Infinite loop during debugging - c++

I am working with a STM32 eval2 board and trying to debug it. It used to work fine, and I haven´t changed anything, but for the last week or so I am always getting stuck in this loop while I am in debugger mode, but when I am not, the program runs fine.
*(tempscr + index) = SDIO_ReadFIFO(hsd->Instance);
I even tried running the sample project code provided for the board by ST, did not change anything about it, and I am stuck in the same while loop in their code as well.
Does anybody know what I am doing wrong here? It doesn´t make sense because nothing changed.
The errors that are defined by the variables in the while loop are (respectively):
Received FIFO overrun error
Data block sent/received (CRC check failed)
Data timeout
Data block sent/received (CRC check passed)
Start bit not detected on all data signals in wide bus mode
and it looks like in this while loop it is getting stuck in the if statement for a "Data available in receive FIFO" flag, if that makes sense. I cannot step over that if statement.
I am using keil v5 and programming in c++
Well, I have been struggling with this for a week and almost right after I posted this I figured it out.
I had the SD card in, and for some reason taking it out fixed it. So I will leave this in case anyone else ever has this stupid problem.

Well, I have been struggling with this for a week and almost right after I posted this I figured it out.
I had the SD card in, and for some reason taking it out fixed it. So I will leave this in case somebody else has this stupid problem.


Exception thrown: read access violation. std::shared_ptr<>::operator-><,0>(...)->**** was 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFE7

Good afternoon to all! I am writing a game engine using OpenGL + Win32 / GLFW. Therefore, I will say the project is large, but I have a problem that has led me to a dead end and I can't understand what the problem is. The problem is that I have a shared_ptr<Context> in the 'windows' class (it is platform-based) that is responsible for the context (GL, D3D). And everything works fine when I launch the application, everything is drawn normally, but when I start entering the cursor into the window, a crash occurs when any function calls from context, in my case is:
Here a crash:
std::shared_ptr<Context>::operator-><Context,0>(...)->**** was 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFE7.
Then I got into the callstack and saw that the context-> itself is non-zero, so the function should be called.
Then I searched for a long time for the problem and found that when I remove the Win32 message processing code, and when I remove it, errors do not occur when calling a function from context->. I removed everything unnecessary from the loop and left only the basic functions and tried to run it like this, because I thought that some other functions inside were causing this problem, but no.
while (PeekMessageW(&msg, NULL, NULL, NULL, PM_REMOVE) > 0) {
That is, when I delete TranslateMessage() and DispatchMessage(), the error goes away. And then I finally got confused i.e I don't understand what is happening. And then I thought that maybe somehow the operating system itself affects that pointer, prohibits reading or something like that.
And then I paid attention to __vtptr in the call stack, and noticed that it is nullptr, and moreover it has the void** type. And also the strangest thing is that in the error I have ->**** was 0xffffffffffffffc7 as many as four consecutive pointers. What is it?
I understand I practically didn't throw off the code, because I have a big project and I think it doesn't make sense to throw everything, so I tried to explain the problem by roughly showing what is happening in my code. I will be grateful to everyone who will help :)

Arduino substring doesn't work

I have a static method that searches (and returns) into String msg the value between a TAG
this is the code function:
static String genericCutterMessage(String TAG, String msg){
if(msg.indexOf(TAG) >= 0){
Serial.print("msg ");
int startTx = msg.indexOf(TAG)+3;
int endTx = msg.indexOf(TAG,startTx)-2;
Serial.print("startTx ");
Serial.print("endTx ");
String newMsg = msg.substring(startTx,endTx);
return newMsg;
} else {
Serial.println("d-----TAG NOT FOUND");
return "";
and this is output
msg [HS][TS]5132[/TS][TO]5000[/TO][/HS]
startTx 4
endTx 30
fake -_-'....go on! <-- print out of genericCutterMessage
in that case I want return the string between HS tag, so my expected output is
but I don't know why I receive a void string.
to understand how substring works I just followed tutorial on official Arduino site
I'm not an expert in C++ and Arduino but this looks like a flushing or buffering problem, isn't it?
Any idea?
Your code is correct, this should not happen. Which forces you to consider the unexpected ways that this could possibly fail. There is really only one candidate mishap I can think of, your Arduino is running out of RAM. It has very little, the Uno only has 2 kilobytes for example. It doesn't take a lot of string munching to fill that up.
This is not reported in a smooth way. All I can do is point you to the relevant company page. Quoting:
If you run out of SRAM, your program may fail in unexpected ways; it will appear to upload successfully, but not run, or run strangely. To check if this is happening, you can try commenting out or shortening the strings or other data structures in your sketch (without changing the code). If it then runs successfully, you're probably running out of SRAM. There are a few things you can do to address this problem:
If your sketch talks to a program running on a (desktop/laptop) computer, you can try shifting data or calculations to the computer, reducing the load on the Arduino.
If you have lookup tables or other large arrays, use the smallest data type necessary to store the values you need; for example, an int takes up two bytes, while a byte uses only one (but can store a smaller range of values).
If you don't need to modify the strings or data while your sketch is running, you can store them in flash (program) memory instead of SRAM; to do this, use the PROGMEM keyword.
That's not very helpful in your specific case, you'll have to look at the rest of the program for candidates. Or upgrade your hardware, StackExchange has a dedicated site for Arduino enthusiasts, surely the best place to get advice.

c++ local variable gets overwritten (but only on some notebook)

I am facing some strange behaviour appearing only on some notebook.
I am developing in c++ using msvc 2012 and the qt framework.
I will try to sum up the problem and i am hoping that someone has any idea what the problem could be or what i could try to find out..
Generally it's the following problem:
void myclass::foo()
const double value1 = 100.0;
double value2;
value2 = some_function_returning_double();
if(value1 > value2)
//__ do something
The problem is that the condition fails as the local variable gets overwritten.
If I do some debug output i can see that variable value1 is not 100.0 anymore but some random value .. so that the comparison randomly fails ..
One thing i figured out is that everything just works fine if i don't use local variables. If i set up value1 and value2 as member variables of my class everything works without problems, but that can't be the solution.
Now the strange thing is that this error does only occur on some notebook (some mobile i5 cpu).
On my machine (i5) and on many other notebooks (even other mobile i5) everything just works fine.
I know that you won't be able to solve my problem with this little information i can offer here, but maybe some of you has any hint what the problem could be and what i could try to solve this.
Many thanks in advance.
In visual studio 2012, add a data breakpoint (debug->new breakpoint->new data breakpoint) on the address of the variable that gets overwritten.
First, break at the start of the function.
Then set the data breakpoint: just type &value1 in the "New breakpoint` the input box.
Then it should break just after the value has been modified, and you should see the culprit.
Data breakpoints are a very powerful tool, that helped me found nasty bugs very quickly.

Checking volatile value of address in C++

I'm trying to implement a mailbox write for the Raspberry Pi. According to the info I found, I can write to address 0x2000B8A0 when mailbox is empty, meaning 0x2000B898 has not the last bit set. I wrote it like this:
uint32_t *mailbox = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(0x2000B880);
while((mailbox[6] & 0x80000000) != 0);
mailbox[8] = value + channel;
But the disassembly shows that the value at mailbox[6] is only loaded once, before the loop, then it just repeats the check with that one value.
I could not find a solution because I don't even know the proper words for this problem. I'm sure it's simple but googling brought nothing for this special case.
Answer lies in title of your question.
You should use the following:
volatile uint32_t *mailbox = const_cast<volatile uint32_t *>(reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(0x2000B880));
This will make sure the value is loaded each time in your loop. If you see any application not responding, consider adding some sleep or delay or yield in while.

Bad status register?

Working on a project. Professor gave us a .zip file with some tests, so we can see if our project is working correctly. We are building a small kernel in c++.
Anyhow, there is a thread that waits for a keyboard interrupt (event9.wait()) and after that it should put characters in a buffer or end the program (if you press "esc").
while (!theEnd) {
status = inportb(0x64); // reading status reg. from 64h
while (status & 0x01){ //while status indicates that keys are pressed
I checked and I am certain that it waits for the interrupt regularly. The problem occurs because status&0x01 is 0.
Then I got the part of code that gets the characters from 0x60 and it worked just fine.
Is there something wrong with the code of test files? And if yes, what? If the code is correct what could cause the problem?
I could change the test files, but I need a good reason to do so. And so far the only reason I have is that it doesn't work.
*note: comments are translated from Serbian, but I am almost certain they are translated correctly.
I think status & 0x01 is perfectly fine. However, you would need to read the port again after reading port 0x60 - it may well be that you do that later on in the code, but I personally would just re-write the code to:
while ((status = inportb(0x64)) & 0x01){ //while status indicates that keys are pressed
Note that you shouldn't read port 0x64 again inside the loop in this case.