Have a very simple code that I'm building in C++. This is my first C++ code so I'm not entirely sure of syntax in some places. However, for the following code, my for loop isn't running at all! I can't see why not... Can anyone spot the problem?
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;
int main () {
* Use values for wavelength (L) and wave number (k) calculated from linear
* dispersion program
//Values to calculate
double u; //Wave velocity: d*phi/dx
double du; //Acceleration of wave: du/dt
int t;
//Temporary values for kn and L (taken from linear dispersion solution)
float L = 88.7927;
float kn = 0.0707624;
Note: I've left out variable declarations to save on space.
* Velocity potential = phi = ((Area * g)/omega) * ((cosh(kn * (h + z)))/sinh(kn * h))*cos(k*x - omega * t);
* Velocity of wave, u = d(phi)/dx;
* Acceleration of wave, du = du/dt;
for (t = 0; t == 5; t++) {
cout << "in this loop" << endl;
u = ((kn * A * g)/omega) * ((cosh(kn * (h + z)))/sinh(kn * h)) * cos(omega * t);
du = (A * g * kn) * ((cosh(kn * (h + z)))/sinh(kn * h)) * sin(omega * t);
cout << "u = " << u << "\tdu = " << du << endl;
cout << L << kn << endl;
return 0;
I've put the "in this loop" as a test and it doens't enter the loop (compiles fine)..
Thanks in advance for taking a look at this!
t is initialized to 0, t == 5 will always be evaluated to be false, so your for loop will never run.
for (t = 0; t == 5; t++) {
for (t = 0; t < 5; t++) {
for Statement
Executes a statement repeatedly until the condition becomes false.
for ( init-expression ; cond-expression ; loop-expression )
Should be:
for (t = 0; t < 5; t++)
The syntax of for loop in C++ is:
for ( init-expression ; cond-expression ; loop-expression )
The statement executes only while cond-expression is true and in your case it is never true.
That's simple: the condition for your for loop is t == 5 - it only loops as long as t is five, but since you set t = 0 at first, it doesn't loop even once. I think t < 5 is what you want.
Please look at the condition expression for for loop. Hint : You initialized t to 0.
#include <cmath> \\not sure if I need cmath
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
this while loop serves to loop the " enter number of terms to approximate.
while (a != 0)
here is the Leibniz formula:
double c = 0.00, d = 0.00;
for (int i = 1; i <= a)
if (i % 2 != 0)
d = 1 / (1 + 2 * (i - 1));
d = -1 / (1 + 2 * (i - 1));
c = c + d;
i = i + 1
cout << "The approximation for Leibniz's Formula is " << c << "
using "<< a <<" terms." << endl;
here is the Wallis formula:
double e = 1.00;
for (int u = 0; u<a; u++)
e = e * (2 * a / (2 * a - 1))*(2 * a / (2 * a + 1));
cout << "The approximation for Wallis' Formula is " << e << " using
"<< a <<" terms." << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << "Enter the number of terms to approximate (or zero to
quit):" << endl;
cin >> a;
For a=1 I am getting 1.0000 in the first formula output and 0.00000 in the second formula output
A line like this
d = 1 / (1 + 2 * (i - 1));
will use integer arithmetics to calculate the result, and then convert the int result to a double.
Change it to
d = 1.0 / (1 + 2 * (i - 1));
or even
d = 1.0 / (1.0 + 2.0 * (i - 1.0));
There are many mistakes in this code. First, comments in c++ use //, not \\.
#include <cmath> //not sure if I need cmath
You have to have two semicolons in for statements, even if you don't need loop-expression.
for (int i = 1; i <= a;)
The d will evaluate to 0 for every i that is greater than 1. You are using integer division, when you clearly want floating point division. You have to tell that to the compiler like this.
d = 1.0 / (1 + 2 * (i - 1));
When the left argument of division operator is double compiler will know, that you want to perform a floating point division. If it would be int as in your code, integer division would be performed and result converted to double.
Also in the Wallis formula you misplaced a for u, and also u parameter should start at 1, not 0. Also the integer division problem persists here.
double e = 1.00;
for (int u = 1; u<a; u++)
e = e * (2.0 * u / (2.0 * u - 1))*(2.0 * u / (2.0 * u + 1));
If you fix this all, the program starts to output valid results.
Hello all you wonderful people, easy question here,
I have a bit of code here to calculate a best-fit line equation. I'm having trouble with the while loop that's nested in the for loop. Currently, "while(points >> Xi >> Yi)" is only running once, and then (I'm guessing) as it's reached the end of the document, it isn't repeating itself. How can I get it to repeat 1000 times? Can't use arrays, we haven't been taught those in class yet ;(.
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;
double measureSSE(double m, double b, double Xi, double Yi)
return (Yi - ((m * Xi) + b)) * (Yi - ((m * Xi) + b));
int main()
double Xi = 0, Yi = 0;
double m = 0, b = 0;
double dm = 0, db = 0;
double SSE = 0;
ifstream points("points.txt");
for(int counter = 0; counter < 1000; counter++)
while(points >> Xi >> Yi)
dm += -2 * Xi * (Yi - (m * Xi) - b);
db += -2 * (Yi - (m * Xi) - b);
m -= .01 * dm;
b -= .01 * db;
SSE += measureSSE(m, b, Xi, Yi);
cout << "SSE: " << SSE << endl;
cout << "Final Model: y = " << m << "x + " << b << endl;
else cout << "Unable to open file." << endl;
Assuming you want to restart the iteration-through-file from scratch each time, you need to seek the read cursor before your while loop so that it works even when a previous run reached EOF. You'll also need to first clear the EOF flag (unless you're writing C++11 or later, in which this is done for you).
The language doesn't have any special rule to do this for you when you re-enter a while loop predicated on extraction from a stream.
for(int counter = 0; counter < 1000; counter++)
// Clear EOF flag, and revert to the beginning of the stream
// Extract all "points" from the file
while(points >> Xi >> Yi)
I'm not quite sure what SSE is supposed to do here as you never actually use its value other than for debug output. I might suggest resetting its value to 0 on each iteration of the for loop, if I knew what it did. :)
I am working on escape-time fractals as my 12th grade project, to be written in c++ , using the simple graphics.h library that is outdated but seems sufficient.
The code for generating the Mandelbrot set seems to work, and I assumed that Julia sets would be a variation of the same. Here is the code:
(Here, fx and fy are simply functions to convert the actual complex co-ordinates like (-0.003,0.05) to an actual value of a pixel on the screen.)
int p;
x0=0, y0=0;
long double r, i;
cout<<"Enter c"<<endl;
for(int i= fx(-2); i<=fx(2); i++)
for(int j= fy(-2); j>=fy(2); j--)
long double x=0.0, y= 0.0,t;
x= gx(i), y= gy(j);
int k= -1;
while(( x*x + y*y <4)&& k<it-1)
t= x*x - y*y + r;
y= 2*x*y + i ;
p= k*pd;
But this does not seem to be the case. The output window shows the entire circle of radius=2 with the colour corresponding to an escape time of 1 iteration.
Also, on trying to search for a solution to this problem, I've seen that all the algorithms others have used initializes the initial co-ordinates somewhat like this:
x = (col - width/2)*4.0/width;
y = (row - height/2)*4.0/width;
Could somebody explain what I'm missing out?
I guess that the main problem is that the variable i (imaginary part) is mistakenly overridden by the loop variable i. So the line
y= 2*x*y + i;
gives the incorrect result. This variable should be renamed as, say im. The corrected version is attached below, Since I don't have graphics.h, I used the screen as the output.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
#define WIDTH 40
#define HEIGHT 60
/* real to screen */
#define fx(x) ((int) ((x + 2)/4.0 * WIDTH))
#define fy(y) ((int) ((2 - y)/4.0 * HEIGHT))
/* screen to real */
#define gx(i) ((i)*4.0/WIDTH - 2)
#define gy(j) ((j)*4.0/HEIGHT - 2)
static void julia(int it, int pd)
int p;
long double re = -0.75, im = 0;
long double x0 = 0, y0 = 0;
cout << "Enter c" << endl;
cin >> re >> im;
for (int i = fx(-2.0); i <= fx(2.0); i++)
for (int j = fy(-2.0); j >= fy(2.0); j--)
long double x = gx(i), y = gy(j), t;
int k = 0;
while (x*x + y*y < 4 && k < it)
t = x*x - y*y + re;
y = 2*x*y + im;
x = t;
p = (int) (k * pd);
cout << p; // for ASCII output
cout << endl; // for ASCII output
int main(void)
julia(9, 1);
return 0;
and the output with input -0.75 0 is given below.
would you please tell how you display the image by using these graphics.h library
I was given a task to write a program that displays:
I coded this:
void main()
int a, n = 1, f = 1;
float s = 0;
cin >> a;
while(n <= a)
f = f * n;
s += 1 / (float)f;
n = n + 1;
cout << s;
So this displays -
s = 1 + 1/2! + 1/3! + 1/4! .... + 1/a!, including odd and even factorials.
For the past two hours I am trying to figure out how can I modify this code so that it displays the desired result. But I couldn't figure it out yet.
What changes should I make to my code?
You need to accumulate the sum while checking the counter n and only calculate the even factorials:
int n;
double sum = 1;
cin >> n;
for(int i = 2; i < n; ++i{
if(i % 2 == 0) sum += 1 / factorial(i);
In your code:
while(n <= a)
f = f * n;
// checks if n is even;
// n even if the remainder of the division by 2 is zero
if(n % 2 == 0){
s += 1 / (float)f;
n = n + 1;
12! is the largest value that fits in an 32 bit integer. You should use double for all the numbers. For even factorials, starting with f = 1 (0!), f = f * (n-1) * n, where n = 2, 4, 6, 8, ... .
You have almost everything you need in place (assuming you don't want to make design changes based on the issues brought up in the comments).
All you need to change is what you multiply f by in each step. To build up n! you are multiplying by n in each step. To build up (2n)! you would multiply by 2*n*(2*n-1)
Edit: Your second theory about what the instructor wants would need only slightly more of a change. Your inner loop could be replaced by
while(n < a)
f = f * n * (n+1);
s += 1 / f;
n = n + 2;
Edit2: To run your program I made several changes for I/O things you did that don't work in my copy of GCC. Hopefully those won't distract from the main point of the following code. I also added a second, more complicated and more accurate method of computing the answer to see how much was lost in floating point rounding.
So this code computes the answer twice, once by the method I suggested you change your code to and once by a more accurate method (using double instead of float and adding the numbers in the more accurate sequence via a recursive function). Then it display your answer and the difference between the two answers.
Running that shows the version I suggested gets all the displayed digits correct and is only wrong for the values of a I tried by tiny amounts that would need more display precision to notice:
using namespace std;
double fac_sum(int n, int a, double f)
if ( n > a )
return 0;
f *= n * (n-1);
return fac_sum(n+2, a, f) + 1 / f;
int main()
int a, n = 1;
float f = 1;
float s = 0;
cin >> a;
while(n < a)
f = f * n * (n+1);
s += 1 / f;
n = n + 2;
cout << s;
cout << " approx error was " << fac_sum( 2, a, 1.0)-s;
return 0;
For 8 that displays 0.54308 approx error was -3.23568e-08
I hope you understand the e-08 notation meaning the error is in the 8'th digit to the right of the .
Edit3: I changed f to float in this post because I had copied/tested thinking f was float, so parts of my answer didn't make sense when f was int
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main ()
//If a triangle has a perimeter of 9 units, how many iterations(each iteration is 4/3 as much) would it take to obtain a perimeter of 100 units? (or as close to 100 as you can get?)
double p = 9; int it = 0;
for(p; p < 100; p = p * 4/3){
cout << p << endl;
cout << p << endl;
cout << it << endl;
system ("PAUSE");
return 0;
So for a math project I was doing, I had to figure out how many iterations it would take for a perimeter of 9 to reach 100 if you increase the perimeter 4/3x as much during each iteration. When I write the code like I do above, the output is fine, however if I change
for(p; p < 100; p = p * 4/3)
for(p; p < 100; p *= 4/3)
I get output that doesn't make sense. Am I misunderstanding the *= operator? Do I need parentheses somewhere?
It's the order of operation. In p = p * 4/3 the compiler is doing:
p = (p * 4)/3
However in p *= 4/3, the compiler is doing:
p = p * (4/3)
4/3 is 1 on the computer because of integer division, so the second example is basically multiplying by 1.
Instead of dividing by 3 (an integer), divide by 3.0 (a double) or 3.0f (a float). Then p *= 4/3.0 and p = p * 4/3.0 are the same.