Values of numbers being lost (changed) when called in subroutine - fortran
I have written two .f90 text files prog1.f90:
READ (5,*) A,B,C
PRINT*, "A = ",A
PRINT*, "B = ",B
PRINT*, "C = ",C
CALL test(A,B,C)
and aux.f90
real(kind=8) :: E,F,G
PRINT*,"E = ",E
PRINT*,"F = ",F
PRINT*,"G = ",G
Which are compiled using the Makefile:
FC = gfortran
FCFLAGS = -g -fbounds-check
FCFLAGS += -I/usr/include
PROGRAMS = prog1
all: $(PROGRAMS)
prog1: aux.o
%: %.o
$(FC) $(FCFLAGS) -o $# $^ $(LDFLAGS)
%.o: %.f90
$(FC) $(FCFLAGS) -c $<
%.o: %.F90
$(FC) $(FCFLAGS) -c $<
.PHONY: clean veryclean
rm -f *.o *.mod *.MOD
veryclean: clean
rm -f *~ $(PROGRAMS)
I use this makefile to compile prog1 and then run prog1 with the input file input.inp:
0.0033943878 0.0018085515 0.0011798956
I expect the output of this code to be
A = 0.339439E-02
B = 0.180855E-02
C = 0.117990E-02
E = 0.339439E-02
F = 0.180855E-02
G = 0.117990E-02
However it is:
A = 0.339439E-02
B = 0.180855E-02
C = 0.117990E-02
E = 0.100765847236215E-21
F = 0.750936901926887E-24
G = 0.261410786221168-313
The number are much much smaller in the subroutine and seem to have no logical connection to the original A,B and C and are returned from the subroutine as such.
I take it my error is to do with the type I am storing these numbers as, i.e. they are not read in as real(kind=8) but are being converted into this type causing the error but I am not sure what the type should be in the subroutine or if this is even the cause. I may just be missing something obvious.
Any help would be appreciated and please tell me if I need to clarify anything I have written.
Thank you for your time.
You made the common error to forget the IMPLICIT NONE statement at the beginning of your program. (At least, it is heavily recommended to avoid this kind of error.)
As a result, all variables starting with I, J, K, L, M or N are of type INTEGER(4) and all other variables of type REAL(4). This means, that your variables A, B and C are of REAL(4). Passing them to the subroutine results in principle in an undetected type mismatch which results in misinterpreted values.
You should always place IMPLICIT NONE at the beginning of your programs and modules to be forced to specify explicit types for your variables!
I think I have fixed this error by correcting prog1.f90:
real(kind=8) :: A,B,C
READ (5,*) A,B,C
PRINT*, "A = ",A
PRINT*, "B = ",B
PRINT*, "C = ",C
CALL test(A,B,C)
Fortran code gives outputs with only certain files
I have 4 .mtx files that I am reading the values from. Two of them run perfectly when read from with no issues and produce the correct outputs into a .DAT file. However, the last 2 are extremely large files; it appears the code correctly reads from the files and runs, but I get no outputs and no errors when reading from these 2...not even the code timer prints the time. Any help is much appreciated! Here is the code: program proj2matrixC40 implicit none integer,parameter::dp=selected_real_kind(15,307) ! Set Global Variables real(kind=dp), allocatable::Ax(:,:),A(:,:),Iglobal(:,:) integer::At(1,3) integer::nnz,w,n,k,ii,ff,kk real(kind=dp)::t1,t2 call cpu_time(t1) open(unit=78,file="e40r5000.mtx",status='old') read(78,*) At close(unit=78) nnz = At(1,3) n = At(1,1) k = 40 kk = 35 allocate(Ax(nnz+1,3),A(nnz,3),Iglobal(k,k)) open(unit=61,file="e40r5000.mtx",status='old') do w=1,nnz+1 read(61,*) Ax(w,:) end do open (unit = 53, file = "proj2matrixC40points.dat") do ff=1,k do ii=1,k Iglobal(ii,ff) = (ii/ff)*(ff/ii) end do end do A(1:nnz,:) = Ax(2:nnz+1,:) call Arno(A) call cpu_time(t2) print '("Time elapsed = ",f10.8," seconds")', (t2 - t1) contains subroutine Arno(a) real(kind=dp), intent(in)::a(:,:) real(kind=dp),dimension(k,k)::H real(kind=dp),dimension(k,k+1)::u,q,qconj real(kind=dp),dimension(k,1)::x0 integer::j,f call random_number(x0) q(:,1) = x0(:,1)/norm2(x0(:,1)) do f=1,k call spmat(a,q(:,f),u(:,f)) do j=1,f qconj(j,:) = (q(:,j)) H(j,f) = dot_product(qconj(j,:),u(:,f)) u(:,f) = u(:,f) - H(j,f)*q(:,j) end do if ( then H(f+1,f) = norm2(u(:,f)) if (H(f+1,f)==0) then print *, "Matrix is reducible" stop end if q(:,f+1) = u(:,f)/H(f+1,f) end if if (f==k) then call qrit(H) end if end do end subroutine ! QR Iteration with Shifts Subroutine subroutine qrit(a) real(kind=dp), intent(in)::a(:,:) real(kind=dp)::sigmak real(kind=dp),dimension(kk,k)::dia real(kind=dp),dimension(k,k)::Qfinal,Rfinal,HH real(kind=dp),dimension(k,k,kk)::H0,needQR integer::v,z HH = a H0(:,:,1) = HH do v=1,kk sigmak = H0(k,k,v) if (v-1==0) then needQR(:,:,v) = HH - sigmak*Iglobal else needQR(:,:,v) = H0(:,:,v-1) - sigmak*Iglobal end if call givens2(needQR(:,:,v),Rfinal,Qfinal) H0(:,:,v) = matmul(Rfinal,Qfinal) + sigmak*Iglobal do z = 1,k dia(v,z) = H0(z,z,v) write(53,*) v," ", dia(v,z) ! Write values to .DAT file end do end do end subroutine ! Sparse Matrix Vector Multiplication Subroutine subroutine spmat(a,b,c) real(kind=dp), intent(in)::a(:,:) real(kind=dp), intent(in), dimension(k,1)::b real(kind=dp), intent(out), dimension(k,1)::c integer::m,rowi,columni real(kind=dp), dimension(k,1)::x,y x = b y(:,1) = 0 do m = 1,nnz rowi = a(m,1) columni = a(m,2) y(rowi,1) = y(rowi,1) + a(m,3)*x(columni,1) end do c(:,1) = y(:,1) end subroutine ! QR Factorization Givens Rotations Subroutine subroutine givens2(a,Rfinal,Qfinal) real(kind=dp), intent(in)::a(:,:) real(kind=dp), dimension(k,k,(k*k))::G,QQ real(kind=dp), dimension(k,k), intent(out)::Rfinal,Qfinal real(kind=dp), dimension(k,k)::I2,y,aa real(kind=dp), dimension(1,k)::ek1,ek2 real(kind=dp)::c,s integer::kt,m,nn,j,i,l,p m = size(a,1) nn = size(a,2) aa = a i = 1 do kt=1,nn-1 do j=m,kt+1,-1 if (aa(j,kt).eq.0) then continue else ek1(1,:) = 0 ek2(1,:) = 0 do p=1,m do l=1,m I2(l,p) = (l/p)*(p/l) end do end do c = aa(kt,kt)/sqrt(aa(kt,kt)**2 + aa(j,kt)**2) s = aa(j,kt)/sqrt(aa(kt,kt)**2 + aa(j,kt)**2) ek1(1,kt) = c ek1(1,j) = s ek2(1,kt) = -s ek2(1,j) = c I2(kt,:) = ek1(1,:) I2(j,:) = ek2(1,:) G(:,:,i) = I2 if (i.eq.1) then QQ(:,:,i) = G(:,:,i) else QQ(:,:,i) = matmul(G(:,:,i),QQ(:,:,i-1)) end if y = matmul(G(:,:,i),aa) aa = y if (kt.eq.nn-1) then if (j.eq.kt+1) then Qfinal = transpose(QQ(:,:,i)) Rfinal = aa end if end if i = i + 1 end if end do end do end subroutine end program proj2matrixC40 A couple notes. The line which I put asterisks around (for this question) call mat_print('H',H) can't be deleted otherwise I get the wrong answers (this is strange...thoughts?). Also so your computer won't freeze opening the big files, their names are 'e40r5000.mtx' and 's3dkt3m2.mtx' (these are the two I have issues with). I am using gfortran version 8.1.0 Here is the link to the files!AjG0dE43DVddaJfY62ABE8Yq3CI
When you need to add a call to a subroutine that shouldn't actually change anything in order to get things working, you probably have a memory corruption. This happens most often when you access arrays outside of their boundaries. I have compiled it with some run time checks: gfortran -o p2m -g -O0 -fbacktrace -fcheck=all -Wall proj2mat.f90 And it's already giving me some issues: It's warning me about implicit type conversions. That shouldn't be too much of an issue if you trust your data. In line 46 you have an array length mismatch (x0(:, 1) has length 40, q(:,1) is 41) Similarly on line 108 (x=b) x is really large, but b is only 41 long. I have stopped now, but I implore you to go through your code and clean it up. Use the compiler options above which will let you know when and where there is an array bound violation.
GCC (MingW) + LD generate nearly empty executable. Why?
For a specific requirement, I need my binary to fall below 510bytes. Doing the program in assembler, I get <100 bytes, while adding same code in C++, the resulting code is over 1K. Looking the resulting binary, mostly all ( + 90%) is full of 0x00 characters (Only a few characters at the beginning and end are really populated). Currently building commands: gcc -Wall -Os -s -Wl,--stack,32 -nostdinc -nostdinc++ -fno-ident -fno-builtin -I. -c -o cppFile.coff cppFile.cpp nasm -f elf -o main.elf main.asm ld -T link.ld -o out.elf main.elf cppFile.coff objcopy -O binary out.elf out.bin Size of files generated: cppFile.coff = 684 bytes main.elf = 640 out.elf = 2707 out.bin = 1112 When not linking to the cppFile.coff (with only one empty function) out.elf = 1984 out.bin = 31 (tested and working) Why GCC or LD add so many nul charactres? How to remove this empty space? ENTRY(start) phys = 0x7c00; HEAP_SIZE = 0; SECTIONS { .text phys : AT(phys) { code = .; *(.text) *(.rodata) } .data : AT(phys + (data - code)) { data = .; *(.data) } .bss : AT(phys + (bss - code)) { bss = .; *(.bss) } end = .; }
How do I compile this Fortran code with new 2017 ifort?
I have the following fortran code that compiles with pre 2017 ifort: program parallel_m contains character(500) function PARALLEL_message(i_ss) character(50) :: Short_Description = " " integer :: i_s =0 integer :: n_threads = 0 ! PARALLEL_message=" " ! if (i_s>0) then if (len_trim("test this ")==0) return endif ! if (i_s==0) then PARALLEL_message=trim("10")//"(CPU)" if (n_threads>0) PARALLEL_message=trim(PARALLEL_message)//"-"//trim("200")//"(threads)" else PARALLEL_message=trim("a")//"(environment)-"//& & trim("a")//"(CPUs)-"//& & trim("a")//"(ROLEs)" endif ! end function end program parallel_m Going through the preprocessor : icc -ansi -E example.F > test.f90 Which produces: # 1 "mod.F" program parallel_m contains character(500) function PARALLEL_message(i_ss) character(50) :: Short_Description = " " integer :: i_s =0 integer :: n_threads = 0 ! PARALLEL_message=" " ! if (i_s>0) then if (len_trim("test this ")==0) return endif ! if (i_s==0) then PARALLEL_message=trim("10") if (n_threads>0) PARALLEL_message=trim(PARALLEL_message) else PARALLEL_message=trim("a") & trim("a") & trim("a") endif ! end function end program parallel_m This unfortunately with intel 2017 does not compile, the same output compiles without complaint on 2016 and 2015 ifort releases. this is the error that I get: mod.F(19): error #5082: Syntax error, found '&' when expecting one of: <LABEL> <END-OF-STATEMENT> ; TYPE INTEGER REAL COMPLEX BYTE CHARACTER CLASS DOUBLE ... & trim("a") ------------------------^ mod.F(20): error #5082: Syntax error, found '&' when expecting one of: <LABEL> <END-OF-STATEMENT> ; TYPE INTEGER REAL COMPLEX BYTE CHARACTER CLASS DOUBLE ... & trim("a") ------------------------^ compilation aborted for test.f90 (code 1)
Your program is illegal Fortran after the preprocessing because the // is interpretted as a C comment. Simply do not use icc but ifort. Ifort is for Fortran, icc is for C. Ifort uses a different preprocessor fpp which does not discard //.
OCaml : Unbound Module.function value
I'm new to OCaml and I am a little confused about Modules. I tried to implement a really simple test but I can't compile it... Here are the files (I'm on Linux by the way) : let main () = if ((Array.length Sys.argv) > 2 && int_of_string Sys.argv.(1) > 1 && int_of_string Sys.argv.(2) > 1) then begin Printf.printf "Args = %d && %d\n" (int_of_string Sys.argv.(1)) (int_of_string Sys.argv.(2)); Laby.initLaby (int_of_string Sys.argv.(1)) (int_of_string Sys.argv.(2)) end else Printf.printf "Usage : ./test x y n" let _ = main () let initLaby (x : int) (y : int) = let testCell = Cell.initCell 0 1 in begin Printf.printf "Init Laby with X(%d) / Y(%d)\n" x y; Cell.printCell testCell; end module type CELL = sig type t val initCell : int -> int -> t val printCell : t -> unit end module Cell : CELL = struct type t = (int * int) let initCell (x : int) (y : int) = (x, y) let printCell (x, y) = Printf.printf "Cell -> X(%d) / Y(%d)\n" x y end Cell.mli module type CELL = sig type t val initCell : int -> int -> t val printCell : t -> unit end module Cell : CELL And here is the Makefile : NAME = test ML = \ \ MLI = Cell.mli CMI = $(MLI:.mli=.cmi) CMO = $( CMX = $( OCAMLDPE = ocamldep CAMLFLAGS = -w Aelz -warn-error A OCAMLC = ocamlc $(CAMLFLAGS) OCAMLOPT = ocamlopt $(CAMLFLAGS) OCAMLDOC = ocamldoc -html -d $(ROOT)/doc all: .depend $(CMI) $(NAME) byte: .depend $(CMI) $(NAME).byte $(NAME): $(CMX) #$(OCAMLOPT) -o $# $(CMX) #echo "[OK] $(NAME) linked" $(NAME).byte: $(CMO) #$(OCAMLC) -o $# $(CMO) #echo "[OK] $(NAME).byte linked" %.cmx: #$(OCAMLOPT) -c $< #echo "[OK] [$<] builded" %.cmo: #$(OCAMLC) -c $< #echo "[OK] [$<] builded" %.cmi: %.mli #$(OCAMLC) -c $< #echo "[OK] [$<] builded" documentation: $(CMI) #$(OCAMLDOC) $(MLI) #echo "[OK] Documentation" re: fclean all clean: #/bin/rm -f *.cm* *.o .depend *~ #echo "[OK] clean" fclean: clean #/bin/rm -f $(NAME) $(NAME).byte #echo "[OK] fclean" .depend: #/bin/rm -f .depend #$(OCAMLDPE) $(MLI) $(ML) > .depend #echo "[OK] dependencies" Here is the output of the Makefile : [OK] dependencies [OK] [Cell.mli] builded [OK] [] builded File "", line 3, characters 17-30: Error: Unbound value Cell.initCell Makefile:47: recipe for target 'Laby.cmx' failed make: *** [Laby.cmx] Error 2 I think it's a compilation error, since it seems to not found the Cell module, but I can't make it works... What am I doing wrong, and how can I fix it?
Each .ml file serves as its own module. You seem to have module Cell inside which is double. You would have to address that function as Cell.Cell.initCell. Or open Cell in Also, I think .ml file names are conventionally lowercase? Aside: why does make output wrong english?
Intel Fortran: write multi-item namelist to internal file?
I want to write a namelist with multiple items (hence multiple lines) to a character variable. The following code runs well when compiled with gfortran, but returns a write error when compiled with ifort: program test implicit none type testtype real*8 :: x character(len=32) :: str logical :: tf end type testtype type(testtype) :: thetype integer :: iostat character(len=1000) :: mystr(10) namelist /THENAMELIST/ thetype integer :: i thetype%x = 1.0d0 thetype%str="This is a string." thetype%tf = .true. mystr="" write(*,nml=THENAMELIST,delim="QUOTE") write(mystr,THENAMELIST,iostat=iostat,delim="QUOTE") write(*,*)"Iostat:",iostat do i = 1, size(mystr) write(*,*)i,trim(mystr(i)) end do end program test The output is the following: > ifort -o test test.f90 ; ./test &THENAMELIST THETYPE%X = 1.00000000000000 , THETYPE%STR = "This is a string. ", THETYPE%TF = T / Iostat: 66 1 &THENAMELIST THETYPE%X= 1.00000000000000 , 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Intel's list of run-time error messages tells me: "severe (66): Output statement overflows record". For over completeness, using gfortran I of course get > gfortran -o test test.f90 ; ./test &THENAMELIST THETYPE%X= 1.0000000000000000 , THETYPE%STR="This is a string. ", THETYPE%TF=T, / Iostat: 0 1 &THENAMELIST 2 THETYPE%X= 1.0000000000000000 , 3 THETYPE%STR="This is a string. ", 4 THETYPE%TF=T, 5 / 6 7 8 9 10 I have searched all over the internet, and learned that the internal file cannot be a scalar character variable, but that's about as much as I found. GFortran does accept a scalar variable and just writes newlines in that variable, but that, I guess, is non-standard fortran. The compilers I used are: gfortran GNU Fortran (MacPorts gcc48 4.8-20130411_0) 4.8.1 20130411 (prerelease) ifort (IFORT) 12.0.5 20110719 (on mac) ifort (IFORT) 13.1.1 20130313 (on GNU/Linux) My question is: what is the error in my syntax, or how else can I write a namelist to an internal file, without having to patch the problem by writing to an actual external scratch file and read that into my variable (which is what I do now, but which is slow for large namelists)?