gitignore all files except all java files in subdirectory - regex

I've tried a bunch of different methods.
as well as multiple other variations of this. I came across this question that looks like it's using Regex. Is regex needed for this to work? Any ideas?
I also tried these regex patterns but I am not the best at regex.
1.Logic: ignore all files ending with the file extension pattern "java"
2.Logic: ignore all files ending with a "j" followed by an "a" with anything else after that.

Ignoring * is a bad idea.
This will ignore every file and every directory in every part of your repository.
Especially git will not look at all at ignored directories. Therefore the exceptions you define later will have no effect at all.
There are quite longish include/exclude hacks to make something like this work, but usually the best way is to just explicitly ignore the files you want to ignore and avoid any exceptions whenever possible.
If you feel the need for some more complicated ignore rules this is usually an indicator that your repository layout needs a better structure.


How does Omnisharp use wildcards in its config files?

This relates to an older stackoverflow question. I was hoping to ask for more details but haven't got the Reputation to write comments yet.
Circumstances are the same: I'm adding codecheck warnings that I want to ignore, by editing the "IgnoredCodeIssues" section of Omnisharp's config.json file.
The question
What wildcard/regexp characters work here and how? Is it perhaps a known standard with its own docs somewhere that I can read?
If I enter an issue warning verbatim it works, but it would be way more efficient to use wildcards. For example this warning:
Method 'Update' has the same with 'Start'
is a warning I don't care about and it's going to pop up a lot. A good solution would be to configure it to work for all instances of this issue, i.e. to use wildcards at the 'Update' and 'Start' parts.
Using a typical regexp it would look like this:
/(Method)\s'\w+'\shas the same with\s'\w+'/g
but that's obviously not the syntax here and would just break the config file. So I'm hoping to understand the particular syntax of wildcards in this particular file.
More details
I use Omnisharp-sublime and Sublime Text 3.
I've read the docs and rummaged around the GitHub page (no links as my reputation is too low for 2+ links) but the only relevant information is an example config file with a couple of ignored issues:
"IgnoredCodeIssues": [
"^Keyword 'private' is redundant. This is the default modifier.$",
".* should not separate words with an underscore.*"
"Method '.*.' has the same with.*",
(note the .*.) makes the warnings go away but I have no idea if there are side-effects or other consequences like hiding warnings that I might do want to be notified of. Is there anyone who has seen wildcard expansions like that before? Would be great to be able to look it up and study it before adding more to my config.json
Based on the examples in the config file, you should just use standard regex inside double quotes. Don't use the Perl style of /regex/replace/options. config.json is read by the OmniSharp server, which is written in C#, so if you're looking to do anything fancy with your regexes, make sure they're C#-compatible.
So, for instance, your example regex would look like this:
"(Method)\s'\w+'\shas the same with\s'\w+'"

give sudo permission to log files on different paths like /a/b1/c.log and /a/b2/d.log etc. files

I need a nice column for Centrify tool which include all the log files under the different folders, for example;
I used this but after the * character user can see all logs;
Which expression I must use.
If I understandy our question correctly, you want only .log files. You can use a positive lookahead to assert that it is indeed a log file (contains .log at the end of filename), and match the filename whatever it is (.*).
Then it's really easy. (?=.*\.log(?:$|\s)).* Of course, you can also add specific folders if you wish to restrict the matches, but the positive lookahead will still do its work. I.e. (?=.*\.log(?:$|\s)).*/scripts/.*
EDIT: As your comment, you only need those folders, so you just specify their filepaths in alternations and add [^.\s\/]*\.log at the end. So:
(?:\/oradata1\/oracle\/admin\/A\/scripts\/rman_logs\/|\/oracle\/oracle\/admin\/B\/scripts\/rman_logs\/|\/oradata2\/admin\/C\/scripts\/logs\/)[^\s.\/]*\.log You may shorten the regex by trying to combine filepath elements, but, imo, not necessary as you might as well specify each filepath individually, if they don't overlap too much.
I have found a global expression.
this is not a good way but it works and save me from lots of job. The main files are under the ....../scripts/rman_logs/ for all servers so I use this way.
I can produce these lines and can be a command group for users so this works good
tail /////scripts/rman_logs/*.log
tail ////scripts/rman_logs/.log
Thanks for your helps.

Doing a 'diff/st' and ignoring the first line if it matches a specific criterion

In a repository for a well known open source project, all files contain a version string with a timestamp as their first line:
<?php // $Id: index.php,v 2009-04-25 21:18:24 stronk7 Exp $
Even if I don't really understand why they do this - since the files are already under version control -, I have to live with this.
The main problem is that if I try to 'st' or 'diff' a release to get an idea of what was changed from the previous one, every single file contained in the repository is obviously marked as modified and the diffs become unreadable and unmanageable.
I'm wondering if there's a way to ignoring the first lines doing a diff/st when they match a regexp.
The project is under cvs - cvs, yes, you've read correctly - and included in a bigger mercurial repository.
I don't know about cvs, but with hg you can use any external diff tool with the bundled extdiff extension, and any modern tool should have the ability to let you ignore diffs that match certain patterns.
I swear by Beyond Compare, which allows arbitrary syntax definition.
kdiff3 has preprocessor commands that you can pipe the input through.
If you try
man diff
you'll find
--ignore-matching-lines=RE Ignore changes whose lines all match RE.
search "ignore matching lines" on the web gives examples :
diff --unified --recursive --new-file
--ignore-matching-lines='[$]Date.[$]' ...
Thus try :
diff --ignore-matching-lines='[<][?]php [/][/] [$]Id:'

white space free path to My Documents

In building a C++ project with the GNU tool chain, make tells me ~
src/Adapter_FS5HyDE.d:1: *** multiple target patterns. Stop.
Search, search, search, and I found out that make thinks that it has multiple targets because the path to my included headers has spaces in it. If you've got your headers stored in some sane place like C:\Program Files then you can take care of this by using the old DOS paths (e.g. C:\PROGRA~1). However, when you have your headers in a truly insane place like My Documents you can get around the problem with MY DOC~1 because there's still a space.
Any idea how to tell my compiler to look in My Documents for headers without make confusing the path as two objects?
(Note: Feel free to throw tomatoes at me for putting header files in My Documents if you'd like, but there is a little rationale for doing that which I don't feel like explaining. If the solution to this question is easy, I'd rather keep it the way it is.)
You can figure out what the old path is by doing a DIR /X in your command prompt.
Or, most of the time you can fake it with the first 6 characters - spaces + ~1 + extension (8.3 paths won't have spaces).
Or, you can use quotes: "C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My Documents".
I don't know about make specficially, but the normal way around this is to put quotes around the path i.e.
cd "C:\Program Files\"
does that work?
Side note: the short name (8.3) for the same folder might not be the same on different OS installations. Thus, you can't be sure that C:\Program Files will always be C:\PROGRA~1.
Short names can't contain spaces in them either, so the usual short name for My Documents is MYDOCU~1, not MY DOC~1.
You can find the exact short name for any folder or file (including My Documents) using dir /x <filename>.
If you are using the GNU toolchain from Windows command line (cmd.exe), you should be able to use quotes (") around the folder/file names to work around this problem.
For some folders, including My Documents, you can specify an alternative location. To do this, right-click the folder, select Properties, select Location tab, and away you go. I use this to put my downloads and music on another drive (D:).
Write a wrapper script (e.g. batchfile) to translate the path names to short form.
I have a script "runwin" that does stuff like this - instead of, e.g. gcc <args> I can call runwin gcc <args>;
runwin will make heuristic guesses as to which arguments are filename paths and translate them, then call gcc on the resulting string of arguments.

Hints and tools for finding unmatched braces / preprocessor directives

This is one of my most dreaded C/C++ compiler errors:
file.cpp(3124) : fatal error C1004: unexpected end-of-file found
file.cpp includes almost a hundred header files, which in turn include other header files. It's over 3000 lines. The code should be modularized and structured, the source files smaller. We should refactor it. As a programmer there's always a wish list for improving things.
But right now, the code is a mess and the deadline is around the corner. Somewhere among all these lines—quite possibly in one of the included header files, not in the source file itself—there's apparently an unmatched brace, unmatched #ifdef or similar.
The problem is that when something is missing, the compiler can't really tell me where it is missing. It just knows that when it reached end of the file it wasn't in the right parser state.
Can you offer some tools or other hints / methodologies to help me find the cause for the error?
If the #includes are all in one place in the source file, you could try putting a stray closing brace in between the #includes. If you get an 'unmatched closing brace' error when you compile, you know it all balances up to that point. It's a slow method, but it might help you pinpoint the problem.
One approach: if you have Notepad++, open all of the files (no problem opening 100 files), search for { and } (Search -> Find -> Find in All Open Documents), note the difference in count (should be 1). Randomly close 10 files and see if the difference in count is still 1, if so continue, else the problem is in one of those files. Repeat.
Handy tip:
For each header file, auto-generate a source file which includes it, then optionally contains an empty main method, and does nothing else. Compile all of these files as test cases, although there's no point running them.
Provided that each header includes its own dependencies (which is a big "provided"), this should give you a better idea which header is causing the problem.
This tip is adapted from Google's published C++ style guide, which says that each component's source files should include the interface header for that component before any other header. This has the same effect, of ensuring that there is at least one source file which will fail to compile, and implicate that header, if there's anything wrong with it.
Of course it won't catch unmatched braces in macros, so if you use much in the way of macros, you may have to resort to running the preprocessor over your source file, and examining the result by hand and IDE.
Another handy tip, which is too late now:
Check in more often (on a private branch to keep unfinished code out of everyone else's way). That way, when things get nasty you can diff against the last thing that compiled, and focus on the changed lines.
make small changes and recompile after each small change
for unmatched braces, use an editor/IDE that supports brace match hilighting
if all else failds, Ye Olde method of commenting out blocks of code using a binary chop approach works for me
Very late to the party, but on linux you can use fgrep -o
-o, --only-matching
Print only the matched (non-empty) parts of a matching line,
with each such part on a separate output line.
So if you fgrep -o { then you'll get a list of all the opening braces in your file.
You can then pipe that to wc -l and that will give you the number of opening braces in your file.
With a bit of bash arithmetic, you can do the same with closing braces, and then print the difference.
In the below example I'm using git status -s to get the short-format output of all modified files from my git repo, and then I'm iterating over them to find which files may have mismatched braces
for i in $(git status -s | awk '{print $2}'); do
open=$(fgrep -o { $i | wc -l); # count number of opening braces
close=$(fgrep -o } $i | wc -l); # count number of closing braces
diff=$((open-close)); # find difference
echo "$diff : $i"; # print difference for filename
I think using some editor with brace highlighting will help. There should also be some tools around that do automatic indention on code.
EDIT: Does this vim script help? It seems to do #ifdef highlighting.
Can you create a script that actually does all the including, and then write the whole stuff to a temporary file? Or try the compiler for helping you with that? Then you can use the bracket highlighting features of various editors to find the problem and you'll probably be able to identify the file. (An extra help can be to have your script add a comment around every included file).
This might not be relevant to your problem, but I was getting an "Unexpected #else" error when framing some header files in an #if/#else/#endif block.
I found that if I set the problem modules to not use pre-compiled headers, the problem went away. Something to do with the "#pragma hdrstop" should not be within an #if/#endif.
Have a look at this question (Highlighting unmatched brackets in vim)
Pre-compile your code first, this will create a big chunk with the include files stuffed into the same file. Then you can use those brace-matching scripts.
I recently ran into this situation while refactoring some code and I'm not a fan of any of the answers above. The problem is that they neglect to incorporate a pretty basic assumption:
Any given file (most likely) will have matching braces and if/endif macros.
While it is true one can have a C++ source file that opens a bracket or an if block and includes another module that closes it, I have never seen this in practice. Something like the following:
namespace Blah{
#include "bar.h"
}; /// namespace Blah
So with the assumption that any given file / module contains matching sets of braces and preprocessor directives, this problem is now trivial to solve. We just need a script to read the files / count the brackets & directives that it finds and report mismatches.
I've implemented one in Ruby here, feel free to take and adapt to your needs:
I just spent an hour with a problem like this. It was very hard to spot, but in the end, I had typed a double # on one line:
##ifdef FEATURE_X
That broke the world.
Easy one to search for though.
The simplest and fastest solution is to comment file from the end by consistent blocks. If the error still exists, then you not yet comment the open brace.