Laravel Forge & Digital Ocean Add SSH Port - digital-ocean

I accidentally deleted port 22 from the firewall configuration on Laravel Forge.
I have important information in the database that I need to keep.
Is there any way of getting my server back working again?

Use the console on the control panel (see the section about "Access"), that will give you SSH access where you can add port 22 back into the firewall.

I ran into the same problem recently, when I changed the SSH port as a security measure without updating the firewall settings beforehand.
It turns out that Forge automatically configures iptables and I was able to resolve the situation using the ufw interface with these steps:
As in phillbaker's answer, I used the Digital Ocean Console Access to login to the droplet.
Then, I configured ufw to open the new SSH port I've configured with sudo ufw allow ## where ## is the new port number. In your case you'll want to do sudo ufw allow 22 to reopen port 22.
In my case, I wanted to close the now unused port 22 so I issued sudo ufw delete allow 22. You don't want to do this in your situation just FYI.
You can find out more about ufw here.


ssh: port 22: Connection timed out

First, good morning. After running a DigitalOcean internet tutorial that taught how to set up a web server with Django, I had problems connecting via SSH, however, the site continues to run and accept HTTPS connections without any obstacles on the web.
To check availability, I pinged [Public IPv4 Address] [Public IPv4 DNS] and got no response. Since my website has a purchased DNS, I tried to ping [my website's private DNS] and also no response.
I researched possible errors and I'm already advancing: My security group has the rules: HTTP 80, SSH 22 and HTTPS 443 with any source of IPv4 released. So much so that I did all the server configuration via SSH.
I had already done this process before and had the same error, but since it was a test server, I didn't pay much attention. But now, after performing a change from HTTP to HTTPS (to make the site secure) it happens again!
Here are the tutorials:
Installing the webserver:
How to secure Nginx (HTTP to HTTPS):
Any help is welcome and I thank you in advance!
So, in the tutorial (, in the part "Step 3 — Allowing HTTPS through the firewall", to check the status of the Firewall the following command was used:
$ sudo ufw status
But the output was:
Status: inactive
To work around this problem, I ran:
$ sudo ufw enable
Command may disrupt existing ssh connections. Proceed with operation (y|n)? y
Firewall is active and enabled on system startup
However, AWS itself provides a Firewall system in connection permissions of groups related to the instance.
That way, I ended up "turning off" SSH and only allowing HTTPS traffic, so my server kept running.
So, summary: I couldn't connect via SSH due to running a manual Firewall that overrode the EC2 Instance's Groups control
Thank you for trying to help me! Success!

How to change localhost to ec2 public dns

I have an ec2 instance on which i login as:
ssh -L 5001:localhost:5000 sumit#<public DNS>
I have an application (superset) which I run as:
2020-04-01 08:18:24,531:INFO:root:logging was configured successfully
2020-04-01 08:18:24,620:INFO:root:Configured event logger of type <class 'superset.utils.log.DBEventLogger'>
* Environment: production
WARNING: This is a development server. Do not use it in a production deployment.
Use a production WSGI server instead.
* Debug mode: off
2020-04-01 08:18:25,600:INFO:werkzeug: * Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)
Now when I open my browser and type, then it works:
I already have setup all http and https traffic:
Now when I change to the aws public dns address it doesn't work. Please let me know what am I missing?
You method is using something call Port Forwarding.
This command:
ssh -L 5001:localhost:5000 sumit#<public DNS>
is saying: "Please SSH into the instance, and also forward port 5001 on this computer to the other computer, and ask it to send the traffic to localhost:5000."
Therefore, any traffic sent to port 5001 on your computer will be forwarded to port 5001 on the target computer. This is a good way of preventing other people from being able to access port 5000 on that computer, unless they are able to SSH into the instance (presumably using a private key).
Accessing means it will go to port 5001 on your computer. It would be the same as going to http://localhost:5001 on your own computer.
The flow is: -> via SSH connection -> localhost:5000 on other computer
Changing it to http://DNS-NAME:5001 will try to connect to port 5001 on the destination computer, which is not a port that is in use. You could try changing it to connect to http://DNS-NAME:5000 (which is the port where the application seems to be running) and opening the Security Group to allow port 5000, but that would probably violate the security that somebody probably wanted to put in place.

Why can't i telnet my aws instance?

Created an AWS AMI instance.
I can telnet from the instance itself
telnet [Pv4 Public IP] 9200
But not from my pc.
This is my security group
What am I doing wrong?
You can check your Network ACL configurations.
It looks like there is some other firewall in between your PC and server which is blocking you on 9200.
If you can access port 80 via telnet or you're able to SSH in it's likely you have a network ACL in place. If you can not access port 80 via telnet but you can via a browser it's like a local config - maybe AV or a firewall.
EC2 instances use security groups for their firewall
Another test to narrow down the the issue would to see if you could telnet from another instances in the same subenet in the same AZ. Being in the same subnet you should not be affected by a network ACL.
You can have a look at this telnet-to a cloud instance from outside
The solution to problem was "Open the services and make the telnet manual and right click on it and chose start"
As well make sure that the instance is residing in a public VPC
Based on what you've described, there isn't really much else to work with. Your ability to telnet the public IP from the instance implies the server is listening on the external interface and your security group is already set to have the port open to all incoming connections.
Aside from the trivial overlooking of not actually having the instance under the listed security group, the only possibility I can think of now is an active firewall on the instance. In the case of iptables or ufw (which is an interface to iptables), it's trivial to verify whether they are indeed getting in the way:
// List iptables access rules
sudo iptables -L -v
// List access rules via ufw
sudo ufw status
You said: "This is my SG", but...which way? Inbound or outbound?
It can simply be that your host can't reply to your PC.
Try to add a rule which adds outbound TCP ranging from ports 32768 to 65535 (ephemeral ports), so that the telnet server response packets can travel back to your PC.
Otherwise, like the others said, look at one level up, VPC-level (network ACL).
You might have your acceptor process running on which means only local clients can connect. This is not related to your Security Group which could be wide open.
Run lsof -i:9000 if on unix.
If you see something like this under NAME then host IP used to start your acceptor will needs to change from to (and secure via SG/FW).
java 2777 ubuntu 148u IPv6 26856 0t0 TCP localhost:afs3-callback (LISTEN)
A Telnet service is not installed by default on an Amazon Linux AMI.
If you wish to use it, you will need to install it yourself, eg: Install and Setup Telnet on EC2 Amazon Linux or CentOS.
However, these days it is recommended to use ssh instead of telnet because it is more secure. See: Telnet on wikipedia
Just a thought, check firewall of your PC.
Need to ensure your SSH key you generated via IAM and attached to the EC2 at launch is added to the login:
ssh-add -K <yourkeyname>.pem
ssh ubuntu#<yourdns or ip>.com == or == ssh ec2-user#<yourdns or ip>

Setting SSH tunnel on pivotal cloudfoundry for remote debugging

Does anyone have an idea on steps of setting up an SSH tunnel for the CloudFoundry? I want to do remote debugging on cloud, but am blocked behind a firewall. So need to setup an SSH tunnel for that.
I wrote a blog post on setting up remote debugging for Java apps on Cloud Foundry. It covers using an SSH Tunnel to work around a firewall / NAT.
The answer from the article is this...
Obtain a public server.
Install SSHD. Edit /etc/ssh/sshd_config, add or set GatewayPorts to yes. Restart SSHD.
On your local machine run ssh -f -N -T -R<public-port>:<debugger-port> <user>#<public-server-ip> (Windows users can use cygwin or possibly Putty, although the command will be different). This will instruct SSH to connect to the remote host, setup a reverse tunnel and go into the background. The reverse tunnel will listen on your public server on the port you specify (i.e. public-port) and forward traffic to the debugger port on your local machine. You can use different port numbers, but it is easiest if you just use the same port.
Start the debugger and listen on the same port (i.e. debugger-port) that you used in the SSH command.
Edit your manifest.yml file. Set JAVA_OPTS to -agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,address=<your-ip>:<your-port>.
Run cf push.
For a gentler walk through, see the post.

Beego running on AWS Issue

I have tried running Beego on AWS, but no matter what I have tried, I can't seem to connect to port 8080, which is where Beego is running on. I'm not sure if it's an AWS or a Beego issue, but I can't seem to connect to port 80 either (I have tried to change the security group setting, including adding a new one to allow access to both ports). However, when I curl, a Beego template is there, but there is nothing at my E2 instance. I changed the app.conf file's httpaddr to, but that didn't seem to do much. How can I approach this problem?
Check you conf/app.conf file:
httpaddr = localhost
By default, beego can be configured to listen to localhost only (as stated in this answer).
Other issues include (for the AWS part):
configuring security groups to permit inbound access on port 8080.
disabled any Application firewalls like Windows Firewall or Iptables for that port?
checking netstat -anp|grep 80 and sudo iptables -L
For ubuntu, the OP dtrinh100 mentions in the comments having to:
get it to work by disabling iptables, but since I'm running Ubuntu, it was a little different.
I used the iptables command from "How to start/stop iptables on Ubuntu?", which allowed me to turn off iptables in Ubuntu.