how to get all timezone names in ICU - c++

I am using boost::locale with ICU Backend to do time conversion between different timezones.when creating boost::local::Calendar, I can pass in a string like "America/New_York" to specify the timezone information.
but how do I get a list of all valid timezone names?
from ICU doc, it mentioned that users can use TimeZone.getAvailableIDs() method to iterate through all timezone names. but I can't even find a method called getAvailableIDs in timezone.h.

you can use TimeZone.createEnumeration() to get a list of all timezone names. it does says in the doc that using getAvailabeIDs, but this method seems not exist anymore.

I managed to implement it like this, using ICU 4.4.2:
#include <iostream>
#include <unicode/timezone.h>
#include <unicode/unistr.h>
using namespace icu;
int main()
StringEnumeration *timeZoneIds = TimeZone::createEnumeration();
UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
const UnicodeString *zoneId = timeZoneIds->snext(status);
while (zoneId != NULL && status == U_ZERO_ERROR)
std::string zoneIdString;
std::cout << zoneIdString << std::endl;
zoneId = timeZoneIds->snext(status);
delete timeZoneIds;
return 0;


CrerdWriteW storing credentials in Mandarin on Windows

I used the answer here to add credentials programmatically to Windows Credential Manager. The code is inspired by the code in the answer. When I run it however, the credentials in the cred manager show up in Mandarin. I am not sure what am I doing wrong. Would appreciate any pointers. TIA .
For references this is the code I have
#include <iostream>
#include "windows.h"
#include "wincred.h"
#pragma hdrstop
using namespace std;
int main()
const char* password = "testpass";
CREDENTIALW creds = { 0 };
creds.TargetName = (LPWSTR)("testaccount");
creds.CredentialBlobSize = strlen(password) + 1;
creds.CredentialBlob = (LPBYTE)password;
creds.UserName = (LPWSTR)("testuser");
BOOL result = CredWriteW(&creds, 0);
if (result != TRUE)
cout << "Some error occurred" << endl;
cout << "Stored the password successfully" << endl;
return 0;
To ensure there is no default language problem, I manually created a credential from within the credential manager for and had no problems with it. Snapshot of the Cred Manager -
Appearantly, TargetName needs to refer to a mutable array, i.e. not a string literal. It also needs to be a wide string, or else the characters will be interpreted wrongly, in this case resulting in Chinese characters.
The solution is to define a mutable array that is initialized with a wide string, and have TargetName point to it:
WCHAR targetName [] = L"testuser";
creds.TargetName = targetName;
This way, no suspicious cast is needed to make it compile. When you want to input non-hardcoded strings (e.g. from user input or a file), you need to make sure they are correctly encoded and convert appropriately.

How to transfer and parse snap graph from python to c++

Stanford SNAP is a well-known package for graph mining, and has both Python implementation and C++ implementation.
I have some code in python to do graph mining using SNAP. I also have a C++ function process the snap graph. Now I need to write a wrapper so that this C++ function can be invoked from Python.
The problem is that I don't know how to parse/dereference the snap graph object from Python to C++.
The python code looks like: (More explanations come after the code examples)
import my_module;
import snap;
G = snap.GenRndGnm(snap.PUNGraph, 100, 1000);
A = my_module.CppFunction(G); # customized function
The CPP wrapper my_module_in_cpp.cpp looks like:
// module name: my_module, defined in the setup file
// function to be called from python: CppFunction
#include <Python.h>
//#include "my_file.h" // can be ignored in this minimal working example.
#include "Snap.h"
#include <iostream>
static PyObject *My_moduleError;
// module_name_function, THE CORE FUNCTION OF THIS QUESTION
static PyObject *my_module_CppFunction(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) {
PUNGraph G_py;
int parseOK = PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "O", &G_py);
if (!parseOK) return NULL;
std::cout << "N: " << G_py->GetNodes() << ", E: " << G_py->GetEdges() << std::endl;
if ((G_py->GetNodes()!=100)||(G_py->GetEdges()!=1000)) {
PyErr_SetString(My_moduleError, "Graph reference incorrect.");
return NULL;
PyObject *PList = PyList_New(0);
return PList;
// To register the core function to python
static PyMethodDef CppFunctionMethod[] = {
{"CppFunction", my_module_CppFunction, METH_VARARGS, "To call CppFunction in C++"},
extern "C" PyMODINIT_FUNC initmy_module(void) {
PyObject *m = Py_InitModule("my_module",CppFunctionMethod);
if (m==NULL) return;
My_moduleError = PyErr_NewException("my_module.error", NULL, NULL);
PyModule_AddObject(m, "error", My_moduleError);
I'm using Ubuntu, python-2.7. In case someone may want to re-produce the problem, the file is also provided.
from distutils.core import setup, Extension
module1 = Extension('my_module',\
include_dirs = ['/usr/include/python2.7/','/users/<my_local>/Snap-3.0/','/users/<my_local>/Snap-3.0/snap-core','/users/<my_local>/Snap-3.0/glib-core'],
library_dirs = ['/users/<my_local>/Snap-3.0/snap-core/'],
extra_objects = ['/users/<my_local>/Snap-3.0/snap-core/Snap.o'],
sources = ['my_module_in_cpp.cpp'])
setup (name = 'NoPackageName', version = '0.1',\
description = 'No description.', ext_modules = [module1])
Every time I run the python code above, the error message "Graph reference incorrect." is displayed.
Apparently G_py->GetNodes() and G_py->GetEdges() cause the problem. This must result from G_py not pointing to the right address/in right format. I tried using TUNGraph in the cpp code as well, it still does not point to the correct address. Is there any way that the pointer in C++ can point to the correct address of the original C++ object?
Although in general it is hard to dereference a PythonObject from C++, but in this case I think it is doable since Snap-Python is also implemented in C++. We just need to unwrap its python wrapper. And the snap authors also provided the SWIG files.
Of course we can write the graph file in the disk, and read from that, but this will result in I/O and incur extra time consumption. And the snap-user-group does not have as much user traffic as stackoverflow.
BTW, there are networkx and stanford-nlp tags, but no stanford-snap or similar tag referring to that tool. Can someone create such a tag?

How to convert fs:path to variable

Ok, firstly, I'm new to this. So yell at me as much as you like, but try to be useful at the same time :)
So I'm attempting to build a plugin using C++ to find a log file, and upload to a FTP every few minutes. The idea is to allow administrators to see the logs without needing direct access to the server. The ftp was the easy bit of this, running #include <CkFtp2.h> to do most of this with ease. I then used fs::path to find the latest file edited. Which looked like this:
//finding the latest file
int FindFile() {
fs::path latest;
std::time_t latest_tm {};
for (auto&& entry : boost::make_iterator_range(fs::directory_iterator("."), {})) {
fs::path p = entry.path();
if (is_regular_file(p) && p.extension() == ".txt")
std::time_t timestamp = fs::last_write_time(p);
if (timestamp > latest_tm) {
latest = p;
latest_tm = timestamp;
I now want to define string localFilename = latest however I get error: no viable conversion from 'fs::path' to 'string. Could someone help me?
Check out my github here to see what I'm working on and how I want this to implement with the rest of the code:
p.s. If i'm being stupid, tell me the answer then slap me round the face....

JSON phasing with REST API

I am trying to read 2nd levels in a JSON file with the REST API's Json fuctionallity #include <cpprest/json.h>
I need to get from the following JSON the name field:
{"desc":"","id":"57681f5dc4864c821cc73bfa","lists":[{"id":"576973346263056c88cfe845","name":"Board info"},{"id":"57681f5dc4864c821cc73bfb","name":"Misc"},{"id":"576978294972d812e4a91580","name":"thing"},{"id":"57681fdc228443c3306cc762","name":"thing2"},{"id":"5768200b1fbf41dd2c974052","name":"thing3"},{"id":"57681feb72ca90abb3afe170","name":"thingy"},{"id":"57681f5dc4864c821cc73bfc","name":"meep"},{"id":"57681f5dc4864c821cc73bfd","name":"BannedWordsPhrases"},{"id":"57681fba60fdfbf576abaece","name":"Errors"}],"name":"READER"}
(lets call this file JSON1)
I can get JSON1["lists"] but not JSON1["lists"]["name"].
here is my code:
#include "cpprest/json.h" //how I am importing stuff
typedef web::json::value JsonValue; //all of these are being uses
typedef web::json::value::value_type JsonValueType;
typedef std::wstring String;
typedef std::wstringstream StringStream;
using namespace utility;
using namespace web;
using namespace web::http;
using namespace web::http::client;
using namespace concurrency::streams;
int main()
web::json::value J1 = web::json::value::parse(S);
web::json::value &J2 = web::json::value::parse(S1);
wfstream _file("jsonFile.json");
_file >> obj;
wcout << obj[L"lists"][L"name"]; // the broken line
cout << endl;
all the functions and variables work and are correct, it functions with out the [L"name"] and with [L"lists"].
What am I doing wrong?
Note: my answer may be wrong, it would help if you could post the output of wcout << obj[L"lists"];. Also, I am assuming you are trying to get "name" as in "Board info" and "Mics" and not "READER". I will assume your output for wcout << obj[L"lists"]; is:
[{"id":"576973346263056c88cfe845","name":"Board info"},{"id":"57681f5dc4864c821cc73bfb","name":"Misc"},{"id":"576978294972d812e4a91580","name":"thing"},{"id":"57681fdc228443c3306cc762","name":"thing2"},{"id":"5768200b1fbf41dd2c974052","name":"thing3"},{"id":"57681feb72ca90abb3afe170","name":"thingy"},{"id":"57681f5dc4864c821cc73bfc","name":"meep"},{"id":"57681f5dc4864c821cc73bfd","name":"BannedWordsPhrases"},{"id":"57681fba60fdfbf576abaece","name":"Errors"}]
Proposed Answer: obj[L"lists"]; returns a list of 9 JSON objects in this case (listed above). You can access these JSON objects by index (0-8). For example, according to cpprestsdk, obj[L"lists"][0]; or obj[L"lists"].at(0);should return {"id":"576973346263056c88cfe845","name":"Board info"}.
From there you can get the name, for example:
obj[L"lists"][0][L"name"] should return Board info.

How to get protobuf enum as string?

Is it possible to obtain the string equivalent of protobuf enums in C++?
The following is the message description:
package MyPackage;
message MyMessage
enum RequestType
Login = 0;
Logout = 1;
optional RequestType requestType = 1;
In my code I wish to do something like this:
MyMessage::RequestType requestType = MyMessage::RequestType::Login;
// requestTypeString will be "Login"
std::string requestTypeString = ProtobufEnumToString(requestType);
The EnumDescriptor and EnumValueDescriptor classes can be used for this kind of manipulation, and the
the generated .pb.h and names are easy enough to read, so you can look through them to get details on the functions they offer.
In this particular case, the following should work (untested):
std::string requestTypeString = MyMessage_RequestType_Name(requestType);
See the answer of Josh Kelley, use the EnumDescriptor and EnumValueDescriptor.
The EnumDescriptor documentation says:
To get a EnumDescriptor
To get the EnumDescriptor for a generated enum type, call
TypeName_descriptor(). Use DescriptorPool to construct your own
To get the string value, use FindValueByNumber(int number)
const EnumValueDescriptor * EnumDescriptor::FindValueByNumber(int number) const
Looks up a value by number.
Returns NULL if no such value exists. If multiple values have this >number,the first one defined is returned.
Example, get the protobuf enum:
enum UserStatus {
AWAY = 0;
The code to read the string name from a value and the value from a string name:
const google::protobuf::EnumDescriptor *descriptor = UserStatus_descriptor();
std::string name = descriptor->FindValueByNumber(UserStatus::ONLINE)->name();
int number = descriptor->FindValueByName("ONLINE")->number();
std::cout << "Enum name: " << name << std::endl;
std::cout << "Enum number: " << number << std::endl;