How to erase an vector element in this situation? - c++

I made a game, rambo shoots bullets and bullets hit zombies and I want to erase the zombie who got hit, from the zombie vector.
This nested loop checks collision between every zombie and bullet one by one. It works good for a while but when I start killing more, at some point, it crashes because it wants to use a function of erased zombie.
for ( it = zombies.begin(); it != zombies.end(); ++it ) {
for ( = rambo.bullets.begin(); != rambo.bullets.end(); {
if(checkBasicCollision(it, && it != zombies.end()){
I've added it--; after zombies.erase(it); works better now but it still crashes sometimes.
I think its happening like, for example there are 5 zombies and 20 bullets, zombie iterator is at second zombie, and second zombie starts the bullet loop to check if it got hit. Loop starts, lets say third bullet hit the zombie, but loop is still going, even if zombie is erased, it still continues the loop.
I've added break; after zombies.erase(it); now it hasn't got any problem. But the code looks so dirty. Is there another way to erase the current element easily

While the solution for manually erasing was presented, note that it is not the most idiomatic one. In idiomatic C++ you would make use of the std::remove_if algorithm in the erase-remove idiom like so:
// 1. A predicate that check whether a zombie was it by any bullet:
auto is_zombie_hit = [&rambo](Zombie const& zombie) {
auto is_bullet_hitting_zombie = [&zombie](Bullet const& bullet) {
return checkBasicCollision(zombie, bullet);
return std::any_of(
// 2. Use the erase-remove idiom:
std::remove_if(zombies.begin(), zombies.end(), is_zombie_hit),
Note: yes, you can use lambda in-place, however I prefer naming them to indicate their role.
Note: this uses C++11, however replacing lambda with predicates is trivial and an implementation of any_of is easy enough to produce, much like all_of and none_of.

To use erase you need to use the returned value and assign it back to the iterator so it is valid for the next iteration.
for ( it = zombies.begin(); it != zombies.end(); ) {
for ( = rambo.bullets.begin(); != rambo.bullets.end(); {
if(checkBasicCollision(it, && it != zombies.end()){
it = zombies.erase(it); // erase will increment the iterator
++it; // no erase, increment the iterator manually
From the documetion for vector::erase the return value is:
An iterator pointing to the new location of the element that followed the last element erased by the function call. This is the container end if the operation erased the last element in the sequence.

When erasing vector elements, iterators and indices become invalidated. Also your code is incorrect for the case 2 or more bullets hit the same zombie (if it is possible). Because with the second bullet the inner loop will try to erase the zombie that was already hit. Instead, you should do it like this:
for ( uint i = 0; i < zombies.size(); ++i)
for( auto it = rambo.bullets.begin(); it != rambo.bullets.end(); ++it)
if(checkBasicCollision(zombies[i], it)
zombies.erase( zombies.begin() + i );
break; // zombie is dead (well, technically it was already dead)
// so no further checks are needed (i.e. exit inner loop)

Perhaps something like this:
auto zombie_tail = std::remove_if(zombies.begin(), zombies.end(), [&](Zombie const & zombie) {
return std::any_of(rambo.bullets.begin(), rambo.bullets.end(), [&](Bullet const & bullet) {
return checkBasicCollision(zombie, bullet);
zombies.erase(zombie_tail, zombies.end());
Alternatively, if you wanted to stay away from c++ algorithms:
for (it = zombies.begin(); it != zombies.end(); ) {
// Attempt to find a bullet that hit.
for( = rambo.bullets.begin(); != rambo.bullets.end();
if (checkBasicCollision(it,
// Possibly remove the zombie, and advance the iterator
if ( != rambo.bullets.end())
it = zombies.erase(it);

direct, easy to read and grasp, but maybe not very fancy;
for ( auto& z : zombies )
for( auto& b : rambo.bullets )
auto itr = zombies.begin();
while( itr != zombies.end() )
if( checkBasicCollision(b,*itr) )
itr = zombies.erase(itr);
checkBasicCollision now takes references, not iterators


Vector Collision

I am quite green regarding vectors, and this is my first time actually using them for collision checking. This is for my project, and I am stumped on how to implement the collision. The current Collision check and response codes I have seem to be ... bad design.
This is my code:
for(auto it = ArrayofEntities.begin(); it != ArrayofEntities.end(); it++)
CEntity * go = (*it);
for(auto i = ArrayofEntities.begin(); i != ArrayofEntities.end();)
//Collision for entities. Collision Event returns the iterator after an element is erased.
CEntity * other = (*i);
if (go != other)
if (!theCollision.CheckCollision(go, other, false, false, false, false)) //Checks if it has collided go with other
i = go->CollisionEvent(*other, ArrayofEntities); //Run collision code, setting i to the iterator which is returned.
CEntity is the base class for all the entities.
My CheckCollision just returns a true or false on the collision, and my collision event runs the collision and returns an iterator (because I might have to destroy things in the vector).
My collision event is below
vector<CEntity*>::iterator bullet::CollisionEvent(CEntity &other, vector<CEntity*> & theArray)
case ZOMBIE:
other.hp -= power * 0.01;//Effect
int Counter, index, bulletindex;
auto it = theArray.begin();
//Find the bullet and the other in the array.
for (it = theArray.begin(), Counter = 0; it != theArray.end();it++, Counter++)
CEntity *go = NULL;
go = (*it);
if (go == &other)
index = Counter;
if(go->ID == BULLET && go->GetX() == GetX() && go->GetY() == GetY())
bulletindex = Counter;
this->~bullet();//Delete the bullet
theArray.erase(theArray.begin() + bulletindex);
if(other.hp <= 0)
it = theArray.erase(theArray.begin() + index); //delete from array.
return it;
it = theArray.begin() + index;
return it;
I have basically done this like how I would do an array. Just check it against itself. The error it gives is "Vector Iterator not Incrementable", on the first for loop after the collision event has been run.
So my question: 1) What am I doing wrong?
2) Is my thinking to do this like checking arrays wrong?
This is my school project, so I have full control of the codes.
I would prefer to have a quick fix over a complete rewriting of all the collision codes, but if it really comes down to it, I will rewrite my codes.
If you look at the implementation of std::remove_if, you'll see that they've solved the issue of iterator invalidation in another way. instead of erasing elements, they move them to the end of the array.
This may be the easiest solution for you as well. Keep an iterator which points after the last "live" entirty. It starts out at .end but as bullets hit things, you swap the entities to the back of your range and decrement that last-live iterator.
Then, when you're done looping over your array, you clean up with a single call to .erase.
And yes, you should use either std::unique_ptr<CEntity> or std::shared_ptr<CEntity> in the collection. In that way, .erase won't just erase the pointer but also the object pointed to.

How to use correct pointer for find and find_if when dealing with vector

I have a structure like this:
struct client
string name;
double money;
I also have 2 predicates:
bool less_10(const client& a)
return < 10;
bool not_a(const client& a)
return != 'A';
In my main function I use this to filter out the result stored in vector client_list (everyone with money < 10 (choice 1) or everyone with name not start with A (else))
if (choice_filter == 1)
vector<client>::iterator it3;
it3 = find_if(client_list.begin(), client_list.end(), less_10);
while (it3 != client_list.end())
it3 = find_if(it3 + 1, client_list.end(), less_10);
vector<client>::iterator it4;
it4 = find_if(client_list.begin(), client_list.end(), not_a);
while (it4 != client_list.end())
it4 = find_if(it4 + 1, client_list.end(), not_a);
I notice that if I erase first, then find_if, i'll lost the last client. So i added 1 more line to erase, but the program crashes as iterator is now at the end, cant erase.
Is there any way to get around this? I want to keep using find_if with predicates as well as while loop like above as they are required.
As others have said, std::remove_if is the best solution. If
you're doing this for pedagogical reasons (which I suspect is
the case, given these particular predicates): you're on the
right track. The only issue is that client_list.erase
invalidates the iterator. But since it returns an iterator to
the element immediately after the element it erased, you can use
something like:
std::vector<Client>::iterator it
= std::find_if( client_list.begin(), client_list.end(), predicate );
while ( it != client_list.end() ) {
it = client_list.erase( it );
it = std::find_if( it, client_list.end(), predicate );
And you don't want to call erase after the loop. The iterator
designates the end, where there is no element to be erased.
The typical way to go is to use a temporary vector:
vector<client> tmp;
for (...)
This is similar to what Chris suggested in a comment, although that solution would first move elements to the end of the vector and then truncate them from there. I'm not sure if that doesn't change the order on the way, just check the documentation. Depending on what you want, either could do the work though.
If you used a different container like list<> that did not invalidate all iterators in erase(), you could do this:
it = c.begin();
end = c.end();
while(it != end)
Note that if you call erase(), you invalidate that iterator still, hence the iterator is first incremented and erase() is called with the former value using the postfix increment.
I also agree with chris, to using std::remove_if:
remove_if(client_list.begin(), client_list.end(), less_10);
But if you want to reinvent the wheel:
vector<client>::iterator it3 = client_list.begin();
while (true)
it3 = find_if(it3, client_list.end(), less_10);
if (it3 == client_list.end()) {
it3 = client_list.erase(it3);

C++ Remove Objects in List at Loop

How can i delete all objects which are works finished
I using the following code but get list iterator not incrementable
How can I remove it without deleting it
list<A*> myList;
for(list<A*>::iterator it = myList.begin(); it !=myList.end(); ++it ){
(*it )->DoSomething();
if((*it )->WorksFnished()){
//myList.erase(it ); <- It's works but I get exception after the loop
//myList.remove(*it ); <- It's works but I get exception after the loop
erase returns an iterator
list<A*> myList;
list<A*>::iterator it = myList.begin();
while( it != myList.end() ) {
if( (*it)->WorksFnished() ) {
it = myList.erase(it);
} else {
You can make use of the fact that erase returns a new iterator, as described in other answers here. For performance-critical code, that might be the best solution. But personally, I would favor splitting the loop into separate processing and removal steps for readability and clarity:
// Assumes C++ 11 compatible compiler
list<A*> myList;
// Processing
for(const auto* each : myList){
// Deletion
myList.remove_if([](A* each) {
return each->WorksFnished();
If you don't want to use remove_if, some alternatives are:
Copy all objects you want to keep into a new list, then std::swap it with your current list
Use a temporary list toBeRemoved, and add all objects that should be removed to that. When you're finished iterating over the actual list, iterate toBeRemoved and call myList.erase for each element
Some workaround..
increment the number of objects from the list that has WorkFnished.
then after the loop. if the accumulator match the list size, clear it.
size_t nFinished = 0;
list<A*> myList;
for(list<A*>::iterator it = myList.begin(); it !=myList.end(); ++it ){
(*it )->DoSomething();
if((*it )->WorksFnished()){
if (nFinished == myList.size())
If you use erase you have to assign it back to the iterator. In this case, we have to take care of the incrementing ourselves depending if the current element was erased or not.
list<A*> myList;
for (auto it = myList.begin(); it != myList.end(); )
if( (*it)->WorksFnished() ) {
it = myList.erase(it); // Sets it to the next element
} else {
++it; // Increments it since no erasing
Return: An iterator pointing to the new location of the element that followed the last element erased by the function call. This is the container end if the operation erased the last element in the sequence.

Increment an iterator c++

My problem is as follows: I use an iterator, and I want to compare each element to the next element. Prototype looks like below, how can I increase the iterator to be able to compare?
Also, how can I set a proper condition for this to happen? I mean how to point on the last element, not on the next after the last like with end() function:
std::vector<T>::const_iterator it;
std::vector<T>::const_iterator it2;
for (it = set.begin(), it != set.end(); it++)
// some things happen
if ( final == it )
if ( it != set.end()-1 ) // how to write properly condition?
it2 = it + 1; //how to assign the next here?
if (...)//some condition
if ( it->func1() - it2->func1()) < 20 ) //actual comparison of two consecutive element values
// do something
In C++11 use the functions std::next() and std::prev().
Your code could become:
// before
it != std::set.end()-1
// after
it != std::prev(set.end())
// before
it2 = it + 1;
// after
it2 = std::next(it);
That is true also for non-vector containers, such as map,set or others.
NOTE: after std::next(it), "it" iterator remains unmodified!
NOTE 2: Use it2 = std::next(it,n); to increment as much as you need.
You can use adjacent_find to solve that. You should use the second form of that function (with predicate) and pass to the predicate your some things happen and some condition in c-tor
auto found = std::adjacent_find( set.begin(), set.end(),
[some_comdition]( const T & left, const T & right ) {
if ( some_comdition ) {
if ( left.func1() - right.func1() < 20 ) {
// return true; if there's no need to continue
return false;
Based on the fact that it++ is acceptable, we should define a new iterator called itplusone, which is initialized as itplusone = ++it. In this way, you can safely use the meaning of an iterator pointing to the next item of it. Also clearly, the range of iterator of itplusone bounded by terms itplusone != set.end(). I use this method to compute the total weight of a path, which is defined as a list object.
In the for loop, you use it++ which means it = it + 1, which is perfectly ok. So this one will be fine also it2 = it + 1. it2 will be pointing to the next value.
In the for loop again, you use it != set.end(), which is again perfectly ok. So you can also it + 1 < set.end(), just like you did in your code.
I don't see anything wrong in your code, just wanted to explain.
somewhat late, just discovered it, but like mentioned above, ++ iterator works fine.
vector<string> P
auto itA = begin(P);
while(itA != end(P))
if(itA != end(P))
++itA; //

What is proper way to delete objects that resides in a list that you find while looping that list?

I have a list of Star structs. These structs are in a std::list
I am double looping this list and compairing there locations to detect a collision. When A collision is found I will delete Star with the lowest mass. But how can I delete the Star when I am in the double Loop, and keep the loop going to check for more collisions?
It's worth mentioning that the second loop is a reverse loop.
Here is some code
void UniverseManager::CheckCollisions()
std::list<Star>::iterator iStar1;
std::list<Star>::reverse_iterator iStar2;
bool totalbreak = false;
for (iStar1 = mStars.begin(); iStar1 != mStars.end(); iStar1++)
for (iStar2 = mStars.rbegin(); iStar2 != mStars.rend(); iStar2++)
if (*iStar1 == *iStar2)
Star &star1 = *iStar1;
Star &star2 = *iStar2;
if (CalculateDistance(star1.mLocation, star2.mLocation) < 10)
// collision
// get heaviest star
if (star1.mMass > star2.mMass)
star1.mMass += star2.mMass;
// I need to delete the star2 and keep looping;
star2.mMass += star1.mMass;
// I need to delete the star1 and keep looping;
You need to utilize the return value of the erase method like so.
iStar1 = mStars.erase(iStar1);
erase = true;
if (iStar1 == mStars.end())
break; //or handle the end condition
//continue to bottom of loop
if (!erase)
iStar1++; //you will need to move the incrementation of the iterator out of the loop declaration, because you need to make it not increment when an element is erased.
if you don't increment the iterator if an item is erased and check if you deleted the last element then you should be fine.
Since modifying the list invalidates the iterators (so that you cannot increment them), you have to keep safe the iterators before the list is changed.
In the most of the implementation std::list is a dual-linked list, hence a iteration like
for(auto i=list.begin(), ii; i!=list.end(); i=ii)
ii = i; ++ii; //ii now is next-of-i
// do stuff with i
// call list.erasee(i).
// i is now invalid, but ii is already the "next of i"
The safest way, is to create a list containing all the "collided", then iterate on the "collided" calling list.remove(*iterator_on_collided)
(but inefficient, since has O2 complexity)
You want to use the result of erase() to get the next iterator and advance the loop differently:
If you erase using the outer iterator you clearly can abondon checking this Star against others and break out of the inner loop. Only if the inner loop was complete you'd want to advance the outer iterator because otherwise it would be advanced by the erase().
If you erase using the inner loop you already advanced the iteration, otherwise, i.e. if no star was erased, you need to advance.
Sample code would look somethimg like this:
for (auto oit(s.begin()), end(s.end()); oit != end; )
auto iit(s.begin());
while (iit != end)
if (need_to_delete_outer)
oit = s.erase(oit);
else if (need_to_delete_inner)
iit = s.erase(iit);
if (iit == end)