I have the following method in C++ which checks the name at the map
map<string, bool> namesMap;
bool IsValidName(const char* name) {
string currentName(name, 16);
if (MapContains(namesMap, currentName))
return namesMap[currentName];
namesMap[currentName] = false;
return false;
template<class T, class K>
bool MapContains(const std::map<T, K>& targetMap, const T key) {
return targetMap.find(key) != targetMap.end();
Calling IsValidName() sometimes causes to capture the thread into an infinite loop. I've got a memory dump which shows that the thread is stuck in MapContains() method and further at xtree which is internally used by std::map.
All the names at the application are 6-8 characters long. So there is a bug at the line:
string currentName(name, 16);
Which causes all the checked names to have length: 16 instead of the correct one. As a result currentName has correct data in the first 6-8 chars and garbage at the rest ones. So the map is filled with 16-characters long strings with undefined data inside each of them.
Could this garbage cause the infinite loop while searching the map?
Or any other ideas what can cause it?
As I've described above I know the problem with line:
string currentName(name, 16);
Just want to know how it causes map to have undefined behaviour
Your program has undefined behavior.
The line string currentName(name, 16); attempts to build of string of 16 characters from a const char* pointing to 6-8 characters only.
Provide at least 16 characters, or simply call string currentName(name);
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int main()
string s1;
int n=s1.size();
string s2;
for(int a=0;a<n;a++)
However I am not getting any output, But I can print elements of reversed string. Can anybody please help.
string s2; // no size allocated
for(int a=0;a<n;a++)
s2[a]=s1[n-1-a]; // write to somewhere in s2 that doesn't exist yet
You are writing into elements of s2 that you never created. This is Undefined Behaviour, and anything may happen, including appearing to work normally. In this case, you are probably overwriting some random place in memory. It might crash, or that memory might really exist but not break anything else right away. You might even be able to read that back later, but it would only seem to work by pure accident.
You could catch this problem by always using s2.at(a) to access the data, as it will do a range check for you. ([] does not do a range check). There's a cost to this of course, and sometimes people will skip it in circumstances where they are certain the index cannot be out of bounds. That's debateable. In this case, even though you were probably sure you got the maths right, it still would have helped catch this bug.
You need to either create that space up front, i.e. by creating a string full of the right number of dummy values, or create the space for each element on demand with push_back. I'd probably go with the first option:
string s2(s1.size(), '\0'); // fill with the right number of NULs
for(int a=0;a<n;a++)
s2.at(a)=s1.at(n-1-a); // overwrite the NULs
You might want to choose a printable dummy character that doesn't appear in your test data, for example '#', since then it becomes very visible when you print it out if you have failed to correctly overwrite some element. E.g. if you try to reverse "abc" but when you print it out you get "cb#" it would be obvious you have some off-by-one error.
The second option is a bit more expensive since it might have to do several allocations and copies as the string grows, but here's how it would look:
string s2; // no space allocated yet
for(int a=0;a<n;a++)
s2.push_back(s1.at(n-1-a)); // create space on demand
I assume you are doing this as a learning exercise, but I would recommend against writing your own reverse, since the language provides it in the library.
You are utilizing something called Undefined Behaviour in your code. You try to access element of s2 at a position, but your string does not have that many chars (it's empty).
You can use std::string::push_back function to add a character on the last postion, so your code would look like this:
for(int a=0;a<n;a++)
EDIT, to address the other question, your console window probably closes before you can notice. That's why "you don't get any output".
Try this: How to stop C++ console application from exiting immediately?
You can use the inbuilt reverse function in c++
using namespace std;
int main()
string s1 = "string1";
cout << s1;
return 0;
Hope that helps :)
You can just construct the string with reverse iterators:
std::string reverse ( std::string const& in )
return std::string { in.crbegin(), in.crend() };
To change the contents of a string in a function such that it reflects in the main function we need to accept the string as reference as indicated below.
Changing contents of a std::string with a function
But in the above code we are changing the size of string also(i.e, more than what it can hold), so why is the program not crashing ?
Program to convert decimal to binary, mind it, the code is not complete and I am just testing the 1st part of the code.
void dectobin(string & bin, int n)
int i=0;
bin[i++]= (n % 2) + '0';
n = n / 2;
cout << i << endl;
cout << bin.size() << endl;
cout << bin << endl;
int main()
string s = "1";
cout << s << endl;
return 0;
O/p: 6 1 1 and the program crashes in codeblocks. While the above code in the link works perfectly fine.
It only outputs the correct result, when i initialize the string in main with 6 characters(i.e, length of the number after it converts from decimal to binary).
Notice that this capacity does not suppose a limit on the length of the string. When this capacity is exhausted and more is needed, it is automatically expanded by the object (reallocating it storage space). The theoretical limit on the length of a string is given by member max_size
If the string resizes itself automatically then why do we need the resize function and then why is my decimal to binary code not working?
Your premise is wrong. You are thinking 1) if I access a string out of bound then my program will crash, 2) my program doesn't crash therefore I can't be accessing a string out of bounds, 3) therefore my apparently out of bounds string accesses must actually resize the string.
1) is incorrect. Accessing a string out of bounds results in undefined behaviour. This is means exactly what it says. Your program might crash but it might not, it's behaviour is undefined.
And it's a fact that accessing a string never changes it's size, that's why we have the resize function (and push_back etc.).
We must get questions like yours several times a week. Undefined behaviour is clearly a concept that newbies find surprising.
Check this link about std::string:
char& operator[] (size_t pos);
const char& operator[] (size_t pos) const;
If pos is not greater than the string length, the function never
throws exceptions (no-throw guarantee). Otherwise, it causes
undefined behavior.
In your while loop you are accessing the bin string with index that is greater than bin.size()
You aren't changing the size of the string anywhere. If the string you pass into the function is of length one and you access it at indices larger than 0, i.e., at bin[1], bin[2], you are not modifying the string but some other memory locations after the string - there might be something else stored there. Corrupting memory in this way does not necessarily directly lead to a crash or an exception. It will once you access those memory locations later on in your program.
Accepting a reference to a string makes it possible to change instances of strings from the calling code inside the called code:
void access(std::string & str) {
// str is the same instance as the function
// is called with.
// without the reference, a copy would be made,
// then there would be two distinct instances
// ...
std::string input = "test";
// ...
So any function or operator that is called on a reference is effectively called on the referenced instance.
When, similar to your linked question, the code
str = " new contents";
is inside of the body of the access function, then operator= of the input instance is called.
This (copy assignment) operator is discarding the previous contents of the string, and then copying the characters of its argument into newly allocated storage, whose needed length is determined before.
On the other hand, when you have code like
str[1] = 'a';
inside the access function, then this calls operator[] on the input instance. This operator is only providing access to the underlying storage of the string, and not doing any resizing.
So your issues aren't related to the reference, but to misusing the index operator[]:
Calling that operator with an argument that's not less than the strings size/length leads to undefined behaviour.
To fix that, you could resize the string manually before using the index operator.
As a side note: IMO you should try to write your function in a more functional way:
std::string toOct(std::string const &);
That is, instead of modifying the oases string, create a new one.
The bounds of the string are limited by its current content. That is why when you initialise the string with 6 characters you will stay inside bounds for conversion of 55 to binary and program runs without error.
The automatic expansion feature of strings can be utilised using
to append characters at the end of current string. Changed code snippet will look like this:
void dectobin(string & bin, int n){
bin += (n % 2) + '0';
Plus you don't need to initialise the original string in main() and your program should now run for arbitrary decimals as well.
int main(){
string s;
I'm writing a parser for a large file and one of my functions responsible for reading from the input file has a char buffer called peek. Basically, as main repeatedly calls this function, peek is eventually getting over-written with some odd values. Here's the function that's being called by main. bufferAsInt:
void bufferAsInt(ifstream &inf, int &i)
char peek[3];
inf.read(peek, 3);
i = atoi(peek);
//I'm not using the >> operator to read an int because the int is just
//3 chars long in the input file and two consecutive integer values can
//be written like this: 123456 for 123 and 456.
I found that as I wrote these values to an output file, when reading an int value that was only two digits long, the third digit (or some other number) would be left over in the char buffer peek and the value would be written incorrectly to the output file (this only happened after reading a very very large amount of data from the input file.) So after tens of thousands of iterations, when reading a number like 15, the value that would get written to my output file might have been something like 156.
To solve the problem I changed my implementation of bufferAsInt to this:
void bufferAsInt(ifstream &inf, int &i)
char *peek = new char[3];
inf.read(peek, 3);
i = atoi(peek);
delete [] peek;
(Of course I was guessing at what the issue was). What I'd like to know is if the fact that my problem was solved is some sort of weird consequence of declaring this char buffer on the heap or if the issue actually was that my program was running out of stack memory.
I have 6GB of RAM in my computer and at the time of running, no other programs would have been using enough memory to cause this issue to the best of my knowledge.
You're off by one.
atoi expects a null-terminated string. So a three-digit number needs a char[4] to be properly stored. Also, read doesn't put a null on the end.
Try this:
void bufferAsInt(ifstream &inf, int &i)
char peek[4];
inf.read(peek, 3);
peek[3] = 0;
i = atoi(peek);
atoi() expects a C 'NUL terminated string' as input, that is, ASCII characters followed by an ASCII zero byte. That's the only way the function knows where to stop converting.
In your first code listing, you read three bytes into a three byte buffer, but you have no control over the byte that follows in memory. I believe that's undefined behavior in C++, so literally anything can happen. Typically, though, if the following byte happens to be a zero or a non-digit, the string will convert properly; if it happens to be a digit, you get a different number when you were expecting.
The proper fix is to use your first example, but:
char peek[4]; // 4 char buffer instead of 3
inf.read(peek, 3);
peek[3] = '\0'; // ensure the 4th char is zero
i = atoi(peek);
Most likely the only thing that changed was that the new, with your compiler and options, zeroes the array.
To guarantee that you could write
char *peek = new char[3]();
But the dynamic allocation serves no purpose, so instead do it like this:
char peek[3] = {};
Note: if the file contains 3 digits, then you should instead use four digits array, in order to have room for terminating zero.
I am taking a line of input which is separated by a space and trying to read the data into two integer variables.
for instance: "0 1" should give child1 == 0, child2 == 1.
The code I'm using is as follows:
int separator = input.find(' ');
const char* child1_str = input.substr(0, separator).c_str(); // Everything is as expected here.
const char* child2_str = input.substr(
separator+1, //Start with the next char after the separator
input.length()-(separator+1) // And work to the end of the input string.
).c_str(); // But now child1_str is showing the same location in memory as child2_str!
int child1 = atoi(child1_str);
int child2 = atoi(child2_str); // and thus are both of these getting assigned the integer '1'.
// do work
What's happening is perplexing me to no end. I'm monitoring the sequence with the Eclipse debugger (gdb). When the function starts, child1_str and child2_str are shown to have different memory locations (as they should). After splitting the string at separator and getting the first value, child1_str holds '0' as expected.
However, the next line, which assigns a value to child2_str not only assigns the correct value to child2_str, but also overwrites child1_str. I don't even mean the character value is overwritten, I mean that the debugger shows child1_str and child2_str to share the same location in memory.
What the what?
1) Yes, I'll be happy to listen to other suggestions to convert a string to an int -- this was how I learned to do it a long time ago, and I've never had a problem with it, so never needed to change, however:
2) Even if there's a better way to perform the conversion, I would still like to know what's going on here! This is my ultimate question. So even if you come up with a better algorithm, the selected answer will be the one that helps me understand why my algorithm fails.
3) Yes, I know that std::string is C++ and const char* is standard C. atoi requires a c string. I'm tagging this as C++ because the input will absolutely be coming as a std::string from the framework I am using.
First, the superior solutions.
In C++11 you can use the newfangled std::stoi function:
int child1 = std::stoi(input.substr(0, separator));
Failing that, you can use boost::lexical_cast:
int child1 = boost::lexical_cast<int>(input.substr(0, separator));
Now, an explanation.
input.substr(0, separator) creates a temporary std::string object that dies at the semicolon. Calling c_str() on that temporary object gives you a pointer that is only valid as long as the temporary lives. This means that, on the next line, the pointer is already invalid. Dereferencing that pointer has undefined behaviour. Then weird things happens, as is often the case with undefined behaviour.
The value returned by c_str() is invalid after the string is destructed. So when you run this line:
const char* child1_str = input.substr(0, separator).c_str();
The substr function returns a temporary string. After the line is run, this temporary string is destructed and the child1_str pointer becomes invalid. Accessing that pointer results in undefined behavior.
What you should do is assign the result of substr to a local std::string variable. Then you can call c_str() on that variable, and the result will be valid until the variable is destructed (at the end of the block).
Others have already pointed out the problem with your current code. Here's how I'd do the conversion:
std::istringstream buffer(input);
buffer >> child1 >> child2;
Much simpler and more straightforward, not to mention considerably more flexible (e.g., it'll continue to work even if the input has a tab or two spaces between the numbers).
input.substr returns a temporary std::string. Since you are not saving it anywhere, it gets destroyed. Anything that happens afterwards depends solely on your luck.
I recommend using an istringstream.
I am stumped by the behaviour of the following in my Win32 (ANSI) function:
(Multi-Byte Character Set NOT UNICODE)
void sOut( HWND hwnd, string sText ) // Add new text to EDIT Control
int len;
string sBuf, sDisplay;
len = GetWindowTextLength( GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_EDIT_RESULTS) );
if(len > 0)
// HERE:
sBuf.resize(len+1, 0); // Create a string big enough for the data
GetDlgItemText( hwnd, IDC_EDIT_RESULTS, (LPSTR)sBuf.data(), len+1 );
} // MessageBox(hwnd, (LPSTR)sBuf.c_str(), "Debug", MB_OK);
sDisplay = sBuf + sText;
sDisplay = sDisplay + "\n\0"; // terminate the string
SetDlgItemText( hwnd, IDC_EDIT_RESULTS, (LPSTR)sDisplay.c_str() );
This should append text to the control with each call.
Instead, all string concatenation fails after the call to GetDlgItemText(), I am assuming because of the typecast?
I have used three string variables to make it really obvious. If sBuf is affected then sDisplay should not be affected.
(Also, why is len 1 char less than the length in the buffer?)
GetDlgItemText() corretly returns the content of the EDIT control, and SetDlgItemText() will correctly set any text in sDisplay, but the concatenation in between is just not happening.
Is this a "hidden feature" of the string class?
Yes it looks like the problem is a terminating NUL in the middle. Now I understand why the len +1. The function ensures the last char is a NUL.
Using sBuf.resize(len); will chop it off and all is good.
Leaving aside the quirky return length of this particular function, and talking about using a string as a buffer:
The standard describes the return value of basic_string::data() to be a pointer to an array whose members equal the elements of the string itself.
That's precisely what's needed isn't it?
Further, it requires that the program must not alter any of the values of that array.
As I understand it that is going to change along with the guarantee that all bytes are contiguous. I forget where I read a long article on this, but MS already implements this it asserted.
What I don't like about using a vector is that the bytes are copied twice before I can return them: once into the vector and again into the string. I also need to instantiate a vector object and a string object. That is a lot of overhead. If there were some string friendly of working with vectors (or CStrings) without resorting to old C functions or sopying characters one by one, I would use them. The string is very syntax friendly in that way.
The data() function on a std::string returns a const char*. You are not allowed to right into the buffer returned by it, it may be a duplicated buffer.
What you could do instead is to used a std::vector<char> as a temporary buffer.
E.g. (untested)
std::vector<char> sBuf( len + 1 );
GetDlgItemText( /* ... */, &sBuf[0], len + 1 );
std::string newText( &sBuf[0] );
newText += sText;
Also, the string you pass to SetDlgItemText should be \0 terminated so you should used c_str() not data() for this.
SetDlgItemText( /* ... */, newText.c_str() );
OK, I've just checked the contract for GetWindowTextLength and GetDlgItemText. Check my edits above. Both will include the space for a null terminator so you need to chop it off the end of your string otherwise concatenation of the two strings will include a null terminator in the middle of the string and the SetDlgItemText call will only use the first part of the string.
There is a further complication in that GetWindowTextLength isn't guaranteed to be accurate, it only guarantees to return a number big enough for a program to create a buffer for storing the result. It is extremely unlikely that this will actually affect a dialog box item owned by the calling code but in other situations the actual text may be shorter than the returned length. For this reason you should search for the first \0 in the returned text in any case.
I've opted to just use the std::string constructor that takes a const char* so that it finds the first \0 correctly.
The standard describes the return value of basic_string::data() to be a pointer to an array whose members equal the elements of the string itself. Further, it requires that the program must not alter any of the values of that array. This means that the return value of data() may or may not be a copy of the string's internal representation and even if it isn't a copy you still aren't allowed to write to it.
I am far away from the win32 api and their string nightmare, but there is something in the code that you can check. Standard C++ strings do not need to be null terminated and nulls can happen anywhere within the string. I won't comment on the fact that you are casting away constantness with your C-style cast, which is a problem on its own, but rather on the strange effect you are
When you initially create the string you allocate extra space for the null (and initialize all elements to '\0') and then you copy the elements. At that point your string is len+1 in size and the last element is a null. After that you append some other string, and what you get is a string that will still have a null character at position len. When you retrieve the data with either data() (does not guarantee null termination!) or c_str() the returned buffer will still have the null character at len position. If that is passed to a function that stops on null (takes a C style string), then even if the string is complete, the function will just process the first len characters and forget about the rest.
#include <string>
#include <cstdio>
#include <iostream>
int main()
const char hi[] = "Hello, ";
const char all[] = "world!";
std::string result;
result.resize( sizeof(hi), 0 );
// simulate GetDlgItemText call
std::copy( hi, hi+sizeof(hi), const_cast<char*>(result.data()) ); // this is what your C-style cast is probably doing
// append
result.append( all );
std::cout << "size: " << result.size() // 14
<< ", contents" << result // "Hello, \0world!" - dump to a file and edit with a binary editor
<< std::endl;
std::printf( "%s\n", result.c_str() ); // "Hello, "
As you can see, printf expects a C-style string and will stop when the first null character is found, so that it can seem as if the append operation never took place. On the other hand, c++ streams do work properly with std::string and will dump the whole content, checking that the strings were actually appended.
A patch to your append operation disappearing would be removing the '\0' from the initial string (reserve only len space in the string). But that is not really a good solution, you should never use const_cast (there are really few places where it can be required and this is not one of them), the fact that you don't see it is even worse: using C style casts is making your code look nicer than it is.
You have commented on another answer that you do not want to add std::vector (which would provide with a correct solution as &v[0] is a proper mutable pointer into the buffer), of course, not adding the extra space for the '\0'. Consider that this is part of an implementation file, and the fact that you use or not std::vector will not extend beyond this single compilation unit. Since you are already using some STL features, you are not adding any extra requirement to your system. So to me that would be the way to go. The solution provided by Charles Bailey should work provided that you remove the extra null character.
This is NOT an answer. I have added it here as an answer only so that I can use formatting in a long going discussion about const_cast.
This is an example where using const_cast can break a running application:
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
typedef std::map<int,int> map_type;
void dump( map_type const & m ); // implemented somewhere else for concision
int main() {
map_type m;
m[1] = 10;
m[2] = 20;
m[3] = 30;
map_type::iterator it = m.find(2);
const_cast<int&>(it->first) = 10;
// At this point the order invariant of the container is broken:
dump(); // (1,10),(10,20),(3,30) !!! unordered by key!!!!
// This happens with g++-4.0.1 in MacOSX 10.5
if ( m.find(3) == m.end() ) std::cout << "key 3 not found!!!" << std::endl;
That is the danger of using const_cast. You can get away in some situations, but in others it will bite back, and probably hard. Try to debug in thousands of lines where the element with key 3 was removed from the container. And good luck in your search, for it was never removed.