Qtcreator.exe missing from Qt 4.7.3 - c++

Hi I have recently downloaded qt 4.7.3 for windows qt-win-opensource-4.7.3-vs2008.exe from this Link , I was using Qt Creator 3.0.1 based on Qt 5.2.1 (MSVC 2010, 32 bit) till now , but I need to build my project in Qt 4.7.3 ...the problem is I couldn't find the Qtcreator.exe in the downloaded folder , it contains all the libraries and everything except the.exe file .Is there any solution to get the Qtcreator.exe file for Qt 4.7.3 or is there any way to configure it with my Qt creator 3.0.1?

Qt 4.7.3 is quite old, back at this time it was shipped in the Nokia SDK along with the Qt version.
There is no reason why you can't add Qt 4.7.3 as a Qt version in your existing copy of Qt Creator 3.0.1 you should only need 1 copy of Qt Creator on your machine.
In QtCreator go to Tools->Options->Build&Run->Qt Versions
Click the add button and navigate to qmake for Qt 4.7.3
This should have created a kit for 4.7.3
You should now be able to go back to the projects tab for your project add the Qt 4.7.3 kit and build your project with 4.7.3


Which Qt Creator is compatible with Qt4?

I am finding to install Qt4 instead of the latest Qt5.5.
This is due to forward compatibility issues with Qt5.5 and the Medical Interaction toolkit library MITK.
I have located the download archive of Qt. But, does anyone know which version of Qt Creator is compatible with Qt4?
There are two sides of compatibility here:
The range of Qt versions you can build Qt Creator with: That's at least Qt 5.0, and possibly higher.
Qt Creator 3.2.2 is the last version that could be built with Qt 4. From Qt Creator 3.3 onwards, only Qt 5 is supported.
The range of Qt versions that you can add to Qt Creator and its kits: That's at least Qt 4.0, possibly higher but 4.7 works for sure.
So, you should use the latest Qt Creator, and simply download and build Qt 4.8 that suits your needs, and then add it to Qt Creator.

Can't create console application project in QT creator - No valid kits found

I already add a kit in Tool->Options->Kits->ADD
and when im trying to create a console application it says "No valid kits found"
Click the Option hyperlink (or Tools --> Options) in the Kits tab, select the Desktop (default) entry below the Manual. You will see that the Qt version is blank, click the input control and select the right qt version and Apply or OK.
QtCreator did not find and tool chains.
Use the Qt Online Installer for Windows to install MinGW or MSVC tool chains.
If your qt sdk is x64 you need to install x64 mingw compiler. If not than install i686 mingw for compiler. Here is good guideline which you can learn how to install qt creator, qt sdk, and mingw for w8.1 machines.

QT adding compiler

I have QT 5.3.1 for Android (Windows), downloaded from http://qt-project.org/downloads with minGW 4.8.
Now I want to use MinGW 4.9 compiler.
To do so, I download mingw-w64 build [i686, posix, dwarf], and install it to separate folder.
Then, in QT creator, I add compiler in the "Build&Run" options.
Now when I compile something with -std=c++1y flag, in release mode - my program crashes at once (even window does not appear), and in debug mode I get :
During startup program exited with code 0xc0000139
What I do wrong?
I use Qt build from qtx64. It is built using MinGW 4.9 and has dwarf,seh,sjlj builds for x86/x64.
To use it you can create Qt Creator kit with it. You can use Qt Creator from qt-project.org but It should be configured like this:
Configuration images

c++ Qt Qwt build issue

I a Qt neophyte so I apologize in advance if this question is obvious...
I just downloaded and installed the latest version of Qt Creator 5 as well as Qwt (Qt Widgets for Technical Applications) on my Windows7 machine.
Qwt.pro does not build using QT Creator on my windows machine.
It all worked fine on my Ubuntu machine using Qt Creator 4.
Is there a compatibility issue with Qwt and the newest version of Qt??
Have you installed the MinGW version Qt? If not make sure you have installed Visual Studio, which contains the MSVC compiler. To get started use the MinGW version, the MSVC compiler is faster on Windows but more complicated to set up. For testing run qmake in your Qwt directory directly from the Qt console (start menu). Also make sure you can build a simple hello world project with Qt Creator first.

Qt GUI application build settings in Qt Creator

While I develop a small GUI application using Qt Creator (MinGW in Windows), the compilation is successful, and the binary is generated. But application is not ran, it gets crashed.
Below is my configuration setup:
Qt Version: 4.8.2
MinGW: compilerpath: C:\MinGW\bin\g++ debugger: C:\MinGW\bin\gdb
If I don't use Qt classes (QApplication, QWidget or QString), it works fine. I mean if I use std lib functions, it works fine.
Can any one suggest please?
What is your g++ version? You need to use g++-4.4 with Qt binaries downloaded from their site.