Event Loop in Qt-based DLL in a non-Qt application - c++

I was searching the whole web for an answer but didn't find the solution for my problem. Or maybe I did but because I am a beginner to C++/programming/Qt I didn't understand them.
The closest thing was a question here Using a Qt-based DLL in a non-Qt application. I tried to use this method but so far unsuccessfully.
I try to create a DLL, it's the API for our USB device. The library should work on non-Qt applications too. I have PIMPL-ed all Qt stuff and private classes so the code below is one layer under the public classes. I am using QSerialPort and a lot of SIGNAL/SLOT so I need the QCoreApplications event loop. The ReaderSerial is where Qt stuff begins it also instantiate another class where the QSerialPort running in a different QThread.
At this moment my problem is the whole thing crashes on error: “QTimer can only be used with threads started with QThread”
I guess my Qt-based Classes like ReaderSerial don't "see" the QCoreApp event loop or something like that. So my question is how to provide the QCoreApplication event loop to my DLL so all Qt-based classes I created will work and I will be able to call methods from my DLL.
Thank you very much for answers.
class ReaderPrivate
void static qCoreAppExec();
ReaderSerial *readerSerial;
void connectReader(std::string comPort);
void disconnectReader();
// Private Qt application
namespace QAppPriv
static int argc = 1;
static char * argv[] = {"API.app", NULL};
static QCoreApplication * pApp = NULL;
std::thread qCoreAppThread(qCoreAppExec);
readerSerial = new ReaderSerial;
delete readerSerial;
void ReaderPrivate::qCoreAppExec()
if (QCoreApplication::instance() == NULL)
QAppPriv::pApp = new QCoreApplication(QAppPriv::argc, QAppPriv::argv);
if (QAppPriv::pApp)
delete QAppPriv::pApp;
void ReaderPrivate::connectReader(std::string comPort)
void ReaderPrivate::disconnectReader()
Based on #Kuba Ober answer I created a shared library. It took me some time to understand what's going on and how to make it work, but it still doesn't do what it should. So I am now asking for advice how to make this code work.
#include "Windows.h"
extern "C"
__declspec(dllexport) void WINAPI kyleHello();
#include "apic.h"
#include "appthread.h"
void WINAPI kyleHello()
static AppThread *thread;
switch (reason)
thread = new AppThread;
delete thread;
return TRUE;
#include <QThread>
#include <QCoreApplication>
#include <QPointer>
#include "worker.h"
static QPointer<Worker> worker;
class AppThread : public QThread
// No need for the Q_OBJECT
QPointer<QCoreApplication> m_app;
void run() Q_DECL_OVERRIDE
std::cout << "\n AppThread::run";
int argc;
char *argv;
QCoreApplication app(argc, &argv);
m_app = &app;
std::cout << "\nAppThread::run before Worker";
Worker worker_;
worker = &worker_;
std::cout << "\nAppThread::run before app.exec";
//using QThread::wait(); // This wouldn't work here.
#include "appthread.h"
std::cout << "\n AppThread::ctor";
std::cout << "\n AppThread::dtor \n";
#include <QObject>
#include <QDebug>
#include <iostream>
class Worker : public QObject
Q_INVOKABLE void helloImpl()
std::cout << "I'm alive.";
//qDebug() << "I'm alive.";
void hello();
#include "worker.h"
std::cout << "\nWorker::ctor";
void Worker::hello()
std::cout << "\nWorker::hello()";
// This is thread-safe, the method is invoked from the event loop
QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this, "helloImpl", Qt::QueuedConnection);
The output from this is usually:
QMutex: destroying locked mutex
GitHub repo: https://github.com/KyleHectic/apic.git

First of all, if you need QCoreApplication, it will always be your QCoreApplication. You should not attempt any sort of dynamic linking of Qt in your DLL, in case it would end up picking up Qt from the application that is your consumer. There are no guarantees of binary compatiblity between those Qt libraries - this would force your consumer to use the exact same compiler version, and a binary compatible build of Qt. That is, generally speaking, a fantasy.
So, the idea that you need to test for QCoreApplication's presence simply doesn't fit your use model. You will always need it. All you have to do is to fire up a thread and start the core application there. That's it.
QPointer<Worker> worker;
extern "C" {
__declspec(DLLEXPORT) WINAPI VOID kyleHello() {
class Worker() : public Q_OBJECT {
Q_INVOKABLE void helloImpl() { qDebug() << "I'm alive."; }
void hello() {
// This is thread-safe, the method is invoked from the event loop
QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this, "helloImpl", Qt::QueuedConnection);
Worker() { hello(); }
class AppThread : public QThread {
// No need for the Q_OBJECT
QPointer<QCoreApplication> m_app;
void run() Q_DECL_OVERRIDE {
int argc;
char * argv;
QCoreApplication app(argc, &argv);
m_app = &app;
Worker worker_;
worker = &worker_;
using QThread::wait(); // This wouldn't work here.
AppThread() {}
~AppThread() { m_app->quit(); wait(); }
static AppThread * thread;
switch (reason) {
thread = new AppThread;
delete thread;
return TRUE;
The API exposed to your consumer comes in several kinds:
Write-only APIs that don't wait for a result. Internally you simply post an event to any of your QObjects. You can also use QMetaObject::invokeMethod with a Qt::QueuedConnection - it ends up simply posting a QMetaCallEvent to the target object. Events can be posted to any QObject from any thread, non-QThread-started-threads included.
Foreign-thread callbacks: Dedicate a separate thread in which the consumer-provided callbacks execute. They'd be invoked by one or more QObjects living in that thread.
Client-thread callbacks: Use platform-specific asynchronous procedure calls that execute a callback in the context of any thread - typically the thread where the callback registration function was called from. Those callbacks execute when the thread is in an alertable state.
If you wish to limit yourself to a subset of alertable states where the message pump is running (GetMessage is called), you can create a message-only, invisible window, post messages to it, and issue the consumer callbacks from the window's callback function. If you're clever about it, you can pass QEvent pointers via those messages and pass them to QObject::event in the callback. That's how you can make a QObject effectively live in a thread with a native event loop and no Qt event loop running.
Blocking APIs that effectively synchronize the calling thread to your thread: use QMetaObject::invokeMethod with Qt::BlockingQueuedConnection. The caller will wait until the slot finishes executing in the receiving thread, optionally passing a result back.
Blocking APIs that use fine-grained locking. Those also synchronize the caller thread to your thread, but only at the level of locking certain data structures. Those are useful mainly to read parameters or extract data - when the overhead of going through the event loop would dwarf the small amount of work you perform.
What APIs you offer depends on the design criteria for your API.
All the APIs must be extern C and must not use C++. You can only offer C++ APIs if you plan on building the DLL using multiple VS versions (say 2008, 2010, 2012, 2013) - even then you must not expose Qt to the consumer, since the consumer may still use a binary incompatible version.

QtWinMigrate solves the Qt in Win32 or MFC event loop problem. One of the answers to the question you reference mentions this.
For a Qt DLL that needs to link up the event loop in DllMain, simply use QMfcApp::pluginInstance


Thread safety of emitting Qt signals

I'm using QtConcurrent::run (I know other APIs of QtConcurrent has built in support for progress reporting but I can't use them for other reasons). to run an operation inside a different than the main GUI thread. I also need this operation to notify the GUI thread of the progress made. So what I did is that created a separate function for the operation I want which accepts a callback that carries the information about the progress of the operation. This callback then calls the signal on a QObject living in the main thread.
Here is a full working example that shows my structure:
#include <QCoreApplication>
#include <QObject>
#include <QThread>
#include <QtConcurrent/QtConcurrent>
namespace Operations {
template<typename Callback>
void longOperation(Callback progressCallback)
qint64 sum = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < 100; ++i){
sum += i;
class Emitter : public QObject
Q_INVOKABLE void doSomething()
auto progressCallback = [&](qreal p){
emit progress(p);
auto lambda = [progressCallback](){
void progress(qreal);
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QCoreApplication a(argc, argv);
Emitter emitter;
QObject::connect(&emitter, &Emitter::progress, [](qreal progress){
qDebug() << "Progress" << progress;
return a.exec();
#include "main.moc"
Now my question is using the progressCallback as defined above thread safe? The callback will clearly be triggered from a thread different than the GUI thread, so effectively it's calling emitter.progress() directly on the QObject.
Ok, so I now realised that the code above may not be thread safe. Part of my confusion was what does the emit keyword actually does. It turns out it's actually not much at all. So calling the signal from another thread is not really the best idea.
Instead, one of way of improve the situation is replace the progressCallback with:
auto progressCallback = [&](qreal p){
QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this, [this, p](){ emit progress(p);}, Qt::QueuedConnection);
This way the signal is emitted on the thread where the Emitter lives as the lambda slot will be executed "when control returns to the event loop of the receiver's thread" as per the Qt documentation.

How to block thread until a function returns in another thread?

If I have a main thread and a separate, permanent worker QThread:
// Main thread where the event loop and QCoreApplication runs.
class NetworkController : public QObject {
void connect_to_ap()
WifiAP *myAP = netMgr.get_best_ap();
// This is a class from a 3rd-party library, which contains, owns
// and manages the lifetime of "WifiAP" instances.
NetworkManager netMgr;
// Separate thread where a state machine runs.
class StateMachineWorker : public QObject {
void on_ready_to_connect_event()
// HERE: How to trigger NetworkController::connect_to_ap() and
// *block* until it returns.
NetworkController *pNetCtrlr;
When the state machine class enters a certain state it should connect to an AP (Access Point). The NetworkController has the functionality to connect to an AP.
I am trying to figure out a way that the state machine can do this in a thread-safe way. The problem is NetworkManager is always updating its list of WifiAP instances: they are created and destroyed often.
It would not be thread-safe for StateMachineWorker to call pNetCtrlr->connect_to_ap() directly (as the NetworkManager in the NetworkController thread could at the same time delete the WifiAP instance).
So what I would like is in StateMachineWorker::on_ready_to_connect_event() to somehow signal the NetworkController to run its connect_to_ap() method in NetworkController's own thread, and to block the StateMachineWorker thread until connect_to_ap() has finished doing its stuff. The reason I want the state machine to be blocked is if I did not block and let it enter the event loop, it could receive some event that would make it transition to another state before connect_to_ap() has finished executing; this must not happen.
Mutex locks to protect the list of WifiAP in NetworkManager would not work as they would need to be inserted inside the 3rd-party library.
You can use QMetaObject::invokeMethod with parameter Qt::BlockingQueuedConnection. This connection type adds all the blocking logic for you and you don't have to change the third party library at all.
A general example:
#include <QObject>
#include <QThread>
#include <iostream>
class Object : public QObject {
public slots:
void foo() {
std::cout << "Hello";
std::cout << " world!" << std::endl;
class Caller : public QObject {
void call(Object* o) {
std::cout << "Calling..." << std::endl;
metaObject()->invokeMethod(o, "foo", Qt::BlockingQueuedConnection);
std::cout << "Finished!" << std::endl;
#include <QCoreApplication>
#include "objects.h"
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
QCoreApplication a(argc, argv);
QThread t;
Object o;
return a.exec();
The counterpart is that the method to be called must be a slot. If connect_to_ap is not already a slot you can create a bridge object that do the job, as explained below.
Have in mind that this bridge object must live in the same thread as the NetworkController (in your case the main thread), so the slot is queued in the correct events loop. You can take a look at QObject::moveToThread for further information.
A quick draft would be something like:
class NetworkControllerBridge : public QObject {
NetworkController* nc;
NetworkControllerBridge(NetworkController* nc_) : nc(nc_) {}
public slots:
void connect_to_ap() {
// ...
void on_ready_to_connect_event()
NetworkControllerBridge bridge(pNetCtrlr);
metaObject()->invokeMethod(&bridge, "connect_to_ap", Qt::BlockingQueuedConnection);
Another way to call a method through invokeMethod is to mark it as Q_INVOKABLE. Although you still need the bridge since you cannot modify the library, I mention this for completeness of the answer.

Qt Thread with ping operation in Linux

I am trying to accomplish what looks like a very simple task... but it's being a nightmare instead.
I developed an app for a Linux Laptop. Inside the app, I would like to have an independent thread that continuously pings another PC (eg once every 5 seconds, forever... well, as long as the laptop is switched on).
Of course, when the PC that the app is pinging is not connected, the app has to work smoothly, without waiting for the ping operation to return... How can I achieve this?
At first I used a QTimer with QProcess:execute("ping"...), which works fine. The problem is that if the other PC doesn't reply, my whole app and its GUI freeze for about one second at each ping operation. Changing the "ping" options (setting "-i0.2", for example), in order to reduce waiting time for the ping operation, didn't help: when the other PC is not connected my app becomes very slow. If I remove the ping, of course everything works smoothly.
So, I decided to insert the "ping" operation in a QThread, but when I try to follow the second example in http://doc.qt.io/qt-4.8/qthread.html, nothing seems to work: the app doesn't even start.
Here's the code:
class Pinger : public QThread
void run();
void setParam(const QString &urlToPing); // it sets the url to ping
/// \brief Signal emitted when pinging of specified url fails
void pingFailed(int ok);
QString pingurl;
void Pinger::run()
int exitCode;
QProcess pingProc;
exitCode=pingProc.execute("ping",QStringList() << "-c 1" << "-i0.2" << pingurl);
emit pingFailed(exitCode);
// MainWindow::MainWindow
pinga= new Pinger(); // defined in mainwindow.h as Pinger* Pinga
Has anyone tried anything similar? I am quite new to Qt, but this operation seems so trivial that I find it incredible that there's no clear way to implement it. so I hope I am just missing something obvious.
If QThread is used it is better to avoid sleep(5); and the loop while(true), since the thread cannot be closed gracefully without killing it. Instead of the loop and blocking sleep it is better to call that periodic task again by single shot timer initiated when the previous task (process execution) is finished. However, in that case that logic should be implemented in some other member slot (Pinger::doWork()). The slot run() should be kept with its default implementation that executes the tread event loop. The work can be started by connecting the QThread::started() signal with Pinger::doWork():
connect(pinga, SIGNAL(started()), pinga, SLOT(doWork()));
It is needed to be careful with QThread deletion. In general it is not good to delete QThread object by itself (calling deleteLater() from its finished() signal). It is better to stop the thread and to delete it in MainWindow destructor:
// stop the even loop
// wait for finishing current thread task; it can work only
// if the thread is not blocked by while(true) with sleep
// delete if it is not a smart pointer
delete pinga;
It is also possible to use QProcess with its non-blocking API in the main GUI thread without QThread. In that case it should be started by QProcess::start() and the slots connected to the signals QProcess::error() and QProcess::finished() should be used to start the next iteration. Those slots also should not block the main thread, so the next ping should be started using QTimer once previous ping is finished.
Here is an example of the "Qt Way" to write your Pinger class. Note that no threads are needed. QProcess is used asynchronously, and reports its status through a Qt signal. Once you really grok Qt, you'll realize that using threads is very rarely the right or most natural solution to these types of problems.
Note that I'm using Qt 5 with C++11 support enabled to connect Qt signals to C++11 lambdas... you could just as easily write it in Qt4 style but it wouldn't be as compact and readable.
class Pinger : public QObject
Pinger(QObject *parent = 0) : QObject(parent)
//Have to do this ugliness because QProcess::finished is overloaded
auto finishedFunc = static_cast<void(QProcess::*)(int)>(&QProcess::finished);
connect(&m_process, finishedFunc, [this](int exitCode)
if( exitCode == 0 )
emit pingSuccess();
emit pingFailed(exitCode);
void run(const QString& hostToPing, int intervalInSeconds)
m_host = hostToPing;
QTimer* timer = new QTimer(this);
timer->start(intervalInSeconds * 1000);
QObject::connect(timer, &QTimer::timeout, [this]()
if ( m_process.state() == QProcess::NotRunning )
m_process.start(QString("ping -c 1 -W 1 %1").arg(m_host));
qDebug() << "Cannot ping, previous ping operation still in progress!";
void pingSuccess();
void pingFailed(int exitCode);
QProcess m_process;
QString m_host;
Using it is as simple as:
Pinger pinger;
QObject::connect(&pinger, &Pinger::pingSuccess, []()
qDebug() << "Host is up!";
QObject::connect(&pinger, &Pinger::pingFailed, [](int exitCode)
qDebug() << "Host is unreachable! Ping exit code = " << exitCode;
pinger.run("google.com", 3);
I had the same problem and fixed it by running the ping command in an own thread. By using a signal, I'm interacting with the non-blocking GUI.
1) I've declared a Ping class, which run the Ping command:
class Ping {
static bool start(QString host) {
QStringList parameters;
#if defined(WIN32)
parameters << "-n" << "1";
parameters << "-c 1";
parameters << host;
int exitCode = QProcess::execute("ping", parameters);
if (exitCode==0) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
2.) Additionally I've a NetworkReceiver class, which creates the Network Thread via a Slot (startConnectionCheck) and interacts with the GUI via a Signal (newConnectionStatus):
class NetworkReceiver : public QObject
explicit NetworkReceiver(QObject * parent = nullptr);
void start() {
while(true) {
emit newConnectionStatus(Ping::start("google.at"));
void newConnectionStatus(bool connected);
public slots:
void startConnectionCheck() {
QFuture<void> test = QtConcurrent::run(this, &NetworkReceiver::start);

Non locking calls via python console for PythonQt library

My Qt application has a Qt gui (basically some buttons and an opengl context which draws data). I've also added scriptability exploiting PythonQt classes. The commands are evaluated from inside a PythonQtScriptingConsole.
I've explicitly created wrapper classes and factory methods to send C++ calls via the current python context through the console, but when running long tasks from inside the console, the gui freezes because (I think) the event loop is not processed. So a first solution would be to process the event loop with a timer, but this is both slow and kinda stupid I think, so I don't like it. A
Has someone some hint? Is the Python Global Interpreter Lock a problem here?
Yes, the GUI is freezing because the long call into Python is being executed via the UI thread. To get around this, I was able to subclass QThread and issue commands into the Python module via a Command pattern.
Before you start making calls into multiple Python modules using the following classes, be sure to initialize thread support in Python by calling PyEval_InitThreads() as you'll see in my main() function.
Good luck!
int main( int argc, char **argv ) {
QApplication qapp(argc, argv);
PyEval_InitThreads(); // IMPORTANT
PythonQt::init(PythonQt::IgnoreSiteModule | PythonQt::RedirectStdOut);
PythonQtObjectPtr module = PythonQt::self()->createUniqueModule();
ThreadedPythonContext context(module);
# issue some commands into the module
context.issue("import sys");
context.issue("import time");
context.issue("last = time.localtime().tm_sec");
// Release the global interpreter lock (if it has been created and thread support
// is enabled) and reset the thread state to NULL, returning the previous thread
// state (which is not NULL). If the lock has been created, the current thread must
// have acquired it. (This function is available even when thread support is
// disabled at compile time.)
// give up control of the GIL
PyThreadState *state = PyEval_SaveThread();
return qapp.exec()
#include "PythonQt.h"
#include <QtCore/QMutexLocker>
#include <QtCore/QQueue>
#include <QtCore/QThread>
#include <QtCore/QWaitCondition>
class ThreadedPythonContext : public QThread
ThreadedPythonContext(const PythonQtObjectPtr &context) :
~ThreadedPythonContext() {
_running = false;
void issue(const QString &code) {
bool isCommandQueueEmpty() {
QMutexLocker lock(&_lock);
return _commands.isEmpty();
QString dequeue() {
QMutexLocker lock(&_lock);
QString cmd( _commands.dequeue() );
return cmd.isEmpty() ? "\n" : cmd;
void run() {
QMutex signal;
PyGILState_STATE state;
while(_running) {
// wait to be signaled ...
if ( isCommandQueueEmpty() ) {
while ( !isCommandQueueEmpty() ) {
PythonQtObjectPtr p;
PyObject* dict = NULL;
state = PyGILState_Ensure();
if (PyModule_Check(_context)) {
dict = PyModule_GetDict(_context);
} else if (PyDict_Check(_context)) {
dict = _context;
if (dict) {
// this command blocks until the code has completed execution
emit python_busy(true);
p.setNewRef(PyRun_String(dequeue().toLatin1().data(), Py_single_input, dict, dict));
emit python_busy(false);
// error in the kernel
if (!p) {
PythonQtObjectPtr _context;
QMutex _lock;
QQueue<QString> _commands;
QWaitCondition _CommandQueued;
bool _running;
void python_busy(bool);

Is it possible to implement polling with QThread without subclassing it?

I have a class, which is an abstraction of some device.
class Device
void Start();
void Stop();
void MsgLoop();
void sMsgArrived();
Start() and Stop() are called from GUI thread. Start() begins new thread, which runs MsgLoop(). It looks like this:
void MsgLoop()
forever {
if(SUCCESS == ReadMsg()) //synchronous, non-blocking
ProcessMsg(); //quite fast
emit sMsgArrived(); //this signal is connected with a slot in GUI thread
When Stop() is called, program should return from MsgLoop() and stop the thread. How can I implement this with QThread without subclassing it?
Generally you have to decide who will be responsible for managing the thread. Is it the Device or the main window? Or possibly some device manager. In your case the Device should probably manage its own thread, so if you don't want to subclass it, use composition:
class Device : QObject
Device(QObject * parent = NULL);
void Start();
void Stop();
private slots:
void MsgLoop();
void sMsgArrived();
QThread thread;
bool stopThread;
Device::Device(QObject * parent) : QObject(parent)
connect(&thread, SIGNAL(started()), this, SLOT(MsgLoop()));
void Device::Start()
stopThread = false;
void Device::Stop()
stopThread = true;
thread.wait(); // if you want synchronous stop
void Device::MsgLoop()
// your loop
if(SUCCESS == ReadMsg())
emit sMsgArrived();
NOTE: the thread stopping will only work if ReadMsg really is non-blocking. If you later decide to switch to blocking read (and that would probably be appropriate for most cases), you will have to figure out another way how to stop your thread.
If you look at this link you can see that it is possible to run a method in a separate thread without subclassing a QThread.
However what you are asking is running a message loop forever.
If you follow the given example you can run your loop without subclassing but the QThread object will never enter into its own message loop cause it will never return from your slot. So here is an example but I think it would be a bad design
class Device : public QObject
Device(QObject* parent = 0);
public Q_SLOTS:
void MsgLoop();
QThread* thread = new QThread;
Device* device = new Device;
void Widget::onBtnStartClicked()
//This will call start method of Device
connect(thread, SIGNAL(started()), device, SLOT(MsgLoop()));
//This will start the event loop of thread
void Widget::onBtnStopClicked()
//Tells the thread to exit
I am afraid you have to subclass a QThread if you want to run a forever loop.
IMHO you shouldn't. Polling requires being in a forever loop. You must do this in QThread's run function so there is no way to re-implement a function without sub-classing first. Even if you were to try and workaround it with a single shot timer I don't recommend it. You are better off(this is how i like to do it) sub-classing QThread, calling moveToThread(), not call exec() and put a forever loop in run. For an example of this look at the Fortune Blocking Client example from qt. If you don't call moveToThread() on QThread then the QThread object still resides in the GUI main thread and they both share the same event loop (which is bad when using polling functions). Calling moveToThread(QThread) without calling exec() means the QThread will not have an event loop(which is good in your case). Calling exec() would start it's own event loop but is not used for polling schemes and you would leave the run function.