I'm sorry if this has been asked before, but I couldn't find an answer that seemed to work for me. I'm working with an old program, but have made a few modifications to it.
I can include the whole 2500 line program, but it seems like that is a lot.
I've successfully compiled the a program, but it fails when I try and run it. I'm getting a "Fortran runtime error: End of file" at the line which reads the .dat file. I've tried to compile a test segment, using the same .dat file and same variables. It results in the same problem.
INTEGER (KIND=1), PARAMETER :: dy=3 ! number of income states
INTEGER (KIND=2) :: OpenStatus
REAL, DIMENSION(dy) :: grid,wt
READ (1,*) grid, wt
IF(OpenStatus>0) STOP 'cannot open mk.dat'
PRINT*, grid(1)
The data file referenced is:
Where each of these numbers is on its own line and preceeded by a space
This generates the same end of file runtime error. I'd really appreciate any help here.
I should add that I compiled with gfortran.
As per High Performance Mark's suggestion below, I've modified it to include an inquire test.
CHARACTER :: fnm, seq, fort
Logical :: lex
INTEGER (KIND=1), PARAMETER :: dy=3 ! number of income states
INTEGER (KIND=2) :: j,j0,j1,j2,j4,j5,j6,j7,k,jjj,jj,dyy,OpenStatus
REAL, DIMENSION(dy) :: grid,wt
PRINT*, 'Exists=',lex, ' Name=',fnm, ' Sequential=', seq, 'Formatted=', fort
READ (1,*) grid, wt
IF(OpenStatus>0) STOP 'cannot open mk.dat'
PRINT*, grid(1)
The results of the inquire statement are:
Exists= T Name= Sequential=U Formatted=U
My understanding is that the File is found (i.e. exists is returned as true), is un-named and the format and sequential access are returned as unknown (as is direct which I included later). I've also checked the delimiter and padding which are coming back as unknown.
My beginner intuition is telling me that I should try and create a new data file by writing to it with a fortran program and that should solve the problem? Is that correct? If so is there a fundamental misunderstanding at play here i.e. is this a problem with data files from other sources?
Thanks for all your patience.
(Answered in the comments. See Question with no answers, but issue solved in the comments (or extended in chat) )
The OP wrote:
I've fixed this problem-the program was looking for it in a different place, I've now corrected that.
I am working with a code originally written in Fortran 77 that makes use of namelists (supported by compiler extension at the time of its writing - this feature only became standard in Fortran 90) for reading input files. The namelist input files have groups of namelist variables in between (multiple) plain text headers and footers (see example.nml). Some groups of namelist variables are only read if certain conditions are met for previously read variables.
When reading all the namelist groups in a file in sequence, executables compiled with gfortran, ifort and nagfor all behave the same and give the expected output. However, when a given namelist group in the input file is to be skipped (the optional reading), gfortran and ifort executables handle this as desired, while the executable compiled with nagfor raises a runtime error:
Runtime Error: reader.f90, line 27: Expected NAMELIST group /GRP3/ but found /GRP2/
Program terminated by I/O error on unit 15 (File="example.nml",Formatted,Sequential)
As a minimal working example reproducing the problem, consider the namelist file example.nml and driver program reader.f90 given below, in which NUM2 from namelist group GRP2 should only be read if NUM1 from namelist group GRP1 equals 1:
this is a header
&GRP1 NUM1=1 /
&GRP2 NUM2=2 /
&GRP3 NUM3=3 /
this is a footer
program reader
implicit none
character(len=40) :: hdr, ftr
integer :: num1, num2, num3, icode
! namelist definition
! open input file
open(unit=15, file='example.nml', form='formatted', status='old', iostat=icode)
! read input data from namelists
read(15, '(a)') hdr
print *, hdr
read(15, grp1)
print *, num1
if (num1 == 1) then
read(15, grp2)
print *, num2
end if
print *, num3
read(15, '(a)') ftr
print *, ftr
! close input file
end program reader
All executables give this expected output when NUM1=1:
this is a header
this is a footer
However, when e.g. NUM1=0, the executables compiled with gfortran and ifort give the desired output:
this is a header
this is a footer
while the executable compiled with nagfor (which is known for being strictly standard conforming), reads the header and first namelist group:
this is a header
but then terminates with the previously mentioned runtime error.
As indicated by the error message, example.nml is accessed sequentially, and if that is the case, /GRP2/ is the next record to be read, not /GRP3/ as the program logic asks for, so the error message makes sense to me.
So my question is this:
Can the shown behaviour be attributed to standard (non-)conformance enforced by nagfor and not gfortran and ifort?
If so, does this mean that the non-sequential reading observed with gfortran and ifort is due to extensions supported by these compilers (and not nagfor)? Can this be turned on/off using compiler flags?
The simplest workaround I can think of (minimal change to a large existing program), would be to add a dummy read(15,*) in an else branch for the if statement in reader.f90. This seems to work with all the mentioned compilers. Would this make the code standard conforming (Fortran 90 or later)?
These are the compiler versions and options that were used to compile the executables:
GNU Fortran (Ubuntu 9.1.0-2ubuntu2~18.04) 9.1.0:
gfortran -Wall -Wextra -fcheck=all -g -Og -fbacktrace reader.f90
Intel(R) Visual Fortran, Version 16.0 Build 20160415:
ifort -Od -debug:all -check:all -traceback reader.f90
NAG Fortran Compiler Release 6.1(Tozai) Build 6116:
nagfor -O0 -g -C reader.f90
When namelist formatting is requested on an external file, the namelist record is taken to commence at the record at the current position of the file.
The structure of a namelist input record is well defined by the language specification (see Fortran 2018, for example). In particular, this does not allow a mismatching namelist group name. nagfor complaining about this does so legitimately.
Several compilers do indeed appear to continue skipping over records until the namelist group is identified in a record, but I'm not aware of compiler flags available to control that behaviour. Historically, the case was generally that multiple namelists would be specified using distinct files.
Coming to your "simple workaround": this is, alas, not sufficient in the general case. Namelist input may consume several records of an external file. read(15,*) will advance the file position by only a single record. You will want to advance to after the terminating record for the namelist.
When you know the namelist is just that single record then the workaround is good.
#francescalus' answer and comment on that answer, clearly explained the first two parts of my question, while pointing out a flaw in the third part. In the hope that it may be useful to others that stumble upon a similar problem with a legacy code, here is the workaround I ended up implementing:
In essence, the solution is to ensure that the file record marker is always positioned correctly before attempting any namelist group read. This positioning is done in a subroutine that rewinds an input file, reads through records until it finds one with a matching group name (if not found, an error/warning can be raised) and then rewinds and repositions the file record marker to be ready for a namelist read.
subroutine position_at_nml_group(iunit, nml_group, status)
integer, intent(in) :: iunit
character(len=*), intent(in) :: nml_group
integer, intent(out) :: status
character(len=40) :: file_str
character(len=:), allocatable :: test_str
integer :: i, n
! rewind file
! define test string, i.e. namelist group we're looking for
test_str = '&' // trim(adjustl(nml_group))
! search for the record containing the namelist group we're looking for
n = 0
read(iunit, '(a)', iostat=status) file_str
if (status /= 0) then
exit ! e.g. end of file
if (index(adjustl(file_str), test_str) == 1) then
! backspace(iunit) ?
exit ! i.e. found record we're looking for
end if
end if
n = n + 1 ! increment record counter
end do
! can possibly replace this section with "backspace(iunit)" after a
! successful string compare, but not sure that's legal for namelist records
! thus, the following:
if (status == 0) then
do i = 1, n
read(iunit, '(a)')
end do
end if
end subroutine position_at_nml_group
Now, before reading any (possibly optional) namelist group, the file is positioned correctly first:
program new_reader
implicit none
character(len=40) :: line
integer :: num1, num2, num3, icode
! namelist definitions
! open input file
open(unit=15, file='example.nml', access='sequential', &
form='formatted', status='old', iostat=icode)
read(15, '(a)') line
print *, line
call position_at_nml_group(15, 'GRP1', icode)
if (icode == 0) then
read(15, grp1)
print *, num1
end if
if (num1 == 1) then
call position_at_nml_group(15, 'GRP2', icode)
if (icode == 0) then
read(15, grp2)
print *, num2
end if
end if
call position_at_nml_group(15, 'GRP3', icode)
if (icode == 0) then
read(15, grp3)
print *, num3
end if
read(15, '(a)') line
print *, line
! close input file
include 'position_at_nml_group.f90'
end program new_reader
Using this approach eliminates uncertainty in how different compilers treat not finding matching namelist groups at the current record in a file, generating the desired output for all compilers tested (nagfor, gfortran, ifort).
Note: For brevity, only a bare minimum of error checking is done in the code snippet shown here, this (and case insensitive string comparison!) should probably be added.
I have a situation unexpected with my fortran program.
I want to drop some data in a text file. For some reasons, I created a type to deal with this file.
Therefore, I open a file with the commands (where f is my file type object):
open(newunit = f%unit, &
file = trim(adjustl(f%name)), &
form = 'FORMATTED', &
access = 'STREAM', &
action = 'WRITE', &
status = 'REPLACE', &
iostat = ios)
if(ios /= 0) print '("Problem creating file")', trim(f%name)
Then I write stuff like this:
write(unit=f%unit,fmt='(100A)') "#Header"
And when it is done, I want to close the file. To do this, I call the subroutine:
subroutine close_file_ascii(f)
implicit none
class(my_file_type) intent(in) :: f
logical :: file_opened, file_exist
integer :: ios
inquire(unit=f%unit, exist=file_exist, opened=file_opened) !, iostat=ios)
print *,'file_exist:', file_exist, 'file_opened:', file_opened, 'ios:', ios
if ((file_opened) .and. (file_exist)) then
print *,"[WARNING]"
end if
end subroutine close_file_ascii
My problem is in this last subroutine. When I run the program on windows, I get the following error:
Fortran runtime error: Inquire statement identifies an internal file
Error termination. Backtrace
Therefore, I tried to create MWE to understand the problem, but all of them where working well. So couldn't really isolate the problem. Also a strange thing is that when I compile and execute with gfortran on my linux there is no problem, but when I do so on my windows I get the previous error. ( I compile on windows with gfortran version 7.3.0 x86_64-posix-sjlj-rev0, Built by MinGW-W64 )
I already work-around this problem by uncommenting the end of inquire line in the close subroutine, and everything seems to work fine. And I get the following print:
file_exist: T file_opened: T ios: 5018
But I would to understand what is going on. So what could create such internal file error (while the file should not be internal but external)? Is my workaround could be harmful ? Is it a bug ? Is there a better way to close safely an opened file? Any ideas to isolate the problem ?
From roygvib's comment, the following test seems to replicate the problem:
program bug
implicit none
integer :: i
character(len=1) :: s
write (s,'(i1)') 0
end program bug
The update to gfortran 8.1 solved the problem.
I have a little Problem reading a file in Fortran. As you can see I am lopping over a file reading certain records with a specific length.
What happens is, when it comes to a certain record I'm getting an IOSTAT Error 5002. Now my question is what does this error mean: is it end of file or there is no record left or something else? Can I ignore it?
I am using MinGW GFortran 4.8.0.
Here's the code:
PROGRAM test_read
CHARACTER*8 C_Record(22)
EQUIVALENCE (N_Record,C_Record)
DO N_rec = 1, 2000
READ (11, REC=N_rec, IOSTAT=IOS) C_Record
WRITE(*,*) "|",IOS,' ',N_rec,' ',N_record(21),' ',N_record(22),"|"
!End of file reached (or non existing record) ?
IF ((IOS .LT. 0) .OR. (IOS .EQ. 36)) EXIT
!Error in (border-) line data
HCM_Error = 1049
WRITE (*,*) HCM_error
The non-zero values returned by an iostat= specifier are not portable across compilers. If you wish to determine what a particular code means then you have two options:
read the compiler's documentation (if it exists)
use the iomsg= specifier with a character variable
In this case, when you tried iomsg= you got the message "Non-existing record number". So, problem solved.
Well, almost. There's more to say.
You may be surprised that you are going through records in turn in direct access, but are reaching a "no record" state without first reaching an "end of file" state. You are testing (IOS .LT. 0) with a comment "!End of file reached".
When reading a file connected for direct access, the end of file condition doesn't arise.
What can you do to detect that the record isn't a valid number, beyond the end of the file? Not much, portably, but any positive number from iostat= indicates an error condition. You know now, though, what this particular 5002 means.
I should probably also add that the character variable for iomsg= is defined by the transfer statement only if there isn't success. Consider it only if you know the transfer failed.
I am writing a subroutine and main function to call it, but getting error as undefined reference to ___. I found one reason: When I save the main and subroutine in the same file, compile and run that file, everything runs perfectly. However, when I save them into different .f90 files and try to run the main file, I get error. Is there any way I can make subroutine into a separate file and call into main calling program?
I got confused with another place - in the main program at !------ERROR------ place. I referred to Automatic width integer descriptor in fortran 90 I can use I0 as automatic width display indicator. But when I used the same, there is run time error expected integer but got character. Any idea about this?
! saved as sub_program.f90 file
SUBROUTINE sub_program (v1,v2,ctr)
CASE (1)
CASE (2)
! main calling program, saved as caller.f90
PROGRAM caller
INTEGER :: v1,v2,ctr
DO ctr = 1,2,1
CALL sub_program (v1,v2,ctr)
WRITE (*,100) 'STEP = ',ctr,'V1 = ',v1,'V2 = ',v2 !------ERROR------
100 FORMAT (I0)
What is your compile command? For me, this compiles and runs normally
gfortran caller.f90 foo.f90 && ./a.out
I0 is an integer indicator, but some items following your WRITE statement are character strings. You can try, for example,
100 FORMAT (3(A, I0, 1X))
where 1X refers to a space.
As a note, if formatting is not terribly important and you're only interested in seeing some quick results, you can use the free format output (WRITE(*,*) ...).
EDIT: I had incorrectly referred to FORMAT as obsolete.
I've recently started working on an existing Fortran program, and picking up the language at the same time. I wrote the following subroutine:
subroutine timing(yyyy, mm, dd, var, ntime, time_blocks,
* time_day)
use myglobals
! ---------------------------------------------------------------------
! Common Variables
! ---------------------------------------------------------------------
integer yyyy, ! year
* mm, ! month
* dd, ! day
* ntime ! nr of blocks for which time was measured
real time_blocks(ntime),
* time_day
character*4 var
! ---------------------------------------------------------------------
! Internal Variables
! ---------------------------------------------------------------------
integer ios
integer out_unit=52
open(unit=out_unit, file=diroutput(1:69)//'timing',
* err=450, iostat=ios)
450 print*, "iostat= ", iostat
print*, "open"
write(out_unit, format_str) yyyy, mm, dd, var, time_blocks,
* time_day
The purpose of this subroutine is to write the inputs it gets from another part of the program to a file, following a defined format (format definition not included in my example). The file must be created on the first call of this subroutine, then accessed on each further call in order to append the new information. diroutput is a character string defined in myglobals.
My problem is that the program seems to get hung up at the OPEN statement, i.e. nothing happens until I kill the process. I ran the code with several print*, statements to locate the error, and found out this way that the error must be in the OPEN statement. It seems strange that the program does nothing at all, not even jump to the error label.
As I'm new to Fortran I might be missing something fairly obvious, so a quick look by someone more experienced might help. I'm certain that diroutput contains a valid path.
I'm using Linux (CentOS 5.5) and I compiled my program with Intel Fortran Compiler 11.1.
Your code seems, from the continuation characters in (generally) column 6, to be written in fixed-form despite containing features of Fortran 90. If it is fixed-form then statement labels, such as 450 should be in columns 1 to 5. I don't immediately see why that would cause the program to hang rather than crash, but I suggest you fix this and try again.