Jenkins execution of runserver - django

I couldn't find information how to get build result from runserver
It runs contantly and no server log is outputed.
This way I can't execute the next shell commant or trigger the next job.
The only solition I have come to is to use parallel jobs.
Any one here with better idea?

And just few mins ago my collegue showed me to use nohup and with setting BUILD_ID of Jenkins it would be like this to get Success from the build and still the server running
BUILD_ID=dontKillMe nohup python runserver host_server &


starting Django project using cron

I have a Django project which I want to start every time the device reboots. I can start the Django application manually using the following 4 commands
cd /home/pi/reg-sign
source djenv/bin/activate
cd /home/pi/reg-sign/mysite
python runserver
But I cannot get this working in a crontab line.
So far I have;
#reboot cd /home/pi/reg-sign && /home/pi/reg-sign/djenv/bin/python /home/pi/reg-sign/mysite/ python runserver
however this does not start the server.
Any help would be much appreciated.
Many thanks,

Running migrations when deploying django app to heroku with codeship

I'm trying to set up a continous integration pipeline for my python 3.5.1 / django 1.9.7 project.
The project is running fine on heroku, and the codeship deployment pipeline for heroku works well as long as my database is unchanged.
If I want to run migrations, I have to do so manually by entering heroku run python migrate on my computer which I would like to avoid.
I added a "Custom Script" in my codeship deployment pipeline after the "heroku"-pipeline containing heroku run python migrate, but when coedship attempts to execute it, it fails with the
Cannot run more than 1 Free size dynos.
message. I assume this is because the server is already up and running and I don't have more worker processes available? (please correct me if I'm wrong)
EDIT: This is where I was wrong - I had an additional process running (see answer)
Is there any way to include the database migration step in the heroku deployment pipeline? Or did I do something wrong?
Ifound the answer here: Heroku: Cannot run more than 1 Free size dynos
My assumption about theweb server beeing the blocking dyno was wrong, I had a zombie process (createsuperuser) running I did not know about.
I used heroku ps to show all running prcesses. Output was:
=== web (Free): gunicorn my_app.wsgi --log-file - (1)
web.1: idle 2016/06/07 17:09:06 +0200 (~ 13h ago)
=== run: one-off processes (1)
run.7012 (Free): up 2016/06/07 15:19:13 +0200 (~ 15h ago): python createsuperuser
I killed the process by typing
heroku ps:stop run.7012
and afterwards my migration via codeship custom script worked as expected.

Prevent django runserver from crashing or reload on save fix

When I run ./ runserver, it often crashes because of mistakes I make, e.g. copy/paste code and save before modifying it or having a syntax error. Then I have to rerun the server.
Is it possible to somehow have the server still running and then reload on my subsequent save so I don't have to run the server manually again?
I use a simple bash script for this. Here's a one-liner you can use:
$ while true; do python runserver; sleep 2; done
That will wait 2 seconds before attempting to restart the server. Insert whatever you think is a sane value.
I usually write this as a shell script named, put it in my project root (the same directory with in it) and add it to the gitignore.
while true; do
echo "Re-starting Django runserver"
python runserver
sleep 2
If you do this, remember to chmod +x, then you can execute it with:
Use Ctrl-c Ctrl-c to exit.

jenkins start django server after successful build

We use jenkins as continious integration system. We have two django servers validated by jenkins.
jenkins validates successully the first server. The second server depends on the first one. Thus we would like to launch at the end of the first server validation the first server itself.
We are using python, virtualenv and django and defined the Virtualenv Builder as follow:
pip install -r requirements.txt
rm -f .coverage
fab localhost test
coverage xml
nohup python runserver 9090 &
The issue is that the build never ends due to the nohup.
How can I launch the server after a successful build?
I had the same problem.
I tried using fabric, but again python runserver - runs continuosly, so the next command is not starting.
And just few mins ago my collegue showed me how to use nohup and with variable BUILD_ID of Jenkins it would be like this to get Success from the build and leave the Django server running:
BUILD_ID=dontKillMe nohup python runserver host_server &
This worked for our Django project testing.
Since you are using fabric to test, I would recommend defining another fabric task, say, deploy, which you could call assuming the build succeeds.
Much like the call to fab completes for a successful build such that you get to the nohup line, I would expect the deploy task to return also.
You may also want to consider making the server a service (either via an /etc/init.d style script, or upstart if Ubuntu), and have the fabric task stop the currently running one, copy over whatever new files it needs (or similar process), and then restart it.
Assuming what you have above is a bash script or similar, you may want to also define set -e so that, in case any of the commands returns a non-success code, the script will fail, and in turn, fail the build.

Getting Django in a VirtualEnv to run through Upstart

I've been trying to trudge through the docs and examples to get my Django running through upstart so I can have it running all the time but am unable to so.
Here's my upstart configuration file located at /etc/init/myapp.conf:
start on startup
#expect daemon
console output
chdir /app/env/bin
exec source activate
exec /app/env/bin/python /app/src/ runserver > /dev/null 2>&1 &
end script
When I type sudo service myapp start, the console says that it has started but it doesn't seem to be running.
Is it possible to see some debugging output to see what's going wrong?
I need to run my Django application as another user — i.e. djangouser. How can I do so?
(I've been commenting out some lines to test where the service is going wrong). This is not for production use but my internal development use only.
Edit #1:
I have wrapped both my commands into a simple script at /app/
cd /app/env/bin
source activate
cd /app/src
python runserver > /dev/null 2>&1 &
..and I've modified my /etc/init/myapp.conf to
start on startup
expect daemon
exec su - djangouser -c "bash /app/"
When executing sudo service myapp start — the application starts but the PID is wrong and I can't seem to kill it with sudo service myapp stop
Any ideas?
exec source activate
By just:
source activate
This will load the virtual environment. You should probably drop the other "exec". If that doesn't work, please post your upstart logs.
A couple of remarks:
logging the output to somewhere else than /dev/null might be useful :)
runserver is not ment to be stable, I see it crashing sometimes and in that case i guess you'll need to force upstart to reload, or put the runserver call in a while loop
you will not be able to use an interactive debugger like ipdb with this setup
How about using nginx and uwsgi with your virtualenv. this will give you a production like environment but will also start your django app at start up. if you are using ubuntu 10 you should take a look at uwsgi-python, otherwise just install the latest uwsgi. i usually start my virtualenv in uwsgi like so : sudo nano /etc/uwsgi-python/apps-available/app.xml
<app mountpoint="/">
also setup yournginx files at /etc/nginx/apps-available/default (the file is a bit straight forward). this will help you have your django app at all times,
su is problematic becouse it forks the process. You can use sudo -u djangouser instead or simply add
setuid djangouser
in your conf file.
This should work on Ubuntu 14.04 and possibly other versions as well:
root#vagrant-ubuntu-trusty-64:/etc/init# service my_app start
my_app start/running, process 7799
root#vagrant-ubuntu-trusty-64:/etc/init# cat /var/log/upstart/my_app.log
Performing system checks...
System check identified no issues (0 silenced).
You have unapplied migrations; your app may not work properly until they are applied.
Run 'python migrate' to apply them.
June 30, 2015 - 06:54:18
Django version 1.8.2, using settings 'my_test.settings'
Starting development server at
Quit the server with CONTROL-C.
root#vagrant-ubuntu-trusty-64:/etc/init# service my_app status
my_app start/running, process 7799
root#vagrant-ubuntu-trusty-64:/etc/init# service my_app stop
my_app stop/waiting
root#vagrant-ubuntu-trusty-64:/etc/init# service my_app status
my_app stop/waiting
Here is the config to make it work:
root#vagrant-ubuntu-trusty-64:/etc/init# cat my_app.conf
description "my_app upstart script"
start on runlevel [23]
su vagrant -c "source /home/vagrant/dj_app/bin/activate; /home/vagrant/dj_app/bin/python /home/vagrant/my_test/ runserver"
end script