IE BHO - DISPID_FILEDOWNLOAD being called for page loads? - c++

I am implementing an Internet Explorer Browser Helper Object that should catch the DISPID_FILEDOWNLOAD event.
I first implemented this in C# which worked great except that I also need the cookies that go with the URL so need to call InternetGetCookiesEx. As .NET runs in it's own process it does not return me the session cookies so is no good.
I then wrote a quick test DLL in C++ so that it is loaded into the same process as IE which works great for the cookies but I now have a new problem:
I am getting calls to DISPID_FILEDOWNLOAD in my Invoke function for each page load when I only want them for an actual download.
In the C# version I only got a call to WebBrowser.FileDownload for an actual download but it seems that the C++ version is sending a DISPID_FILEDOWNLOAD even for each page load.
DISPID dispidMember,
REFIID riid,
LCID lcid,
WORD wFlags,
DISPPARAMS* pDispParams,
VARIANT* pvarResult,
EXCEPINFO* pExcepInfo,
UINT* puArgErr
if (!pDispParams)
int i = 0;
switch (dispidMember)
if (pDispParams->cArgs >= 5 && pDispParams->rgvarg[5].vt == (VT_BYREF | VT_VARIANT))
CComVariant varURL(*pDispParams->rgvarg[5].pvarVal);
char* myStr = OLE2T(varURL.bstrVal);
if (myStr)
sCurrentFile = AllocateString(myStr);
sCurrentFileW = varURL.bstrVal;
TCHAR cookies[8192];
DWORD size = 8192;
BOOL ret = InternetGetCookieEx(sCurrentFile,
::MessageBox(0, sCurrentFile, "Downloading called multiple times!!", MB_OK);
return S_OK;
Is there some filter that needs checking somewhere to know if a DISPID_FILEDOWNLOAD event relates to a file load or an actual file download?
Many thanks
On closer inspection it seems that the C# managed code version is actually doing the same, I just didn't notice it the firs time around.
It seems that the FileDownload event is being called in the following circumstances:
New window / tab opened
New domain connected to (maybe a new keep-alive connection?)
An actual download
Obviously I only want the even on the actual download event.

As a possible solution to this I notice MS provide a ActiveDocument (BOOL) argument along with the event.. according to the Microsoft documentation the ActiveDocument argument means:
A Boolean that specifies whether the file is an Active Document
Not very helpful but if I log the DISPID_FILEDOWNLOAD events to a text file and look at them later it appears that I should ignore all events where ActiveDocument = true
Getting the params is quite easy:
BOOL cancel = *pDispParams->rgvarg[0].pboolVal;
BOOL active = pDispParams->rgvarg[1].boolVal;
So the code would just need updating to something like:
if (active)
return S_OK;
I can only assume that this is some event the IE is sending telling the BHO that a page is downloading.. not a file, although that should mean that I get a DISPID_FILEDOWNLOAD event for each page load, which I don't.. only new tabs/browser instances and some new connections.
Hopefully someone else will be able to contribute to this and clarify what is the best way of handling this as it feels like a bit of a hack.


Windows CredentialProvider autologon via event still shows login-button

I've written a custom CredentialProvider listening to events sent via bluetooth.
So far everything works fine. Except the fact that after sending the event the login screen changes and shows a single button "Sign in" below the username.
As stated in the answers to this SO-question I did he following to achieve autologon:
HRESULT CMobileCredential2::SetSelected(_Out_ BOOL *pbAutoLogon)
*pbAutoLogon = true;
return S_OK;
and in the eventhandling code I call:
HRESULT hr = _pcpe->CredentialsChanged(_upAdviseContext);
if (S_OK != hr)
LOG_ERROR("Could not login!");
I thought that the LogonUI would automatically log me in when I set autologon to true? Why do I have to click on another button? Is there any way to avoid this behaviour?
The following is to be found in the "Credential Provider Technical Reference" from Microsoft:
In Windows 10, if a credential provider wants to autologon the user
where we think may be inappropriate, we will paint a “sign in” button
as a speed bump.
I think that's the point I'm hitting here, but what is inappropriate? The password used consists of lower and uppercase characters as well as some numbers. Is there any possibility to cirumvent this?
After searching for a few days I stumbled upon this answer in the microsoft-forums, that contained the solution.
As it seems, Windows does not trust the custom credential enough to bypass this "speed bump", when pbAutoLogon is set to true in SetSelected(_Out_ BOOL *pbAutoLogon).
However it trusts the custom provider, so setting pbAutoLogonWithDefault to true in
_Out_ DWORD *pdwCount,
_Out_ DWORD *pdwDefault,
_Out_ BOOL *pbAutoLogonWithDefault)
seems to do the trick, as GetCredentialCount is always called before calling
_Outptr_result_maybenull_ PWSTR *ppwszOptionalStatusText,
of the custom credential.

MSHTML: Callback on image insertion

Currently I am working on embedding a HTML editor into a C++ WinAPI application using the MSHTML component.
I got everything set up (activating editing mode, changing font face, etc.), but now I have to support inserting images. MSHTML already has support for it built in, but this support is - to my knowledge - not enough.
Somehow I need a way to intercept the insertion of images into the HTML-editor, since I have to create a list of images in the UI of our application. So, whenever the user uses the default-dialog of the MSHTML-component to insert an image or updates its source (e.g. from file://xyz.jpg to file://abc.jpg), I want my code to be notified.
I already looked at the conecpt of "Edit Designers", the implementation of IHTMLEditHost, or the DWebBrowserEvents2 interface. But nothing seems to do the trick.
Perhaps someone can give me a hint?
it looks like you cannot explicitly subscribe for specific changes of the document. What you can do is to create a so-called "Change Sink".
Everytime you change the document, either by user input or programmatically, you can get a notification that "something" changed in your document. This can be done by implementing the IHTMLChangeSink interface and attaching it to the IMarkupContainer2 of the IHTMLDocument2.
Example code (not complete):
class CHTMLChangeSink : public IHTMLChangeSink
// Implement IUnknown: QueryInterface, AddRef, Release
// Implement IHTMLChangeSink:
// Notify() is called everytime the document changes
return S_OK;
CHTMLChangeSink * pChangeSink = new CHTMLChangeSink();
IHTMLDocument2 * pDoc; // lets suppose we already have it
IMarkupContainer2 * pMarkupContainer = nullptr;
if (pDoc->QueryInterface(IID_IMarkupContainer2, reinterpret_cast<void **>(&pMarkupContainer)) == S_OK) {
DWORD dwCookie = 1;
// registration is done here
pMarkupContainer->RegisterForDirtyRange(pChangeSink, &dwCookie);
Please be aware, that the document has to be loaded completely (register for DIID_DWebBrowserEvents2::DocumentComplete).
From now on, whenever a change in the document occurs, your Notify-method will be called and you can do further processing to find out what has changed (e.g. process the list of images in the document).
Have fun!

IWebBrowser2: how to force links to open in new window?

The MSDN documentation on WebBrowser Customization explains how to prevent new windows from being opened and how to cancel navigation. In my case, my application is hosting an IWebBrowser2 but I don't want the user to navigate to new pages within my app. Instead, I'd like to open all links in a new IE window. The desired behavior is: user clicks a link, and a new window opens with that URL.
A similar question was asked and answered here and rather than pollute that answered post, it was suggested I open a new discussion.
The members on the related post suggested I should be able to do this by trapping DISPID_BEFORENAVIGATE2, setting the cancel flag, and writing code to open a new window, but I've found out that the browser control gets lots of BeforeNavigate2 events that seem to be initiated by scripts on the main page. For example, fires BeforeNavigate2 events like crazy, and they are not a result of link invocation.
Replies appreciated!
What I ended up doing was using IHTMLDocument directly rather than IWebBrowser. IWebBrowser is a superset of IHTMLDocument, and the navigation model implemented by IWebBrowser isn't customizable to the degree I wanted.
I actually got MS Developer Support involved and this approach was their recommendation. They say this is what Outlook uses for HTML-based email, which is the user experience I wanted to emulate. They also confirmed that there's no reliable way to filter the OnBeforeNavigate events that result from user action from those that result from script activity.
Hope this helps anybody facing the same issues. It wasn't too hard to port the code to use IHTMLDocument. If you end up doing this, you may also find yourself looking for a way to figure out when the document is done loading. To do that, hook HTMLDocumentEvents instead of DWebBrowserEvents, and look for the DISPID_HTMLDOCUMENTEVENTS_ONREADYSTATECHANGE event. It doesn't tell you what the ready state is; you need to call IHTMLDocument::get_readyState and parse the resulting string. Goofy, but there you go.
You can bind to onclick event before document is complete while creating browser in OnCreate() using IHTMLDocument2::put_onclick():
#include <comutil.h>
ClickEvents<RootFrame> clickEvents;
_variant_t clickDispatch;
clickDispatch.vt = VT_DISPATCH;
clickDispatch.pdispVal = &clickEvents;
CComQIPtr<IDispatch> dispatch;
hr = webBrowser2->get_Document(&dispatch);
ASSERT_EXIT(SUCCEEDED(hr), "webBrowser->get_Document(&dispatch)");
CComQIPtr<IHTMLDocument2> htmlDocument2;
hr = dispatch->QueryInterface(IID_IHTMLDocument2, (void**) &htmlDocument2);
ASSERT_EXIT(SUCCEEDED(hr), "dispatch->QueryInterface(&htmlDocument2)");
ClickEvents class implements IDispatch, you only need to implement Invoke method, in rest return E_NOTIMPL:
DISPPARAMS *pDispParams, VARIANT *pVarResult, EXCEPINFO *pExcepInfo, UINT *puArgErr)
CComQIPtr<IWebBrowser2> webBrowser2;
hr = rootFrame->GetDlgControl(rootFrame->rootview.GetDlgCtrlID(), IID_IWebBrowser2, (void**) &webBrowser2);
ASSERT_EXIT(SUCCEEDED(hr), "rootframe->GetDlgControl(IID_IWebBrowser2) failed");
CComQIPtr<IDispatch> dispatch;
hr = webBrowser2->get_Document(&dispatch);
ASSERT_EXIT(SUCCEEDED(hr), "webBrowser2->get_Document(&dispatch)");
CComQIPtr<IHTMLDocument2> htmlDocument2;
hr = dispatch->QueryInterface(IID_IHTMLDocument2, (void**) &htmlDocument2);
ASSERT_EXIT(SUCCEEDED(hr), "dispatch->QueryInterface(&htmlDocument2)");
CComQIPtr<IHTMLWindow2> htmlWindow2;
hr = htmlDocument2->get_parentWindow((IHTMLWindow2**) &htmlWindow2);
ASSERT_EXIT(SUCCEEDED(hr), "htmlDocument2->get_parentWindow(&htmlWindow2)");
CComQIPtr<IHTMLEventObj> htmlEvent;
hr = htmlWindow2->get_event(&htmlEvent);
ASSERT_EXIT(SUCCEEDED(hr), "htmlWindow2->get_event(&htmlEvent)");
CComQIPtr<IHTMLElement> htmlElement;
hr = htmlEvent->get_srcElement(&htmlElement);
ASSERT_EXIT(SUCCEEDED(hr), "htmlEvent->get_srcElement(&htmlElement)");
CComBSTR hrefAttr(L"href");
VARIANT attrValue;
hr = htmlElement->getAttribute(hrefAttr, 0 | 2, &attrValue); // 0 = case insensitive, 2 = return BSTR
ASSERT_EXIT(SUCCEEDED(hr), "htmlElement->getAttribute()");
wchar_t href[2084]; // maximum url length in IE,
wcsncpy_s(href, _countof(href), attrValue.bstrVal, _TRUNCATE);
if (!rootFrame->IsURLAllowed(href)) {
VARIANT variant;
variant.vt = VT_BOOL;
variant.boolVal = VARIANT_FALSE;
ShellExecute(0, L"open", href, 0, 0, SW_SHOWNORMAL);
return S_OK;
As you can see after querying some interfaces I finally have the element that got clicked, then I call IsURLAllowed() defined in my root frame to check whether to allow opening url in current webbrowser window or whether to open it using default browser on user's computer.
This handles all links even if they were appended to document using javascript.
The same should be done with "onsubmit" events for forms.
I also think I have a solution for "window.location" redirects in javascript, I haven't tested it yet, but I will soon test it and I will update this answer then. You could use a combination of "onunload" and "onbeforeunload" events along with DWebBrowserEvents2::BeforeNavigate2(), after onunload/onbeforeunload are called you will know that user is leaving current page so now in BeforeNavigate2() you can cancel it. You can attach unload events using IHTMLWindow2::put_onunload() and IHTMLWindow2::put_onbeforeunload().
See sources of a complete solution for the "onclick" below.
AttachClickEvents in BrowserFrame:
Invoke in ClickEvents(IDispatch):
I'm hypothesising here but yet another approach could be to maintain a count of navigation events, incrementing the counter on DISPID_BEFORENAVIGATE2 and decrementing it on occurrences of DISPID_NAVIGATECOMPLETE2 and DISPID_NAVIGATEERROR. With that in place, you could speculate that whenever you get DISPID_BEFORENAVIGATE2 and your counter is at zero, it is actual user navigation / link invocation.
I have no idea whether this approach would work, or whether those are the right events you'd need to make it work, but it could be worth investigating.
You could try a different approach instead and physically add the attribute target="_blank"
to all <a> tags in the rendered document.
This approach would involve waiting for DISPID_DOCUMENTCOMPLETE and then using IHTMLDocument3::getElementsByTagName() to fetch all of the anchor elements. You would then use IHTMLElement::setAttribute() to set target="_blank" on each of them.
It seems to me, that it you want "to open all links in a new IE window", it means that you want that the opening of new windows must be done in another process. The easiest way to do so: using CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application") way (see another question which solve a problem, which is opposite to your question: InternetExplorer.Application object and cookie container). With this way you will receive the best isolation from your application and the user who clicks on the link receive all possibilities which exist in IE. You should of cause continue usage of BeforeNavigate2 events to find out the moment when "a new IE window" should be opened.

QueryInterface method for the IID_IPersistStreamInit quit working

I have an application that I've been using to parse data from an HTML document. The application has been working for a few years until this week when the QueryInterface method for the IID_IPersistStreamInit started failing. The call to QueryInterface is returning -2147467262 which fails the SUCCEEDED(hr) test. Any ideas why this quit working?
if (!myIE->IsValid())
lpDispatch = myIE->GetHtmlDocument();
if (lpDispatch == NULL)
AfxMessageBox("Couldn't get IHTMLDocument2 interface!");
hr = lpDispatch->QueryInterface(IID_IPersistStreamInit, (void**) &lpPersistStream);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && lpPersistStream != NULL)
At what point are you executing the code above? In case it's not done, you should execute it only after the followings:
Navigating to about:blank to have mshtml loaded properly
Make sure the DocumentComplete event is called, meaning the navigation has completed, before you move on.
Only then is it safe to ask for the stream interface. For more, see Loading HTML content from a Stream.
Now, if all this is known and taken care of, you might pursue the solution from the other direction. The error code means "No such interface supported". I'd try finding out what is the component that contains that interface, and then re-register it. But given this is IE stuff you're dealing with, I kind of doubt it's installation got screwed.

How to send a link to an application, like Spotify does

When we save a level in our editor, we create a log file of any errors it contains. These consist basically of an error message and a path that allows the user to find the erronous item in a tree view.
What I want is to make that path a link, something like
< a href="editor://path/to/gameobject" > Click to see object in editor< /a >
The SO questions I've seen regarding this seems to point to this msdn page:
But from what I can tell, it will spawn a new instance of the application. What I want to do is to simply "call" our editor somehow. One way to do it, I guess, is to spawn it, and in the beginning check if there's already an instance running, and if so, send the commandline to it.
Is that the best way to do it? If so, any ideas on how to do it best? What are otherwise some ways that this could be done?
Also: does the msdn solution work across browsers? Our editor runs in Windows only, but people use IE, Fx, GC and Opera.
If you need the link to work in any viewer, yes, registering a protocol handler is the best way.
As for launching the editor, you could implement it as an out-of-process COM server, but if you've already got command line parsing sorted, you might as well use a window message or named pipe to pass that to the editor. If you're sending a window message, you could use FindWindow (with a unique class name) to check for a running instance.
Sounds like you solved it already, by checking for a previous instance.
I would be surprised if the OS takes upon it to somehow "stamp" the association with data telling it to separate programs that should run multiple times from programs that should not.
Here's how I solved it. Basically, there are two parts. Or three.
First, the app needs to register itself in the registry, like this. It took some googling to find out how to use the windows register functions, but they were pretty straightforward. By adding this to the registry, your application will launch when a link with your custom url protocol is clicked.
Secondly, the app needs to detect that it's been started from a browser. Obviously quite trivial, just check the command line for "/uri" or however you chose to customize it.
Third, you don't actually want to start your application - it should already be running! Instead, when you've detected that you got started from a hyperlink, you need to detect if another instance of the application is already running. After that, you need to pass the command line to it. Here's how I did it:
bool ShouldContinueStartEditor( const std::string& command_line )
// Check if this instance was spawned from a web browser
if ( command_line.find( "/uri" ) != std::string::npos )
// Try to find other instance of JustEdit
HWND wnd = FindWindow( "AV_MainFrame", NULL );
if ( wnd )
NEditorCopyData::SCommandLine data_to_copy;
strncpy( data_to_copy.m_CommandLine, command_line.c_str(), sizeof(data_to_copy.m_CommandLine) - 2 );
cds.dwData = NEditorCopyData::ECommandLine; // function identifier
cds.cbData = sizeof( data_to_copy ); // size of data
cds.lpData = &data_to_copy; // data structure
SendMessage( wnd, WM_COPYDATA, NULL, (LPARAM) (LPVOID) &cds );
return false;
return true;
"AV_Mainframe" is the name of the hwnd. If you happen to be using WTL, you can declare it like this.
Now, in your window class, you need to handle the WM_COPYDATA message like this:
LRESULT OnCopyData(UINT /*uMsg*/, WPARAM /*wParam*/, LPARAM /*lParam*/, BOOL& /*bHandled*/);
LRESULT CMainFrame::OnCopyData(UINT /*uMsg*/, WPARAM /*wParam*/, LPARAM lParam, BOOL& /*bHandled*/)
if ( cds->dwData == NEditorCopyData::ECommandLine )
NEditorCopyData::SCommandLine* command_line = static_cast( cds->lpData );
const char* internal_path = strstr( command_line->m_CommandLine, "/uri" );
if ( internal_path != NULL )
// Do your thang
return 0;
And that's pretty much all there's to it. Oh, this is what the copy data namespace looks like:
namespace NEditorCopyData
enum ECopyDataMessages
ECommandLine = 0
struct SCommandLine
char m_CommandLine[512];