Attached to this posting is an image displayed by OpenGl. The image is displaying (in orthogonal view) some white cubes made from polygons (each cube is made by two triangles).
The alike cubes are instanced and thus share an original copy of the mesh, individual positioning (xy axes) is applied to each instance, giving me the cubes as in the image. In addition, the positioning data is of type float and rounded at two decimal places to stop rounding error during cumulative math additions. After manually verifying the x-axis position values with those used by the cubes, they are exactly at 0.11 away from each other like so: 0.06, 0.17, 0.28, 0.39, 0.50, 0.61, 0.72, 0.83, 0.94, 1.05 (x-axis data used by top row).
After screen capturing the image from OpenGl and zooming to pixel level, confires the noticeable differences in spacing between the columns, which are 1 to 3 pixels. The more scaled down the arrangement of the white cubes is in OpenGl, more pronounced the differences are noticeable, which dose not look so great visually.
Now my question is, why is the spacing between the cubes changing, even though the spacing between the cubes is exactly 0.11 units apart, for the same instance of the mesh? I need the spacing to be equally the same between each column of cubes, is there a way to fix this or an alternative solution?
Note: It appears to me, from studying the image, that the translations for spacing are correct, however the cubes do not appear to be drawing correctly, otherwise the alignment would not be lining up at consecutive sequence of columns...
This is probably just an aliasing issue. Ultimately, your floating point object coordinates are projected into integer pixel coordinates. If they are in between, they are rounded one way or another, leading the issues like you are seeing here.
The following image shows the main values used in calculating the perspective projection matrix in OpenGL. They are labelled "HALFFOV", "RIGHT", "LEFT", "NEAR" AND "NEAR x 2":
Now, as you'll see in the following picture, to figure out the x value after projection supposedly it does 2 x NEAR divided by RIGHT - LEFT. The fact is that 2 x NEAR divided by RIGHT - LEFT is the same as simply doing NEAR / RIGHT. In both cases you're simply doubling, doubling the NEAR, and doubling the RIGHT, so the fraction is the same.
Also, in the 3rd column there are operations where there should be zeroes, for example: RIGHT + LEFT divided by RIGHT - LEFT always ends up being 0 / RIGHT - LEFT, which is always zero.
When the GLM math library makes a perspective projection matrix for me those two that always end up zero are always zero.
Why is it that the matrix is written like this? Are there certain cases for which my assumptions are wrong?
Why is it that the matrix is written like this?
Because a symmetrical, view centered projection is just one of many possibilities. Sometimes you want to skew and/or shift the planes for certain effects or rendering techniques.
Are there certain cases for which my assumptions are wrong?
For example plane parallel shifting the view frustum is required for tiled rendering (not to be confused with a tiled rasterizer) where the image to be rendered is split up into a grid of tiles, each one rendered individually and then merged later. This is needed if the desired output images resolution exceeds the maximum viewport/renderbuffer size limits of the used OpenGL implementation.
Other cases are if you want to simulate tilt-shift photography.
And last but not least a shifted projection matrix is required for stereoscopic rendering targeting a fixed position screen display device, that's viewed using 3D glasses.
(Rendering for headmounted displays requires a slightly different projection setup).
I'm trying to construct a proper destructible terrain, just for research purposes.
Well, everything went fine, but resolution is not satisfying me enough.
I have seen a lot of examples how people implement MC algorithm, but most of them,
as far as I understand, uses functions to triangulate final mesh, which is not
appropriate for me.
I will try briefly to explain how I'm constructing my terrain, and maybe someone
of you will give me suggestion how to improve, or to increase resolution of final terrain.
1) Precalculating MC triangles.
I'm running simple loop through MC lookup tables for each case(0-255) and calculating triangles
in rage: [0,0,0] - [1,1,1].
No problems here.
2) Terrain
I have terrain class, which stores my voxels.
In general, it looks like this:
int size = 32;//Size of each axis.
unsigned char *voxels = new unsigned char[(size * size * size)/8];
So, each axis is 32 units of size long, but, I store voxel information per bit.
Meaning if bit is turned on (1), there is something, and there should be draw something.
I have couple of functions:
to turn location of voxel on or off. (Helps to work with bits).
Once terrain is allocated, I'm running perlin noise, and turning bits on or off.
My terrain class has one more function, to extract Marching Cubes case number (0-255) from x,y,z location:
unsigned char GetCaseNumber(x,y,z);
by determining if neighbours of that voxel is turned on or off.
No problems here.
3) Rendering part
I'm looping for each axis, extracting case number, then getting precalculated triangles by case,
translating to x,y,z coordinates, and drawing those triangles.
no problems here.
So result looks like this:
But as you can see, in any single location, resolution is not comparable to for example this:
I have seen in MC examples that people are using something called "iso values", which I don't understand.
Any suggestions how to improve my work, or what is iso values, and how to implement it in uniform grid would be truly lovely.
The problem is that your voxels are a binary mask (just on or off).
This is great for the "default" marching cubes algorithm, but it it does mean you get sharp edges in your mesh.
The smooth example is probably generated from smooth scalar data.
Imagine that if your data varies smoothly between 0 and 1.0, and you set your threshold to 0.5. Now, after you detect which configuration a given cube is, you look at the all the vertices generated.
Say, that you have a vertex on an edge between two voxels, one with value 0.4 and the other 0.7. Then you move the vertex to the position where you would get exactly 0.5 (the threshold) when interpolating between 0.4 and 0.7. So it will be closer to the 0.4 vertex.
This way, each vertex is exactly on the interpolated iso surface and you will generate much smoother triangles.
But it does require that your input voxels are scalar (and vary smoothly). If your voxels are bi-level (all either 0 or 1), this will produce the same triangles as you got earlier.
Another idea (not the answer to your question but perhaps useful):
To just get smoother rendering, without mathematical correctness, it could be worthwile to compute an average normal vector for each vertex, and use that normal for each triangle connecting to it. This will hide the sharp edges.
I got a CCSprite.
I scale it to 1.89, and it seems I need a bit more to get my desired result. Therefore I scale it to 1.9 (0.01 more than before). How come that now the sprite is much bigger by far now?
In fact, I tried to add some precision (I make it like 1.895 or something, but the difference is minimal or even inexistent).
To avoid any external influences you should run a test with a new project with two images side by side using slightly different scale factors.
You should also know that eventually the sprite's texture pixels need to be mapped to the screen pixels which can lead to reduced precision of scaling. If you have a texture that is 10x10 pixels in size it will occupy 10x10 pixels on the screen with scale factor 1.0. That texture will only increase to 11x11 pixels when you use a scale factor of 1.05 or higher. It is likely that the texture's size on screen remains unchanged with scale factors ranging from 0.95 through 1.04.
Depending on rounding algorithm and subpixel rendering the end result can slightly differ. But it explains the basic principle that ultimately you can't scale a texture with infinite precision because eventually one pixel is either displaying a texture pixel (texel), or it isn't.
Turning off subpixel rendering in ccConfig.h may lead to better results.
I'm writing a space exploration application. I've decided on light years being the units and have accurately modeled the distances between stars. After tinkering and a lot of arduous work (mostly learning the ropes) I have got the camera working correctly from the point of view of a starship traversing through the cosmos.
Initially I paid no attention to the zNear parameter of gluPerspective () until I worked on planetary objects. Since my scale is in light year units I soon realized that due to zNear being 1.0f I would not be able to see such objects. After experimentation I arrived at these figures:
#define POV 45
#define zNear 0.0000001f
#define zFar 100000000.0f
gluPerspective (POV, WinWidth/WinHeight, zNear ,zFar);
This works exceptionally well in that I was able to cruise my solar system (position 0,0,0) and move up close to the planets which look great lit and texture mapped. However other systems (not at position 0,0,0) were much harder to cruise through because the objects moved away from the camera in unusual ways.
I had noticed however that strange visual glitches started to take place when cruising through the universe. Objects behind me would 'wrap around' and show ahead, if I swing 180 degrees in the Y direction they'll also appear in their original place. So when warping through space, most the stars are correctly parallaxing but some appear and travel in the opposite direction (which is disturbing to say the least).
By changing the zNear to 0.1f immediately corrects ALL of these glitches (but also won't resolve solar system objects). So I'm stuck. I've also tried working with glFrustum and it produces exactly the same results.
I use the following to view the world:
glTranslatef(pos_x, pos_y, pos_z);
With relevant camera code to orientate as required. Even disabling camera functionality does not change anything. I've even tried gluLookAt() and again it produces the same results.
Does gluPerspective() have limits when extreme zNear / zFar values are used? I tried to reduce the range but to no avail. I even changed my world units from light years to kilometers by scaling everything up and using a bigger zNear value - nothing. HELP!
The problem is that you want to resolve too much at the same time. You want to view things on the scale of the solar system, while also having semi-galactic scale. That is simply not possible. Not with a real-time renderer.
There is only so much floating-point precision to go around. And with your zNear being incredibly close, you've basically destroyed your depth buffer for anything that is more than about 0.0001 away from your camera.
What you need to do is to draw things based on distance. Near objects (within a solar system's scale) are drawn with one perspective matrix, using one depth range (say, 0 to 0.8). Then more distant objects are drawn with a different perspective matrix and a different depth range (0.8 to 1). That's really the only ways you're going to make this work.
Also, you may need to compute the matrices for objects on the CPU in double-precision math, then translate them back to single-precision for OpenGL to use.
OpenGL should not be drawing anything farther from the camera than zFar, or closer to the camera than zNear.
But for things in between, OpenGL computes a depth value that is stored in the depth buffer which it uses to tell whether one object is blocking another. Unfortunately, the depth buffer has limited precision (generally 16 or 24 bits) and according to this, roughly log2(zFar/zNear) bits of precision are lost. Thus, a zFar/zNear ratio of 10^15 (~50 bits lost) is bound to cause problems. One option would be to slightly increase zNear (if you can). Otherwise, you will need to look into Split Depth Buffers or Logarithmic Depth Buffers
Nicol Bolas already told you one piece of the story. The other is, that you should start thinking about a structured way to store the coordinates: Store the position of each object in relation to the object that dominates it gravitatively and use apropriate units for those.
So you have stars. Distances between stars are measured in lightyears. Stars are orbited by planets. Distances within a starsystem are measured in lightminutes to lighthours. Planets are orbited by moons. Distances in a planetary system are measured in lightseconds.
To display such scales you need to render in multiple passes. The objects with their scales form a tree. First you sort the branches distant to close, then you traverse the tree depth first. For each branching level you use apropriate projection parameters so that the near→far clip planes snuggily fit the to be rendered objects. After rendering each level clear the depth buffer.
Short Version
How can I draw short text labels in an OpenGL mapping application without having to manually recompute coordinates as the user zooms in and out?
Long Version
I have an OpenGL-based mapping application where I need to be able to draw data sets with up to about 250k points. Each point can have a short text label, usally about 4 or 5 characters long.
Currently, I do this using a single textue containing all the characters. For each point, I define a quad for each character in its label. So a point with the label "Fred" would have four quads associated with it, and each quad uses texture coordinates into that single texture to draw its corresponding character.
When I draw the map, I draw the map points themselves in map coordinates (e.g., longitude/latitude). Then I compute the position of each point in screen coordinates and update the four corner points for each of that point's label quads, again in screen coordinates. (For instance, if I determine the point is drawn at screen point 100, 150, I could set the quad for the first character in the point's label to be the rectangle starting with left-top point of 105, 155 and having a width of 6 pixels and a height of 12 pixels, as appropriate for the particular character. Then the second character might start at 120, 155, and so on.) Then once all these label character quads are positioned correctly, I draw them using an orthogonal screen projection.
The problem is that the process of updating all of those character quad coordinates is slow, taking about half a second for a particular test data set with 150k points (meaning that, since each label is about four characters long, there are about 150k * [ 4 characters per point] * [ 4 coordinate pairs per character] coordinate pairs that need to be set on each update.
If the map application didn't involve zooming, I would not need to recompute all these coordinates on each refresh. I could just compute the label coordinates once and then simply shift my viewing rectangle to show the right area. But with zooming, I can't see how to make it work without doing coordniate computation, because otherwise the characters will grow huge as you zoom in and tiny as you zoom out.
What I want (and what I understand OpenGL doesn't provide) is a way to tell OpenGL that a quad should be drawn in a fixed screen-coordinate rectangle, but that the top-left position of that rectangle should be a fixed distance from a given point in map coordinate space. So I want both a primitive hierarchy (a given map point is that parent of its label character quads) and the ability to mix two different coordinate systems within this hierarchy.
I'm trying to understand whether there is some magic transformation matrix I can set that will do all this form me, but I can't see how to do it.
The other alternative I've considered is using a shader on each point to handle computing the label character quad coordinates for that point. I haven't worked with shaders before, and I'm just trying to understand (a) if it's possible to use shaders to do this, and (b) whether computing all those points in shader code actually buys me anything over computing them myself. (By the way, I have confirmed that the big bottleneck is computing the quad coordinates, not in uploading the updated coordinates to the GPU. The latter takes a bit of time, but it's the computation, the sheer number of coordinates being updated, that takes up the bulk of that half second.)
(Of course, the other other alternative is to be smarter about which labels need to be drawn in a given view in the first place. But for now I'd like to concentrate on the solution assuming all labels need to be drawn.)
So the basic problem ("because otherwise the characters will grow huge as you zoom in and tiny as you zoom out") is that you are doing calculations in map coordinates rather than screen coordinates? And if you did it in screen coords, this would require more computations? Obviously, any rendering needs to translate from map coordinates to screen coordinates. The problem seems to be that you are translating from map to screen too late. Therefore, rather than doing a single map-to-screen for each point, and then working in screen coords, you are working mostly in map coords, and then translating per-character to screen coords at the very end. And the slow part is that you are working in screen coords, then having to manually translate back to map coords just to tell OpenGL the map coords, and it will convert those back to screen coords! Is that a fair assessment of your problem?
The solution therefore is to push that transformation earlier in your pipeline. However, I can see why it is tricky, because at first glance, OpenGL seems want to do everything in "world coordinates" (for you, map coords), but not in screen coords.
Firstly, I am wondering why you are doing separate coordinate calculations for each character. What font rendering system are you using? Something like FreeType will automatically generate a bitmap image of an entire string, and doesn't require you to work per-character [edit: this isn't quite true; see comments]. You definitely shouldn't need to calculate the map coordinate (or even screen coordinate) for every character. Calculate the screen coordinate for the top-left corner of the label, and have your font rendering system produce the bitmap of the entire label in one go. That should speed things up about fourfold (since you assume 4 characters per label).
Now as for working in screen coords, it may be helpful to learn a bit about shaders. The more you learn about OpenGL, the more you learn that really it isn't a 3D rendering engine at all. It's just a 2D graphics library with some very fast matrix primitives built-in. OpenGL actually works, at the lowest level, in screen coordinates (not pixel coordinates -- it works in normalized screen space, I think from memory from -1 to 1 in both the X and Y axis). The only reason it "feels" like you're working in world coordinates is because of these matrices you have set up.
So I think the reason why you are working in map coords all the way until the end is because it's easiest: OpenGL naturally does the map-to-screen transform for you (using the matrices). You have to change that, because you want to work in screen coords yourself, and therefore you need to make the transformation a long time before OpenGL gets its hands on your data. So when you go to draw a label, you should manually apply the map-to-screen transformation matrix on each point, as follows:
You have a particular point (which needs a label drawn) in map coords.
Apply the map-to-screen matrix to convert the point to screen coords. This probably means multiplying the point by the MODELVIEW and PROJECTION matrices, using the same algorithm that OpenGL does when it's rendering a vertex. So you could either glGet the GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX and GL_PROJECTION_MATRIX to extract OpenGL's current matrices, or you could manually keep around a copy of the matrix yourself.
Now you have the map label in screen coords, compute the position of the label's text. This is simply adding 5 pixels in the X and Y axis, as you said above. However, remember that you aren't in pixel space, but normalised screen space, so you are working in percentages (add 0.05 units, would add 5% of the screen space, for example). It's probably better not to think in pixels, because then your application will scale to match the resolution. But if you really want to think in pixels, you will have to calculate the pixels-to-units based on the resolution.
Use glPushMatrix to save the current matrix, then glLoadIdentity to set the current matrix to the identity -- tell OpenGL not to transform your vertices. (I think you will have to do this for both the PROJECTION and MODELVIEW matrices.)
Draw your label, in screen coordinates.
So you don't really need to write a shader. You could certainly do this in a shader, and it would certainly make step 2 faster (no need to write your own software matrix multiply code; multiplying matrices on the GPU is extremely fast). But that would be a later optimisation, and a lot of work. I think the above steps will help you work in screen coordinates and avoid having to waste a lot of time just to give OpenGL map coordinates.
Side comment on:
generate a bitmap image of an entire string, and doesn't require you to work per-character
Calculate the screen coordinate for the top-left corner of the label, and have your font rendering system produce the bitmap of the entire label in one go. That should speed things up about fourfold (since you assume 4 characters per label).
Freetype or no, you could certainly compute a bitmap image for each label, rather than each character, but that would require one of:
storing thousands of different textures, one for each label
It seems like a bad idea to store that many textures, but maybe it's not.
rendering each label, for each point, at each screen update.
this would certainly be too slow.
Just to follow up on the resolution:
I didn't really solve this problem, but I ended up being smarter about when I draw labels in the first place. I was able to quickly determine whether I was about to draw too many characters (i.e., so many characters that on a typical screen with a typical density of points the labels would be too close together to read in a useful way) and then I simply don't label at all. With drawing up to about 5000 characters at a time there isn't a noticeable slowdown recomputing the character coordinates as described above.