Rails params[:id] in external coffee script - ruby-on-rails-4

I try to use params[:id] in an external coffee like that :
url: <%= params[:id] %> + "/events/" + event._id
But I have an error :
SyntaxError: [stdin]:145:22: unexpected newline
My file is named clubs.js.coffee.erb
I translate my code from js to coffee from the website js2coffee.com so maybe there is some mistake.
$(document).ready ->
# Fonction d'envoi d'une requête de mise à jour d'un évènement
update_function = (event, dayDelta, minuteDelta, allDay, revertFunc, jsEvent, ui, view) ->
url: <% #club_id %> + "/events/" + event._id # prb d'url à modifier
dataType: "json"
type: "PUT"
event: # re-use event's data
title: event.title
start: event.start
end: event.end
allDay: event.allDay
club_id: 1
#fin update_function
# Gestion du dialogue modal d'édition d'un évènement
edit_pop_up = (data) ->
height: 400 # Taille du dialogue
width: 500
resizable: false # Pas de redimensionnement
title: "Informations" # Un titre
modal: true # Dialogue modal => interrompt les autres interractions
buttons: # Le bouton de validation
Enregistrer: ->
$("#event_form").submit() # Envoi les données du formulaire
$(this).dialog "close" # Ferme le dialogue
$("#calendar").fullCalendar "unselect" # efface le helper de sélection du créneau horaire
$("#calendar").fullCalendar "refetchEvents" # Réaffiche le calendrier
Supprimer: ->
if confirm("Etes vous certain de vouloir supprimer cet évènement?") # Demande de confirmation
$.ajax #Envoi de la requête de suppression
url: <% #club_id %> + "/events/" + selected_event._id # prb d'url à modifier
dataType: "json"
type: "DELETE"
$(this).dialog "close" # Ferme le dialogue
$("#calendar").fullCalendar "unselect" # efface le helper de sélection du créneau horaire
$("#calendar").fullCalendar "refetchEvents" # Réaffiche le calendrier
$(".ui-dialog-titlebar-close").html "X"
calendar = $("#calendar").fullCalendar(
# paramètres de base
# Parlons Français
monthNames: [
monthNamesShort: [
dayNames: [
dayNamesShort: [
month: "MMMM yyyy"
week: "d[ MMMM][ yyyy]{ - d MMMM yyyy}"
day: "dddd dd MMM yyyy"
month: "ddd"
week: "ddd dd/M"
day: "dddd dd/M"
axisFormat: "HH:mm"
"": "HH:mm"
agenda: "HH:mm{ - HH:mm}"
allDayText: "Journée entière"
today: "aujourd'hui"
day: "jour"
week: "semaine"
month: "mois"
firstDay: 1 #premier jour de la semaine => Lundi
defaultView: "agendaWeek" # par défaut on affiche un agenda semaine
header: # Mise en forme de l entete
left: "prevYear,prev,next,nextYear,today" # à gauche: les boutons de navigation
center: "title" # au milieu: le titre
right: "month,agendaWeek,agendaDay" # à droite: les boutons de type de vue
editable: true #permettre de modifier les évenements déjà créés
selectable: true #permettre de sélectionner des évenements
events: (<% #club_id %> + "/events.json") # source de données
selectHelper: true
select: (start, end, allDay) -> #création évenement
title = prompt("Titre:")
if title
$.post (<% #club_id %> + "/events.json"), # your url
title: title
start: start
end: end
allDay: allDay
club_id: <% #club_id %>
editable: true
calendar.fullCalendar "unselect"
calendar.fullCalendar "refetchEvents"
#Déplacement d'un evenement par glisser/déposer
eventDrop: update_function
#Redimensionnement d'un evenement
eventResize: update_function
# Gestion double click
eventRender: (event, element) ->
element.bind "dblclick", ->
url: <% #club_id %> + "/events/" + event._id + "/edit.js" # prb d'url à modifier
dataType: "html" # récupère le code html du formulaire
type: "GET"
success: edit_pop_up # ouverture du dialogue modal
error: (xhRequest, ErrorText, thrownError) ->
alert "Error... " + ErrorText + " " + thrownError
#End FullCalendar


Persist an entity in a ManyToOne relationship without creating a new linked entity

I have a concern with the persistence of my entities for a ManyToOne Unidirectionnal relationship. In fact I have an entity Order linked to a ticket entity, in the order form I have a choices to select the ticket.
This is foreign key in Command Entity
* #ORM\Entity(repositoryClass="App\Repository\CommandRepository")
class Command
* #ORM\ManyToOne(targetEntity="App\Entity\Ticket")
* #ORM\JoinColumn(nullable=false, name="Ticket_id", referencedColumnName="id")
private $ticket;
the Builder of CommandForm is
public function buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options)
$builder->add('datevisite', DateType::class,['widget' => 'choice',
'format' => 'dd-MM-yyyy', 'html5' => false,'label'=>'Date de la visite', 'attr'=>['class' => 'js-datepicker'] ])
->add('ticket', EntityType::class,['required'=>true, 'class' => Ticket::class,'choice_label'=>'nombillet', 'attr'=>['placeholder'=>'Choisissez le type de billet']])
->add('email', EmailType::class,['required'=>true, 'label'=>'Votre mail', 'attr'=>['placeholder'=>'Entrez votre adresse mail ']])
When I save (persist) an Command with
instead of registering the command with the selected ticket in the drop-down list, a new ticket is automatically created and assigned to the command.
please help me to persist only the Command with the foreign key of existing ticket (selected)
my controller
namespace App\Controller;
use App\Entity\Command;
use App\Notification\NotificationContact;
use App\Entity\Typebillet;
use App\Entity\Typetarif;
use App\Entity\Visiteur;
use App\Form\Type\CommandType;
use App\Module\Module;
use Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Session\SessionInterface;
use Symfony\Bridge\Doctrine\Form\Type\EntityType;
use Doctrine\Common\Persistence\ObjectManager;
use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController;
use Symfony\Component\Routing\Annotation\Route;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
use Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\TextType;
use Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\DateType;
use Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\SubmitType;
use Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\NumberType;
use Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\CheckboxType;
use Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\ChoiceType;
use Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\CountryType;
use Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\EmailType;
class LouvreController extends AbstractController
private $lacommand ;
private $session;
public function __construct()
$this->lacommand = new Command();
* #Route("/billet/reservation", name="louvre_billet")
public function billet(Request $request, SessionInterface $session){
// $this->lacommand = new command();
//$form = $this->createFormBuilder($command)
$form = $this->createForm(CommandType::class, $this->lacommand);
if ($form->isSubmitted() && $form->isValid()) {
$this->lacommand->setDatecommande(new \DateTime());
$today = new \DateTime();
if ( Module::CommandeJourPasse($this->lacommand->getDatevisite()) == -1 ) {
return $this->rediriger('danger', 'Attention vous ne pouvez commander un billet pour un jour passé!!!', 'louvre_billet');
if ( Module::AuDela14H($this->lacommand->getTypebillet()->getId(), $this->lacommand->getDatevisite() ) == -1 ) {
return $this->rediriger('danger', 'Attention vous ne pouvez commander un billet journée au delà de 14 le jour même', 'louvre_billet');
if ( $this->recherchetarif($this->lacommand) === -1) {
$this->addFlash('danger', 'Attention vous devez enregistrer au moins un visiteur ' );
return $this->redirectToRoute('louvre_billet', array(), 301);
$nbrebilletDuJourDeVisite = $this->getDoctrine()
->sumNumberVisite( $this->lacommand->getDatevisite()->format('Y-m-d') );
if (($nbrebilletDuJourDeVisite + $this->lacommand->getNombrebillet()) > 1000) {
$dispo = 1000 - $nbrebilletDuJourDeVisite;
$this->addFlash('danger', 'Attention votre commande ne peut être effectuée, car la capacité d\' accueil journalière est limitée à 1000 visites. Actuellemnt '.$dispo.' billet(s) disponible(s)' );
return $this->redirectToRoute('louvre_billet', array(), 301);
$verif = $this->verifJourOuvrables($this->lacommand->getDatevisite());
if($verif['error'] >0) {
$this->addFlash('danger', $verif['message'] );
return $this->redirectToRoute('louvre_billet', array(), 301);
$session->set('command', $this->lacommand);
return $this->paie($this->lacommand);
return $this->render('louvre/resa.html.twig', array(
'formCommand' => $form->createView(),
public function paie(Command $command){
return $this->render('louvre/paiement.html.twig', [
'datevisite'=> $command->getDatevisite()->format('d-M-Y'),
'nombrebillet' => $command->getNombrebillet(),
'montantnet' => $command->getMontantnet(),
'email' => $command->getEmail() ,
'command'=>$command] );
* #Route("/billet/paiement", name="le_paiement")
public function paiement( Request $request, ObjectManager $manager, SessionInterface $session , \Swift_Mailer $mailer){
if ($request->request->get('stripeToken') !== null) {
$command = $session->get('command');
/* dump($command);
$montantnetCent = $command->getMontantnet() * 100;
// Set your secret key: remember to change this to your live secret key in production
// See your keys here: https://dashboard.stripe.com/account/apikeys
// Token is created using Checkout or Elements!
// Get the payment token ID submitted by the form:
$token = $request->request->get('stripeToken');
$charge = \Stripe\Charge::create([
'amount' => $montantnetCent,
'currency' => 'eur',
'description' => 'Achat billet musée de Louvre -- '.$command->getEmail(),
'source' => $token,
catch (Exception $e) {
$error = $e->getMessage();
$this->addFlash('danger', $error );
return $this->redirectToRoute('louvre_billet', array(), 301);
* ici on va générer et insérer le code
$code = $command->getDatevisite()->format('ymd')."-".substr($command->getTypebillet()->getNombillet(),0,4)."-".uniqid();
* envoie de mail
$message = (new \Swift_Message('Musée de LOUVRE : Votre reservation '))
// templates/emails/registration.html.twig
array('datevisite' => $command->getDatevisite(),
'typebillet' => $command->getTypebillet()->getNombillet(),
'montantnet' => $command->getMontantnet(),
'visiteurs' => $command->getVisiteurs(),
'code' => $command-> getCode(),
* fin envoie
return $this->render(
// templates/emails/registration.html.twig
array('datevisite' => $command->getDatevisite(),
'typebillet' => $command->getTypebillet()->getNombillet(),
'montantnet' => $command->getMontantnet(),
'visiteurs' => $command->getVisiteurs(),
'code' => $command->getCode()
/*$this->addFlash('success', 'Paiement effectué avec succes ' );
return $this->redirectToRoute('louvre_billet', array(), 301); */
$this->addFlash('danger', 'Un probleme est survenu lors du paiement ' );
return $this->redirectToRoute('louvre_billet', array(), 301);
public function recherchetarif(Command $command){
$tarif = new Typetarif();
$today = new \DateTime();
$reduction = 0;
$montantbrut = 0;
$lesvisiteurs= new ArrayCollection();
$manager = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
if ($command->getVisiteurs()->count() == 0) {
return -1;
foreach ($command->getVisiteurs() as $visiteur) {
# code...
* On calcule l'age de chaque visiteur et on recupère le tarif correspondant
$datenais = $visiteur->getDatenaissance()->format('Y-m-d');
$datenais = new \DateTime($datenais);
$age = date_diff($today, $datenais);
$tarif = $this->getDoctrine()
// $command->removeVisiteur($visiteur);
$montantbrut = $montantbrut + $tarif->getTarifmontant();
// on calcul le montant brut de la facture brut = PUBillet x Nbre de billet
//$montantbrut = $tarif->getTarifmontant() * $command->getNombrebillet();
$command->setMontantbrut ($montantbrut);
// On impute une éventuelle reduction de 10 euros
if ( $command->getTarifreduit()==true) {
$reduction = 10;
// on applique le montant net = montant brut - reduction
$command->setMontantnet($montantbrut - $reduction);
return 0;
public function verifJourOuvrables($datevisite)
{ $error = 0;
$message = '';
if ($datevisite->format('N') == 2) {
$error = $error + 1;
$message = 'Désolé le musée n\' pas oiuvert le Mardi !!!';
return ['error'=>$error, 'message'=>$message];
if ($datevisite->format('j') == 1 and $datevisite->format('m')==5) {
$error = $error + 1;
$message = 'Désolé le musée n\' ouvre pas le 1er MAI !!!';
return ['error'=>$error, 'message'=>$message];
if ($datevisite->format('j') == 1 and $datevisite->format('m')==11) {
$error = $error + 1;
$message = 'Désolé le musée n\' ouvre pas le 1er Novembre !!!';
return ['error'=>$error, 'message'=>$message];
if ($datevisite->format('j') == 25 and $datevisite->format('m')==12) {
$error = $error + 1;
$message = 'Désolé le musée n\' ouvre pas le 25 Decembre !!!';
return ['error'=>$error, 'message'=>$message];
public function rediriger($type, $message, $route){
$this->addFlash($type , $message );
return $this->redirectToRoute($route, array(), 301);
In this Controller, the function use to persist all the Entities is
* #Route("/billet/paiement", name="le_paiement")
public function paiement( Request $request, ObjectManager $manager, SessionInterface $session , \Swift_Mailer $mailer){
if ($request->request->get('stripeToken') !== null) {
$command = $session->get('command');
/* dump($command);
$montantnetCent = $command->getMontantnet() * 100;
// Set your secret key: remember to change this to your live secret key in production
// See your keys here: https://dashboard.stripe.com/account/apikeys
// Token is created using Checkout or Elements!
// Get the payment token ID submitted by the form:
$token = $request->request->get('stripeToken');
$charge = \Stripe\Charge::create([
'amount' => $montantnetCent,
'currency' => 'eur',
'description' => 'Achat billet musée de Louvre -- '.$command->getEmail(),
'source' => $token,
catch (Exception $e) {
$error = $e->getMessage();
$this->addFlash('danger', $error );
return $this->redirectToRoute('louvre_billet', array(), 301);
* ici on va générer et insérer le code
$code = $command->getDatevisite()->format('ymd')."-".substr($command->getTypebillet()->getNombillet(),0,4)."-".uniqid();
* envoie de mail
$message = (new \Swift_Message('Musée de LOUVRE : Votre reservation '))
// templates/emails/registration.html.twig
array('datevisite' => $command->getDatevisite(),
'typebillet' => $command->getTypebillet()->getNombillet(),
'montantnet' => $command->getMontantnet(),
'visiteurs' => $command->getVisiteurs(),
'code' => $command-> getCode(),
* fin envoie
return $this->render(
// templates/emails/registration.html.twig
array('datevisite' => $command->getDatevisite(),
'typebillet' => $command->getTypebillet()->getNombillet(),
'montantnet' => $command->getMontantnet(),
'visiteurs' => $command->getVisiteurs(),
'code' => $command->getCode()
/*$this->addFlash('success', 'Paiement effectué avec succes ' );
return $this->redirectToRoute('louvre_billet', array(), 301); */
$this->addFlash('danger', 'Un probleme est survenu lors du paiement ' );
return $this->redirectToRoute('louvre_billet', array(), 301);

List text in 3 columns

I have been stuck like 3 hours without finding anything on the net.
this is what I want to achieve: https://gyazo.com/281aa4fd3ddc3824063899da5f121d72
this is what I get:
Can't make the first list unable to invade column 2, that's my problem.
I've tried to use div, tables, some columns atributes, but it seems I can't make it work.
So just simple as that… I need 3 columns, 1 for list, that's all.
align-content: center;
width: 960px;
background-color: grey;
#cabecera H1{
align-content: center;
margin-left: 200px;
margin-right: 200px;
#datos {
width: 260px;
float: left;
#contenido {
width: 700px;
float: right;
width: 700px;
column-count: 3;
/*-webkit-column-break-break-inside: avoid;
-webkit-column-break-break-after: always;*/
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<title>HTML & CSS: Curso práctico avanzado</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="estilo.css">
<div id="fondo">
<div id="cabecera">
<h1>HTML & CSS: Curso práctico avanzado</h1>
<div id="datos">
<h2>Datos del libro</h2>
<li>Título: HTML & CSS: Curso práctico avanzado</li>
<li>Autor: Sergio Luján Mora</li>
<li>Editorial: Publicaciones Altaria</li>
<li>Año de publicación: 2015</li>
<li>ISBN: 978-84-944049-4-8</li>
<div id="contenido">
<h2>Descripción del libro</h2>
Aunque los inicios de Internet se remontan a los años sesenta,
no ha sido hasta los años noventa cuando, gracias a la Web, se ha
extendido su uso por todo el mundo. En pocos años, la Web ha
evolucionado enormemente: se ha pasado de páginas sencillas, con
pocas imágenes y contenidos estáticos que eran visitadas por unos
pocos usuarios a páginas complejas, con contenidos dinámicos que
provienen de bases de datos y que son visitadas por miles de
usuarios al mismo tiempo.
Todas las páginas están internamente construidas con la misma
tecnología, con el Lenguaje de marcas de hipertexto (Hypertext
Markup Language, HTML) y con las Hojas de estilo en cascada
(Cascading Style Sheets, CSS).
Este libro es adecuado para cualquiera que tenga interés en
aprender a desarrollar sus propias páginas web. No son necesarios
conocimientos previos para aprender con este libro, lo único que
es necesario es saber utilizar un ordenador y saber navegar por la
<h2>Contenido del libro</h2>
El contenido de este libro se estructura en tres apartados bien
<div id="columnas">
<div style="width: 233px">
<li>En la primera parte del libro se trabajan conceptos generales
que son necesarios para poder desarrollar páginas web; se explican
conceptos de estructura física y estructura lógica (o estructura
de navegación) de un sitio web. Se detalla cómo influye la
estructura física en las URL o direcciones que se emplean a la
hora de crear los enlaces de un sitio web. Pasando por el concepto
de "estándar web", un término general que se emplea para
refererirse a los estándares que define su funcionamiento como
HTML y CSS, empleados para el desarrollo de las páginas web en el
lado del cliente.</li>
<div style="width: 233px">
<li>En la segunda parte se trabaja HTML. Partiendo de la estructura básica de una página web, se explican las etiquetas de
HTML que se utilizan para definir el texto, los enlaces, las
listas, las tablas, los formularios y los elementos
<div style="width: 233px">
<li>En la tercera y última parte se explica CSS, el lenguaje que
se emplea para definir el formato y la presentación de una página
web. Se explica cómo utilizar el color, cómo definir la
presentación del texto, de las tablas y de los formularios; cómo
realizar transformaciones y transiciones con el fin de diseñar una
página web.</li>

How to use a regex to extract a URL from a JavaScript function?

I tried to learn regex to do this simple task, I tested may patterns using regex101.com editor but with no success.
I want to extract this link (http://mp3lg4.tdf-cdn.com/9243/lag_164753.mp3) from this javascript text, please note that the links doesn't always end with mp3, it could end with anything.
JavaScript Text:
function reqListener () {
var div = document.createElement("div");
div.innerHTML = new XMLSerializer().serializeToString(this.responseXML.documentElement);
document.body.insertBefore(div, document.body.childNodes[0]);
var oReq = new XMLHttpRequest();
oReq.addEventListener("load", reqListener);
oReq.open("GET", "//static.radio.fr/inc/v2/images/icons/icon-sprites.svg?_=93cbcb9ebf4e2d5276480a0d9c06c653056f0d85");
var environment = {
develop: false,
production: true,
debug: false
if (window.environment && window.environment.production) {
window.console.debug = function() {};
window.console.log = function() {};
var require = {
baseUrl: "/inc/v2/js",
config: {
'logger': {
enabled: false,
filter: (window.environment && window.environment.develop) && (window.location.search.indexOf('test_production=') === -1) ? 'debug' : 'info'
'components/station/stationService': {
station: {"continent":"Europe","country":"France","logo300x300":"http://static.radio.fr/images/broadcasts/15/43/8275/1/c300.png","city":"Paris","stationType":"radio_station","description":"Virgin Radio est une station de radio musicale privée Française. Elle a été créée en 2008, suite au changement de nom de la radio Europe 2, et fait partie du groupe Lagardère SCA. La radio cible une audience de jeunes adultes grâce aux hits Electro-Rock et Pop qu’elle propose. L’audience de la chaîne dépasse les 2,7 millions d’auditeurs quotidiens.\r\nCette radio FM est disponible dorénavant par internet grâce à ses flux de diffusion MP3 de 64 et 128 kbps.\r\nAprès son passage à vide du début des années 2010, Virgin Radio revient en force avec son son “Pop - Rock - Electro”.","language":["Français"],"logo100x100":"http://static.radio.fr/images/broadcasts/15/43/8275/1/c100.png","streamUrls":[{"streamUrl":"http://mp3lg4.tdf-cdn.com/9243/lag_164753.mp3","loadbalanced":false,"metaDataAvailable":false,"playingMode":"STEREO","type":"STREAM","sampleRate":44100,"streamContentFormat":"MP3","bitRate":128,"idBroadcast":8275,"sortOrder":0,"streamFormat":"ICECAST","id":47609,"streamStatus":"VALID","contentType":"audio/mpeg"},{"streamUrl":"http://mp3lg3.scdn.arkena.com/10490/virginradio.mp3","loadbalanced":false,"metaDataAvailable":false,"playingMode":"STEREO","type":"STREAM","sampleRate":44100,"streamContentFormat":"MP3","bitRate":64,"idBroadcast":8275,"sortOrder":1,"streamFormat":"ICECAST","id":57003,"streamStatus":"VALID","contentType":"audio/mpeg"}],"playable":"PLAYABLE","genres":["Pop","Rock"],"logo175x175":"http://static.radio.fr/images/broadcasts/15/43/8275/1/c175.png","adParams":{"st_city":["Paris"],"languages":["Français"],"genres":["Pop","Rock"],"topics":[],"st_cont":["Europe"],"station":["virginradio"],"family":["Virgin"],"st_region":[],"type":["radio_station"],"st_country":["France"]},"alias":"Virgin;;Virgin Radio;;103.5;;103,5;Pop Rock Electro","rank":8,"id":8275,"types":["Radio FM"],"website":"http://www.virginradio.fr/","topics":[],"shortDescription":"Virgin Radio propose d'écouter le meilleur des sons “Pop - Rock - Electro”","logo44x44":"http://static.radio.fr/images/broadcasts/15/43/8275/1/c44.png","numberEpisodes":0,"podcastUrls":[],"hideReferer":false,"name":"Virgin Radio 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I want to apply this regex pattern in this code:
Public Function regExInput(myPatern As String, myInput As String) As String
Dim strPattern As String: strPattern = myPatern
Dim strReplace As String: strReplace = ""
Dim regEx As New RegExp
regExInput = myInput
If strPattern <> "" Then
With regEx
.Global = True
.MultiLine = True
.IgnoreCase = False
.Pattern = strPattern
End With
If regEx.Test(regExInput) Then
MsgBox (regEx.Replace(regExInput, strReplace))
MsgBox ("Not matched")
End If
End If
End Function
Here is a regex that should do what you want:
Try it out here:
The match is in Group 1 (look under match info on the right).
And in VBA it might be something like this:
Dim myRegExp, myMatches, myMatch
Set myRegExp = New RegExp
myRegExp.IgnoreCase = True
myRegExp.Global = True
myRegExp.Pattern = "{\s*[""']\s*streamUrl\s*[""']\s*:\s*[""']\s*(http[^""']+)"
Set myMatches = myRegExp.Execute(SubjectString)
For Each myMatch In myMatches
For I = 1 To myMatch.SubMatches.Count
'backreference text: myMatch.SubMatches(I-1)

Can't get the literal 'de' from dateFormat. Example: 8 de Enero de 2016

I'm trying to get a date with the following format using the jquery ui datepicker: d de MM de yy. Example: 8 de Enero de 2016
I've try with:
dateFormat: 'd \de MM \de yy'
dateFormat: 'd &apos;de&apos; MM &apos;de&apos; yy'
but it's not working as I expected, it displays 8 8e Enero 8e 2016 instead of 8 de Enero de 2016.
I have the code in the folling fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/yewnu9jL/1/
<input type="text" id="datepicker">
$.datepicker.regional["es"] = {
closeText: "Cerrar",
prevText: "<Ant",
nextText: "Sig>",
currentText: "Hoy",
monthNames: ["Enero", "Febrero", "Marzo", "Abril", "Mayo", "Junio", "Julio", "Agosto", "Septiembre", "Octubre", "Noviembre", "Diciembre"],
monthNamesShort: ["Ene","Feb","Mar","Abr", "May","Jun","Jul","Ago","Sep", "Oct","Nov","Dic"],
dayNames: ["Domingo", "Lunes", "Martes", "Miércoles", "Jueves", "Viernes", "Sábado"],
dayNamesShort: ["Dom","Lun","Mar","Mié","Juv","Vie","Sáb"],
dayNamesMin: ["Do","Lu","Ma","Mi","Ju","Vi","Sá"],
weekHeader: "Sm",
dateFormat: "dd/mm/yy",
firstDay: 1,
isRTL: false,
showMonthAfterYear: false,
yearSuffix: ""
dateFormat: 'd de MM de yy',
maxDate: 0,
onSelect: function() {
}).datepicker('setDate', new Date());
How can I do it?
The simplest approach is to quote the text with single quotes... but to do that as simply as possible, you should use double quotes for the overall value:
dateFormat: "d 'de' MM 'de' yy"
Finally I solved it with:
dateFormat: "d 'de' MM 'de' yy"

Removing tabs and newlines with regular expressions issue

Regex: remove TAB \t tab var regex = /\s[A-Za-z]+/g do not work
selectFirstEmptyRow function () {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.openByUrl ("https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/---ID-----edit#gid=395019283");
var date = Utilities.formatDate(new Date() ss.getSpreadsheetTimeZone(), "d" + "- 0" + "M" + "-" + "y");
var sheet = ss.getSheetByName(date);
var regex = /[^0-9]*/g; // extract the string before digital channel
var doc = DocumentApp.getActiveDocument().getText()
var result = RegExp.exec(doc);
// * Extract white \ s match any white space character [\ r \ n \ t \ f]
var regex = /\s[A-Za-z]+/g; // extract the spaces in front of and behind "Name Surname"
RegExp.exec var result = (result);
sheet.setActiveSelection(sheet getRange ("B" + getFirstEmptyRowWholeRow())).setValue(result);
I can not remove a tab \t and newlines \n with the syntax
var regex = /\s[A-Za-z]+/g;
There remains a line preceding the string "Name Surname" when I insert it into the Spreadsheet.
After analysis it appears that the concerns are the tabs \t, it is not deleted.
I try to extract from a "text document" a string (which is always at the top of the document until the first numerical chain) and put in a "spreadsheet document 'Spreadsheet at the site of the first box vacuum column "B".
The handling of this string in the same "text document" did not cause me any problem for the update of age with the syntax
var regex = /[^0-9]*/g; // extract the string before a digit
The string from the document:
var str = '\n\n\n\Surname NAME\n34 Years\n\n......... .. "
Here is the complete script:
/// var result = result.replace(/^[\r\n]+|.|[\r\n]+$/g, "");// extrait les espaces devant et derriere Nom Prenom GAS D'ONT WORK
///// Facturer Acte ////
function FacturerActe() {
var regexp = /[^0-9]*/g ;// extrait la chaine de caractère avant la chaine numérique
var doc = DocumentApp.getActiveDocument().getText();
var result = regexp.exec(doc);
var PrenomNom = new RegExp(result,"gm");
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.openByUrl("https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/19rWt8JEGbYM29-W4tI2gj6peXR3hjvj51FxDFt2gFkU/edit#gid=395019283");
var date = Utilities.formatDate(new Date(), ss.getSpreadsheetTimeZone() , "d"+"-"+"mm"+"-"+"y");
var sheet = ss.getSheetByName(date);
var cell = sheet.getRange("A40");
cell.setNote("Aujourd'hui est un nouveau jour ! Nous sommes le :"+date);
selectFirstEmptyRow(); // Place le curseur sur la premiere ligne Vide de la Colonne "B"
//* Placez le curseur de l'utilisateur actuel dans la première cellule de la première ligne vide.
function selectFirstEmptyRow() {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.openByUrl("https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/19rWt8JEGbYM29-W4tI2gj6peXR3hjvj51FxDFt2gFkU/edit#gid=395019283");
var date = Utilities.formatDate(new Date(), ss.getSpreadsheetTimeZone() , "d"+"-"+"mm"+"-"+"y");
var sheet = ss.getSheetByName(date);
var regexp = /[^0-9]*/g ;// extrait la chaine de caractère avant la chaine numérique
var doc = DocumentApp.getActiveDocument().getText();
var result = regexp.exec(doc);
var regexp = /\s[A-Z a-z]+/g ;// extrait les espaces devant et derriere Nom Prenom
//* Extrait les blancs
var result = regexp.exec(result);
/// var result = result.replace(/^[\r\n]+|\.|[\r\n]+$/g, "");// extrait les espaces devant et derriere Nom Prenom GAS D'ONT WORK
sheet . setActiveSelection (sheet.getRange("B" + getFirstEmptyRowWholeRow())).setValue(result);
* " Trouve la première ligne vide la Colonne "B" " de checker de Mogsdad.
function getFirstEmptyRowWholeRow () {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.openByUrl("https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/19rWt8JEGbYM29-W4tI2gj6peXR3hjvj51FxDFt2gFkU/edit#gid=395019283");
var date = Utilities.formatDate(new Date(), ss.getSpreadsheetTimeZone(), "d"+"-"+"mm"+"-"+"y");
var sheet = ss.getSheetByName(date);
var range = sheet.getDataRange();
var values = range.getValues();
var row = 1 ;
for (var row = 1; row < values.length; row ++) {
if (!values[ row ].join("")) break ;
return (row + 1);
///// Fin Facturer Acte ////
As per Using regular expressions to search for data in your spreadsheet, you can match any newline and tab using [\t\r\n] pattern. Since you have more than one at a stretch, you should add a quantificator +. Also, since you are looking to capture 2 lines, you should add the [\t\r\n]+ to the pattern, too.
This will let you capture the 2 lines with Name and Age in between the newlines:
And you can later remove the newline characters:
var result = str.replace(/[\r\n\t]+(.+[\r\n\t]+.+)[\t\r\n]+/, '$1');
Here is what it looks like on regex101.com.
alert("'" + "\n\t\n\nNew line\n\t\nSecond 34 line\n\t\n....".replace(/[\r\n\t]+(.+[\r\n\t]+.+)[\t\r\n]+/, '$1') + "'")