What is the simplest and most practical way to check if on a given system all the libraries that a given source will need are installed together with the headers ?
The library version must also mandatory being checked, and in case of a library that is too new or too old a warning or an error must be thrown or even better the correct version installed automatically !
How can this be done in Cmake or with normal Makefiles ?
I am compiling a shared library using g++ on SUse Linux with cmake that depends on libicuuc.so and friends.
Suse has libicuuc.so, libicuuc.so.46 and libicuuc.so.46.1 in /usr/lib.
Now when I use ldd to list the dependencies of my library it tells me that it depends on libicuuc.so.46.
Since I want to distribute my library in binary form (it takes about 45 minutes to compile on a fast PC) this dependency is a problem. The target PCs have different versions of libicuuc.so.
What can I do so that my library depends on libicuuc.so and not libicuuc.so.46?
I tried to remove the so.46 versions in my /usr/lib folder before compiling but libicuuc.so depends on libicudata.so.46 so I keep that dependency on a 46 version what I try to avoid.
Read about external library versioning here.
What can I do so that my library depends on libicuuc.so and not libicuuc.so.46?
You can't do anything about that. The libicuuc.so that you have has SONAME set to libicuuc.so.46, and the linker dutifully records that dependency (as it should).
If developers release libicuuc.so.47, they would do so because the new library is not ABI-compatible with the old one (at least that's what they should do if they are not clueless).
If your library loaded libcuuc.so.47 (as you want it to), it would most likely crash due to the ABI incompatibility. Or worse: corrupt your end user's data. So achieving your desired result would get you into worse trouble than what you have now (not running is better than randomly crashing or corrupting data).
The libicuuc.so documentation explicitly states that "Binary compatibility is for versions that share the same major+minor number."
That means: you can't link a library compiled with version 4.6 (SONAME libicuuc.so.46) and expect it work with version 4.7.
You must either rebuild your library for each version of ICUUC, or distribute matching libicuuc.so.NN with your library (and hope that the user is not already using some other version of libicuuc).
Another possible alternative: statically link libicuuc.a into your library, and hide all of libicuuc.a symbols so they don't conflict with anything else. Note: this has licensing implications.
I'm building my program on my computer, on which libtiff.so -> libtiff.so.5.
And then pushing the builds on another machine on which libtiff.so -> libtiff.so.4.
At runtime, my program exists : « error while loading shared libraries: libtiff.so.5: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory ».
I cannot upgrade the other machine, and I would like to avoid compiling on a virtual machine (with the same linux version than the executing machine). Therefore, I would like to force the compiler to use the libtiff.so.4 instead of libtiff.so.5.
I have libtiff.so.4 installed on my computer (as well as libtiff.so.5). How can I force the linkage with this version instead of the newer version. I thought about moving the libtiff.so -> libtiff.so.4, but I'm afraid of breaking my system if it needs the latest version (apt-get purge libtiff5 gives an error because some other package needs it).
Is it possible to link with an older (installed) version of a library? If yes, how?
And is it harmfull to change the symbolic link of libtiff.so to the older version? If not, will it solve my issue?
You can use this syntax to link to a specific version of a library:
gcc [other options] -l:libtiff.so.4
You do not need to specify a path; the usual directories are searched in order to find the library.
Note: as Michael Wild mentioned, you should have the header files for that version installed instead of the newest ones.
As others have mentioned, you can force the linker by specifying the full versioned name, or even the absolute path.
However, I would strongly advice against doing so. The problem is, that the installed headers correspond to the newer version of the library. If there have been API/ABI-breaking changes between these library versions, the program might work, crash intermittently, or if you're lucky, not work at all.
Instead you should temporarily install the development package that corresponds to the libtiff.so.4 library. If on Debian/Ubuntu or similar, this would be the libtiff4-dev package.
Specify the full path to the .so: instead of -ltiff pass /lib64/libtiff.so.4 to the linker.
You see that error when application is running. So you can either stop your application and then exrract your library tar file. Or, force to link the lib file to the newer version after you extract. In second case, you will use something like:
ln -fs libversionname libfile
ln -fs libomyapp.1.1.3 libomyapp.lib
This links your libomyapp.lib to the version specified. This can be your older vsersion or your newer version.
But as said, best way to work is to bring down your application to properly match to the expected lib functionality to work without errors or issues.
I have a program which depends on MSVCR90.dll, library which I'm shipping with it alongside the main executable among other things:
I wanted to know if when a new update to it is available (fixing a security issue for example) the one I supply would take precedence over the updated file in System32 or SxS.
Is there a way to programatically know which version of the C runtime is being used?
You can check the executables import header to find which version of C runtime it has got references to. Removing it from system32 directory wont help, instead it will create a crash.
I am trying to make my autotools project in C++ link against library, that originates as C library (libsomelib.so), but also has bindings to c++ (libsomelib++.so). I ma trying to use PKG_CHECK_MODULES to check if this package is installed, and use autotools to link against it. However both libs come in one package (c++ version requires configure flag), and have only one .pc file, in which independently of configuration settings there is only line
Libs: -L${libdir} -lsomelib
without any mentioning of ++ version. There is also no separate ++.pc file that i noticed at other programs. Therefore automatic linking against ++ version is impossible. I thought about manually adding -lsomelib++ to linking flags, but that's rather ugly (and it will not work if somebody compiled it without --with-cxx flag). I could also test for it's existence by AC_SEARCH_LIBS, but since it's C++ library it's not so straightforward.
Is missing ++.pc file mistake of package distributor or is it some deeper idea, and i don't know how to use it?
If somebody is really qurious i will say that package in question is ossp-uuid.
Yes, the missing ++.pc usually hints towards an omission on behalf of the packager.
BTW: If simple (DCE) UUIDs are sufficient, you could consider e2fsprogs/util-linux's libuuid (in case you run this OS).
Whenever we specify -lxerces-c, this looks for libxerces-c.so library in the LIBPATH.
Q1. Why are lib files then generated as libxerces-c.so.28?
Q2. How should we link against such libraries?
The only way I can think of is create a soft link libxerces-c.so which links to the file libxerces-c.so.28. I feel this as an overhead to do. Is there any other way around which is better?
The file name has a version number so that you can have one program that uses version 2.8 and a different program that uses version 2.9. This way, adding a new version of the library will not change the behavior of existing programs that use an old library.
Normally, there should also be a file libxerces-c.so which is a sym link to the version of the library you want your newly built programs to use.
Many Unix package managers will have a separate development package that installs the symlink. It sounds like you don't have the devel package installed.
There's one more reason to it: when linking to libxerces-c you also probably include some xerces header files in your program. And those headers are tied latest version of binary library (through libxerces-c.so symlink).
Meaning that if you compile with headers from xerces-2.8 and link libxerces-2.9 library binaries there's a great chance it will not work out.
Think of it as a precaution from mixing headers and binary libraries.