Regular Expression in Apache-Alias not working - regex

Why does
AliasMatch .*\.(png|ico|gif|jpg|jpeg|js|css|woff|ttf|svg)$ /my-location/
GET /pages/index/index.js HTTP/1.1
[30/Jul/2014:12:55:28 -0700] "GET /pages/index/index.js HTTP/1.1" 404 433 "http://localhost/" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/36.0.1985.125 Safari/537.36"

The solution was
AliasMatch (.*\.(png|ico|gif|jpg|jpeg|js|css|woff|ttf|svg))$ /my-location/$1
The reason for that is:"[...] Alias will automatically copy any additional part of the URI, past the part that matched, onto the end of the file path on the right side, while AliasMatch will not. This means that in almost all cases, you will want the regular expression to match the entire request URI from beginning to end, and to use substitution on the right side." (


Oauth2-proxy - 404 error when redirecting to upstream url (Django application web page)

I'm trying to protect a Django application with oauth2-proxy
In the oauth2-proxy configuration: (version 7.2.1 or 7.3.0)
When the upstream url is set to something like this: --upstream=""
the redirection works fine. (and it returns a home page I have defined in the application )
But, if I use an upstream like this: --upstream=""
it returns 404 error instead of the hello page that is also defined in the application
The page is working fine when invoked directly and it returns "GET /hello HTTP/1.1" 200 136
So I would say it is not a problem with the page.
This is the command line I'm using:
oauth2-proxy.exe ^
--http-address= ^
--email-domain=* ^
--cookie-secure=false ^
--cookie-secret=adqeqpioqr809718 ^
--upstream="" ^
--redirect-url= ^
--oidc-issuer-url= ^
--insecure-oidc-allow-unverified-email=true ^
--provider=keycloak-oidc ^
--client-id=oauth2_proxy ^
--ssl-insecure-skip-verify=true ^
--client-secret=L2znXLhGX4N0j3nsZYxDKfdYpXHMGDkX ^
When the oauth2-proxy succeeds to redirect (--upstream=""), I get the page and the following output:
This is the output for the oauth2-proxy:
[2022/09/08 10:52:06] [proxy.go:89] mapping path "/" => upstream ""
[2022/09/08 10:52:06] [oauthproxy.go:148] OAuthProxy configured for Keycloak OIDC Client ID: oauth2_proxy
[2022/09/08 10:52:06] [oauthproxy.go:154] Cookie settings: name:_oauth2_proxy secure(https):false httponly:true expiry:168h0m0s domains: path:/ samesite: refresh:disabled
[2022/09/08 10:57:01] [oauthproxy.go:866] No valid authentication in request. Initiating login. - 9bbfcf75-da91-487a-a55e-40472e4adb23 - - [2022/09/08 10:57:01] GET - "/" HTTP/1.1 "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/105.0.1343.27" 302 380 0.001 - e0d8ed12-e4dd-4da6-9fbb-cf689fc53f8f - [2022/09/08 10:57:09] [AuthSuccess] Authenticated via OAuth2: Session{ user:93547bcc-2441-414a-9149-c7533c4f5d23 PreferredUsername:testuser token:true id_token:true created:2022-09-08 10:57:09.789934 -0300 -03 m=+303.019857301 expires:2022-09-08 11:02:09.7839238 -0300 -03 m=+603.013847101 refresh_token:true groups:[role:offline_access role:uma_authorization role:default-roles-testrealm role:account:manage-account role:account:manage-account-links role:account:view-profile]}
[2022/09/08 10:57:09] [session_store.go:163] WARNING: Multiple cookies are required for this session as it exceeds the 4kb cookie limit. Please use server side session storage (eg. Redis) instead. - e0d8ed12-e4dd-4da6-9fbb-cf689fc53f8f - - [2022/09/08 10:57:09] GET - "/oauth2/callback?state=ahuKzCYr7jR4P4mmjniIt67TttZKyxGv4mLfEwKlQio%3A%2F&session_state=86ac9bd1-9756-4916-83e9-ec0496b5b767&code=df3940e5-58f5-49ac-a821-5607f0f2faae.86ac9bd1-9756-4916-83e9-ec0496b5b767.cd30a162-8e4d-4a2d-bff6-168e444aed92" HTTP/1.1 "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/105.0.1343.27" 302 24 0.029 - d58ace6e-afe9-4737-9b12-dbc17fdd0ca2 - [2022/09/08 10:57:09] GET / "/" HTTP/1.1 "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/105.0.1343.27" 200 138 0.005
On the Django side I get:
**"GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 138**
When the oauth2-proxy fails to redirect --upstream=""), I get the following output:
This is the output for the oauth2-proxy:
[2022/09/08 10:33:58] [proxy.go:89] mapping path "/hello" => upstream ""
[2022/09/08 10:33:58] [oauthproxy.go:148] OAuthProxy configured for Keycloak OIDC Client ID: oauth2_proxy
[2022/09/08 10:33:58] [oauthproxy.go:154] Cookie settings: name:_oauth2_proxy secure(https):false httponly:true expiry:168h0m0s domains: path:/ samesite: refresh:disabled
[2022/09/08 10:37:20] [oauthproxy.go:866] No valid authentication in request. Initiating login. - 54c0f3d8-b3c0-4d48-8353-fe69be0e4500 - - [2022/09/08 10:37:20] GET - "/" HTTP/1.1 "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/105.0.1343.27" 302 380 0.001 - 0bec934e-05a3-4cc8-9306-fffc28597c8f - [2022/09/08 10:37:28] [AuthSuccess] Authenticated via OAuth2: Session{ user:93547bcc-2441-414a-9149-c7533c4f5d23 PreferredUsername:testuser token:true id_token:true created:2022-09-08 10:37:28.6527488 -0300 -03 m=+210.486252601 expires:2022-09-08 10:42:28.6468518 -0300 -03 m=+510.480355601 refresh_token:true groups:[role:offline_access role:uma_authorization role:default-roles-testrealm role:account:manage-account role:account:manage-account-links role:account:view-profile]}
[2022/09/08 10:37:28] [session_store.go:163] WARNING: Multiple cookies are required for this session as it exceeds the 4kb cookie limit. Please use server side session storage (eg. Redis) instead. - 0bec934e-05a3-4cc8-9306-fffc28597c8f - - [2022/09/08 10:37:28] GET - "/oauth2/callback?state=nox0LM3fIlVU1kamoLBaktByeLCcIWiBvRLdHFIuhd4%3A%2F&session_state=808c0654-c9e7-4593-b5dc-95d3231438ea&code=e220414d-e949-4e2d-8d33-55de96f8f5d4.808c0654-c9e7-4593-b5dc-95d3231438ea.cd30a162-8e4d-4a2d-bff6-168e444aed92" HTTP/1.1 "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/105.0.1343.27" 302 24 0.024 - 9454773f-cade-46fe-870f-70d09fc49ffb - [2022/09/08 10:37:28] GET - "/" HTTP/1.1 "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/105.0.1343.27" 404 19 0.000
On the Django side I get:
Nothing. As the Django app is never reached and so there are no logs.
Could you please help me find out what could be happening? I will really appreciate it!!
It doesn't seem to be a problem with the application, as the pages work fine when invoked directly.
If it is a mistake in my oauth2-proxy command line/configuration, I would appreciate someone points me to the error, so I can correct it.
Otherwise, any hint would also be much appreciated.
The only thing I've noticed in the logs of oauth2-proxy is that no matter what I put in the --upstream, the final GET (I think it is the redirection to the upstream) is as follows: GET - "/" ... it is the same in both attempts, and it only succeeds in the first one, because it matches the [proxy.go:89] mapping path "/"
The reason it was giving the 404 error, was that the configuration --upstreams points to a url to which the proxy is going to pass the request once authenticated, but it is not going to redirect to that address unless you specifically ask for it in the original request.
So the correct way of making the request is, which is including the whole path to the endpoint you want to reach. (instead of for example )

Match Text in a group regardless if their place are changed or not RegEx

I have the following log message:
request="POST /api/settings/update HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:\r\nConnection: keep-alive\r\nContent-Length: 601\r\nsec-ch-ua: %22 Not A;Brand%22;v=%2299%22, %22Chromium%22;v=%22101%22, %22Google Chrome%22;v=%22101%22\r\nAccept: application/json, text/plain, */*\r\nLang: ar\r\nsec-ch-ua-mobile: ?0\r\nUser-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/101.0.4951.54 Safari/537.36\r\nsec-ch-ua-platform: %22Windows%22\r\nContent-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8\r\nOrigin:\r\nSec-Fetch-Site: same-origin\r\nSec-Fetch-Mode: cors\r\nSec-Fetch-Dest: empty\r\nAccept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br\r\nAccept-Language: en,ar;q=0.9,en-US;q=0.8\r\nCookie: .AspNetCore.Culture=c%3dh-AA%7fgujt%3Dar-AA; BPBBBBBBB=d5d5d5d5d5d5d5d5d5d5d5d5d5d5d5d5d5d5d5d5d5d5d5d5d5d5d5d5d5d5d5d5d5d5d5d5d5; dm2=!v87cvbt78ffdv76tv87ht87vtsdb879bt879ftb7s6dbt87asdtf786astd7b6as76dftba87fa76sdfbt876asdtbf76sndtb7asdf76t7d6ft76dtbf/OUM=; .AspNetCore.Cookies=sdfgehth87s6dfh876sdfh765dfh675sfdsdf7g5fsrgerh76g-fy00-thrtPlNFc546v54eryrthrtjrtujrtuhv45634v5vkhrB-tyhtr6WRvdyhrth-_dfgtrhCFuQ05QmPch2trP-rtfoNhUrpl8C8xu-tdyhthrthyhth42i40S-hgjgsghjb-ghu56h_a9; BP40sdf215=408a4314117\r\nX-Forwarded-For:\r\n\r\n{%22confirmMessage%22:%22Thanks for your feedback%22}"
And I have the following Regex:
The above is working fine, but sometimes the message fields are movable as the following:
request="POST /api/settings/update HTTP/1.1\r\nConnection: keep-alive\r\nContent-Length: 601\r\nsec-ch-ua: %22 Not A;Brand%22;v=%2299%22, %22Chromium%22;v=%22101%22, %22Google Chrome%22;v=%22101%22\r\nAccept: application/json, text/plain, */*\r\nLang: ar\r\nsec-ch-ua-mobile: ?0\r\nUser-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/101.0.4951.54 Safari/537.36\r\nsec-ch-ua-platform: %22Windows%22\r\nHost:\r\nContent-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8\r\nOrigin:\r\nSec-Fetch-Site: same-origin\r\nSec-Fetch-Mode: cors\r\nSec-Fetch-Dest: empty\r\nAccept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br\r\nAccept-Language: en,ar;q=0.9,en-US;q=0.8\r\n"
As shown in above message the "User-Agent" came first and then "Host" and in the first message the Host was before User Agent.
Is there a way to match them regardless if their place are changed or not?
Regex Demo:
The 'trick' here is to use look ahead. The look ahead starts from the beginning of the text every time.
I give you an example here with some of the header names. You can expand it with the names you want following this pattern.
Note that the 'test' name won't match so that group will be undefined:
^ - start from the beginning
(?= - look ahead for
.*?request=" - any characters zero or more times followed by 'request="'
(?<request> - group named 'request'
.*? - any characters zero or more times
(?=\\r\\n) - look ahead for '\r\n'
) - end group 'request'
| - OR empty
) - end look ahead
You can repeat this pattern with different group names as often as you need.
Now the regex don't care about the order.
Here's the link: Regex101

How can I exclude search pattern within double quotes in Notepad++

I have the following line from which I want to replace space with whitespace (tab) but want to keep the spaces within the double quotes as it is. I am on Notepad++.
[11/May/2020:10:10:20 -0400] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 302 523 52197 - - TLSv1.2 19922 "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/81.0.4044.138 Safari/537.36" https://somelinkhere - -
Desired output:
[11/May/2020:10:10:20 -0400] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 302 523 52197 - - TLSv1.2 19922 "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/81.0.4044.138 Safari/537.36" https://somelinkhere - -
Through the following regex I was able to select the string under the double quotes, but it's of no use for me.
Can you please help me how this can be achieved?
You can use
("[^"]*")|[ ]
Replace with (?1$1:\t).
("[^"]*") - Capturing group 1: a ", then zero or more chars other than " and then a "
| - or
[ ] - matches a space (you may remove [ and ] here , they are used to make the space pattern visible in the answer).
See the demo screenshot:

Regex number range prasing

I am trying to parse out a specific number range, and can't seem to get it right. I am looking to extract specific browser versions from user agent strings. For example, I want to parse Chrome 1-42 and Firefox 1-40, but I can't figure out the syntax.
What I have so far is this, which kind of works, but it grabs the first number it sees and doesn't respect the 2 digit range:
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/34.0.1847.137 Safari/537.36
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/38.0.1847.137 Safari/537.36
Firefox 29: Mozilla/5.0 (Android; Mobile; rv:29.0) Gecko/29.0 Firefox/23.0
Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.9; rv:29.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/29.0
Any ideas? TIA.
((?:(?:Mozilla\/(?:[1-9]|[1-3][0-9]|40))|(?:Chrome\/(?:[1-9]|[1-3][0-9]|4[0-3])))\.[^ ]+)
Is this what you would like? /Edited/
Because regex is text matching only and number are treated as text, to do something like 1 to 41 you would have to something like this:
This is matching 1 to 9 or 10 to 39 or 40 to 42. I have added the boundries \b so that nothing except thes numbers are matched.

lighttpd domain redirection

I'm having trouble redirecting several domains & associated sub-domains to one other domain.
Keep falling into a 301 infinite loop.
I have 3 domains, proxied to the same lighttpd process, say : is my domain of choice, what I want is to get every one, including www.*, going to my domain of choice. ( is working)
My lighttpd.conf insteresting parts :
$HTTP["host"] =~ "(^|\.)dom\.net$" {
/* working */
$HTTP["host"] =~ "(^|\.)dom\.co$" {
url.redirect = ( "^/(.*)" => "$1" )
the log :
IP - [16/Nov/2012:20:51:33 +0100] "GET / HTTP/1.0" 301 0 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.11 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/23.0.1271.64 Safari/537.11"
IP - [16/Nov/2012:20:51:33 +0100] "GET / HTTP/1.0" 301 0 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.11 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/23.0.1271.64 Safari/537.11"
et caetera.
I understand what's happening, not how to fix it. Please help !
I went with this :
$HTTP["host"] =~ "^dom\.co" {
/* ... */
# some redirections to
$HTTP["host"] =~ "||||" {
url.redirect = ( "^/(.*)" => "$1" )
I think the absence of http:// in front of the target url was what caused trouble, didn't tweak and try things around though, it's working now.
Idea comes from