Before_save = Change default value for many to many - ruby-on-rails-4

Can someone help me figure out what code I should put in my change_default method?
I would like to be able to do something like this...
user = User.find(1)
My code:
class Role < ActiveRecord::Base
before_save :change_default
belongs_to :user
belongs_to :company
def change_default
#update default field for to false for current scope
#Update current record default field to true
#this is what I currently have, but it's not setting my defaults to false
if self.default == true
roles = Roles.where( :user_id => self.user_id)
roles.update_all(:default => false)
def default!
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :roles
has_many :companies, :through => :roles
class Company < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :roles
has_many :users, :through => :roles
Code run:
pry(main)> a.roles.last.default!
(0.1ms) begin transaction
SQL (0.4ms) UPDATE "roles" SET "default" = 'f' WHERE "roles"."user_id" = 1
(2.0ms) commit transaction
=> true
[5] pry(main)> a.roles
=> [#<Role id: 1, company_id: 1, name: nil, view_document: nil, edit_document: nil, upload_document: nil, delete_document: nil, review_document: nil, company_info: nil, company_clients: nil, company_users: nil, company_admin: nil, created_at: "2014-08-04 20:10:23", updated_at: "2014-08-04 22:29:40", user_id: 1, default: true>,
#<Role id: 2, company_id: 2, name: nil, view_document: nil, edit_document: nil, upload_document: nil, delete_document: nil, review_document: nil, company_info: nil, company_clients: nil, company_users: nil, company_admin: nil, created_at: "2014-08-04 20:11:10", updated_at: "2014-08-04 20:11:10", user_id: 1, default: nil>,
#<Role id: 3, company_id: 3, name: nil, view_document: nil, edit_document: nil, upload_document: nil, delete_document: nil, review_document: nil, company_info: nil, company_clients: nil, company_users: nil, company_admin: nil, created_at: "2014-08-04 20:11:14", updated_at: "2014-08-04 22:29:16", user_id: 1, default: true>]
As you can see the update ran, but the default values are not set to false. If you have any recommendations or things I can check, please let me know.

Needed to exclude the current record that is being modified. Added the where.not clause
def change_default
if self.default_changed? && self.default == true
roles = Role.where( :user_id => self.user_id)
roles = roles.where.not(:id =>
roles.update_all(:default => false)

Looks like in the example you never call save on the roles. Therefore, your before_save :change_default is not being executed. Perhaps adding in def default! would at least have the before_save be executed because I'm not sure that your current console test is actually running the change_default method.
If I am wrong and it actually is running, then I'm not sure why your block would not set the default value to false.


Work around for apps with existing Subscription model when using commentator gem

I am using commontator gem for implementing comments feature.But there is an issue since this gem also uses a subscription model and our gem also uses subscription model.
So there is a thread_id column associated with commontator's subscription table.But as it is accessing our subscription model....It gives an err PG::UndefinedColumn: ERROR: column subscriptions.thread_id does not exist
To the thread model which is actually giving the err and which has the association has_many: subscriptions ...I added the class_name as follows
module Commontator
class Thread < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :closer, polymorphic: true, optional: true
belongs_to :commontable, polymorphic: true, optional: true
has_many :comments, dependent: :destroy
has_many :subscriptions, class_name: "Commontator::Subscription", dependent: :destroy
But this too still returns my subscription model:
pry(#<Commontator::Thread>)> subscriber.subscriptions
=> [#<Subscription:0x00007fabcc5d3340
id: 1,
kind: "free",
end_date: nil,
user_id: 2,
channel_id: 1,
created_at: Thu, 04 Apr 2019 11:21:15 UTC +00:00,
updated_at: Thu, 04 Apr 2019 11:21:15 UTC +00:00>]
My user.rb includes has_many :subscriptions, dependent: :destroy
Commontator's subscription model vs my_subscription model
=> #<Commontator::Subscription id: nil, subscriber_type: nil, subscriber_id: nil, thread_id: nil, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil>
=> #<Subscription id: nil, kind: "free", end_date: nil, user_id: nil, channel_id: nil, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil>
Is there some way I can handel this without changing the name of my Subscription model??
#vaishnavi, commontator rails engine requires you to add acts_as_commontator to the model which should be allowed to comment.
In most of the rails application that would obviously include User model
Here is the PR which has changes needed to fix the problem.
Please try with gem 'commontator', git: "", branch: "fixes/issue-135" in your Gemfile and help others by testing and confirming, if it fixes the issue for you.
Hoping this fixes your problem and happy coding :)
Adding changes diff here for future reference, in case above PR gets deleted or lost
Change required is simple to change subscriptions association to commontator_subscriptions and change its references which are just only two (feeling lucky :) )
diff --git a/app/models/commontator/thread.rb b/app/models/commontator/thread.rb
index 83e51e3..b410b23 100644
--- a/app/models/commontator/thread.rb
+++ b/app/models/commontator/thread.rb
## -91,7 +91,7 ## module Commontator
def subscription_for(subscriber)
return nil if !subscriber || !subscriber.is_commontator
- subscriber.subscriptions.where(thread_id:
+ subscriber.commontator_subscriptions.where(thread_id:
def subscribe(subscriber)
diff --git a/lib/commontator/acts_as_commontator.rb b/lib/commontator/acts_as_commontator.rb
index 1497ebb..2fe11a6 100644
--- a/lib/commontator/acts_as_commontator.rb
+++ b/lib/commontator/acts_as_commontator.rb
## -17,12 +17,12 ## module Commontator
has_many :comments, as: :creator,
class_name: 'Commontator::Comment'
- has_many :subscriptions, as: :subscriber,
+ has_many :commontator_subscriptions, as: :subscriber,
class_name: 'Commontator::Subscription',
dependent: :destroy
diff --git a/spec/lib/commontator/acts_as_commontator_spec.rb b/spec/lib/commontator/acts_as_commontator_spec.rb
index 11a9cda..cade863 100644
--- a/spec/lib/commontator/acts_as_commontator_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/lib/commontator/acts_as_commontator_spec.rb
## -17,7 +17,7 ## module Commontator
it 'must modify models that act_as_commontator' do
user = DummyUser.create
expect(user).to respond_to(:comments)
- expect(user).to respond_to(:subscriptions)
+ expect(user).to respond_to(:commontator_subscriptions)
expect(user).to respond_to(:commontator_config)
expect(user.commontator_config).to be_a(CommontatorConfig)

It's not setting the state for comments post in a polymorphic association

I'm trying to put some state on my comments post who was created with polymorphic association.
in my app/controllers/posts/comments_controller.rb
class Posts::CommentsController < CommentsController
before_action :set_commentable
#after_create :set_post_state
def set_commentable
#commentable = Post.find(params[:post_id])
def set_post_state
#commentable.update(state_id: params[:state_id])
As you can see I'm debugging for watch if the state_id was updated and it wasn't.
Started POST "/posts/2/comments" for ::1 at 2018-03-19 13:42:10 +0100
Processing by Posts::CommentsController#create as HTML
Parameters: {"utf8"=>"✓", "authenticity_token"=>"2AqfjRll/e7FVbnhZTA1DroG1pDPhdpqoiifLJkrIs6zqlmJnTuVVDIu7g0Bsh0L11dfzc/pbQVzdTJvZc0HUg==", "comment"=>{"content"=>"test", "state_id"=>"1"}, "commit"=>"Create Comment", "post_id"=>"2"}
Post Load (0.3ms) SELECT "posts".* FROM "posts" WHERE "posts"."id" = ? LIMIT 1 [["id", 2]]
CACHE (0.1ms) SELECT "posts".* FROM "posts" WHERE "posts"."id" = ? LIMIT 1 [["id", "2"]]
(0.3ms) begin transaction
Post Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "posts" WHERE ("posts"."title" = 'Internet Explorer' AND "posts"."id" != 2) LIMIT 1
(0.1ms) commit transaction
Return value is: nil
[6, 15] in /Users/romenigld/ror_workspace/projects/news_city/app/controllers/posts/comments_controller.rb
7: def set_commentable
8: #commentable = Post.find(params[:post_id])
9: set_post_state
10: debugger
=> 11: end
13: def set_post_state
14: #commentable.update(state_id: params[:state_id])
15: end
(byebug) ap #commentable
/Users/romenigld/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.4.1#rails4.2.8/gems/awesome_print-1.7.0/lib/awesome_print/formatters/base_formatter.rb:31: warning: constant ::Fixnum is deprecated
#<Post:0x007fd03266b958> {
:id => 2,
:title => "Internet Explorer",
:subtitle => "My sample of the subtitle",
:content => "A sample post about Internet Explorer",
:created_at => Mon, 12 Mar 2018 16:18:28 UTC +00:00,
:updated_at => Mon, 12 Mar 2018 16:18:28 UTC +00:00,
:author_id => 1,
:attachment => #<AttachmentUploader:0x007fd0326602d8 #model=#<Post id: 2, title: "Internet Explorer", subtitle: "My sample of the subtitle", content: "A sample post about Internet Explorer", created_at: "2018-03-12 16:18:28", updated_at: "2018-03-12 16:18:28", author_id: 1, attachment: "attachment.jpeg", state_id: nil>, #mounted_as=:attachment, #storage=#<CarrierWave::Storage::File:0x007fd032660148 #uploader=#<AttachmentUploader:0x007fd0326602d8 ...>>, #file=#<CarrierWave::SanitizedFile:0x007fd03265b288 #file="/Users/romenigld/ror_workspace/projects/news_city/public/uploads/post/attachment/2/attachment.jpeg", #original_filename=nil, #content_type=nil>, #versions={:thumb=>#<AttachmentUploader::Uploader70266096198580:0x007fd03265b1c0 #model=#<Post id: 2, title: "Internet Explorer", subtitle: "My sample of the subtitle", content: "A sample post about Internet Explorer", created_at: "2018-03-12 16:18:28", updated_at: "2018-03-12 16:18:28", author_id: 1, attachment: "attachment.jpeg", state_id: nil>, #mounted_as=:attachment, #parent_version=#<AttachmentUploader:0x007fd0326602d8 ...>, #storage=#<CarrierWave::Storage::File:0x007fd03265b008 #uploader=#<AttachmentUploader::Uploader70266096198580:0x007fd03265b1c0 ...>>, #file=#<CarrierWave::SanitizedFile:0x007fd032659fc8 #file="/Users/romenigld/ror_workspace/projects/news_city/public/uploads/post/attachment/2/thumb_attachment.jpeg", #original_filename=nil, #content_type=nil>, #versions={}>, :small_thumb=>#<AttachmentUploader::Uploader70266096186560:0x007fd03265b198 #model=#<Post id: 2, title: "Internet Explorer", subtitle: "My sample of the subtitle", content: "A sample post about Internet Explorer", created_at: "2018-03-12 16:18:28", updated_at: "2018-03-12 16:18:28", author_id: 1, attachment: "attachment.jpeg", state_id: nil>, #mounted_as=:attachment, #parent_version=#<AttachmentUploader:0x007fd0326602d8 ...>, #storage=#<CarrierWave::Storage::File:0x007fd032659d70 #uploader=#<AttachmentUploader::Uploader70266096186560:0x007fd03265b198 ...>>, #file=#<CarrierWave::SanitizedFile:0x007fd032658cb8 #file="/Users/romenigld/ror_workspace/projects/news_city/public/uploads/post/attachment/2/small_thumb_attachment.jpeg", #original_filename=nil, #content_type=nil>, #versions={}>}>,
:state_id => nil
in app/controllers/comments_controller.rb I add:
def comment_params
params.require(:comment).permit(:content, :state_id)
class Comment < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :author, class_name: "User"
belongs_to :commentable, polymorphic: true
belongs_to :state
class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :author, class_name: "User"
belongs_to :state
has_many :roles, dependent: :delete_all
has_many :comments, as: :commentable, dependent: :destroy
class State < ActiveRecord::Base
def to_s
My guess is that params[:state_id] is nil but better not guess and instead put a puts just before the update and check it out yourself:
13: def set_post_state
--> puts "Params: #{params}"
14: #commentable.update(state_id: params[:state_id])
15: end
I put like #draganstankovic put a puts "Params: #{params}"
and then I observe the params was needed to put the comment params like this params[:comment][:state_id] and now it's recording.
def set_post_state
puts "Params: #{params}"
#commentable.update!(state_id: params[:comment][:state_id])
Thank's for reply #draganstankovic.

rails 4 "chained" has_one: :through relations work with persisted but not new objects

I have a rather complex model setup:
class LineItem < ActiveRecord::Base # STI parent class
class VendorLineItem < LineItem
belongs_to: :unit_rate, class_name: 'Billing::UnitRate'
has_one :contract_resource, through: :unit_rate
has_one :resource, through: :contract_resource
Note that the above two classes are not namespaced, while the associated models below all live in a Billing namespace.
class Billing::UnitRate < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :contract_resource, class_name: 'Billing::ContractResource'
has_one :contract, through: :contract_resource
has_one :resource, through: :contract_resource
has_many :vendor_line_items, dependent: :destroy
class Billing::ContractResource < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :contract
belongs_to :resource, class_name: 'Billing::Resource'
has_many :unit_rates, dependent: :destroy
class Billing::Resource < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :contract_resources
has_many :contracts, through: :contract_resources
has_many :unit_rates, through: :contract_resources
My problem is with the VendorLineItem class, where I need to get at the associated resource.
If I am working with persisted data, all is well. In a rails console:
2.2.3 :001 > x = VendorLineItem.last
VendorLineItem Load (9.8ms) SELECT "line_items".* FROM "line_items" WHERE "line_items"."type" IN ('VendorLineItem') ORDER BY "line_items"."id" DESC LIMIT 1
=> #<VendorLineItem id: 42, fire_id: 938774, type: "VendorLineItem", unit_rate_id: 716, units_utilized: #<BigDecimal:6184d30,'0.1E1',9(18)>, fire_department_id: nil, dollar_amount: nil, created_at: "2016-11-18 16:22:23", updated_at: "2016-11-18 16:22:23", total: #<BigDecimal:6184060,'0.25E2',9(18)>>
2.2.3 :002 > x.resource
Billing::Resource Load (8.9ms) SELECT "billing"."resources".* FROM "billing"."resources" INNER JOIN "contracts_resources" ON "billing"."resources"."id" = "contracts_resources"."resource_id" INNER JOIN "billing"."unit_rates" ON "contracts_resources"."id" = "billing"."unit_rates"."contract_resource_id" WHERE "billing"."unit_rates"."id" = $1 LIMIT 1 [["id", 716]]
=> #<Billing::Resource id: 39, name: nil, description: nil, code: nil, sort_order: nil, is_active: true, constant_name: "E0", created_at: "2015-10-14 15:59:00", updated_at: "2015-10-14 15:59:00", vendor_id: 1, resource_type_id: 37>
If, OTOH, I am working with a new instance, the resource comes back as nil (rails doesn't even try; no sql is emitted).
2.2.3 :003 > vli = unit_rate_id: 711
=> #<VendorLineItem id: nil, fire_id: nil, type: "VendorLineItem", unit_rate_id: 711, units_utilized: nil, fire_department_id: nil, dollar_amount: nil, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, total: nil>
2.2.3 :004 > vli.resource
=> nil
But I can access the resource through an explicit chain of the associations:
2.2.3 :005 > vli.unit_rate.contract_resource.resource
Billing::UnitRate Load (8.9ms) SELECT "billing"."unit_rates".* FROM "billing"."unit_rates" WHERE "billing"."unit_rates"."id" = $1 LIMIT 1 [["id", 711]]
Billing::ContractResource Load (8.8ms) SELECT "contracts_resources".* FROM "contracts_resources" WHERE "contracts_resources"."id" = $1 LIMIT 1 [["id", 261]]
Billing::Resource Load (8.7ms) SELECT "billing"."resources".* FROM "billing"."resources" WHERE "billing"."resources"."id" = $1 LIMIT 1 [["id", 34]]
=> #<Billing::Resource id: 34, name: nil, description: nil, code: nil, sort_order: nil, is_active: true, constant_name: "D5", created_at: "2015-10-14 15:59:00", updated_at: "2015-10-14 15:59:00", vendor_id: 1, resource_type_id: 19>
I can also find the resource through the has_one :contract_resource, through: :unit_rate association without a problem:
2.2.3 :007 > vli.contract_resource.resource
Billing::ContractResource Load (8.7ms) SELECT "contracts_resources".* FROM "contracts_resources" INNER JOIN "billing"."unit_rates" ON "contracts_resources"."id" = "billing"."unit_rates"."contract_resource_id" WHERE "billing"."unit_rates"."id" = $1 LIMIT 1 [["id", 711]]
Billing::Resource Load (8.7ms) SELECT "billing"."resources".* FROM "billing"."resources" WHERE "billing"."resources"."id" = $1 LIMIT 1 [["id", 34]]
=> #<Billing::Resource id: 34, name: nil, description: nil, code: nil, sort_order: nil, is_active: true, constant_name: "D5", created_at: "2015-10-14 15:59:00", updated_at: "2015-10-14 15:59:00", vendor_id: 1, resource_type_id: 19>
Why is the has_one: resource, through: :contract_resource association not working here?
Turns out this is a long-standing bug in rails: [Closed] [Reopened here]

Rails :has_many :through sort order issue in model

I am having some weird behavior in a Rails model and I'm not quite sure why. Thanks to anyone who can point me as to what I'm missing or not understanding.
The Problem
I have a model Car with a has_many :through relationship on Part through CarsPart. I expect accessing a car's parts to be in alphabetical order. I created the model specs and the controller specs. In the controller, the parts are ordered in alphabetical order as called out in the has_many relationship. In the controller spec, they are in order. In the model spec, they are not. I don't think it's tied to the testing framework because i've debugged the running server and see the same behavior.
The Code
class Car < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :cars_parts
has_many :parts, -> { order('name asc') }, through: :cars_parts, :dependent => :destroy
accepts_nested_attributes_for :cars_parts, :allow_destroy => true
validates :make, :model, presence: true
validate :validate_cars_parts
def validate_cars_parts
errors.add(:parts, "wrong number") if self.cars_parts.size < 1
self.cars_parts.each do |car_part|
part = Part.find(car_part.part_id)
errors.add(:parts, "doesn't exist") if part == nil
class Part < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :cars_part
has_many :cars, through: :cars_parts
validates :name, presence: true
class CarsPart < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :car
belongs_to :part
Cars Controller Spec Passes
require 'rails_helper'
RSpec.describe CarsController, type: :controller do
context 'property features' do
describe "GET #show/id returns ordered parts" do
before :each do
#p4 = FactoryGirl.create(:part, :name => 'BPart2')
#p3 = FactoryGirl.create(:part, :name => 'APart2')
#p6 = FactoryGirl.create(:part, :name => 'BPart3')
#p5 = FactoryGirl.create(:part, :name => 'APart3')
#p2 = FactoryGirl.create(:part, :name => 'BPart1')
#p1 = FactoryGirl.create(:part, :name => 'APart1')
it 'returns parts in alphabetical order' do
car = FactoryGirl.create(:car, make: 'Nissan', model: 'Murano', parts: [#p4, #p3, #p6, #p5, #p2, #p1])
get :show, id:, format: :json
expect(response).to have_http_status(:success)
expect(response).to render_template(:show)
response_json = JSON.parse(response.body)
response_json['parts'].each do |part|
puts part['id']
expect(response_json['parts'].size).to eq(6)
expect(response_json['parts'][0]['id']).to eq(
expect(response_json['parts'][1]['id']).to eq(
expect(response_json['parts'][2]['id']).to eq(
expect(response_json['parts'][3]['id']).to eq(
expect(response_json['parts'][4]['id']).to eq(
expect(response_json['parts'][5]['id']).to eq(
Car Model Spec Fails
require 'rails_helper'
RSpec.describe Car, type: :model do
context 'car parts' do
before :each do
#p4 = FactoryGirl.create(:part, :name => 'BPart2')
#p3 = FactoryGirl.create(:part, :name => 'APart2')
#p6 = FactoryGirl.create(:part, :name => 'BPart3')
#p5 = FactoryGirl.create(:part, :name => 'APart3')
#p2 = FactoryGirl.create(:part, :name => 'BPart1')
#p1 = FactoryGirl.create(:part, :name => 'APart1')
it 'returns parts in alphabetical order' do
car = FactoryGirl.create(:car, make: 'Nissan', model: 'Murano', parts: [#p4, #p3, #p6, #p5, #p2, #p1])
expect(car).to be_valid
expect(car.errors.messages.size).to eq(0)
expect( eq(6) do |part|
expect([0]['name']).to eq('APart1')
expect([1]['name']).to eq('APart2')
expect([2]['name']).to eq('APart3')
expect([3]['name']).to eq('BPart1')
expect([4]['name']).to eq('BPart2')
expect([5]['name']).to eq('BPart3')
Please help me understand why when accessing them through the model they are not ordered, but when the controller looks them up and renders them, they are.
Thank you.
The only way I have managed to get this to work is to create a 'ordered_parts' method that does the ordering and remove the order from the has_many. I had to change all my controllers to call 'ordered_parts' instead of the 'parts' method. Surely there is a better way. If anyone knows, please help.
def ordered_parts'name asc')

Joining two Models in Rails 4

I have a Location model and an Answer model and I'm trying to join the two, so that when an Answer is created, it is associated with the Location.
I have added in the appropriate has_one and belongs_to associations, added a migration to add Locations id to the Answer table.
Trouble is when an Answer gets created, the 'location_id' is nil.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Here's my files:
Location Model
class Location < ActiveRecord::Base
require 'Geoip-rails'
has_one :answer
def self.get_location
geoip ="lib/GeoLiteCity.dat")
l = ='').city_name
Answer Model
class Answer < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :location
belongs_to :question
belongs_to :choice
has_one :question, :through => :choice
Add location to Answers migration
class AddLocationToAnswers < ActiveRecord::Migration
def change
add_column :answers, :location_id, :integer
add_index :answers, :location_id
Questions controller - Answer action
def answer
#choice = Choice.find(params[:id])
#location = Location.get_location
#answer = Answer.create(:question_id => #choice.question_id, :choice_id =>
redirect_to questions_url
I have now changed around the association from Mischa's comments.
Now in the console I can do this and join the Models:
1.9.3-p392 :013 > a = Answer.last
Answer Load (0.2ms) SELECT "answers".* FROM "answers" ORDER BY "answers"."id" DESC LIMIT 1
=> #<Answer id: 13, question_id: 1, choice_id: 2, created_at: "2013-07-05 09:50:28", updated_at: "2013-07-05 09:50:28", location_id: nil>
1.9.3-p392 :014 > a.location
=> nil
1.9.3-p392 :015 > a.location = Location.last
Location Load (0.2ms) SELECT "locations".* FROM "locations" ORDER BY "locations"."id" DESC LIMIT 1
=> #<Location id: 25, lat: nil, lon: nil, city: "London", created_at: "2013-07-05 09:50:28", updated_at: "2013-07-05 09:50:28">
1.9.3-p392 :016 > a
=> #<Answer id: 13, question_id: 1, choice_id: 2, created_at: "2013-07-05 09:50:28", updated_at: "2013-07-05 09:50:28", location_id: 25>
1.9.3-p392 :017 >
I've tried achieving this in 'answer' action in the controller as follows:
#answer = Answer.create(:question_id => #choice.question_id, :choice_id =>, :location_id =>
But :location_id => give me an error:
undefined method `id' for true:TrueClass
I don't know how to combine the two models in the controller
For anyone interested. My get_location method wasn't doing what it should. I had to call the object l after it had been saved. 5 hours of head banging and all that was needed was 'l'.
def self.get_location
geoip ="lib/GeoLiteCity.dat")
l = ='').city_name!