Getting private posts from Google+ using APIs - facebook-graph-api

I worked with facebook graph API.
With a Facebook application I was able to retrieve user information (e.g. posts, status update, and so on) using graph APIs. Of course, it can be possible only for users that accept to share their information with the application.
I'm going to do the same with Google+. First of all I want to say that I'm new in the google+ universe.
Reading Google+ documentation I'm aware about the possibility to fetch public posts using something described here:
Of course, here they talk only about "public activities".
Does exist on Google+ a similar mechanism to Facebook application that allows me to retrieve private posts from a user (after that he approves my application of course)?

This is not currently available.
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How to implement facebook oEmbed API - Not able to generate App Review

we're customising a white-label CMS solution for a customer and want to allow for facebook/insta embeds. We would like to implement this feature using facebook's and instagram's oEmbed API. However, I am stuck at the point where facebook needs to grant access to that API.
What I've done so far:
Create a fb dev account
Create an App
Go to Graph API Explorer and make test calls --> calling the oEmbed-API, referring to posts from<somePost> and<somePost>. I always receive the answer: (#10) To use 'Oembed Read', your use of this endpoint must be reviewed and approved by Facebook. To submit this 'Oembed Read' feature for review please read our documentation on reviewable features:
According to fb, "Request advanced access" should be enabled 24h after making a Test API call. Therefore I was hoping that this would allow me to request advanced access for the oEmbed-API (not talking about using the API yet, but just requesting access).
However I am still stuck at that point and cannot request advanced access for any feature. I went through the getting started a dozen times and I am stuck with this ticket for ten days now.
Has anybody recently made good experiences with creating a new App and asking for oEmbed-API access? Which steps did you take?

How can I get manage_pages in Facebook Graph to make API calls for my page (personal use only)?

I have a FB page that is a member of about 10 groups (all related to the same topic), and sometimes when I post I share the post to these groups.
Since it's so tedious to manually share the post to each group, I thought maybe using the API could be a better way to share my post into these specific groups my page is a member of. But FB seems to require that I enter some business details for a business that doesn't exist.
I don't own a business, this is a page to share educational tips and such. So I created an app (kept it in dev mode) and I'm the only administrator. I don't plan to make my app public, create an interface or have anyone else use it, and I don't intend to use it with any pages other than mine. Plus, I've already provided my personal ID so I am verified as an individual:
But still, if I want to get manage_pages permission I'm required to go through some business verification and show FB how I'll use the API in a video, when I don't have any of this. In the verification page I'm requested to upload an icon, a privacy policy link and confirm commercial use:
Should I just make up some fake business information so I can give them what they want? Is there not a way to use the API for personal use?
I'd be happy with just being able to send a couple cURLs to share my post through a terminal instead of having to do it via the FB GUI.
The only requirement to complete review by business verification is to manage more than 3 pages per user, otherwise you can complete via individual verification. However you say pages and groups so it's not clear if you refer to publishing to a page feed or to a group (which requires additional permissions/features besides only manage_pages). And no, you shouldn't fake official documents just to complete business verification if you don't have a business...

Access public data of other users using Instagram/Facebook API

I would like to access other users public data to show in my website when they configure the page by their username/id.
It means I will create an app on FB/Instagram side and with the help of this app's access token I would like to fetch public data of other user.
Is this scenario valid now? Earlier it was possible but I am not sure now with changes in policies. Even the documents are not clear enough which can say it's possible or not?
Has anyone tried this out recently?
Users: Only data of users who specifically authorized your App is available, depending on the authorized permissions. It does not matter if data of user profiles is public or not, you have to get permission from each user separately.
Pages: If you want to get data of pages you don´t own, you have to go through a review process with your App to get access to "Page Public Content":
That´s for Facebook, about Instagram you can just hit the docs (as well):
My number one recommendation, in this case, is Facebook API or Instagram API from Data365. I may be considered biased since it is the tool I work for, but it is really a reliable tool you can get public profile data by users ID or username.
Of course, you can use the official Facebook/Instagram APIs for searching all public objects (post, user, page, event, group, place, check-in). But note, the official API has a number of restrictions. Andyrandy has already described them in his answer. Compared with official APIs, we do not have such restrictions.
Besides, our APIs provide such unique features as gender and age recognition (via face photos) along with identification of post reactions that give a competitive advantage in obtained analytics. Data365 APIs also enable developers to create monitoring tasks for a one-time or auto data update. And above all, we do not break the law but only provide web scraping within the legal framework.

Question about limits of Facebook's data use policy

I'm building a web app that will make heavy use of Facebook connect. I'm not planning on displaying publicly any data I receive from Facebook other than basic profile information. However, I would like give users the ability to display publicly to the world information such as what college they attend. I understand I could retrieve this data from facebook but sharing it would violate their data use policy. My question is, if I have the user enter the information manually into my application and I displayed it publicly, would facebook terminate my application?
My other question is I'm planning on creating an messaging feature in my application where users can message each other privately. Would this be a violation of facebook's policy since it might be interpreted as replicating facebook's messaging feature?
Retrieving and showing information doesn't violate their TOS. (But you need keep in mind items: II.3 and II.11 especially, as well as other items from
You can implement on your site any feature you want

Retrieve comments Facebook users make as the Like a web page

I've been pouring over Facebook's Graph API but I can't seem to find any documentation with regards to retrieve comments users leave as they Like an Open Graph object (in my case, a web page with a Like button).
At a minimum, I would assume that there would be some way to retrieve comments from users whose privacy settings allow anybody to see their updates (I guess this might require me to know the UID of everybody who Likes my web page). Alternatively, there might be some method where user comments may be associated with the Open Graph object's stream instead.
To see a user's wall feed via the API (even public ones) you will to have them authenticate your app. Yeah, pretty crappy not to be able to query their public messages, but it is a current limitation of Facebook's API.