calling a init method of component b from a - coldfusion

In one of my components, abc.cfc, I am extending another one: xyz.cfc. Component xyz.cfc has an init() method which is expecting: datasource,username,password.
In my application, I am using it like this:
<cfset this.mappings = structNew() />
<cfset this.mappings["/com"] = getDirectoryFromPath(getCurrentTemplatePath()) & "com/">
<cfset = new>
Now in abc.cfc I am doing the following:
<cfcomponent hint="The File which acces the Information about the Detail" extends="xyz">
and xyz.cfc has the following function:
<cffunction name="init" access="public" output="No" returntype="mysql" hint="Initializes the component">
<cfargument name="datasource" required="Yes" type="string" />
<cfargument name="username" required="Yes" type="string" />
<cfargument name="password" required="Yes" type="string" />
variables.instance = structNew();
setDatasource(argumentcollection=arguments); // set datasource information
clearCache(); // create cache struct
variables.instance.trim = true;
return this;
It is producing an error like this:
The DATASOURCE parameter to the INIT function is required but was not passed in. The error occurred in C:/ColdFusion11/cfusion/wwwroot/project1/admin/Application.cfc: line 28

You just pass the argument values in the constructor call:
<cfset = new, etc)>


Retrieve email and phone number via Google API

I am working with Google API using Coldfusion, So making a call to the following URL:{userID}?key={MyGoogleKey}
I am able to get the details of the user. Whatever they have shared in their google plus account. One thing that is missing is their email address and phone numbers (if available).
I think, I need to make another call to the API to get the email and phone numbers, but I am struggling with how to do that. Here is the code I am trying to use:
<cfset objGoogPlus = createObject("component","services.auth").init(apikey="#application.google_server_key#",parseResults=true)>
<cfdump var="#objGoogPlus.people_get(userID='')#">
<cffunction name="init" access="public" output="false" hint="I am the constructor method.">
<cfargument name="apiKey" required="true" type="string" hint="I am the application's API key to access the services." />
<cfargument name="parseResults" required="false" type="boolean" default="false" hint="A boolean value to determine if the output data is parsed or returned as a string" />
<cfset variables.instance.apikey = arguments.apiKey />
<cfset variables.instance.parseResults = arguments.parseResults />
<cfset variables.instance.endpoint = '' />
<cfreturn this />
<cffunction name="getparseResults" access="package" output="false" hint="I return the parseresults boolean value.">
<cfreturn variables.instance.parseResults />
<cffunction name="people_get" access="public" output="false" hint="I get a person's profile.">
<cfargument name="userID" required="true" type="string" hint="The ID of the person to get the profile for. The special value 'me' can be used to indicate the authenticated user." />
<cfargument name="parseResults" required="false" type="boolean" default="#getparseResults()#" hint="A boolean value to determine if the output data is parsed or returned as a string" />
<cfset var strRequest = variables.instance.endpoint & 'people/' & arguments.userID & '?key=' & variables.instance.apikey />
<cfreturn getRequest(URLResource=strRequest, parseResults=arguments.parseResults) />
<cffunction name="getRequest" access="private" output="false" hint="I make the GET request to the API.">
<cfargument name="URLResource" required="true" type="string" hint="I am the URL to which the request is made." />
<cfargument name="parseResults" required="true" type="boolean" hint="A boolean value to determine if the output data is parsed or returned as a string" />
<cfset var cfhttp = '' />
<cfhttp url="#arguments.URLResource#" method="get" />
<cfreturn handleReturnFormat(data=cfhttp.FileContent, parseResults=arguments.parseResults) />
<cffunction name="handleReturnFormat" access="private" output="false" hint="I handle how the data is returned based upon the provided format">
<cfargument name="data" required="true" type="string" hint="The data returned from the API." />
<cfargument name="parseResults" required="true" type="boolean" hint="A boolean value to determine if the output data is parsed or returned as a string" />
<cfif arguments.parseResults>
<cfreturn DeserializeJSON( />
<cfreturn serializeJSON(DeserializeJSON( />
<cffunction access="public" name="getProfileEmail" returntype="any" returnformat="json">
<cfargument name="accesstoken" default="" required="yes" type="any">
<cfhttp url=""; method="get" resolveurl="yes" result="httpResult">
<cfhttpparam type="header" name="Authorization" value="OAuth #arguments.accesstoken#">
<cfhttpparam type="header" name="GData-Version" value="3">
<cfreturn DeserializeJSON(httpResult.filecontent.toString())>
I do not what to say, but i used the following method and its seems to bring the email-address, not with new way but with old way:
<cfset googleLogin = objLogin.initiate_login(
loginUrlBase = "",
loginClientID = application.google_client_id,
loginRedirectURI = application.google_redirecturl,
loginScope = ""
I discuss Google+ and Sign In via this blog post (, and yes, I know it is bad to just point to a blog post so none of my hard work there will be appreciated by SO (sigh). As Prisoner said, what you get is based on the scopes initially requested. Here are the docs on additional scopes: Email is there, but not phone as far as I see. And to be honest, I don't see a place to enter my phone # at Google+ anyway.
Based on the "getProfileEmail" function that you've added, it looks like you're using the userinfo scope and access point. Google has announced that this method is deprecated and will be removed in September 2014.
You should switch to using the people.get method and adding the email scope to the G+ Sign-in button that Raymond has outlined on his blog.
In your call to objLogin.initiate_login you should change the loginScope parameter to use both the profile and email scopes at a minimum (see for a more complete list of scopes you may wish to use). So it might look something like:
<cfset googleLogin = objLogin.initiate_login(
loginUrlBase = "",
loginClientID = application.google_client_id,
loginRedirectURI = application.google_redirecturl,
loginScope = "profile email"
You can then use the people.get API call to get the information you need. Looking at your getRequest function, however, this appears to call people.get using the API Key, which is insufficient to get email - all it can do is get public information. You need to call people.get in the same way you called userinfo in the getProfileEmail function. I don't know ColdFusion well enough, but you should be able to adapt this function to call the people.get endpoint instead.

consuming coldfusion webservices

I am trying to build a web service. Here is my code for a simple web service which returns a string.
At the beginning i inserted some code from ben nadel
It refreshes the stubfile automatically because otherwise you get errors while passing parameters.
output = "false"
hint="This handles core web service features">
hint="Returns an initialized web service instance.">
<cfreturn THIS />
hint="Rebuilds the WSDL file at the given url.">
<cfargument name="Password" type="string" required="true" default="" />
<cfif NOT Compare(ARGUMENTS.Password, "sweetlegs!")>
<cfset CreateObject("java", "coldfusion.server.ServiceFactory"
GetPageContext().GetRequest().GetRequestUrl().Append("?wsdl").ToString()) />
<cfreturn />
<cfargument name="anyOutput" type="string" default="this and that" />
<cfargument name="xtype" type="string" required="yes" default="1" />
<cfif Compare(xtype, "1") EQ 0>
<cfset anyVar = "one" />
<cfset anyVar = "two" />
<cfreturn anyVar>
Here I am trying to invoke the webservice.
value="sweetlegs!" />
returnVariable="anyVar" >
<cfdump var="#anyVar#">
The first method of my web service component can be invoked but the second one always returns this error message:
coldfusion.xml.rpc.ServiceProxy$ServiceMethodNotFoundException: Web service operation easyService with parameters {xtype={2}} cannot be found.
at coldfusion.xml.rpc.ServiceProxy.invoke(
at coldfusion.runtime.CfJspPage._invoke(
at coldfusion.tagext.lang.InvokeTag.doEndTag(
If i type in the url of the webservice, by adding
it returns the right value. but this is like passing values with a GET method.
i have been searching for hours and don't know where the problem occures.
I think when using WebService call you need to specify all arguments and use omit="true" on the proper one (not on xtype).
returnVariable="anyVar" >

calling a method within CFC Failing, but creating it as an object is working fine

Getting something really strange that I just can't work out.
I have 3 methods within a CFC (guest.cfc):
- save
- create
- update
I pass an argumentCollection to the save method.
saveGuest =
If it includes an Identier, it passes the argumentCollecion to the update method, if it doesn't then it passes the collection to the create method.
This is working fine when called from one place int the app, but when I created a new call to the save method, the create method works fine, but if an ID is passed in the update method is called I receive an error that the UPDATE variable does not exists.
But, if I change the way I call it by creating an object of the cfc, it works..
saveObject = update(argumentCollection = arguments;
Does not work. Receive an error that the update variable does not exist.
saveObject = createObject("component",'guest').update(argumentCollection = arguments);
DOES work.
note that both these calls are occuring within the guest.cfc itself.
This issue doesn't occur when I pass a form struct to the save method, but does occur when I pass it a standard struct (constructed from an XML import).
Very strange.
Anyone have any ideas on what might causing this?
EDIT 24 April - Added Code for guest.cfc
<cffunction name="save" output="false" access="remote" hint="save guest">
<cfargument name="title" type="any" required="false" default="" />
<cfargument name="first_name" type="any" required="false" default="" />
<cfargument name="surname" type="any" required="false" default="" />
<cfargument name="dob" type="any" required="false" default="NULL" />
<cfargument name="partner_first_name" type="any" required="false" default="" />
<cfargument name="partner_surname" type="any" required="false" default="" />
<cfargument name="partner_dob" type="any" required="false" default="NULL" />
<cfargument name="address_1" type="any" required="false" default="" />
<cfargument name="address_2" type="any" required="false" default="" />
<cfargument name="address_3" type="any" required="false" default="" />
<cfargument name="city" type="any" required="false" default="" />
<cfargument name="state" type="any" required="false" default="" />
<cfargument name="postcode" type="any" required="false" default="" />
<cfargument name="country" type="any" required="false" default="" />
<cfargument name="phone_bh" type="any" required="false" default="" />
<cfargument name="phone_ah" type="any" required="false" default="" />
<cfargument name="phone_mob" type="any" required="false" default="" />
<cfargument name="fax" type="any" required="false" default="" />
<cfargument name="email" type="any" required="false" default="" />
<cfargument name="business" type="any" required="false" default="" />
<cfargument name="notes" type="any" required="false" default="" />
<cfargument name="referer" type="any" required="false" default="" />
<cfargument name="prospect" type="any" required="false" default="" />
<cfargument name="occasion" type="any" required="false" default="" />
<cfargument name="occasion_date" type="any" required="false" default="NULL" />
<!---pass to Create or Save--->
<cfif NOT isdefined("arguments.guest_id") OR arguments.guest_id EQ "0">
<cfset saveObject = create(argumentCollection = arguments) />
<cfset saveObject = update(argumentCollection = arguments) />
<cfreturn saveObject>
<cffunction name="create" output="false" access="private" returntype="struct" hint="Create a New Item">
<cfargument name="provider_id" type="any" required="false" default="#session.providerID#" />
<cfargument name="ext_ref_id" type="any" required="false" default="NULL" />
<cfargument name="tstamp" type="any" required="false" default="#session.tStamp#" />
<cfif isValid('date',arguments.occasion_date)>
<cfset iOccasionDate = createODBCDateTime(arguments.occasion_date)>
<cfset iOccasionDate = "NULL">
<cfset returnStruct = StructNew()>
<cfquery name="insertGuest" datasource="#Application.ds#">
INSERT INTO guest (provider_id, ext_ref_id, title, first_name, surname, full_name, partner_first_name, partner_surname, partner_full_name, address_1, address_2, address_3, city, state, postcode, country, phone_bh, phone_ah, phone_mob, fax, email, company, notes, referer, prospect, occasion, occasion_date, tstamp)
VALUES (#provider_id#, #ext_ref_id#, '#arguments.title#', '#arguments.first_name#', '#arguments.surname#', '#arguments.first_name# #arguments.surname#', '#arguments.partner_first_name#', '#arguments.partner_surname#', '#arguments.partner_first_name# #arguments.partner_surname#', '#arguments.address_1#', '#arguments.address_2#', '#arguments.address_3#', '', '#arguments.state#', '#arguments.postcode#', '', '#arguments.phone_bh#', '#arguments.phone_ah#', '#arguments.phone_mob#', '#arguments.fax#', '', '', '#arguments.notes#', '#arguments.referer#', '#arguments.prospect#', '#arguments.occasion#', #iOccasionDate#, #CreateODBCDateTime(tstamp)#)
<cfquery name="guest" datasource="#Application.ds#">
SELECT max(guest_id) as id
FROM guest
WHERE provider_id = #provider_id#
<cfset =>
<cfreturn returnStruct>
<cffunction name="update" output="false" access="private" returntype="struct" hint="Update an existing item">
<!---general details--->
<cfquery name="update" datasource="#Application.ds#">
UPDATE guest
SET provider_id = provider_id
<cfif isdefined("arguments.title")>
,title = '#arguments.title#'
<cfif isdefined("arguments.first_name")>
,first_name = '#arguments.first_name#'
<cfif isdefined("arguments.surname")>
,surname = '#arguments.surname#'
<cfif isdefined("arguments.full_name")>
,full_name = '#arguments.full_name#'
<cfif isdefined("arguments.dob")>
,dob = #formDate2odbcDate(arguments.dob)#
<cfif isdefined("arguments.partner_first_name")>
,partner_first_name = '#arguments.partner_first_name#'
<cfif isdefined("arguments.partner_surname")>
,partner_surname = '#arguments.partner_surname#'
<cfif isdefined("arguments.partner_full_name")>
,partner_full_name = '#arguments.partner_full_name#'
<cfif isdefined("arguments.partner_dob")>
,partner_dob = #formDate2odbcDate(arguments.partner_dob)#
<cfif isdefined("arguments.address_1")>
,address_1 = '#arguments.address_1#'
<cfif isdefined("arguments.address_2")>
,address_2 = '#arguments.address_2#'
<cfif isdefined("arguments.address_3")>
,address_3 = '#arguments.address_3#'
<cfif isdefined("")>
,city = ''
<cfif isdefined("arguments.state")>
,state = '#arguments.state#'
<cfif isdefined("arguments.postcode")>
,postcode = '#arguments.postcode#'
<cfif isdefined("")>
,country = ''
<cfif isdefined("arguments.phone_bh")>
,phone_bh = '#arguments.phone_bh#'
<cfif isdefined("arguments.phone_ah")>
,phone_ah = '#arguments.phone_ah#'
<cfif isdefined("arguments.phone_mob")>
,phone_mob = '#arguments.phone_mob#'
<cfif isdefined("arguments.fax")>
,fax = '#arguments.fax#'
<cfif isdefined("")>
,email = ''
<cfif isdefined("arguments.subscribe_email_broadcast")>
,subscribe_email_broadcast = '#arguments.subscribe_email_broadcast#'
<cfif isdefined("")>
,company = ''
<cfif isdefined("arguments.notes")>
,notes = '#arguments.notes#'
<cfif isdefined("arguments.prospect")>
,prospect = '#arguments.prospect#'
<cfif isdefined("arguments.occasion")>
,occasion = '#arguments.occasion#'
<cfif isdefined("arguments.occasion_date")>
,occasion_date = #formDate2odbcDate(arguments.occasion_date)#
WHERE guest_id = #arguments.guest_id#
<cfset returnStruct = structNew()>
<cfset = arguments.guest_id>
<cfreturn returnStruct>
In CF, when inside a function and you write things like <cfset iOccasionDate = ... > and <cfquery name="insertGuest" ...> you are creating these in the global variables scope of that CFC/template.
You need to write either <cfset var iOccasionDate = ... > or <cfset local.iOccasionDate = ... > or <cfquery name="local.insertGuest" ...> to ensure they are created in the local variable scope for the function, and don't overwrite other variables.
Your specific problem is because you have this:
<cfquery name="update" datasource="#Application.ds#">
So you're overwriting your update function with an update query.
A few quick things to note:
The local scope works in CF9 and above. If you're in CF8 or below you need to mimic it by writing <cfset var local = StructNew() /> at the top of your function.
If you use Railo or OpenBD there are settings to change the default behaviour to always create in local scope (which avoids the need for var/local scoping), but ACF does not have this option (yet?)
Use cfqueryparam! - Simon has already mentioned this, but it's important enough to be repeated. You should always handle data based on where it will be used - to prevent intentional and accidental injection attacks - and for cfquery that means using cfqueryparam.
It's a bit hard to be more precise without samples of the CFC code and the calling code, however I'd be inclined to suggest that you check the init() of your component. Have you got an init() method, and are you calling it? For example, outline of a component definition
<cffunction name="init" access="public">
<cfreturn this>
<cffunction name="save" access="public">
<!--- logic --->
<cffunction name="create" access="public">
<!--- logic --->
<cffunction name="update" access="public">
<!--- logic --->
This would then be called by either of the following
// This will work in CF9 upwards
objCFC = new guest(/* add any arguments you have in the init() method here */);
// This also works
objCFC = CreateObject('component','guest').init(/* add any arguments you have in the init() method here */);
edit following your example
That CFC is nasty. There are various glaring issues.
You are relying on application/session scope within the CFC thus forcing it to rely on global variables. This is what an init() method is used for among other things, as you could init(datasource, provider_id, ext_ref_id, tstamp), store those in variables. scope, and thus it will no longer be vulnerable to variables being undefined outside the CFC
You are using a LOT of VARCHAR fields with NO escaping whatsoever with a cfc with remote access permitted. This is quite vulnerable to SQL injection. Mr Bobby Tables can show you why this is bad ( )
You keep using string value NULL. If you pass this through into a database within a varchar/quotes then it will be stored as 'NULL' and not as a database NULL value
All in all, the best course of action would be to rewrite this component. The code changes on anything that uses the component will be minimal to the point of having to add in an init() and maybe removing some arguments however you will find the stability of it improved and all being well this odd issue will disappear.

returning multiple stored procedure result sets from a cfc

I am trying to convert some pages from my app to use cfc's, and one page uses a stored procedure to retrieve a couple sets of data.
Now when I access the results, they act just like a if I used a <cfquery> tag, and all of the functionality that gives. So now I am trying to use this same stored procedure in a cfc that I am building, and I would like to be able access the results in the same manner, and there in lies my problem. I'm not sure how to return multiple queries from the function, without creating an array, which I have started. By the way, the function is incomplete. I was just trying to get something to work. In the below setup I get an array of query objects, but I feel there is a better way to do it.
Here is the <cffuntion>:
<cffunction name="getProfileData"
<cfargument name="cusip" type="string" required="true">
<cfargument name="report_date" type="date" required="true">
<cfset var errorMessage = "everything is good">
<cfstoredproc datasource="#dsn#" procedure="prc_asset_profile_retrieve">
<cfprocparam type="in" cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar" value="#cusip#" dbvarname="#cusip">
<cfprocparam type="in" cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar" value="#report_date#" dbvarname="#reportDate">
<cfprocresult name="profile_head" resultset="1">
<cfprocresult name="attribution" resultset="2">
<cfprocresult name="characteristics" resultset="3">
<cfprocresult name="exposure" resultset="4">
<cfprocresult name="weights" resultset="5">
<cfprocresult name="holdings" resultset="6">
<cfset var profileArray = []>
<cfset #ArrayAppend(profileArray,profile_head)#>
<cfcatch type="any">
<cfset errorMessage = "something happened">
<cfreturn profileArray>
When I output some test data, it matches up
<cfset count = fund_profile.getProfileData("#cusip#","#report_date#")>
<cfdump var="#count[1]#">
From cfc (##count[1].recordCount##): #count[1].recordCount#<br>
From stored proc (##profile_head.recordCount##): #profile_head.recordCount#
I get:
From cfc (#count[1].recordCount#): 1
From stored proc (#profile_head.recordCount#): 1
But the second way looks so much cleaner.
-----------------------------WORKING SOLUTION------------------------------
So after working with the answer from #leigh, I came up with this.
Here is the full cfc:
<cfcomponent displayname="Fund Profile" hint="This is the cfc that will do the processing of all fund profile information" output="false">
<cfproperty name = "result1"> <!--- PROFILE HEAD --->
<cfproperty name = "result2"> <!--- ATTRIBUTION --->
<cfproperty name = "result3"> <!--- CHARACTERISTICS --->
<cfproperty name = "result4"> <!--- EXPOSURE --->
<cfproperty name = "result5"> <!--- WEIGHTS --->
<cfproperty name = "result6"> <!--- HOLDINGS --->
<cffunction name="init"
hint="This will initialize the object"
<cfargument name="dsn" type="string" required="true" />
<cfargument name="cusip" type="string" required="true" />
<cfargument name="report_date" type="date" required="true" />
<cfset variables.dsn = #arguments.dsn#>
<cfset variables.cusip = #arguments.cusip#>
<cfset variables.report_date = #arguments.report_date#>
<cfreturn this>
<cffunction name="getProfileData"
<cfargument name="cusip" type="string" required="true">
<cfargument name="report_date" type="date" required="true">
<cfstoredproc datasource="#dsn#" procedure="prc_asset_profile_retrieve">
<cffunction name="setProfileHead" access="private">
<cfargument name="ProfileHead">
<cfset variables.result1 = arguments.ProfileHead>
<cffunction name="getProfileHead" access="public" returntype="query">
<cfreturn variables.result1>
Here is the code from the calling page:
<cfset fund_profile = CreateObject("component", "CFCs.fund_profile").init("#dsn#","#cusip#","#report_date#")>
<cfset profile_head = fund_profile.getProfileHead()>
Sorry for all the code, but I wanted to make the code available. So does anyone see any problems with what I came up with?
A function can only return a single value. If you wish to return multiple values, you will need to use some type of complex object (an array, structure, ...) If arrays are not intuitive enough, you could place the queries in a structure and return that instead. Then the calling page could access the queries by name, rather than index.
(Side note, be sure to properly var scope/localize all function variables.)
<cfset var data = {}>
<!--- store query results in structure --->
<cfset data.profile_head = profile_head>
<cfset data.attribution = attribution>
<cfset = holdings>
<!--- return structure --->
<cfreturn data>
I would create other methods in the CFC that would each be responsible for returning a result from the stored proc. In the main method , call setters
<cffunction name=ProfileHead>
<cfarguments name=ProfileHead />
<cfset variables.profilehead = arguments.profilehead>
<cffunction name=GetProfileHead>
<cfreturn variables.profileHead />

NTLM Authentication in ColdFusion

Is there a recommended (and preferably free) way in ColdFusion to access a remote file that is protected by NTLM authentication? The cfhttp tag appears to only support Basic authentication.
This CFX Tag - CFX_HTTP5 - should do what you need. It does cost $50, but perhaps it's worth the cost? Seems like a small price to pay.
Here is some code I found in:
There are also examples for ldap, webservices, and more.. I'll paste 2 files here so you can have an idea, code looks like it should still work.
<cfapplication name="example2" sessionmanagement="Yes" loginStorage="Session">
<!-- Application.cfm -->
<!-- CFMX will check for authentication with each page request. -->
<cfset Request.myDomain="allaire">
<cfif isdefined("url.logout")>
<cfif not IsDefined("cflogin")>
<cfinclude template="loginform.cfm">
<!--Invoke NTSecurity CFC -->
<cfinvoke component = "NTSecurity" method = "authenticateAndGetGroups"
returnVariable = "userRoles" domain = "#Request.myDomain#"
userid = "" passwd = "#cflogin.password#">
<cfif userRoles NEQ "">
<cfloginuser name = "" password = "#cflogin.password#" roles="#stripSpacesfromList(userRoles)#">
<cfset session.displayroles=stripSpacesfromList(userRoles)><!--- for displaying roles only --->
<cfset loginmessage="Invalid Login">
<cfinclude template="loginform.cfm">
<!-- strips leading & trailing spaces from the list of roles that was returned -->
<cffunction name="stripSpacesfromList">
<cfargument name="myList">
<cfset myArray=listtoarray(arguments.myList)>
<cfloop index="i" from="1" to="#arraylen(myArray)#" step="1">
<!--- <cfset myArray[i]=replace(trim(myArray[i]), " ", "_")>
<cfset myArray[i]=trim(myArray[i])>
<cfset newList=arrayToList(myArray)>
<cfreturn newList>
This is the cfc that might be of interest to you:
This component implements methods for use for NT Authentication and Authorization.
$Log: NTSecurity.cfc,v $
Revision 1.1 2002/03/08 22:40:41 jking
Revision 1.2 2002/06/26 22:46 Brandon Purcell
component for authentication and authorization
<cfcomponent name="NTSecurity" >
<!--- Authenticates the user and outputs true on success and false on failure. --->
<cffunction name="authenticateUser" access="REMOTE" output="no" static="yes" hint="Authenticates the user." returntype="boolean">
<cfargument name="userid" type="string" required="true" />
<cfargument name="passwd" type="string" required="true" />
<cfargument name="domain" type="string" required="true" />
ntauth = createObject("java", "");
// authenticateUser throws an exception if it fails,
ntauth.authenticateUser(arguments.userid, arguments.passwd);
<cfreturn true>
<cfreturn false>
Authenticates the user and outputs true on success and false on failure.
<cffunction access="remote" name="getUserGroups" output="false" returntype="string" hint="Gets user groups." static="yes">
<cfargument name="userid" type="string" required="true" />
<cfargument name="domain" type="string" required="true" />
ntauth = createObject("java", "");
groups = ntauth.GetUserGroups(arguments.userid);
// note that groups is a java.util.list, which should be
// equiv to a CF array, but it's not right now???
groups = trim(groups.toString());
groups = mid(groups,2,len(groups)-2);
<cfreturn groups>
<cflog text="Error in ntsecurity.cfc method getUserGroups - Error: #cfcatch.message#" type="Error" log="authentication" file="authentication" thread="yes" date="yes" time="yes" application="no">
<cfreturn "">
This method combines the functionality of authenticateUser and getUserGroups.
<cffunction access="remote" name="authenticateAndGetGroups" output="false" returntype="string" hint="Authenticates the user and gets user groups if it returns nothing the user is not authticated" static="yes">
<cfargument name="userid" type="string" required="true" />
<cfargument name="passwd" type="string" required="true" />
<cfargument name="domain" type="string" required="true" />
ntauth = createObject("java", "");
// authenticateUser throws an exception if it fails,
// so we don't have anything specific here
ntauth.authenticateUser(arguments.userid, arguments.passwd);
groups = ntauth.GetUserGroups(arguments.userid);
// note that groups is a java.util.list, which should be
// equiv to a CF array, but it's not right now
groups = trim(groups.toString());
groups = mid(groups,2,len(groups)-2);
<cfreturn groups>
<cfreturn "">
If the code from Brandon Purcell that uses the class doesn't work for you in cf9 (it didn't for me) the fix is to use the class instead. Everything worked fine for me.
You could try following the guidance here:
Here is what it boils down to you doing:
edit the client-config.wsdd
In my case I fixed this problem using 'NTLM Authorization Proxy Server'
work fine for me :)