I'm hoping here but does anyone have code for a round gauge (like the speedometer in your car) for MFC?
Maybe something exists already but I don't know about it.
I saw an interesting article about making my own customs controls here http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/521/Creating-Custom-Controls but don't want to spend all day on this, i'm hoping for an easy way out
There is an article about a CStatic derivative CSpeedoMeter class on codeproject. Please also have a look at the comments on the article, because some changes to the code might need to be applied in order to fix a resource leak.
I am using the latest swiftui and would like to know if it is possible to create drag & drop boundaries based on color?
I already created a drag & drop with rotation, pinching, etc. But would like to be able to create regions where you can drop into.
Yes it is! It's a great idea, and I think you should pursue it.
As it stands there's a hundred different ways to go about things. Spend some time thinking about how you would want it to work, then just take baby steps. You've already covered a lot of the ground work by implementing rotation and pinching.
Write some code (in a playground so you get instant feedback) that does some simple drag and drop work. Add in a line of code that turns the background a different color or changes its opacity when you let go/lift your finger.
Those types of incremental changes are well documented and you will be able to google them quickly. I think it's a great sign that you haven't found ready made examples. It means you are thinking outside the box.
This is an opportunity for you to think like a developer and a designer. If you post your results somewhere or release a project on GitHub at some point, others will be able to find your work using the same search criteria you used when you didn't find any results.
If you get stuck, post the code the code that has you baffled, and I'm sure you get help on this site. Best of luck 🍀
I just started developing an MFC application for the first time and I'm hoping to get more familiar with the whole "controls" concept. I am using the dialog editor in visual studio and so far I was not able to find functionality to add a simple table/grid. It seems quite basic to me, but I can't even find reliable information on how to do it on the internet.
I am looking for something similar to Qt's QTableWidget, something that I can later program with variable amount of rows and columns tailored to my application's use cases.
Do you have any ideas how to do it?
I use CGridCtrl which is very powerful and does a lot of the legwork for you.
Sounds like you're after a List View Control, which is wrapped by MFC's CListCtrl class. The dialog editor will enable you to add one and set its properties.
I need make graph in graphic framework Qt. I use QGraphicView and QGraphicScene and make my graph by hand (add Recangles, late add line to display hierarchy of single elements). For you to get an idea, picture, what I think:
And my supervisor tell me, that it is inefective. Somebody had to do something similar before me. So I must look for some library or framework in Qt, which support graph like mine (see above) and support mouse tracking, because after click I need do some operation.
So I searched on Google for few days and only thing I find is QTreeView. It is what I need, but it's for directory structure and that's not what I imagined.
Please, know somebody something like QTreeView, but in graphical adaptation? Thanks for any help.
I was looking at MeVisLab and I wondered if anyone knows a good framework for making a user interface similar to the one they use. I like the designing flow with boxes and arrows thing.
What I would really like is to able to integrate with C++ using Qt, and perhaps export the graph to xml of something like that.
There is another example of the interface here:
I hope someone knows something
Qt's Graphics View is a "framework" which does a good bit of the handling for the kind of scenario you describe. It doesn't take much code to get off the ground and within striking range of what you're looking for:
I'm not aware of any open-source Qt-based programs that offer exactly what you want already written. Just noticed IBM did open source "DataExplorer", which is interesting to me...I might go take a look at that myself:
Let's say I'm a Qt newbie.
I want a good Qt library for displaying simple graphs. I've found the quanava library. But there is a problem. When I compiled a basic example it looks like graph edges are not painted properly when moving nodes. I don't have any idea where is a bug but this code seems to be rather simple. I think this is a problem with paint method in NodeItem class. Maybe someone has already solved this problem because this library is quite popular.
I usually go for Qwt for my graphing needs - a bit technical for "office graphs", but still, it works.
+1 for Qwt. It gets the job done, and is pretty configurable. The documentation is weak, but the number of examples are extensive enough to make up for it.
Ok, first of all saying graph i mean mathematical concept G=(V,E).
I improved quanava library, which is a very good starting point for graph visualization.