OpenGL perspective matrix to DirectX matrix? - c++

I am converting my OpenGL engine to DirectX11. I used GLM in OpenGL, and will continue in Directx if possible. One problem I have however is constructing the perspective matrix using the glm::perspective
OpenGL maps [-1, 1] whereas DirectX maps [0, 1]. Is there any easy fix for this? I'd rather not switch math library just because of this.

See this This is a built in function for Direct3D/X for constructing the matrix

You either use DirectXMath's XMMatrixPerspectiveFovRH (for right-handed view systems) or XMMatrixPerspectiveFovLH (for left-handed setups). With the Direct3D 9 legacy fixed-function pipeline you have to use LH. For programmable shaders, it's up to you by DirectX apps are often LH, while OpenGL apps are often RH. See the DirectXMath programmer's guide for more on this.
If using the legacy DirectX SDK without the Windows 8.0 SDK or Windows 8.1 SDK, you can make use of XNAMath which is very similar to DirectXMath.


Is it a big deal switching from OpenGL 3.0 to OpenGL ES 2.0?

If I am currently developing a game for windows using SDL and GLEW (for OpenGL 3.0+) and I later want to port my game to Android, will I have to rewrite the majority of my code to convert from OpenGL 3.0 to OpenGL ES 2.0? Are there any programs that do this for me? Is it a big deal switching from OpenGL to OpenGL ES?
Not at all, it is very easy to convert.
Only differences are shader variables and constants, and suffixes like GL_RGBA8 to GL_RGBA8_OES. However, there are limits in OpenGL ES. For instance, you can use only GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE or GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT as indices data type GL_UNSIGNED_INT. Which means, you can not draw more than 65,535 indices at one go. It is not a big deal although you should refer to the official OpenGL ES manual,
Refer to the link OpenGL ES 2.0 vs OpenGL 3 - Similarities and Differences by coffeeandcode
It really depends on your code
OpenGL ES 2.0 (and 3.0) is mostly a subset of Desktop OpenGL.
The biggest difference is there is no legacy fixed function pipeline in ES. What's the fixed function pipeline? Anything having to do with glVertex, glColor, glNormal, glLight, glPushMatrix, glPopMatrix, glMatrixMode, etc... in GLSL using any of the variables that access the fixed function data like gl_Vertex, gl_Normal, gl_Color, gl_MultiTexCoord, gl_FogCoord etc...
If you use any of those features you'll have some work cut out for you. OpenGL ES 2.0 and 3.0 are just plain shaders. No "3d" is provided for you. You're required to write all projection, lighting, texture references, etc yourself.
If you're already doing that (which most modern games probably do ) you might not have too much work. If on the other hand you've been using those old deprecated OpenGL features which from my experience is still very very common (most tutorials still use that stuff). Then you've got a bit of work cut out for you as you try to reproduce those features on your own.
There is an open source library, regal, which I think was started by NVidia. It's supposed to reproduce that stuff. Be aware that whole fixed function system was fairly inefficient which is one of the reasons it was deprecated but it might be a way to get things working quickly.

SDL 3D platform consistency

The simple direct media layer (SDL) provides a layer that allows the same code to compile into a consistent multiplatform application. However for 3D graphics SDL uses OpenGL. OpenGL has a known history for being inconsistent across platforms, even on just the PC platforms (Windows, Linux and Mac) so my question is does this still apply when using OpenGL with SDL? Or has SDL provided a solution for this inconsistency?
Does this still apply when using OpenGL with SDL?
Or has SDL provided a solution for this inconsistency?
No. Closest they have is the 2D accelerated rendering API which wraps OpenGL/OpenGL ES/DirectX as necessary.

What is the closest complete native library to three.js?

I am looking for the best native library that is similar to three.js in its structure and simplicity but is also extensible enough to support glsl shaders.
Open Source or very well documented for possible extension/enhancement
Allows commercial derivatives/use
Can either be wrapped in a physics library or easily paired with one.
Fast enough to support modern game graphics.
OpenGL or Mantle based. (I don't want to be stuck with windows.)
Windows support
Supports a system similar to three.js local/world coordinate system.
Raycasting support for doing collision detection.
Huge Bonus:
Supports Linux and OSX as well as windows.
I am looking for the closest match to Three.js as possible that is written in C++ similar to three.cpp but has completed functionality and is less beta/alpha status.
Have you tried Magnum ?
Supported platforms
Graphics APIs:
OpenGL 2.1 through 4.4, core profile functionality and modern extensions
OpenGL ES 2.0, 3.0 and extensions to match desktop OpenGL functionality
WebGL 1.0 and extensions to match desktop OpenGL functionality
Linux and embedded Linux (natively using GLX/EGL and Xlib or through GLUT or SDL2 toolkit)
Windows (through GLUT or SDL2 toolkit)
OS X (through SDL2 toolkit, thanks to Miguel Martin)
Google Chrome (through Native Client, both newlib and glibc toolchains are supported)
HTML5/JavaScript (through Emscripten)
Threejs actually does support glsl shaders. You can use THREE.ShaderMaterial class to create your own shader then pass your vertexShader and fragmentShader to it.
Another option is to program directly in WebGL. ThreeJS is built on top of WebGL. The only reason why I decided to use ThreeJS was to avoid writing glsl shaders since WebGL doesn't have materials and forces you to write your own glsl shaders, so if that's what you want you could go directly to WebGL. WebGL is more low level than Threejs.
If you don't like javascript, then you could use JogAmp's Ardor3D which is in Java. It's a 3D scenegraph renderer just like Threejs but in Java.
All of the above options have super fast game quality rendering performance.

For anyone who understands OpenGL

I'm confused. I've been trying to start out with OpenGL, and I haven't had any success at all.
I seem to have been trying to use Mesa 3D which isn't even strictly an official OpenGL implementation anyway. Does Mesa 3D even use the gpu? and I have version 4.0 (which is like an OpenGL version 1.3 implementation). I don't know how to get another implementation library; I don't even know what others there are. (Mesa 3D was provided with my dev-cpp compiler)
In fact, I don't really fully understand what OpenGL is.
Also, I cannot get freeglut or glut or glu to work. They're calling non-existing functions like gluOrtho and gluPerspective. Is this due to using Mesa 3D? Is there any way I could get these entire libraries to actually work?
In fact, I don't really fully understand what OpenGL is.
OpenGL in and itself is just a specification of an API: A set of functions you can call and special values and tokens and what the effects of each call are. Implementations then follow this specification to provide a working OpenGL.
OpenGL is rasterizing drawing API, optimized for the drawing of primitives in 3D space. I.e. you supply a stream of 3D coordinates and a drawing mode, i.e. draw points, lines or triangles, and OpenGL will then transform the 3D data into the 2D screen space and draw flat primitives on a canvas. Later versions of OpenGL are no longer strictly 3D to 2D, but require so called shaders, which are small programs that describe the transformation of arbitrary dimensional geometry into 2D screen space.
Additional functionality is the sampling and interpolation of image data (texturing) as an additional data source when drawing.
details: I seem to have been trying to use Mesa 3D which isn't even strictly an official OpenGL implementation anyway.
Why? If you're on Windows, then you should use the OpenGL implementation provided by the GPU driver, not some random library (though Mesa3D is not entirely random).
OpenGL is not actually some library you install, it's a set of functions provided by the GPU driver. For cases where the GPU drivers don't provide OpenGL you can use a software rasterizer implementation.
Does Mesa 3D even use the gpu?
Depends. On Windows Mesa3D is a software rasterizer only. However for (Linux, FreeBSD, etc.) Mesa3D is the open source OpenGL frontend to the GPU drivers, so you get GPU acceleration through mesa there, if is configured to use a driver that Mesa3D can use.
I don't know how to get another implementation library; I don't even know what others there are. (Mesa 3D was provided with my dev-cpp compiler)
Usually you get your OpenGL as part of the GPU drivers. On Linux when installing open source GPU drivers this automatically installs Mesa3D. But there are also closed source drivers and those use a entirely different codebase.
This is really important: You do not need a specialized OpenGL library to do OpenGL development.
Usually your compiler ships with a "opengl32.lib" (if on Windows – on other platforms you just tell the linker to link against the system OpenGL). However this is just sort of a table of contents for the linker, what an actual OpenGL implementation will offer.
On Windows the system opengl32.dll exports only OpenGL-1.1. For any functionality above this there is the so called extension mechanism to load higher version functions. You usually do this through a library (in this case really a library) like GLEW

OpenGL vs OpenGL ES 2.0 - Can an OpenGL Application Be Easily Ported?

I am working on a gaming framework of sorts, and am a newcomer to OpenGL. Most books seem to not give a terribly clear answer to this question, and I want to develop on my desktop using OpenGL, but execute the code in an OpenGL ES 2.0 environment. My question is twofold then:
If I target my framework for OpenGL on the desktop, will it just run without modification in an OpenGL ES 2.0 environment?
If not, then is there a good emulator out there, PC or Mac; is there a script that I can run that will convert my OpenGL code into OpenGL ES code, or flag things that won't work?
It's been about three years since I was last doing any ES work, so I may be out of date or simply remembering some stuff incorrectly.
No, targeting OpenGL for desktop does not equal targeting OpenGL ES, because ES is a subset. ES does not implement immediate mode functions (glBegin()/glEnd(), glVertex*(), ...) Vertex arrays are the main way of sending stuff into the pipeline.
Additionally, it depends on what profile you are targetting: at least in the Lite profile, ES does not need to implement floating point functions. Instead you get fixed point functions; think 32-bit integers where first 16 bits mean digits before decimal point, and the following 16 bits mean digits after the decimal point.
In other words, even simple code might be unportable if it uses floats (you'd have to replace calls to gl*f() functions with calls to gl*x() functions.
See how you might solve this problem in Trolltech's example (specifically the qtwidget.cpp file; it's Qt example, but still...). You'll see they make this call:
q_glClearColor(f2vt(0.1f), f2vt(0.1f), f2vt(0.2f), f2vt(1.0f));
This is meant to replace call to glClearColorf(). Additionally, they use macro f2vt() - meaning float to vertex type - which automagically converts the argument from float to the correct data type.
While I was developing some small demos three years ago for a company, I've had success working with PowerVR's SDK. It's for Visual C++ under Windows; I haven't tried it under Linux (no need since I was working on company PC).
A small update to reflect my recent experiences with ES. (June 7th 2011)
Today's platforms probably don't use the Lite profile, so you probably don't have to worry about fixed-point decimals
When porting your desktop code for mobile (e.g. iOS), quite probably you'll have to do primarily these, and not much else:
replace glBegin()/glEnd() with vertex arrays
replace some calls to functions such as glClearColor() with calls such as glClearColorf()
rewrite your windowing and input system
if targeting OpenGL ES 2.0 to get shader functionality, you'll now have to completely replace fixed-function pipeline's built in behavior with shaders - at least the basic ones that reimplement fixed-function pipeline
Really important: unless your mobile system is not memory-constrained, you really want to look into using texture compression for your graphics chip; for example, on iOS devices, you'll be uploading PVRTC-compressed data to the chip
In OpenGL ES 2.0, which is what new gadgets use, you also have to provide your own vertex and fragment shaders because the old fixed function pipeline is gone. This means having to do any shading calculations etc. yourself, things which would be quite complex, but you can find existing implementations on GLSL tutorials.
Still, as GLES is a subset of desktop OpenGL, it is possible to run the same program on both platforms.
I know of two projects to provide GL translation between desktop and ES:
glshim: Substantial fixed pipeline to 1.x support, basic ES 2.x support.
Regal: Anything to ES 2.x.
From my understanding OpenGL ES is a subset of OpenGL. I think if you refrain from using immediate mode stuff, like glBegin() and glEnd() you should be alright. I haven't done much with OpenGL in the past couple of months, but when I was working with ES 1.0 as long as I didn't use glBegin/glEnd all the code I had learned from the standard OpenGL worked.
I know the iPhone simulator runs OpenGL ES code. I'm not sure about the Android one.
Here is Windows emulator.
Option 3) You could use a library like Qt to handle your OpenGL code using their built in wrapper functions. This gives you the option of using one code base (or minimally different code bases) for OpenGL and building for most any platform you want. You wouldn't need to port it for each different platform you wanted to support. Qt can even choose the OpenGL context based on the functions that you use.