Django. Heroku. Delete migrations on Heroku - django

I want to add a couple of new fields to my app in Heroku. I wouldn't like to lose the data I have there. So, I tried using South but it kept giving me errors, it looks like I made a mistake somewhere and now I need to delete the migrations and try again. In a local environment this is done by deleting the migrations folder and dropping the south_migrationhistory tables. I am new to Heroku, I guess the commands are similar, but I can't seem to find them. Thanks in advance for your help.

Heroku comes with the ability to run a unix shell remotely, it works pretty much like ssh.
Just type heroku run bash in a terminal (from the git repo of your project of course), and you will end up with a bash prompt that can be used to explore the file system and process environment of your project, including South migration files.
Hope this helps.


How do I recommit database to Heroku after destroying DB in the Heroku dashboard

I've built an app using Django etc. I ran into a whole bunch of problems with database on Heroku after accidentally pushing to production before running heroku run python makemigrations and heroku run python migrate.
I decided to just completely destroy the database currently on Heroku and want to recommit my app's models to heroku. My hope is to completely start from a clean slate.
I just want to make sure I do this correctly so I'm asking for clear instructions about how to recommit my app's database to Heroku after destroying the database in the dashboard.
Current error I get when I open my app online is:
settings.DATABASES is improperly configured. Please supply the NAME or OPTIONS['service'] value.
If you completely removed your database you'll have to provision another one. Assuming you are using Heroku Postgres¹, you can do that using the Heroku CLI like so:
heroku addons:create heroku-postgresql:hobby-dev
Here we are asking Heroku to provision the heroku-postgresql add-on using the free hobby-dev tier. Modify as needed.
You can also provision add-ons using the Dashboard if you prefer.
As part of the provisioning process, Heroku Postgres will automatically set a new DATABASE_URL for your app. As long as your project was using this variable before you deleted your old database, it should find the new database without requiring any changes.
¹If you were using a different database add-on the solution should be more or less the same. Provision a new instance of the add-on, let it set its environment variable, and if your app was using that variable before it should pick it up on its own.

Django Migrations Tree Issues - Deployment PythonAnywhere

I have been having this issue when managing Django migrations on deployment, and I would like to know what approach should I take:
I am developing an application using Django, and I am using PythonAnywhere to deploy the web app. I am using SQLite as the database. I understand the Django migrations work like a tree or a sequence (001, 002).
Every time I make a change in a field locally, it works fine because the tree has been saved and the sequence has not changed. But when deploying the changes through GitHub (having deployed the web app and calling the migrations and migrate command, which creates another migrations files and sequence), I usually get an error indicating that the migration tree is broken. So I have to go to the app's migration folder, delete them, and call the migrations and migrate commands again.
This is causing me a lot of problems, as I do not want to mess with schema of the database and lose the information.
It is just me or anyone else is having this issue the migrations tree, not only on PythonAnywhere but on others servers?
Thank you!
Thank you guys! #Ankit Tiwari, not I did not as the Django documentation says that it is important to keep the migrations files on deployment as #caseneuve recommended. Even thought I read somewhere that on the server side is not necessary to call the makemigrations command, just the migrate as the migrations files already exist; so I try it and so far it is not giving me more errors. Thanks for the answers.

How to update database (postgresql) of a deployed django-app, after modifying a model?

I'm having trouble with my Django-app that's been deployed.
It was working fine but I had to do a minor modification (augmented the max_length) of a Charfield of some model. I did migrations and everything was working fine in the local version.
Then I commited the changes without a problem and the mentioned field of the web version now accepts more characters, as expected, but whenever I click the save button a Server Error rises.
I assume I have to do some kind of migration/DB update for the web version but I don't seem to find how.
(I'm working with Django 1.11, postgresql 9.6, and DigitalOcean).
I've just realized that the 'minor modification' also included a field deletion in the model.
Short answer
You have to run
python migrate
on the server, too. Before you do that, make sure all migration scripts you have locally are also present on the server.
After changing the model, you probably locally ran
python makemigrations
This creates migration scripts that'll transform database schema accordingly. Hopefully, you've committed these newly created scripts to Git, together with the changed model. (If not, you can still do so now.)
after running makemigrations (either before or after committing, that shouldn't matter), you've probably locally ran
python migrate
This applies the migration scripts to the database that haven't been applied to it, yet. (The information which ones have already been applied is stored in the database itself.)
You probably (and hopefully) haven't checked in your local database into Git, so when you pushed your tracked changes to a remote repo and pulled them down on your server (or however else the new Git revisions got there), the changes to the server database haven't happened, yet. So you have to repeat the last local step (migrate) on the server.
Further reading
For more information, refer to the Django 1.11 documentation w.r.t. migrations. (You can e.g. limit migration creation or migration application to a single Django app, instead of the whole Django project.) To get the grip of these things, I can recomment the free Django Girls tutorial.

Heroku app with Django and postgres crashing unexpectdly

I am new to Django development, but I am in a situation where I need to deploy a large project on Heroku.
I ran my app in local system, it worked fine.
I pushed the same to Heroku and it also worked fine. But after few hours I open my app URL in browser , then app is saying Some thing has broken,intimated to admin.
The app worked fine before few hours, but what happened after few hours.
I just pushed my old DB backup to Heroku DB, Thats it app running fine now.
But I confused what happened to my app, I am facing this problem again and again,
how can I avoid this problem in future.
My app configuration:
This could be a number of causes. It sounds more like a database issue. I would run the following command
heroku pg:reset HEROKU_POSTGRESQL_[COLOR]_URL --confirm [appname]
This will reset your postgres database that is the active one, remove all tables etc.
Then I would run the regular command to get your database backup and running. syncdb
You can also do the following validate
This will go through your modules and tell you if any errors are present.
If that fails - enable debug in your file.
Also you can run "heroku logs" this will tell you the last few errors and statuses that have been hit with your app.
Let me know if this works, if not I will help debug further.

Deployment woes: What do I do after "svn up"?

I've got several questions. I have no idea how the heck to deploy...
After doing "svn up" on my production server, I'm not sure how to "refresh" my server so that the changes are reflected when you visit it. What can I do to refresh my server to see the changes in production? (I tried rebooting.)
I also noticed that some of the files that I changed weren't truly updated. I deleted a file and saw that doing "svn up" would bring the file back. I went back and deleted everything in the web app's folders, including the svn files (probably a mistake). (I should be safe since I have the prod revisions on the test server, I assume...) So, how can I bring these files back?
I need all the advice and resources on this that I can get. Feel free to post anything else that will get me through this process.
It depends how you run your django up. If you're serving with mod_python/modwsgi, a simple apache restart does the trick.
If you're datamodel changed, you may need to call south command migrate.
On most Linux-Systems this can be done with service apache2 restart
You can do the svn up, migrate and service apache2 restart with fabric
Fabric helps you to automate to execute shell commands over ssh.
If you are deploying on mod_wsgi you can simply touch the .wsgi file and it will reload the app without having to restart your whole server/httpd/etc