using Oracle REGEXP_INSTR to find exact word - regex

I want to return the following position from the strings using REGEXP_INSTR.
I am looking for the word car with exact match in the following strings.
car,care,oscar - 1
care,car,oscar - 6
oscar,care,car - 12
something like
SELECT REGEXP_INSTR('car,care,oscar', 'car', 1, 1) "REGEXP_INSTR" FROM DUAL;
I am not sure what kind of escape operators to use.

A simpler solution is to surround the source string and search string with commas and find the position using INSTR.
SELECT INSTR(',' || 'car,care,oscar' || ',', ',car,') "INSTR" FROM DUAL;
SQL Fiddle
with x(y) as (
SELECT 'car,care,oscar' from dual union all
SELECT 'care,car,oscar' from dual union all
SELECT 'oscar,care,car' from dual union all
SELECT 'car' from dual union all
SELECT 'cart,care,oscar' from dual
select y, ',' || y || ',' , instr(',' || y || ',',',car,')
from x
| Y | ','||Y||',' | INSTR(','||Y||',',',CAR,') |
| car,care,oscar | ,car,care,oscar, | 1 |
| care,car,oscar | ,care,car,oscar, | 6 |
| oscar,care,car | ,oscar,care,car, | 12 |
| car | ,car, | 1 |
| cart,care,oscar | ,cart,care,oscar, | 0 |

The following query handles all scenarios. It returns the starting position if the string begins with car, or the whole string is just car. It returns the starting position + 1 if ,car, is found or if the string ends with ,car to account for the comma.
WHEN REGEXP_LIKE('car,care,oscar', '^car,|^car$') THEN REGEXP_INSTR('car,care,oscar', '^car,|^car$', 1, 1)
WHEN REGEXP_LIKE('car,care,oscar', ',car,|,car$') THEN REGEXP_INSTR('car,care,oscar', ',car,|,car$', 1, 1)+1
SQL Fiddle demo with the various possibilities

I like Noel his answer as it gives a very good performance! Another way around is by creating separate rows from a character separated string:
pm.nodes = 'a;b;c;d;e;f;g'
(select regexp_substr(pm.nodes,'[^;]+', 1, level)
from dual
connect by regexp_substr(pm.nodes, '[^;]+', 1, level) is not null)


Extract Numbers from String - Custom

I'd like to extract "Most" numbers from a string and Add "JW" at the end.
My values look like:
RFID_DP_IDS339020JW3_IDMsg - Result = 339020JW
RFID_DP_IDSA72130JW_IDMsg --> 72130JW
RFID_DP_IDS337310JW1_IDMsg --> 337310JW
Basically I would remove all first letters, keep all numbers and JW
For now I had this
regexp_replace(Business_CONTEXT, '[^0-9]', '')||'JW' RegistrationPoint
But that would include the numbers AFTER 'JW'
Any idea?
How about this?
result would return exactly two letters after bunch of digits
result2 would return digits + JW
Pick the one you find the most appropriate.
SQL> with test (col) as
2 (select 'RFID_DP_IDS339020JW3_IDMsg' from dual union all
3 select 'RFID_DP_IDSA72130JW_IDMsg' from dual union all
4 select 'RFID_DP_IDS337310JW1_IDMsg' from dual
5 )
6 select col,
7 regexp_substr(col, '\d+[[:alpha:]]{2}') result,
8 regexp_substr(col, '\d+JW') result2
9 from test;
-------------------------- -------------------------- --------------------------
RFID_DP_IDS339020JW3_IDMsg 339020JW 339020JW
RFID_DP_IDSA72130JW_IDMsg 72130JW 72130JW
RFID_DP_IDS337310JW1_IDMsg 337310JW 337310JW
If you really want to extract the longest digit string out of your given strings you can use the following:
WITH test (Business_CONTEXT) AS
(SELECT 'RFID_DP_IDS339020JW3_I9DMsg' from dual union all
SELECT 'RFID_DP_IDSA72130JW_IDMsg' from dual union all
SELECT 'RFID_DP_IDS337310JW1_IDMsg' from dual
, (SELECT MAX(regexp_substr(Business_CONTEXT, '\d+', 1, LEVEL))
KEEP (dense_rank last ORDER BY LENGTH(regexp_substr(Business_CONTEXT, '\d+', 1, LEVEL)))
FROM dual
CONNECT BY regexp_substr(Business_CONTEXT, '\d+', 1, LEVEL) IS NOT NULL) num
FROM test
Business_CONTEXT | NUM
RFID_DP_IDS339020JW3_I9DMsg | 339020
RFID_DP_IDSA72130JW_IDMsg | 72130
RFID_DP_IDS337310JW1_IDMsg | 337310

How to calculate number of non blank rows based on the value using dax

I have a table with numeric values and blank records. I'm trying to calculate a number of rows that are not blank and bigger than 20.
| 2 |
| 0 |
| 13 |
| 40 |
| |
| 1 |
| 200 |
| 4 |
| 135 |
| |
| 35 |
I've tried different options but constantly get the next error: "Cannot convert value '' of type Text to type Number". I understand that blank cells are treated as text and thus my filter (>20) doesn't work. Converting blanks to "0" is not an option as I need to use the same values later to calculate AVG and Median.
VALUE(Table3[VALUES]) > 20
OR getting "10" as a result:
VALUE(Table3[VALUES]) > 20
The final result in the example table should be: 4
Would be grateful for any help!
First, the VALUE function expects a string. It converts strings like "123"into the integer 123, so let's not use that.
The easiest approach is with an iterator function like COUNTX.
CountNonBlank = COUNTX(Table3, IF(Table3[Values] > 20, 1, BLANK()))
Note that we don't need a separate case for BLANK() (null) here since BLANK() > 20 evaluates as False.
There are tons of other ways to do this. Another iterator solution would be:
CountNonBlank = COUNTROWS(FILTER(Table3, Table3[Values] > 20))
You can use the same FILTER inside of a CALCULATE, but that's a bit less elegant.
CountNonBlank = CALCULATE(COUNT(Table3[Values]), FILTER(Table3, Table3[Values] > 20))
I don't recommend the CALCULATE version. If you have more columns with more conditions, just add them to your FILTER. E.g.
CountNonBlank =
Table3[Values] > 20
&& Table3[Text] = "xyz"
&& Table3[Number] <> 0
&& Table3[Date] <= DATE(2018, 12, 31)
You can also do OR logic with || instead of the && for AND.

extract all numbers in a string

How can I extract all numbers in a string?
Sample inputs:
Expected Outputs:
The following is tested with the first one, 7nr-6p:
select regexp_split_to_array('7nr-6p', '[^0-9]') AS new_volume from mytable;
Gives: {7,"","",6,""} // Why is a numeric-only match returning spaces?
select regexp_matches('7nr-6p', '[0-9]*'::text) from mytable;
Gives: {7} // Why isn't this continuing?
select regexp_matches('7nr-6p', '\d'::text) from mytable;
Gives: {7}
select NULLIF(regexp_replace('7nr-6p', '\D',',','g'), '')::text from mytable;
Gives: 7,,,6,
The following query:
select regexp_split_to_array(regexp_replace('7nr-6p', '^[^0-9]*|[^0-9]*$', 'g'), '[^0-9]+')
AS new_volume from mytable;
"Trims" the prefix and suffix non-numbers and splits by the remaining non-numbers.
select regexp_matches('7nr-6p', '[0-9]*'::text) from mytable;
Gives: {7} // Why isn't this continuing?
Because without the 'g' flag, the regex stops at the first match.
Add the 'g' flag:
select regexp_matches('7nr-6p', '[0-9]*'::text, 'g') from mytable;
You can replace all text and then split:
SELECT regexp_split_to_array(
regexp_replace('7nr-6p', '[a-zA-Z]', '','g'),
This returns {7,6}
SELECT id, (regexp_matches(string, '\d+', 'g'))[1]::int AS nr
(1, '7nr-6p')
, (2, '12c-18L')
, (3, '12nr-24L')
, (4, '11nr-12p')
) tbl(id, string);
id | nr
1 | 7
1 | 6
2 | 12
2 | 18
3 | 12
3 | 24
4 | 11
4 | 12
I wanted them in a single cell so I could extract them as needed
SELECT id, trim(regexp_replace(string, '\D+', ',', 'g'), ',') AS nrs
(1, '7nr-6p')
, (2, '12c-18L')
, (3, '12nr-24L')
, (4, '11nr-12p')
) tbl(id, string);
id | nrs
1 | 7,6
2 | 12,18
3 | 12,24
4 | 11,12
dbfiddle here
Here is a more robust solution
select array_remove(regexp_split_to_array($1,'[^0-9]+','i'),'')::int[];
select get_ints_from_text('7nr-6p'); -- 7,6
-- also resilient in situations like
select get_ints_from_text('-7nr--6p'); -- 7,6
Here is a link to try!17/c6ac7/2
I feel that wrapping this functionality into an immutable function is prudent. This is a pure function, one that will not mutate data and one that returns the same result given the same input. Immutable functions marked as "immutable" have performance benefits.
By using a function we also benefit from abstraction. There is one source to update should this functionality need to improve in the future.
For more information about immutable functions see

hive parse string from log

i'm having a problem when parsing string from log file, this is the case:
this is our expected output for our table
| skey | scp_id | capedge |
| 110 | OC05 | 3G |
| 140 | OC02 | 3G |
| 0 | OC01 | 3G |
i've tried using parse_url method from but unfortunately our string is not in url format, is there any better approach for this? or do i have to use regexp_extract for this?
thank you,
You may use a combination of SPLIT function and REGEXP_EXTRACT
select REGEXP_EXTRACT( skey , ':"(\\w+)"', 1) as skey,
REGEXP_EXTRACT( scp_id , ':"(\\w+)"', 1) as scp_id,
REGEXP_EXTRACT( capedge , ':"(\\w+)"', 1) as capedge
from (
select SPLIT(log_record, ',' )[0] as skey,
SPLIT(log_record , ',')[1] as scp_id,
SPLIT( log_record , ',')[2] as capedge
FROM yourtable
) a;
HUE DEMO : user id,pwd : demo,demo

posix regexp to split a table

I'm currently working on data migration in PostgreSQL. Since I'm new to posix regular expressions, I'm having some trouble with a simple pattern and would appreciate your help.
I want to have a regular expression split my table on each alphanumeric char in a column, eg. when a column contains a string 'abc' I'd like to split it into 3 rows: ['a', 'b', 'c']. I need a regexp for that
The second case is a little more complicated, I'd like to split an expression '105AB' into ['105A', '105B'], I'd like to copy the numbers at the beginning of the string and split the table on uppercase letters, in the end joining the number with exactly 1 uppercase letter.
the function I'll be using is probably regexp_split_to_table(string, regexp)
I'm intentionally providing very little data not to confuse anyone, since what I posted is the essence of the problem. If you need more information please comment.
The first was already solved by you:
select regexp_split_to_table(s, ''), i
from (values
('abc', 1),
('def', 2)
) s(s, i);
regexp_split_to_table | i
a | 1
b | 1
c | 1
d | 2
e | 2
f | 2
In the second case you don't say if the numerics are always the first tree characters:
left(s, 3) || regexp_split_to_table(substring(s from 4), ''), i
from (values
('105AB', 1),
('106CD', 2)
) s(s, i);
?column? | i
105A | 1
105B | 1
106C | 2
106D | 2
For a variable number of numerics:
select n || a, i
from (
substring(s, '^\d{1,3}') n,
regexp_split_to_table(substring(s, '[A-Z]+'), '') a,
from (values
('105AB', 1),
('106CD', 2)
) s(s, i)
) s;
?column? | i
105A | 1
105B | 1
106C | 2
106D | 2