i]...) );
return result;
I added the static_assert as I copied the code here, since I forgot to make sure that the func's argument count and the number of input vectors agree. Now I realize that I can fix the dueling function-pointer vs. std::function object by abstracting both away:
template < typename R, typename Func, class ...SizedSequences >
zip_with( Func&& func, SizedSequences&& ...containers )
auto const s = minimum_common_size( containers... );
decltype( zip_with<R>(std::forward<Func>(func),
std::forward<SizedSequences>(containers)...) ) result;
result.reserve( s );
for ( std::size_t i = 0 ; i < s ; ++i )
result.push_back( func(containers[i]...) );
return result;
Marking a function parameter with an r-value reference is the universal passing method. It handles all kinds of references and const/volatile (cv) qualifications. That's why I switched containers to it. The func could have any structure; it can even be a class object with multiple versions of operator (). Since I'm using r-values for the containers, they'll use the best cv-qualification for element dereferencing, and the function can use that for overload resolution. The recursive "call" to internally determine the result type needs to use std::forward to prevent any "downgrades" to l-value references. It also reveals a flaw in this iteration: I must provide the return type.
I'll fix that, but first I want to explain the STL way. You do not pre-determine a specific container type and return that to the user. You ask for a special object, an output-iterator, that you send the results to. The iterator could be connected to a container, of which the standard provides several varieties. It could be connected to an output stream instead, directly printing the results! The iterator method also relieves me from directly worrying about memory concerns.
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstddef>
#include <iterator>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
inline std::size_t minimum_common_size() { return 0u; }
template < class SizedSequence >
std::size_t minimum_common_size( const SizedSequence& first )
{ return first.size(); }
template < class Seq, class ...MoreSeqs >
std::size_t minimum_common_size( const Seq& first,
const MoreSeqs& )
return std::min<std::size_t>( first.size(),
minimum_common_size(rest...) );
template < typename OutIter, typename Func, class ...SizedSequences >
zip_with( OutIter o, Func&& func, SizedSequences&& ...containers )
auto const s = minimum_common_size( containers... );
for ( std::size_t i = 0 ; i < s ; ++i )
*o++ = func( containers[i]... );
return o;
template < typename Func, class ...SizedSequences >
auto zipWith( Func&& func, SizedSequences&& ...containers )
-> std::vector<decltype( func(containers.front()...) )>
using std::forward;
decltype( zipWith(forward<Func>( func ), forward<SizedSequences>(
containers )...) ) result;
#if 1
// `std::vector` is the only standard container with the `reserve`
// member function. Using it saves time when doing multiple small
// inserts, since you'll do reallocation at most (hopefully) once.
// The cost is that `s` is already computed within `zip_with`, but
// we can't get at it. (Remember that most container types
// wouldn't need it.) Change the preprocessor flag to change the
// trade-off.
result.reserve( minimum_common_size(containers...) );
zip_with( std::back_inserter(result), forward<Func>(func),
forward<SizedSequences>(containers)... );
return result;
I copied minimum_common_size here, but explicitly mentioned the result type for the least-base case, proofing against different container types using different size types.
Functions taking an output-iterator usually return iterator after all the iterators are done. This lets you start a new output run (even with a different output function) where you left off. It's not critical for the standard output iterators, since they're all pseudo-iterators. It is important when using a forward-iterator (or above) as an output iterator since they do track position. (Using a forward iterator as an output one is safe as long as the maximum number of transfers doesn't exceed the remaining iteration space.) Some functions put the output iterator at the end of the parameter list, others at the beginning; zip_width must use the latter since parameter packs have to go at the end.
Moving to a suffix return type in zipWith makes every part of the function's signature fair game when computing the return type expression. It also lets me know right away if the computation can't be done due to incompatibilities at compile-time. The std::back_inserter function returns a special output-iterator to the vector that adds elements via the push_back member function.
Here is what I cobbled together:
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <utility>
template<typename F, typename T, typename Arg>
auto fold(F f, T&& t, Arg&& a)
-> decltype(f(std::forward<T>(t), std::forward<Arg>(a)))
{ return f(std::forward<T>(t), std::forward<Arg>(a)); }
template<typename F, typename T, typename Head, typename... Args>
auto fold(F f, T&& init, Head&& h, Args&&... args)
-> decltype(f(std::forward<T>(init), std::forward<Head>(h)))
return fold(f, f(std::forward<T>(init), std::forward<Head>(h)),
// hack in a fold for void functions
struct ignore {};
// cannot be a lambda, needs to be polymorphic on the iterator type
struct end_or {
template<typename InputIterator>
bool operator()(bool in, const std::pair<InputIterator, InputIterator>& p)
{ return in || p.first == p.second; }
// same same but different
struct inc {
template<typename InputIterator>
ignore operator()(ignore, std::pair<InputIterator, InputIterator>& p)
{ p.first++; return ignore(); }
template<typename Fun, typename OutputIterator,
typename... InputIterators>
void zipWith(Fun f, OutputIterator out,
std::pair<InputIterators, InputIterators>... inputs) {
if(fold(end_or(), false, inputs...)) return;
while(!fold(end_or(), false, inputs...)) {
*out++ = f( *(inputs.first)... );
fold(inc(), ignore(), inputs...);
template<typename Fun, typename OutputIterator,
typename InputIterator, typename... Rest>
void transformV(Fun f, OutputIterator out, InputIterator begin, InputIterator end,
Rest... rest)
if(begin == end) return ;
while(begin != end) {
*out++ = f(*begin, *(rest)... );
fold(inc2(), ignore(), begin, rest...);
struct ternary_plus {
template<typename T, typename U, typename V>
auto operator()(const T& t, const U& u, const V& v)
-> decltype( t + u + v) // common type?
{ return t + u + v; }
int main()
using namespace std;
vector<int> a = {1, 2, 3}, b = {1, 2}, c = {1, 2, 3};
vector<int> out;
zipWith(ternary_plus(), back_inserter(out)
, make_pair(begin(a), end(a))
, make_pair(begin(b), end(b))
, make_pair(begin(c), end(c)));
transformV(ternary_plus(), back_inserter(out),
begin(a), end(a), begin(b), begin(c));
for(auto x : out) {
std::cout << x << std::endl;
return 0;
This is a slightly improved variant over previous versions. As every
good program should, it starts by defining a left-fold.
It still does not solve the problem of iterators packed in pairs.
In stdlib terms this function would be called transform and would
require that only the length of one sequence is specified and the
others be at least as long. I called it transformV here to avoid
name clashes.
While refactoring, I wanted to change an array where entries are added to an std::vector, but for compatibility (persistency, downgrading,...), it still needs to have an upper limit.
What is the best way (elegant, stl-like, limited extra code) to have an stl-like container which is limited in size, so you know that inserting an entry fails?
To clarify: I would like an stl-like container, that starts empty, that you can fill with entries and possibly remove entries and that iterate over the filled-in entries, but that doesn't allow to put in more than e.g. 50 entries, so almost like a sequential contrainer, but with an upper-limit.
A simple solution would be encapsulating a vector inside your own limited size container. You could use private composition or private inheritance --note that private inheritance models implemented in terms of and does not have some of the shortcomings of public inheritance.
EDIT: Sketch of the solution with private inheritance
template <typename T, unsigned int N>
class fixed_vector : std::vector<T>
typedef std::vector<T> vector_type;
typedef typename vector_type::reference reference;
typedef typename vector_type::const_reference const_reference;
typedef typename vector_type::iterator iterator;
typedef typename vector_type::const_iterator const_iterator;
typedef typename vector_type::value_type value_type;
typedef typename vector_type::size_type size_type;
fixed_vector() : vector_type() {}
fixed_vector( size_type size, value_type const & value = value_type() )
: vector_type(size,value)
void push_back( value_type v ) {
vector_type::push_back( v );
iterator insert( iterator position, value_type const & v ) {
vector_type::insert( position, v );
void reserve( size_type size ) {
if ( size > N ) throw std::invalid_argument();
vector_type::reserve( size );
size_type capacity() const {
// In case the default implementation acquires by default
// more than N elements, or the vector grows to a higher capacity
return std::min( vector_type::capacity(), N );
// provide other insert methods if required, with the same pattern
using vector_type::begin;
using vector_type::end;
using vector_type::operator[];
using vector_type::erase;
using vector_type::size;
using vector_type::empty;
void ensure_can_grow() const {
// probably a different exception would make sense here:
if ( this->size() == N ) throw std::bad_alloc();
There is quite a bit of hand-waving there... std::vector take more arguments that could be added to the façade. If you need any of the other methods or typedefs, you can just bring them into scope with a using declaration, redefine the typedef, or implement the adaptor with your particular test.
Also, in this implementation the size is a compile time constant, but it would be really simple to modify it into a constructor parameter.
Customize the vector class to impose an upper limit.
Probably, you can have a new api exposed which will check the size against the upper limit and return false if exceeds otherwise call the regular insertion method.
Have a look at this static_vector implementation which I found a while ago. I think it does exactly what you want.
It's distributed under the very liberal boost license, so you're allowed to do just about anything with it.
You can create a custom allocator (e.g. derived from std::allocator) that refuses to allocate an array larger than a given size.
Note that you need to call reserve( vector_max ) on the resulting object before adding things to it. I'm filing a defect against the C++ standard, as the requirement should be unnecessary (and it is, on recent versions of GCC).
template< typename T, size_t N >
struct limited_alloc : std::allocator< T > {
size_t max_size() const { return N; }
typename std::allocator<T>::pointer allocate( size_t n ) {
if ( n < N ) return std::allocator<T>::allocate( n );
throw std::length_error( "array too large" );
limited_alloc() {} // silly cruft for standard requirements:
template< typename T2 >
limited_alloc( limited_alloc<T2,N> const & ) {}
template< typename T2 >
struct rebind { typedef limited_alloc<T2,N> other; };
enum { vector_max = 40 };
template< typename T >
struct limited_vector {
typedef std::vector< T, limited_alloc< T, vector_max > > type;
void f() {
limited_vector< int >::type x;
x.reserve( vector_max );
x.assign( vector_max + 1, 3 ); // throws.
Take a look at Boost.Array
As replacement for ordinary arrays, the STL provides class std::vector. However, std::vector<> provides the semantics of dynamic arrays. Thus, it manages data to be able to change the number of elements. This results in some overhead in case only arrays with static size are needed.
Take a look at boost::array
Edit: for add/delete boost::optional can be used as a element type of boost::array.