QCheckbox name access - c++

I generate checkboxes as follows:
foreach(QString filt, types){
QCheckBox *checkbox = new QCheckBox(filt, this);
I need to get access to these checkboxes by name but they are all called the same?
I need to read the text they display.
How can I go about this?
Is it possible to run a for loop and attach the value of i onto the end of the checkbox. So in effect, the checkbox would be called checkbox[0], checkbox [1], etc?
I've changed the code to the following:
for(int i=0; i<types.count(); ++i)
QString filt = types[i];
*checkboxCount = *checkboxCount + 1;
QCheckBox *typecheckbox[i] = new QCheckBox(filt, this);
I thought this was a way to dynamically name the checkboxes so I can loop through them to get the text value from them.
I'm getting the error 'variable-sized object may not be initialized' on this line QCheckBox *typecheckbox[i] = new QCheckBox(filt, this);
Any ideas to a solution/ alternate approach?

If you want to access the checkboxes later, you can just use the find children method as follows:
QStringList myStringList;
QList<QCheckBox *> list = vbox->findChildren<QCheckBox *>();
foreach (QCheckBox *checkBox, list) {
if (checkBox->isChecked())


How to get the status of hardcoded QCheckBoxes in QSqlQueryModel?

I have a QTableView that shows QSqlQueryModel. The model contains checkboxes that are created in each row in the first column (which contain the ref_no; the primary-key in my db) as follow:
void MainWindow::showM(model){
for( int i = 0; p<model->rowCount(); i++)
QCheckBox *checkBox = new QCheckBox();
... and it's working fine, displaying all the information I need plus the checkboxes.
Now, I need to get the ref_no where the adjacent checkbox is checked.
How to do that ?
Use QSignalMapper (or an ad hoc solution involving a mapper using sender(), or lambdas). For instance define a member for the mapping:
QHash<QCheckBox *, int> m_mapping;
Then in your code hook it up like this:
QCheckBox *checkBox = new QCheckBox();
m_mapping[checkBox] = i;
connect(checkBox, &QCheckBox::toggled, this, &MainWindow::onCheckBoxToggled);
Then define a slot like this:
// for the love of kittens use proper names for methods
void MyWindow::onCheckBoxToggled(bool toggled) {
QCheckBox *box = static_cast<QCheckBox *>(sender());
const int id = m_mapping.value(box);
// do something
Or, if you fancy lambdas, you can do the above with a capture:
connect(checkBox, &QCheckBox::toggled,
[i](bool toggled){ /* use i, toggled */ });
All of that having being said, I would strongly recommend against the idea of creating QCheckBoxes and using setIndexWidget. Instead, employ a proxy model that enriches your column by returning the Qt::ItemIsUserCheckable flag and handles reads and writes for the Qt::CheckStateRole.

Filter with QComboBox C++

I want to create an editable QComboBox which filters results according to the search query and updates the dropdown entries accordingly.
After reading How do I Filter the PyQt QCombobox Items based on the text input? I tried to implement something similar in C++.
But I can't store anything inside the QComboBox now. Even after adding new entries through addItem() the total count remains 0.
What is the reason for this and how do I insert entries inside the QComboBox with QSortFilterProxyModel?
Here is the relevant snippet of the code:
SearchBox = new QComboBox(this);
// Try adding a few entries and check if they persist after changing the model
int count = SearchBox->count(); // count = 2
ProxyModel = new QSortFilterProxyModel;
// Check count again
count = SearchBox->count(); // count = 0 <- Why?
// Try adding new entries
SearchBox->addItem(QString("Hi again"));
count = SearchBox->count(); // count = 0 .. So new entries don't get stored
Completer = new QCompleter(ProxyModel,this);
QObject::connect(SearchBox->lineEdit(), SIGNAL(textChanged(const QString)), ProxyModel, SLOT(setFilterFixedString(const QString)));
QObject::connect(Completer, SIGNAL(activated(const QString &)), this, SLOT(onCompleterActivated(const QString &)));
Use QStringListModel to store items. Application crashes if proxy model have no items (if filter string filters out all items)(this needs further investigation - is this completer issue or combobox). This can be fixed by not applying such filter (onTextChanged(QString text) slot). Completer completes input if theres only one item (not sure if it's ok). And sometimes checkbox doubles all items (don't know why). If this issues is critical, I think you need to write custom ComboBox from scratch and this is serious work.
SearchBox = new QComboBox(this);
QStringList Items;
Items << "hi" << "bye";
StringListModel = new QStringListModel();
ProxyModel = new QSortFilterProxyModel;
// Check count again
int count = SearchBox->count(); // count = 2
// Try adding new entries
QStringList Items_ = StringListModel->stringList();
Items_ << "hi again";
count = SearchBox->count(); // count = 3
Completer = new QCompleter(ProxyModel,this);
QObject::connect(SearchBox->lineEdit(), SIGNAL(textChanged(const QString)), this, SLOT(onTextChanged(QString)));
QObject::connect(Completer, SIGNAL(activated(const QString &)), this, SLOT(onCompleterActivated(const QString &)));
void MainWindow::onTextChanged(QString Text) {
QStringList Items = StringListModel->stringList();
QString Item;
foreach(Item,Items) {
if (Item.indexOf(Text) > -1) {

C++ QListView with icons And Signals on items clicked

I have a QListview where I have set a model. The model contains the QList. Now I want to get the contents of QListview on clicking the item. But I don't know how to do this? Through some tutorials I followed I am able to get two items appear in the QListview as follows. But I dont know how to make it work?? Please anyone help. The code which I am working as follows.
listviewmodel =new QListView;
listviewmodel->setModel( createModel() );
listviewmodel->setIconSize(QSize(size().width()/8, size().height()/8));
connect(listviewmodel,SIGNAL(clicked(const QModelIndex)),this,SLOT(ItemClicked(QModelIndex)));
QAbstractItemModel *MainWindow::createModel()
QStandardItemModel *model = new QStandardItemModel();
QList<QStandardItem *> listItem;
QStandardItem *item2 = new QStandardItem();
listItem << item2;
QStandardItem *item1 = new QStandardItem();
listItem << item1;
return model;
void MainWindow::ItemClicked (QModelIndex index )
I checked your code in QtCreator and it works as you described. So what is the problem? Are you getting some errors? Maybe did you not put declaration of ItemClicked(QModelIndex) below the public slots:? Are you sure that connect returns true? Try to check it:
bool success = connect(listviewmodel,SIGNAL(clicked(const QModelIndex)),this,SLOT(ItemClicked(QModelIndex)));
EDIT: If you want to display only icons at QListView and get some text informations after clicking on specified item, you can do it in the following way:
item2->setData("informations about item2", Qt::UserRole);
void MainWindow::ItemClicked (QModelIndex index )
QString data = index.data(Qt::UserRole).value<QString>();

How to add a QString to a QListView using a QLineEdit

I want to use a QLineEdit to write a QString, then using a QPushButton, I want to add an item (a string) to a listView
Here is what I got:
MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) :
ui(new Ui::MainWindow)
model = new QStringListModel(this);
QStringList list;
list << "Some Item";
void MainWindow::on_pushButton_3_clicked()
int row = model->rowCount(); // model = new QStringListModel
QModelIndex index = model->index(row);
ui->listView->edit(index); // instead of edit, I'd like to ... add a QString
Problem is I don't want to be able to edit (this was all I was manage to do by myself). I want now to instead add an item at CurrentIndex, and that item to be the text field of lineEdit. How do I get access to that field ? is it lineEdit->text() ? and how do I add that to the list view ?
I simply do not know how to add anything to a list. I found edit by mistake, and google has not helped so far. I'm hoping Stack Overflow can, and will.
EDIT: I have decided to try this, but it doesn't seem to be the best solution
void MainWindow::on_pushButton_3_clicked()
QStringList list;
list = model->stringList();
But this seems to be an odd way of doing things. Also it seems to include a newline for some reason.
There is already an example of how to use a QStringListModel here: https://stackoverflow.com/a/5825113/496445
QModelIndex index = model->index(model->rowCount()-1)
model->setData(index, str);
Note that in this suggested approach, you do not need the QStringList, unless you already had one for another reason and want to initialize with it.
When you use a Q*View instead of a Widget, you will be dealing with the model directly for data instead of the view. The view will be notified when the model changes. In this case, you would probably be accessing your lineEdit like this:
QString str = ui->lineEdit->text();
Another way; right-click to listView and select "morph into" -> "QListWidget"
At this time you can see this function "lst->addItem("str");"

QMaemoListPickSelector not showing anything

Alright I tried using a QMaemo5ListPickSelector together with a QMaemo5ValueButton, but when I click on the button, a popup dialog box does come up, but it doesnt any list ..
Here is a picture of what I mean:
This is the code I'm using to start up the above mentioned two components and to populate the lists:
QMaemo5ValueButton *x = new QMaemo5ValueButton("Testing .. !");
QStandardItemModel model (10,2);
int j,k;
QStandardItem *item = new QStandardItem(QString("%0").arg(k));
QMaemo5ListPickSelector *sel = new QMaemo5ListPickSelector();
I would say I'm probably populating the list incorrectly ..