X11: how to implement a global hotkey without focusloss - c++

I have a Qt app which grabs a key with XGrabKey. I want my app to show and hide, if I press the hotkey. Additionally it has to hide if it loses focus. This works well with one drawback: The XGrabKeyboard which is used by XGrabKey, generates a FocusIn ans FocusOut event. This implies that, if I press the hotkey when the app is visible, the app receives the FocusOut event, hides and immendiately after that receives the hotkeyevent and shows again.
Can I somehow avoid the X server to generate these focus events?

Diggin deeper for about a few hours I tinkered a solution that feels nice. It uses Qt QWidget::nativeEvent and libxcb. libxcb seems to be the next gen libX11 wrapper. But it is horribly undocumented. Uncool that Qt does not provide the mode of a QFocusEvent. But I guess thats the bane in everything wanting to be platform agnostic.
Note: This is Qt5, Qt4 had stuff like QWidget::x11info()
class Class : public QWidget
Class(QWidget *parent = 0);
virtual bool nativeEvent(const QByteArray &eventType, void *message, long *) override;
* #brief Class::nativeEvent
* This special event handler can be reimplemented in a subclass to receive
* native platform events identified by eventType which are passed in the
* message parameter. In your reimplementation of this function, if you want to
* stop the event being handled by Qt, return true and set result. If you
* return false, this native event is passed back to Qt, which translates the
* event into a Qt event and sends it to the widget.
* This method is called for every native event. On X11, eventType is set to
* "xcb_generic_event_t", and the message can be casted to a
* xcb_generic_event_t pointer.
* #param eventType
* #param message
* #return Indicator if this event shall be stoped being handled further.
bool Class::nativeEvent(const QByteArray &eventType, void *message, long *)
if (eventType == "xcb_generic_event_t")
xcb_generic_event_t* event = static_cast<xcb_generic_event_t *>(message);
switch (event->response_type & ~0x80)
case XCB_FOCUS_IN: {
xcb_focus_in_event_t *fe = (xcb_focus_in_event_t *)event;
return true; // Ignore this events
xcb_focus_out_event_t *fe = (xcb_focus_out_event_t *)event;
return true; // Ignore this events
return false;

I don't think so, but you can check the "mode" field in the XFocusChangeEvent. It can be NotifyNormal, NotifyWhileGrabbed, NotifyGrab, or NotifyUngrab. Grabbing keys should generate events with the last two modes, and so you may choose to ignore events with these modes, though I'm not sure how you would do that with Qt.


Mouse right click option using eventFilter in Qt

I have QGraphicsView, which has many QGraphicsItem. I am trying to create a right click menu on these QGraphicsItem. Right click menu has multiple options. But only 1st option works. It means, if I click on 2nd option, it does not work. If I change the sequence ( means 1st one will go to 2nd position, and 2nd one will come to 1st position ) then still 2nd one will not work.
bool myClass::eventFilter(QObject *watched, QEvent *event)
case QEvent::ContextMenu:
foreach(QGraphicsItem* pItem, _scene->items())
QMouseEvent *mouseEvent = static_cast<QMouseEvent*> (event);
menu = new QMenu(this);
myMenu = menu->addMenu("Copy");
myMenu ->addAction(Name);
myMenu ->addAction(Address);
if(Name == menu->exec(mouseEvent->globalPos()))
// logic
if(Address == menu->exec(mouseEvent->globalPos()))
// logic
Always works only 1st mouse right click option. Why is so ?
The usual way to do something like this is to override the QGraphicsItem::mouseReleaseEvent() or QGraphicsItem::mousePressEvent() function of your item class.
This way, you won't have to do anything (no looping, etc...), it is already handled by the event loop.
Here you can find a simple example:
void MyItem::mouseReleaseEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent * event)
if(event->button() == Qt::RightButton)
QMenu my_menu;
// Build your QMenu the way you want
From the Qt documentation:
Note that all signals are emitted as usual. If you connect a QAction to a slot and call the menu's exec(), you get the result both via the signal-slot connection and in the return value of exec().
You just need to QObject::connect() the QActions you added to the context menu to the proper slots (here goes the "logic") and the job is done.
If you prefer to check the returned value by yourself, you just have to get the returned QAction* once and for all (only one call to QMenu::exec()) and branch on it.
For example:
void MyItem::mouseReleaseEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent * event)
if(event->button() == Qt::RightButton)
QMenu my_menu;
// Build your QMenu the way you want
QAction * triggered = my_menu.exec(event->globalPos());
if(triggered == my_first_action)
// Do something
else if(triggered == my_second_action)
// Do some other thing
I would personnally prefer to stick with the signal-slot connections instead that manually handling the returned value, especially since each QAction is most likely to be already connected to its corresponding slot.

Xdnd drop support faulty implementation

I have implemented a Xdnd drop support implementation in VTK some time ago. It was working great except with Thunar file manager. All other file managers were working fine at the time. We dismissed this limitation a Thunar bug at the time.
The feature I implemented was very simple:
Set the window of the application to be XdndAware
Receive the position message and respond that we are ready to receive
Receive the drop mesage and request a selection
Receive the selection notify and recover the URI
Convert the URI into something we can work with
Nothing fancy, I did not even touch the list type.
Fast forward a few years and now dolphin users cannot drop files correctly into our application. The URI is always the first file dropped since dolphin was started. Restarting our application has no effect. No bug at all with pcmanfm.
This is not a dolphin bug and files can be dropped on blender or firefox from dolphin without issues.
So there must be a bug in our implementation, but I've been staring at the code for some time and everything I tried had no effect, except for breaking Xdnd support completely.
Here are the interesting part of the implementation:
this->Internal = new vtkXRenderWindowInteractorInternals;
this->DisplayId = nullptr;
this->WindowId = 0;
this->KillAtom = 0;
this->XdndSource = 0;
this->XdndPositionAtom = 0;
this->XdndDropAtom = 0;
this->XdndActionCopyAtom = 0;
this->XdndStatusAtom = 0;
this->XdndFinishedAtom = 0;
void vtkXRenderWindowInteractor::Enable()
// avoid cycles of calling Initialize() and Enable()
if (this->Enabled)
// Add the event handler to the system.
// If we change the types of events processed by this handler, then
// we need to change the Disable() routine to match. In order for Disable()
// to work properly, both the callback function AND the client data
// passed to XtAddEventHandler and XtRemoveEventHandler must MATCH
XSelectInput(this->DisplayId, this->WindowId,
KeyPressMask | KeyReleaseMask | ButtonPressMask | ButtonReleaseMask | ExposureMask |
StructureNotifyMask | EnterWindowMask | LeaveWindowMask | PointerMotionHintMask |
// Setup for capturing the window deletion
this->KillAtom = XInternAtom(this->DisplayId, "WM_DELETE_WINDOW", False);
XSetWMProtocols(this->DisplayId, this->WindowId, &this->KillAtom, 1);
// Enable drag and drop
Atom xdndAwareAtom = XInternAtom(this->DisplayId, "XdndAware", False);
char xdndVersion = 5;
XChangeProperty(this->DisplayId, this->WindowId, xdndAwareAtom, XA_ATOM, 32, PropModeReplace,
(unsigned char*)&xdndVersion, 1);
this->XdndPositionAtom = XInternAtom(this->DisplayId, "XdndPosition", False);
this->XdndDropAtom = XInternAtom(this->DisplayId, "XdndDrop", False);
this->XdndActionCopyAtom = XInternAtom(this->DisplayId, "XdndActionCopy", False);
this->XdndStatusAtom = XInternAtom(this->DisplayId, "XdndStatus", False);
this->XdndFinishedAtom = XInternAtom(this->DisplayId, "XdndFinished", False);
this->Enabled = 1;
void vtkXRenderWindowInteractor::DispatchEvent(XEvent* event)
int xp, yp;
switch (event->type)
// Selection request for drag and drop has been delivered
case SelectionNotify:
// Sanity checks
if (!event->xselection.property || !this->XdndSource)
// Recover the dropped file
char* data = nullptr;
Atom actualType;
int actualFormat;
unsigned long itemCount, bytesAfter;
XGetWindowProperty(this->DisplayId, event->xselection.requestor, event->xselection.property,
0, LONG_MAX, False, event->xselection.target, &actualType, &actualFormat, &itemCount,
&bytesAfter, (unsigned char**)&data);
// Conversion checks
if ((event->xselection.target != AnyPropertyType && actualType != event->xselection.target) ||
itemCount == 0)
// Recover filepaths from uris and invoke DropFilesEvent
std::stringstream uris(data);
std::string uri, protocol, hostname, filePath;
std::string unused0, unused1, unused2, unused3;
vtkNew<vtkStringArray> filePaths;
while (std::getline(uris, uri, '\n'))
if (vtksys::SystemTools::ParseURL(
uri, protocol, unused0, unused1, hostname, unused3, filePath, true))
if (protocol == "file" && (hostname.empty() || hostname == "localhost"))
// The uris can be crlf delimited, remove ending \r if any
if (filePath.back() == '\r')
// The extracted filepath miss the first slash
filePath.insert(0, "/");
this->InvokeEvent(vtkCommand::DropFilesEvent, filePaths);
// Inform the source the the drag and drop operation was sucessfull
XEvent reply;
memset(&reply, 0, sizeof(reply));
reply.type = ClientMessage;
reply.xclient.window = event->xclient.data.l[0];
reply.xclient.message_type = this->XdndFinishedAtom;
reply.xclient.format = 32;
reply.xclient.data.l[0] = this->WindowId;
reply.xclient.data.l[1] = itemCount;
reply.xclient.data.l[2] = this->XdndActionCopyAtom;
XSendEvent(this->DisplayId, this->XdndSource, False, NoEventMask, &reply);
this->XdndSource = 0;
case ClientMessage:
if (event->xclient.message_type == this->XdndPositionAtom)
// Drag and drop event inside the window
// Recover the position
int xWindow, yWindow;
int xRoot = event->xclient.data.l[2] >> 16;
int yRoot = event->xclient.data.l[2] & 0xffff;
Window root = DefaultRootWindow(this->DisplayId);
Window child;
this->DisplayId, root, this->WindowId, xRoot, yRoot, &xWindow, &yWindow, &child);
// Convert it to VTK compatible location
double location[2];
location[0] = static_cast<double>(xWindow);
location[1] = static_cast<double>(this->Size[1] - yWindow - 1);
this->InvokeEvent(vtkCommand::UpdateDropLocationEvent, location);
// Reply that we are ready to copy the dragged data
XEvent reply;
memset(&reply, 0, sizeof(reply));
reply.type = ClientMessage;
reply.xclient.window = event->xclient.data.l[0];
reply.xclient.message_type = this->XdndStatusAtom;
reply.xclient.format = 32;
reply.xclient.data.l[0] = this->WindowId;
reply.xclient.data.l[1] = 1; // Always accept the dnd with no rectangle
reply.xclient.data.l[2] = 0; // Specify an empty rectangle
reply.xclient.data.l[3] = 0;
reply.xclient.data.l[4] = this->XdndActionCopyAtom;
XSendEvent(this->DisplayId, event->xclient.data.l[0], False, NoEventMask, &reply);
else if (event->xclient.message_type == this->XdndDropAtom)
// Item dropped in the window
// Store the source of the drag and drop
this->XdndSource = event->xclient.data.l[0];
// Ask for a conversion of the selection. This will trigger a SelectioNotify event later.
Atom xdndSelectionAtom = XInternAtom(this->DisplayId, "XdndSelection", False);
XConvertSelection(this->DisplayId, xdndSelectionAtom,
XInternAtom(this->DisplayId, "UTF8_STRING", False), xdndSelectionAtom, this->WindowId,
else if (static_cast<Atom>(event->xclient.data.l[0]) == this->KillAtom)
And header:
#include "vtkRenderWindowInteractor.h"
#include "vtkRenderingUIModule.h" // For export macro
#include <X11/Xlib.h> // Needed for X types in the public interface
class vtkCallbackCommand;
class vtkXRenderWindowInteractorInternals;
class VTKRENDERINGUI_EXPORT vtkXRenderWindowInteractor : public vtkRenderWindowInteractor
static vtkXRenderWindowInteractor* New();
vtkTypeMacro(vtkXRenderWindowInteractor, vtkRenderWindowInteractor);
void PrintSelf(ostream& os, vtkIndent indent) override;
* Initializes the event handlers without an XtAppContext. This is
* good for when you don't have a user interface, but you still
* want to have mouse interaction.
void Initialize() override;
* Break the event loop on 'q','e' keypress. Want more ???
void TerminateApp() override;
* Run the event loop and return. This is provided so that you can
* implement your own event loop but yet use the vtk event handling as
* well.
void ProcessEvents() override;
* Enable/Disable interactions. By default interactors are enabled when
* initialized. Initialize() must be called prior to enabling/disabling
* interaction. These methods are used when a window/widget is being
* shared by multiple renderers and interactors. This allows a "modal"
* display where one interactor is active when its data is to be displayed
* and all other interactors associated with the widget are disabled
* when their data is not displayed.
void Enable() override;
void Disable() override;
* Update the Size data member and set the associated RenderWindow's
* size.
void UpdateSize(int, int) override;
* Re-defines virtual function to get mouse position by querying X-server.
void GetMousePosition(int* x, int* y) override;
void DispatchEvent(XEvent*);
~vtkXRenderWindowInteractor() override;
* Update the Size data member and set the associated RenderWindow's
* size but do not resize the XWindow.
void UpdateSizeNoXResize(int, int);
// Using static here to avoid destroying context when many apps are open:
static int NumAppInitialized;
Display* DisplayId;
Window WindowId;
Atom KillAtom;
int PositionBeforeStereo[2];
vtkXRenderWindowInteractorInternals* Internal;
// Drag and drop related
Window XdndSource;
Atom XdndPositionAtom;
Atom XdndDropAtom;
Atom XdndActionCopyAtom;
Atom XdndStatusAtom;
Atom XdndFinishedAtom;
* X-specific internal timer methods. See the superclass for detailed
* documentation.
int InternalCreateTimer(int timerId, int timerType, unsigned long duration) override;
int InternalDestroyTimer(int platformTimerId) override;
void FireTimers();
* This will start up the X event loop and never return. If you
* call this method it will loop processing X events until the
* application is exited.
void StartEventLoop() override;
vtkXRenderWindowInteractor(const vtkXRenderWindowInteractor&) = delete;
void operator=(const vtkXRenderWindowInteractor&) = delete;
The complete file can be seen here:
You can follow my train of thoughts and debugs here:
To test this code, a simple way is to use F3D has it is using the dropped file, but a simple VTK application should work as well:
Current Dolphin issue
From some testing, the issue is with the preparation and sending of the XdndFinished ClientMessage back to the drag and drop source when handling the SelectionNotify event.
Instead of:
reply.xclient.window = event->xclient.data.l[0];
the line should be:
reply.xclient.window = this->XdndSource;
This aligns the XClientMessageEvent window member with the target window argument to XSendEvent. This is probably a simple copy-paste error, as xclient isn't valid for the SelectionNotify event type. Most likely the actual value of window was not previously being checked, but that has been changed recently, hence the error.
The spec covers this quite well, and also raises a couple of other things to consider:
For data.l[1]: "Bit 0 is set if the current target accepted the drop and successfully performed the accepted drop action. (new in version 5)", so using itemCount as a value will technically be incorrect whenever the count is even
If the handling of XdndPosition doesn't need to actually track where the current position is (i.e. if you are just using the entire window as a drop target), you may be able to get away with sending the XdndStatus in response to the XdndEnter message
Previous Thunar issue
Looking into this further, I did some troubleshooting regarding the previous issue with Thunar, and it boils down to the code handling XdndDrop assuming that the format of the incoming data can be converted to UTF8_STRING. This diff for GLFW handles almost the exact same issue.
If, when handling the XdndEnter message, you inspect the values of xclient.data.l[2] through xclient.data.l[4] you can see that Dolphin reports supporting the following formats:
whereas Thunar only supports the following:
The simplest solution is to:
Keep track of a supported format when handling XdndEnter
Provide this format to XConvertSelection when handling XdndDrop (instead of UTF8_STRING)
Handle the format appropriately when handling the SelectionNotify event
To be more complete, if bit 0 of xclient.data.l[1] is set on the XdndEnter message, you should get the XdndTypeList property of the drag and drop source window and based the format selection on that, instead of the formats contained in the message itself.

QFileDialog: How to select multiple files with touch-screen input?

In our application that uses Qt 4 and supports touch input, we use the QFileDialog with the options QFileDialog::DontUseNativeDialog and QFileDialog::ExistingFiles.
The first is needed because we set our own stylesheet and that does not work with the native dialog. The second is for needed for selecting multiple files, which is what we want to do.
The problem ist that one can not select multiple files with touch input in the QFileDialog, because we have no "shift" or "ctrl"-key available. In Windows the problem is solved by adding checkboxes to the items. QFileDialog has no checkboxes.
I tried to manipulate the QFileDialog to make it displays check boxes for the items, but I failed.
I tried to exchanged the QFileSystemModel that is used by the underlying QTreeView and QListView, but this breaks the signal-slot connections between the model and the dialog. I could not find a way to restore them because they are burried deep in the private intestants of the dialog.
At this moment the only solution I can imagine is writing a whole new dialog, but I would like to avoid the effort.
So is there a way to add checkboxes to the QFileDialog model views ?
Do you have another idea how selecting multiple files could be made possible?
Is the problem fixed in Qt 5? We want to update anyway.
Thank you for your Help.
As I failed to add checkboxes to the item views, I implemented a "hacky" work-around. It adds an extra checkable button to the dialog that acts as a "ctrl"-key. When the button is checked, multiple files can be selected. The solution is a little bit ugly, because it relies on knowing the internals of the dialog, but it does the job.
So here is the code for the header ...
// file touchfiledialog.h
Event filter that is used to add a shift modifier to left mouse button events.
This is used as a helper class for the TouchFileDialog
class EventFilterCtrlModifier : public QObject
bool addCtrlModifier;
EventFilterCtrlModifier( QObject* parent);
void setAddCtrlModifier(bool b);
virtual bool eventFilter( QObject* watched, QEvent* e);
TouchDialog adds the possibility to select multiple files with touch input to the QFileDialog.
This is done by adding an extra button which can be used as control key replacement.
class QTOOLS_API TouchFileDialog : public QFileDialog
EventFilterCtrlModifier* listViewEventFilter;
EventFilterCtrlModifier* treeViewEventFilter;
bool initialized;
TouchFileDialog( QWidget* parent);
virtual void showEvent( QShowEvent* e);
private slots:
void activateCtrlModifier(bool b);
void initObjectsForMultipleFileSelection();
with the implementation ...
// file touchfiledialog.cpp
#include "touchfiledialog.h"
EventFilterCtrlModifier::EventFilterCtrlModifier(QObject* parent)
: QObject(parent)
, addCtrlModifier(false)
void EventFilterCtrlModifier::setAddCtrlModifier(bool b)
addCtrlModifier = b;
bool EventFilterCtrlModifier::eventFilter(QObject* watched, QEvent* e)
QEvent::Type type = e->type();
if( type == QEvent::MouseButtonPress || type == QEvent::MouseButtonRelease)
if( addCtrlModifier)
QMouseEvent* mouseEvent = static_cast<QMouseEvent*>(e);
// Create and post a new event with ctrl modifier if the event does not already have one.
if( !mouseEvent->modifiers().testFlag(Qt::ControlModifier))
QMouseEvent* newEventWithModifier = new QMouseEvent(
mouseEvent->modifiers() | Qt::ControlModifier
QCoreApplication::postEvent(watched, newEventWithModifier);
return true; // absorb the original event
return false;
TouchFileDialog::TouchFileDialog(QWidget* parent)
: QFileDialog(parent)
, listViewEventFilter(NULL)
, treeViewEventFilter(NULL)
, initialized(false)
void TouchFileDialog::showEvent(QShowEvent* e)
// install objects that are needed for multiple file selection if needed
if( !initialized)
if( fileMode() == QFileDialog::ExistingFiles)
initialized = true;
void TouchFileDialog::initObjectsForMultipleFileSelection()
// install event filter to item views that are used to add ctrl modifiers to mouse events
listViewEventFilter = new EventFilterCtrlModifier(this);
QListView* listView = findChild<QListView*>();
treeViewEventFilter = new EventFilterCtrlModifier(this);
QTreeView* treeView = findChild<QTreeView*>();
QGridLayout* dialogLayout = static_cast<QGridLayout*>(layout()); // Ugly because it makes assumptions about the internals of the QFileDialog
QPushButton* pushButtonSelectMultiple = new QPushButton(this);
pushButtonSelectMultiple->setText(tr("Select multiple"));
connect( pushButtonSelectMultiple, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(activateCtrlModifier(bool)));
dialogLayout->addWidget(pushButtonSelectMultiple, 2, 0);
void ZFFileDialog::activateCtrlModifier(bool b)
The TouchFileDialog installs an event filter to the item views that will add a ControlModifier to the mouse events of the views when the corresponging button in the dialog is checked.
Feel free to post other solutions, because this is somewhat improvised.

QStateMachine with QSignalTransition loses signal

i have a strange problem with QStateMachine, which i cannot solve for a week.
Brief explanation:
I use QStateMachine in my application for controlling of sending commands to a biomedical device, connected through COM port. The whole state machine is complicated with hundreds of states and frequent substating.
Machine is being generated from device's communication protocol, based on user's preference. For example, if user wants some "reaction" from device, this reaction is composed of several subreactions that consist of elementary steps (instructions for the device). Application builds whole reaction from these elementary steps and starts it on state machine.
Therefore, I've created class CompositeReactionControl (inherited from QState) which allows to build a composite from particular substates.
QSignalTransition instances are used to connect states together.
Problem description:
Sometimes the machine does not transit from one state to another, when finish() signal of previous state is emitted.
I am 100% sure that state is connected.
I am 100% sure that signal is fired.
Event through machine and its states run in separate thread from the rest of application, this particular signal is fired and caught in SAME thread
It happens randomly in all reactions (there is no particular reaction or substate connected with this problem)
Substate which caused problem in one run (reaction), runs without any problem in other runs of same reaction
It happens when StateMachine runs for long time, it never appears before 4-th reaction (no matter which reactions are chosen by user).
Problematic parts are marked with comment "HERE IS PROBLEM" in the following code...
Adding of new substate to CompositeReactionControl:
* #brief Add new reaction control as a child of this composite
* #param reaction child reaction (inherited from QState)
* #return added child reaction
AbstractReactionControl* CompositeReactionControl::addChildReaction(
AbstractReactionControl* reaction) {
// Check whether reaction is valid
if (reaction == NULL) {
QString msg = tr("Cannot add NULL subreaction to reaction '%1'.");
Logger::getInstance()->addError(msg.arg(getName()), this);
return NULL;
// Adopt reaction
// Store previous reaction control and add current to list
AbstractReactionControl* prev = controls.size() > 0 ? controls.last() : NULL;
// Connects current state
connect(reaction, SIGNAL(reactionEntered(core::AbstractCommunicationState*)),
connect(reaction, SIGNAL(reactionFinished(core::AbstractCommunicationState*)),
// If previous state does not exist (this is the first one) then set current
// state 'c' as initial state and add transition from 'c' to final state
// Otherwise add transition from previous state to 'c', remove transition from
// previous state to final state and add transition from 'c' to final state
if (prev == NULL) {
this->firstState = reaction;
} else {
// Remove end transitions from previous state
delete endTransition1;
delete endTransition2;
// Replaced with PassTransition
//prev->addTransition(prev, SIGNAL(finished()), reaction);
// HERE IS PROBLEM: I am 100% sure that finished() signal is emitted,
// but sometimes not caught by transition
PassTransition* t = new PassTransition(this, prev, SIGNAL(finished()));
// Assign new end transitions to current state
endTransition1 = new RepeatTransition(this, reaction, SIGNAL(finished()));
endTransition2 = new FinishTransition(this, reaction, SIGNAL(finished()));
// Finish if halt
reaction->addTransition(this, SIGNAL(halt()), allFinished);
// Exit reaction
return reaction;
* #class PassTransition
* #brief Passes control from one substate to another
* #author Michal Rost
* #date 6.11.2013
class PassTransition : public QSignalTransition {
PassTransition(CompositeReactionControl* owner, QObject* sender,
const char *signal) : QSignalTransition(sender, signal) {
this->owner = owner;
CompositeReactionControl* owner;
bool eventTest(QEvent *event) {
// HERE IS PROBLEM: I know that signal is called, but event is not received
QString msg = tr("Event Test %1, source: %2 target: %3");
AbstractReactionControl* s = dynamic_cast<AbstractReactionControl*>(this->sourceState());
AbstractReactionControl* t = dynamic_cast<AbstractReactionControl*>(this->targetState());
common::Logger::getInstance()->addDebug(msg.arg(event->type()).arg(s->getName()).arg(t->getName()), this);
return QSignalTransition::eventTest(event);
void onTransition(QEvent *event) {
QString msg = tr("Transition called");
common::Logger::getInstance()->addDebug(msg, this);
Log from good case
In this case everything works well. Important is that PassTransition::EventTest receives event of type 192, which is state machine event created from finished() signal of previous state.
[08:33:01:976][core::CompositeReactionControl] State 'send_fluorescence_on' finished, disconnecting...
[08:33:01:976][core::CompositeReactionControl] State 'ProfileData' removed control from 'send_fluorescence_on' substate.
[08:33:01:977][core::ReactionEmitter] Sending state entered. Timer Started.
[08:33:01:977][core::PassTransition] Event Test 0, source: send_fluorescence_on target: send_fluorescence_off
[08:33:01:977][core::PassTransition] Event Test 0, source: measure_fluorescence target: measure_fluorescence
[08:33:01:977][core::PassTransition] Event Test 192, source: send_fluorescence_on target: send_fluorescence_off
[08:33:01:977][core::PassTransition] Transition called
[08:33:01:977][core::CompositeReactionControl] State 'ProfileData' gave control to 'send_fluorescence_off' substate.
Log from bad case
As can be seen, if error RANDOMLY occurs, mentioned event is not received by method PassTransition::EventTest. After 5 second timeout (I tryed even longer intervals), I stop the statemachine and print error.
[08:33:01:991][core::CompositeReactionControl] State 'send_fluorescence_off' finished, disconnecting...
[08:33:01:991][core::CompositeReactionControl] State 'ProfileData' removed control from 'send_fluorescence_off' substate.
[08:33:01:991][core::ReactionEmitter] Sending state entered. Timer Started.
[08:33:01:991][core::PassTransition] Event Test 0, source: send_fluorescence_off target: led_off
[08:33:01:991][core::PassTransition] Event Test 0, source: measure_fluorescence target: measure_fluorescence
[08:33:16:966][core::ReactionEmitter] State machine is frozen. Reaction will be stopped!

File system watcher for Mac OS X

Currently, we use QFileSystemWatcher, belonging to Qt. Due to the limited support in Mac OS X, it can only notify us two events: directory changed, or file changed.
However, the latter event (file changed) is triggered multiple times when its size is slightly larger and the writing to disk takes slightly longer time.
Our workaround is to set up a timer to check the file in 1 second. If more signals about the file come before timer expires, we reset the timer.
Is there a way to get the notification when the file is written to the disk (finished writing)? There is no need to limit to Qt, any library could do.
We are aware of the kqueue monitoring method, but that's too low level and we don't want to do that for each file, as we are monitoring a large portion of the file system..
I have the same problem in a project and finally I decide to implement a native watcher. It's pretty easy:
In the .h:
class OSXWatcher : public Watcher
OSXWatcher(const QString& strDirectory);
virtual ~OSXWatcher();
virtual bool Start();
virtual bool Stop();
* Callback function of the OS X FSEvent API.
static void fileSystemEventCallback(ConstFSEventStreamRef streamRef, void *clientCallBackInfo, size_t numEvents, void *eventPaths, const FSEventStreamEventFlags eventFlags[], const FSEventStreamEventId eventIds[]);
FSEventStreamRef stream;
The .cpp:
bool OSXWatcher::Start()
CFStringRef pathToWatchCF = CFStringCreateWithCString(NULL, this->dirToWatch.toUtf8().constData(), kCFStringEncodingUTF8);
CFArrayRef pathsToWatch = CFArrayCreate(NULL, (const void **)&pathToWatchCF, 1, NULL);
FSEventStreamContext context;
context.version = 0;
context.info = this;
context.retain = NULL;
context.release = NULL;
context.copyDescription = NULL;
stream = FSEventStreamCreate(NULL, &OSXWatcher::fileSystemEventCallback, &context, pathsToWatch, kFSEventStreamEventIdSinceNow, 3.0, kFSEventStreamCreateFlagFileEvents);
FSEventStreamScheduleWithRunLoop(stream, CFRunLoopGetCurrent(), kCFRunLoopDefaultMode);
// Read the folder content to protect any unprotected or pending file
bool OSXWatcher::Stop()
void OSXWatcher::fileSystemEventCallback(ConstFSEventStreamRef /*streamRef*/, void *clientCallBackInfo, size_t numEvents, void *eventPaths, const FSEventStreamEventFlags eventFlags[], const FSEventStreamEventId eventIds[])
char **paths = (char **)eventPaths;
for (size_t i=0; i<numEvents; i++) {
// When a file is created we receive first a kFSEventStreamEventFlagItemCreated and second a (kFSEventStreamEventFlagItemCreated & kFSEventStreamEventFlagItemModified)
// when the file is finally copied. Catch this second event.
if (eventFlags[i] & kFSEventStreamEventFlagItemCreated
&& eventFlags[i] & kFSEventStreamEventFlagItemModified
&& !(eventFlags[i] & kFSEventStreamEventFlagItemIsDir)
&& !(eventFlags[i] & kFSEventStreamEventFlagItemIsSymlink)
&& !(eventFlags[i] & kFSEventStreamEventFlagItemFinderInfoMod)) {
OSXWatcher *watcher = (OSXWatcher *)clientCallBackInfo;
if (watcher->FileValidator(paths[i]))
emit watcher->yourSignalHere();
I have the same problem but with folder. When you copy many files to the folder too many singals are emitted but I need only one. So I have the following solution:
void folderChanged(const QString& folder)
folderChanged is a slot for directoryChanged() signal. And timer has another connection for timeout, so when time is out then processing should be done. Timer has 1s interval. Idea behind it is that folder should not be updated more frequent than interval I have and if it sends signals more frequently than I need then I don't need to process them immediately. Rather I restart timer every time the signal is emmited and with all of it I have the only one processing of changes. I think you can apply the same approach.
Another approach which may work for you also is to check file modification date in your processing and if its current modification date is within some epsilon(small interval) with your last modification date then you have repeating signal and should not react on it. Store this modification date and proceed.