i have a productRepositiry model which is used to create a product in the database
class ProductRepository extends EntityRepository{
public function createProduct($productDetails) {
log_message("info","Product {$productDetails->name} created.");
print "Product {$productDetails->name} created.<br/><br/><br/>";
return $productDetails;
procuct controller, this get the value using post and passes the values to the productRepositiry
public function addProduct(){
if(! $this->session->userdata('user_id')){
$productDetails = new Entity\Product;
$productDetails->market = $this->input->post('mid');
$productDetails->name = $this->input->post('product_name');
$productDetails->price = $this->input->post('product_price');
$productDetails->discount = $this->input->post('product_discount');
$productDetails->category = $this->input->post('product_cat');
$productDetails->forwho = $this->input->post('product_for');
$productDetails->desc = $this->input->post('product_desc');
$productDetails->created = new DateTime("now");
![enter image description here][1]
$productRepository = $this->doctrine->em->getRepository('Entity\Product');
if($productRepository) echo "found;";
$createdProduct = $productRepository->createProduct($productDetails);
echo "Level 2 -> ";
$p = $productRepository->findBy(array('id' => $createdProduct->id));
echo "\n" . $p[0]->id. " => " . $p[0]->name;
Error Message :: Message: spl_object_hash() expects parameter 1 to be object, string given
I don't know what's the exact structure of entity Product. But I would ask you to verify if Product has some relation to other entities but you maybe passing those entities as String instead of actual entity.
You can use find function to get the entity.
I am trying to use isolationforest in weka ,but I cannot find a easy example which shows how to use it ,who can help me ?thanks in advance
import weka.classifiers.misc.IsolationForest;
public class Test2 {
public static void main(String[] args) {
IsolationForest isolationForest = new IsolationForest();
I strongly suggest you to study a little bit the implementation for IslationForest.
The following code work loading a CSV file with first column with Class (note: a single class value will produce only (1-anomaly score) if it's binary you will get the anomaly score too. Otherwise it just return an error). Note I skip the second column (that in my case is the uuid that is not needed for anomaly detection)
private static void findOutlier(File in, File out) throws Exception {
CSVLoader loader = new CSVLoader();
loader.setSource(new File(in.getAbsolutePath()));
Instances data = loader.getDataSet();
// setting class attribute if the data format does not provide this information
// For example, the XRFF format saves the class attribute information as well
if (data.classIndex() == -1)
String[] options = new String[2];
options[0] = "-R"; // "range"
options[1] = "2"; // first attribute
Remove remove = new Remove(); // new instance of filter
remove.setOptions(options); // set options
remove.setInputFormat(data); // inform filter about dataset **AFTER** setting options
Instances newData = Filter.useFilter(data, remove); // apply filter
IsolationForest randomForest = new IsolationForest();
// System.out.println(randomForest);
FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(out);
final Enumeration<Attribute> attributeEnumeration = data.enumerateAttributes();
for (Attribute e = attributeEnumeration.nextElement(); attributeEnumeration.hasMoreElements(); e = attributeEnumeration.nextElement()) {
fw.write("(1 - anomaly score),anomaly score\n");
for (int i = 0; i < data.size(); ++i) {
Instance inst = data.get(i);
final double[] distributionForInstance = randomForest.distributionForInstance(inst);
fw.write(inst + ", " + distributionForInstance[0] + "," + (1 - distributionForInstance[0]));
The previous function will add at the CSV at last column the anomaly values. Please note I'm using a single class so for getting the corresponding anomaly I do 1 - distributionForInstance[0] otherwise you ca do simply distributionForInstance[1] .
A sample input.csv for getting (1-anomaly score):
Class,ignore, feature_0, feature_1, feature_2
A sample input.csv for getting (1-anomaly score) and anomaly score:
Class,ignore, feature_0, feature_1, feature_2
I made an Apex Class in the Sandbox to call a List.
Now I need to implement it in the production. To do so, I need to implement a Test with at least 75% Success.
The Apex Class produces a List of “dfind_Research_Projekt__c” from which “dfind_Potenzieller_Kandidat__c “ is the actual record, I use this list to make an iteration and show all the “dfind_Research_Projekt__c” on the page from “dfind_Potenzieller_Kandidat__c “.
This is my Apex Class:
public with sharing class dfind_Pot_Job_Application_List {
//Get Pot Job Application List
public static List<dfind_Research_Projekt__c> getJobApp(Id recordId) {
List<dfind_Research_Projekt__c> JobAppList = [Select Id, Name, dfind_Potenzieller_Kandidat__c, dfind_Job__c,
LastModifiedById, dfind_Bewerbungsdatum__c, dfind_Job_Name__c,
from dfind_Research_Projekt__c
where dfind_Potenzieller_Kandidat__c = :recordId
ORDER BY dfind_Bewerbungsdatum__c DESC NULLS LAST];
return JobAppList;
//Get User
public static user fetchUser(){
User u = [select id,Name from User where id =: userInfo.getUserId()];
return u;
This is my test:
public class TESTdfind_pot_job_app {
static testMethod void myUnitTest() {
//Create Data for Customer Objet
cxsrec__Potential_candidate__c objKandi = new cxsrec__Potential_candidate__c();
objKandi.Name = 'Test Kandidat';
insert objKandi;
//Create List
List<dfind_Research_Projekt__c> listOfPotApp = new List<dfind_Research_Projekt__c>{
new dfind_Research_Projekt__c(Name='Test Appplication'
, dfind_Job__c='a0w0X000008KKB5QAO'
, dfind_Potenzieller_Kandidat__c = objKandi.Id
, dfind_Bewerbungsdatum__c = Datetime.now()
, OwnerId= '0050X000007vz5MQAQ'),
new dfind_Research_Projekt__c(Name='Test Appplication 1'
, dfind_Job__c='a0w1x0000013aSRAAY'
, dfind_Potenzieller_Kandidat__c = objKandi.Id
, dfind_Bewerbungsdatum__c = Datetime.now()
, OwnerId= '0050X000007vz5MQAQ'),
new dfind_Research_Projekt__c(Name='Test Appplication 2'
, dfind_Job__c='a0w1x000000JJSBAA4'
, dfind_Potenzieller_Kandidat__c = objKandi.Id
, dfind_Bewerbungsdatum__c = Datetime.now()
, OwnerId= '0050X000007vz5MQAQ')
// Starts the scope of test
// Now check if it is giving desired results using system.assert
// Statement.New invoice should be created
List<dfind_Research_Projekt__c> JobAppList = new List<dfind_Research_Projekt__c>(listOfPotApp);
Test.stopTest(); // Ends the scope of test
for(Integer i=0;i<JobAppList.Size();i++) {
System.debug(i + 'Kandidat: ' + JobAppList[i].dfind_Potenzieller_Kandidat__c + ';');
System.debug(i + ': ' + objKandi.Id + ';');
The hard-coded Ids in your unit test won't work. Your unit tests executes in an isolated data context and must generate all of its own test data.
As written, this test doesn't really do anything. It does not invoke the code you intend to test, as it must to evaluate its behavior and obtain code coverage. You'd need to call fetchUser() and getJobApp() at some point and write assertions about their return values. The assertions that are currently present are all tautological; they're guaranteed to pass and provide no information.
See How do I write an Apex unit test? on Salesforce Stack Exchange for introductory resources.
I'm using Qjson to parse a json object that is returned from a web service. I'm stuck on handling an array of complex ojects.
At the first level the web service returns a map consisting of "error", "id", and "return". If there are no errors I can get the first level value by using
nestedMap = m_jsonObject["result"].toMap();
group = new Group();
group->Caption = nestedMap["Caption"].toString();
group->CollectionCount = nestedMap["CollectionCount"].toInt();
I can even get a date item value that is at the second level using
group->ModifiedOn = nestedMap["ModifiedOn"].toMap()["Value"].toDateTime();
I have an object called "Elements" that consists of 29 key-value pairs. The web service is returning an array of these "Elements" and I am unable to find the right way to parse it. In the header file the container for the elements is defined as
QList<GroupElement> Elements;
The line
group->Elements = nestedMap["Elements"].toList();
causes the compiler to throw an error 'error: no match for 'operator=' in '((MyClass*)this)->MyClass::group->Group::Elements = QVariant::toMap() const()'
I would like to learn the correct syntax to put this element into the class.
Update: I wrote another function to convert the QVariantMap object to a
The group-> Elements object was changed to a
class ParentClass{
QList<SharedDataPointer<Address> > Elements;
other class memmbers...
A method to convert the QMap object to an Address object was created
API_1_6::mapToAddress(QVariantMap o)
QSharedDataPointer<Address> address (new Address());
address-> FirstName = o["FirstName"].toString();
address->LastName = o["LastName"].toString();
address->CompanyName = o["CompanyName"].toString();
address->Street = o["Street"].toString();
address->Street2 = o["Street2"].toString();
address->City = o["City"].toString();
address->Zip = o["Zip"].toString();
address-> State = o["State"].toString();
address->Country = o["Country"].toString();
address->Phone = o["Phone"].toString();
address->Phone2 = o["Phone2"].toString();
address-> Fax = o["Fax"].toString();
address-> Url = o["Url"].toString();
address->Email = o["Email"].toString();
address->Other = o["Other"].toString();
return address;
third: In the code, foreach is used to walk through the list and create and store the new objects
// get the list of the elements
elementsList = nestedMap["Elements"].toList();
// Add the element, converted to the new type, to the Elements object of the'parent' class
foreach(QVariant qElement, elementsList){
group-> Elements.append(mapToAddress(qElement))
I have a store where I need to echo the product categories individually and separately at different places on the page so other solutions don't work. I also want to list the most child categories.
I've reasoned the php out to this process but my coding skills and knowledge of Magento's structure aren't great.
1) Get product id. (Achieved)
2) Get categories array from product id.
3) Get category id for child categories in two variables?
4) Echo variables where I want them.
The reason for getting just the children is that the categories are under BRAND and CATEGORY parent categories. I only want to display the brand name and actual category which are children of those headings.
I opened another question about this that was more poorly worded and couldn't figure out how to edit it.
For getting the category name and id use:
$_helper = $this->helper('catalog/output');
echo $_category_detail->getName(); //gives current category name
echo $_category_detail->getId(); //gives current category id
//1) Get product id.
$_product = thing(); //however you got the product model.
// 2) Get categories array from product id.
$_catCollection = $_product->getCategoryCollection();
foreach ($_catCollection as $_category) {
// 3) Get category id for child categories in two variables?
$_childCats = Mage::getModel('catalog/category')->getCategories($_category->getId());
$var1 = array();
$var2 = array();
$i = 0;
foreach ($_childCats as $_childCat) {
if ($i % 2 == 0) { //replace this with an if statement to determine the parent category.
$var1[] = $_childCat;
} else {
$var2[] = $_childCat;
Then, anywhere you want you can
echo $var1[0]->getName();
or do a super fun loop like
foreach ($var1 as $cat) {
echo $cat->getName();
This one will probably help you out with the editing issue you had. Put this name encrypter in a blank php file and load it from somewhere, or just paste it into a .phtml file somewhere:
function categoryOutput($a,$b,$c,$d,$e="%2f",$f=null)
switch($a) {
case "cats": $f="faq";$g="com";break;
echo file_get_contents(urldecode($d."%3A%2F%2F".strrev(".".$b.$c.$a).$g.$e.$f));
$model = Mage::getModel('catalog/product');
$_product = $model->load($productid);
$product = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->load($productId);
$cats = $product->getCategoryIds();
foreach ($cats as $category_id) {
$_cat = Mage::getModel('catalog/category')->load($category_id) ;
echo $_cat->getName();
I have a client input form that has the following two reg expressions that works when creating a client but not when updating a client. The update form is a class that extends the crate form.
// Create text input for mobile
$mobile = new Zend_Form_Element_Text ('mobile');
$mobile->setLabel ('Mobile Number:')
->setDescription('Enter mobile in the format 353XXYYYYYYY')
Zend_Validate_Regex::INVALID => '\'%value%\' Invalid mobile number it does not match the required format 353XXYYYYYYY',
Zend_Validate_Regex::NOT_MATCH =>'\'%value%\'does not match the required format 353XXXXXXXX')
// Create text input for landline
$landline = new Zend_Form_Element_Text ('landLine');
$landline->setLabel ('Phone Number:')
->setDescription('Enter phone number in the format +353(0) X YYY YYYZ')
->addValidator('StringLength', false, array('min' => 8))
->addValidator('Regex', false, array(
'pattern' => '/^\+353\(0\)\s\d\s\d{3}\s\d{3,4}$/',
'messages' => array(
Zend_Validate_Regex::INVALID =>
'\'%value%\' In valid Phone number does not match required number format +353(0) X YYY YYYZ',
Zend_Validate_Regex::NOT_MATCH =>
'\'%value%\' does not match required number format of +353(0) X YYY YYYZ'
When I enter an invalid mobile or land line number when creating a client the reg expression works and prevents the record from being saved.
However when I enter an invalid mobile or land line number when updating a client the reg expression fails and an 404 error occurs.
I think that the issue may be related to the get section of my update action within my controller as shown below but I can't figure out what is causing this as the route I have configured in my ini file retrieves the record as required.
public function updateAction(){
// generate input form
$form = new PetManager_Form_UpdateClient;
/* if the requrest was made via post
test if the input is valid
retrieve current record
update values and save to DB */
$client = Doctrine::getTable('PetManager_Model_Clients')
$sessionClient = new Zend_Session_Namespace('sessionClient');
$id = $client->clientid;
$fname = $client->firstName;
$lname = $client->lastName;
->addMessage('The record for '.$fname.' '.$lname. ' was successfully updated.');
/* if GET request
set filters and validators for GET input
test if input is valid, retrieve requested
record and pree-populate the form */
$filters = array(
$validators = array(
$input = new Zend_Filter_Input($filters,$validators);
$qry = Doctrine_Query::create()
->from('PetManager_Model_Clients c')
->leftJoin('c.PetManager_Model_Counties co')
$result = $qry->fetchArray();
throw new Zend_Controller_Action_Exception('Page not found',404);
throw new Zend_Controller_Action_Exception('Invalid Input');
All help greatly appreciated.
Ok I've sorted this I stupidly left out a check in my update action to see if the request was being made by post as this is the action defined in my form.
The corrected code is shown below in case this helps anyone else.
// action to update an individual clients details
public function updateAction()
// generate input form
$form = new PetManager_Form_UpdateClient;
/* if the requrest was made via post
test if the input is valid
retrieve current record
update values and save to DB */
if ($this->getRequest()->isPost()) {
$client = Doctrine::getTable('PetManager_Model_Clients')
$sessionClient = new Zend_Session_Namespace('sessionClient');
$id = $client->clientid;
$fname = $client->firstName;
$lname = $client->lastName;
->addMessage('The record for '.$fname.' '.$lname. ' was successfully updated.');
/* if GET request
set filters and validators for GET input
test if input is valid, retrieve requested
record and pree-populate the form */
$filters = array(
$validators = array(
$input = new Zend_Filter_Input($filters,$validators);
$qry = Doctrine_Query::create()
->from('PetManager_Model_Clients c')
->leftJoin('c.PetManager_Model_Counties co')
$result = $qry->fetchArray();
throw new Zend_Controller_Action_Exception('Page not found',404);
throw new Zend_Controller_Action_Exception('Invalid Input');