Showing google trends graphs in web browser control - google-trends

I have added the following code to display google trends TIMESERIES graph in my windows application using web browser control. It is working fine for some time. After some hits, it showing 'You have reached your limit." and not showing any graphs.
WebBrowser1.DocumentText=< body>" & "document.write('\75en-AU\46q\75samsung\46content\0751\46cid\75TIMESERIES_GRAPH_0\46export\0755\46w\075500\46h\075330"" style=""border: none;"">');" & "< /body>"
Please let me know how to resolve this limitation issue.


How to measure the total amount of time my React Native app gets used

I am about to launch a beta version for my react native application, and I want to get information on how much time users stay on my app, and actually use it, how frequently they enter it etc. That would help giving me feedback. Also could be useful to know which pages get used the most. Is there such a thing that exists for that?
You may use analytics in your project. Google Firebase provides analytics. But I use Appcenter Analytics for my app. You can add custom events as well to track which page the user has opened or to find whether the button was clicked by user. Here is a screenshot from Appcenter dashboard.

InfoPath cannot call web service when uploaded to Office 365 Sharepoint

Not my normal line of questions, sometimes we've got to be flexible!
I've designed an InfoPath form that I'd like to upload to a Sharepoint site.
On my form I've got a data source that is consuming the following SOAP service
I call the Operations "GetUserProfileByName" and get various information about the account looking at the form. In preview this works very well. I've got the header saying "Hello Pete" and I'm able to filter lists based on the user's data. However. When it comes to uploading the form to the server, I'm greeted with the following exception:
An error occurred querying a data source.
Click OK to resume filling out the form. You may want to check your form data for errors.
An error occurred while trying to connect to a Web service.
An entry has been added to the Windows event log of the server.
Log ID:5566
Correlation ID:19df2c9d-a036-2000-3929-0bce8940cf2a
Any ideas what I'm doing wrong? Is there limitations due to the way that my account details are being used on SharePoint? If so what's the work around? I'm not a full admin on the server, so I've only got access to a Sandbox site.
Any help greatly appreciated,
The issue is loopback protection. In o365, it cannot be disabled. Stupid though, there are a lot of useful web services available for information. See this link: Error message when you connect an infopath form to a sharepoint online web service

Facebook Graph API explorer does not display installed app data?

I used to fetch installed app data using Facebook Graph API explorer
For last few months i did not work on Facebook Graph API explorer.
i have posted one question after doing some fetching app insight information as here: Is it possible to fetch actions Feed, Ticker, Timeline Impressions and other values for Facebook Open Graph apps from FB insights programmatically on Sept,2012.
Last two days i am trying to fetch the app information using the Facebook Graph API explorer, but it does not give me any detail info.
I can only fetch app basic info, but nothing else.
(Please see attached figure 1)!
For example, i am trying to fetch "application_active_users_city" using the insights parameters, but it does not give me any information!??
(Please see attached figure 2)!
Can anyone please tell me where is the mistake i am doing?
Advance thanks to all.

Getting profile pictures via graph api results in "application request limit reached"

We receive "(#4) Application request limit reached" error when a page is showing the profile picture of a large amount of users.
Does it happens just because of referring the user's profile picture via graph api? e.g. "{user-id}/picture"
If we will use the direct picture link (e.g. "") and update it using the real-time updates the problem will be solved?
If you are doing too many server calls to facebook app at once, you have a fair chance to get the error. Please check if getting the direct link is permitted in the facebook terms and conditions for platforms. Or else you can store the picture when someone connects through facebook in your server, but again, facebook changed privacy policy recently, so please check with that too.

Where can I find the data points for the Insights chart in the Facebook dashboard?

I am currently using the Open Graph API but am not opposed to using FQL if it can get me the data points I'd like. Right now I am just hitting the urls directly and not worrying about a client SDK.
Of the three charts on => websites I can find the data for the Site Engagement chart in the Domain Insights in the API.
However, I can't seem to find the points for Distribution on Facebook, or Referral Traffic to Site in the insight data being returned for the domain. Did I miss them, are they available maybe in FQL or are they just not exposed yet?
Edit: It looks like someone doesn't understand what charts I am talking about so to clarify, I am looking for the following anywhere in the Open Graph API, FQL, or anyplace else in Facebook:
Like Story Impressions
Share Story Impressions
Like Story Clicks
Share Story Clicks
This info is now available via the Insights app. News Feed section has some of it, at least the story impressions and clicks.