why std::vector item deletion does not reduce its capacity? - c++

I am aware that when we insert items to a vector its capacity could be increase by non-linear factor. In gcc its capacity doubles. But I wonder why when I erase items from a vector, the capacity does not reduce. I tried to find out a reason for this. It 'seems' C++ standard does not say any word about this reduction (either to do or not).
For my understand ideally, when vector size comes to 1/4 of its capacity at item deletion, it the vector could be shrunken by 1/2 of its capacity to achieve constant amortized space allocation/de-allocation complexity.
My question is why C++ standard does not specify capacity reduction policy? What are the language design goals to not to specify anything about this? Does anyone has an idea about this?

It 'seems' C++ standard does not say any word about this reduction (either to do or not)
This is not true, because the complexity description for vector::erase specifies exactly what operations will be performed.
From § [vector.modifiers]
iterator erase(const_iterator position);
iterator erase(const_iterator first, const_iterator last);
Complexity: The destructor of T is called the number of times equal to the number of the elements erased, but the move assignment operator of T is called the number of times equal to the number of elements in the vector after the erased elements.
This precludes implementations from reducing capacity because that would mean reallocation of storage and moving all remaining elements to the new memory.
And if you're asking why the standard itself doesn't specify implementations are allowed to reduce capacity when you erase elements, then one can only guess the reasons.
It was probably considered not important enough from a performance point of view to have the vector spend time reallocating and moving elements when erasing
Reducing capacity would also add an additional possibility of an exception due to a failed memory allocation.
You can attempt to reduce capacity yourself by calling vector::shrink_to_fit, but be aware that this call is non-binding, and implementations are allowed to ignore it.
Another possibility for reducing the capacity would be move the elements into a temporary vector and swap it back into the original.
But even with the second method, there's nothing stopping an implementation from over allocating storage.

Even more than the performance of moving all elements is the effect on existing iterators and pointers to elements. The behavior of erase is:
Invalidates iterators and references at or after the point of the erase.
If reallocation occurred, then all iterators, pointers, and references would become invalid. In general, keeping iterator validity is a desirable thing.

The algorithm for allocating additional space as the vector grows has "constant amortized complexity" due to the notion that the total complexity (which is O(N) when a vector of N elements is created by a series of push_back() operations) can be "amortized" over the N push_back() calls--that is, the total cost is divided by N.
Even more specifically, using the algorithm that allocates twice as much space each time, the worst case is that the algorithm allocates nearly 4 times as much memory as would need to be allocated if you knew the exact size of the vector in advance. The last allocation is just slightly less than two times the size of the vector after the allocation, and the some of all the previous allocations is slightly less than the size of the last allocation.
The total number of allocations is O(log N), and the number of deallocations (up to that point) is just one less than the number of allocations.
For a large vector, if you know its maximum size in advance, it's more efficient to reserve that space at the beginning (one allocation rather than O(log N) allocations)
before inserting any data.
If you cut the capacity in half each time the size of the vector shrank to 1/4 of the currently-allocated space--that is, if you ran the allocation algorithm in reverse--you would be re-allocating (and then deallocating) nearly as much memory as the maximum capacity of the vector, in addition to deallocating the memory block with the maximum capacity. That's a performance penalty for applications that simply wanted to erase elements of the vector until they were all gone and then delete the vector.
That is, with deallocation as well as allocation, it's better to do it all at once if you can. And with deallocation you (almost) always can.
The only beneficiary of the more complicated deallocation algorithm would be an application that makes a vector, then erases at least 3/4 of it and then keeps the remaining part in memory while proceeding to grow new vectors. And even then there would be no benefit from the complicated algorithm unless the sum of the maximum capacities of the old (but still existing) vectors and the new vectors was so large that the application started to run into limitations of virtual memory.
Why penalize all algorithms that progressively erase their vectors in order to gain this advantage in this special case?


Does std::vector::insert reserve by definition?

When calling the insert member function on a std::vector, will it reserve before "pushing back" the new items? I mean does the standard guarantee that or not?
In other words, should I do it like this:
std::vector<int> a{1,2,3,4,5};
std::vector<int> b{6,7,8,9,10};
or like this:
std::vector<int> a{1,2,3,4,5};
std::vector<int> b{6,7,8,9,10};
or another better approach?
Regarding the complexity of the function [link]:
Linear on the number of elements inserted (copy/move construction)
plus the number of elements after position (moving).
Additionally, if InputIterator in the range insert (3) is not at least
of a forward iterator category (i.e., just an input iterator) the new
capacity cannot be determined beforehand and the insertion incurs in
additional logarithmic complexity in size (reallocations).
Hence, there is two cases :
The new capacity can be determined, therefore you won't need to call reserve
The new capacity can't be determined, hence a call to reserve should be useful.
Does std::vector::insert reserve by definition?
Not always; depends on the current capacity.
From the draft N4567, § ([vector.modifiers]):
Causes reallocation if the new size is greater than the old capacity.
If the allocated memory capacity in the vector is large enough to contain the new elements, no additional allocations for the vector are needed. So no, then it won't reserve memory.
If the vector capacity is not large enough, then a new block is allocated, the current contents moved/copied over and the new elements are inserted. The exact allocation algorithm is not specified, but typically it would be as used in the reserve() method.
... or another better approach?
If you are concerned about too many allocations whilst inserting elements into the vector, then calling the reserve method with the size of the number of expected elements to be added does minimise the allocations.
Does the vector call reserve before the/any insertions? I.e. does it allocate enough capacity in a single allocation?
No guarantees. How would it know the distance between the to input iterators? Given that the insert method can take an InputIterator (i.e. single pass iterator), it has no way of calculating the expected size. Could the method calculate the size if the iterators where something else (e.g. pointers or RandomAccessIterator)? Yes it could. Would it? Depends on the implementation and the optimisations that are made.
From the documentation, it seems that:
Causes reallocation if the new size() is greater than the old capacity().
Be aware also that in such a case all the iterators and references are invalidated.
It goes without saying thus that reallocations are in charge of the insert and, if you look at those operations one at the time, it's as a consistent reserve-size-plus-one operation is made at each step.
You can argue that a reserve call at the top of the insertion would speed up everything in those cases when more than one reallocation takes place... Well, right, it could help, but it mostly depends on your actual problem.

Does the std::vector implementation use an internal array or linked list or other?

I've been told that std::vector has a C-style array on the inside implementation, but would that not negate the entire purpose of having a dynamic container?
So is inserting a value in a vector an O(n) operation? Or is it O(1) like in a linked-list?
From the C++11 standard, in the "sequence containers" library section (emphasis mine):
[ Class template vector overview][vector.overview]
A vector is a sequence container that supports (amortized) constant time insert and erase operations at the
end; insert and erase in the middle take linear time. Storage management is handled automatically, though
hints can be given to improve efficiency.
This does not defeat the purpose of dynamic size -- part of the point of vector is that not only is it very fast to access a single element, but scanning over the vector has very good memory locality because everything is tightly packed together. In practice, having good memory locality is very important because it greatly reduces cache misses, which has a large impact on runtime. This is a major advantage of vector over list in many situations, particularly those where you need to iterate over the entire container more often than you need to add or remove elements.
The memory in a std::vector is required to be contiguous, so it's typically represented as an array.
Your question about the complexity of the operations on a std::vector is a good one - I remember wondering this myself when I first started programming. If you append an element to a std::vector, then it may have to perform a resize operation and copy over all the existing elements to a new array. This will take time O(n) in the worst case. However, the amortized cost of appending an element is O(1). By this, we mean that the total cost of any sequence of n appends to a std::vector is always O(n). The intuition behind this is that the std::vector usually overallocates space in its array, leaving a lot of free slots for elements to be inserted into without a reallocation. As a result, most of the appends will take time O(1) even though every now and then you'll have one that takes time O(n).
That said, the cost of performing an insertion elsewhere in a std::vector will be O(n), because you may have to shift everything down.
You also asked why this is, if it defeats the purpose of having a dynamic array. Even if the std::vector just acted like a managed array, it's still a win over raw arrays. The std::vector knows its size, can do bounds-checking (with at), is an actual object (unlike an array), and doesn't decay to a pointer. These extra features - coupled with the extra logic to make appends work quickly - are almost always worth it.

How does deque have an amortized constant Time Complexity

I read here from the accepted answer that a std::deque has the following characteristic
1- Random access - constant O(1)
2- Insertion or removal of elements at the end or beginning - amortized constant O(1)
3- Insertion or removal of elements - linear O(n)
My question is about point 2. How can a deque have an amortized constant insertion at the end or beginning?
I understand that a std::vector has an amortized constant time complexity for insertions at the end. This is because a vector is continguous and is a dynamic array. So when it runs out of memory for a push_back at the end, it would allocate a whole new block of memory, copy existing items from the old location to the new location and then delete items from the old location. This operation I understand is amortized constant. How does this apply to a deque ? How can insertions at the top and bottom of a deque be amortized constant. I was under the impression that it was supposed to be constant O(1). I know that a deque is composed of memory chunks.
The usual implementation of a deque is basically a vector of pointers to fixed-sized nodes.
Allocating the fixed-size node clearly has constant complexity, so that's pretty easy to handle--you just amortize the cost of allocating a single node across the number of items in that node to get a constant complexity for each.
The vector of pointers part is what's (marginally) more interesting. When we allocate enough of the fixed-size nodes that the vector of pointers is full, we need to increase the size of the vector. Like std::vector, we need to copy its contents to the newly allocated vector, so its growth must follow a geometric (rather than arithmetic) progression. This means that we have more pointers to copy we do the copying less and less frequently, so the total time devoted to copying pointers remains constant.
As a side note: the "vector" part is normally treated as a circular buffer, so if you're using your deque as a queue, constantly adding to one end and removing from the other does not result in re-allocating the vector--it just means moving the head and tail pointers that keep track of which of the pointers are "active" at a given time.
The (profane) answer lies in containers.requirements.general, 23.2.1/2:
All of the complexity requirements in this Clause are stated solely in
terms of the number of operations on the contained objects.
Reallocating the array of pointers is hence not covered by the complexity guarantee of the standard and may take arbitrarily long. As mentioned before, it likely adds an amortized constant overhead to each push_front()/push_back() call (or an equivalent modifier) in any "sane" implementation. I would not recommend using deque in RT-critical code though. Typically, in an RT scenario, you don't want to have unbounded queues or stacks (which in C++ by default use deque as the underlying container) anyway, neither memory allocations that could fail, so you will be most likely using a preallocated ring buffer (e.g. Boost's circular_buffer) instead.

Which stl container should I use when doing few inserts?

I don't know my exact numbers but i'll try my best. I have a 10000 element deque thats populated right at the start. Than i scan through each element and lets every 20 elements i'll need to insert an new element. The insert would happen at the current position and maybe one element back.
I don't exactly need to remember the position but i also don't exactly need random access either. I'd like fast inserts. Does deque and vector have a heavy price to pay on insert? Should i use list?
My other option is to have a 2nd deque list and as i go through each element insert it to the other deque list unless i need to do the insert i am talking about. This does need to be fast as its a performance intensive app. But I am using a lot of pointers (each element is a pointer) which is upsetting me but there isn't a way around that so i should assume L1 cache will always miss?
I'd start with std::vector in this case, but use a second std::vector for your mass mutations, reserve() appropriately, then swap() the vectors.
It would take this general form:
std:vector<t_object*> source; // << source already holds 10000 elements
std:vector<t_object*> tmp;
// to minimize reallocations and frees to 1 and 1, if possible.
// if you do not swap or have to grow more, reserving can really work against you.
while (performingMassMutation) {
// "i scan through each element and lets every 20 elements"
for (twentyElements)
// "every 20 elements i'll need to insert an new element"
// approximately 500 iterations later…
Borealid brought up a good point, which is measure -- execution varies dramatically depending on your std library implementations, data sizes, complexity to copy, and so on.
For raw pointers of a collection this size with my configuration, the vector mass mutation and push_back above was 7 times faster than std::list insertion. push_back was faster than vector's range insertion.
As Emile points out below, std::vector::swap() does not need to move or reallocate elements -- it can just swap out internals (provided the allocators are the same type).
First off, the answer to all performance questions is "benchmark it". Always. Now...
If you don't care about the memory overhead, and you don't need random access, but you do care about having constant-time insertions, list is probably right for you.
std::vector will have constant-time insertions at the end when it has sufficient capacity. When the capacity is exceeded, it needs a linear-time copy. deque is better because it links discrete allocations, avoiding a complete copy and letting you do constant-time insertions at the front as well. Random insertions (every 20 elements) will always be linear time.
As for cache locality, a vector is as good as you can get (contiguous memory), but you said you cared about insertions rather than lookups; in my experience, when that's the case you don't care about how hot the cache gets as you scan through to dump, so list's poor behavior doesn't much matter.
Lists are useful when either you frequently want to insert elements in the middle of the collection, or frequently remove them. Lists are, however, slow to read.
Vectors are very fast to read and very fast when you only want to add or remove elements at the end of the collection, but they are very slow when you insert elements in the middle. This is because it has to move all elements after the desired position by one place, to make room for the new element.
Deques are basically doubly linked lists that can be used as vectors.
If you don't need to insert elements in the middle of the collection (you don't care about the order), I suggest you use vector. If you can approximate the number of elements that will be introduced in the vector from the beginning, you should also use std::vector::reserve to allocate memory necessary from the beginning. The value you pass to reserve doesn't need to be exact, just approximate; if it's smaller than needed, the vector will resize automatically, when necessary.
You can go two ways: list is always an option for random place insertions, however as you allocate every element separately this will cause some performance implications too. The other option of inserting in-place in the deque is not good as well - because you will pay linear time for every insertion. Maybe your idea of inserting in new deque is the best here - you pay twice as much memory, but on the other hand you always do insertion either at the end of the second deque, or one element before that - this all gives constant amortized time, and still you have good caching of the container.
The number of copies done for std::vector/deque ::insert etc is proportional to the number of elements between the insert position and the end of container (the number of elements that need to be shifted to make room). The worst-case for a std::vector is O(N) - when you insert at the front of the container. If you're inserting M elements the worst -case is therefore O(M*N) which isn't great.
There could also be a reallocation involved if the containers capacity is exceeded. You could prevent reallocation by ensuring that sufficient space was ::reserve'd up front.
You're other suggestion - copying to a second std::vector/deque container could be better in that it could always be organised to achieve O(N) complexity, but at the cost of temporarily storing two containers.
Using a std::list would allow you to achieve in-place O(1) inserts, but at the cost of additional memory overhead (storing the list pointers etc) and reduced memory locality (list nodes are not allocated contiguously). You could improve the memory locality by using a pool'd memory allocator (Boost pools maybe?).
Overall you'd have to benchmark to really sort out which is "the fastest" approach.
Hope this helps.
If you need fast inserts in the middle, but don't care about random access, vector and deque are definitely not for you: For those, every time you insert something, all elements between that one and the end have to be moved. Of the built-in containers, list is almost certainly your best bet. However a better data structure for your scenario would probably be a VList because it provides better cache locality, however that's not provided by the C++ standard library. The Wikipedia page links to a C++ implementation, however from a quick view on the interface it doesn't seem to completely STL compatible; I don't know if this is an issue for you.
Of course, in the end the only way to be sure which is the optimal solution is to measure the performance.

What is a truly empty std::vector in C++?

I've got a two vectors in class A that contain other class objects B and C. I know exactly how many elements these vectors are supposed to hold at maximum. In the initializer list of class A's constructor, I initialize these vectors to their max sizes (constants).
If I understand this correctly, I now have a vector of objects of class B that have been initialized using their default constructor. Right? When I wrote this code, I thought this was the only way to deal with things. However, I've since learned about std::vector.reserve() and I'd like to achieve something different.
I'd like to allocate memory for these vectors to grow as large as possible because adding to them is controlled by user-input, so I don't want frequent resizings. However, I iterate through this vector many, many times per second and I only currently work on objects I've flagged as "active". To have to check a boolean member of class B/C on every iteration is silly. I don't want these objects to even BE there for my iterators to see when I run through this list.
Is reserving the max space ahead of time and using push_back to add a new object to the vector a solution to this?
A vector has capacity and it has size. The capacity is the number of elements for which memory has been allocated. Size is the number of elements which are actually in the vector. A vector is empty when its size is 0. So, size() returns 0 and empty() returns true. That says nothing about the capacity of the vector at that point (that would depend on things like the number of insertions and erasures that have been done to the vector since it was created). capacity() will tell you the current capacity - that is the number of elements that the vector can hold before it will have to reallocate its internal storage in order to hold more.
So, when you construct a vector, it has a certain size and a certain capacity. A default-constructed vector will have a size of zero and an implementation-defined capacity. You can insert elements into the vector freely without worrying about whether the vector is large enough - up to max_size() - max_size() being the maximum capacity/size that a vector can have on that system (typically large enough not to worry about). Each time that you insert an item into the vector, if it has sufficient capacity, then no memory-allocation is going to be allocated to the vector. However, if inserting that element would exceed the capacity of the vector, then the vector's memory is internally re-allocated so that it has enough capacity to hold the new element as well as an implementation-defined number of new elements (typically, the vector will probably double in capacity) and that element is inserted into the vector. This happens without you having to worry about increasing the vector's capacity. And it happens in constant amortized time, so you don't generally need to worry about it being a performance problem.
If you do find that you're adding to a vector often enough that many reallocations occur, and it's a performance problem, then you can call reserve() which will set the capacity to at least the given value. Typically, you'd do this when you have a very good idea of how many elements your vector is likely to hold. However, unless you know that it's going to a performance issue, then it's probably a bad idea. It's just going to complicate your code. And constant amortized time will generally be good enough to avoid performance issues.
You can also construct a vector with a given number of default-constructed elements as you mentioned, but unless you really want those elements, then that would be a bad idea. vector is supposed to make it so that you don't have to worry about reallocating the container when you insert elements into it (like you would have to with an array), and default-constructing elements in it for the purposes of allocating memory is defeating that. If you really want to do that, use reserve(). But again, don't bother with reserve() unless you're certain that it's going to improve performance. And as was pointed out in another answer, if you're inserting elements into the vector based on user input, then odds are that the time cost of the I/O will far exceed the time cost in reallocating memory for the vector on those relatively rare occasions when it runs out of capacity.
Capacity-related functions:
capacity() // Returns the number of elements that the vector can hold
reserve() // Sets the minimum capacity of the vector.
Size-related functions:
clear() // Removes all elements from the vector.
empty() // Returns true if the vector has no elements.
resize() // Changes the size of the vector.
size() // Returns the number of items in the vector.
Yes, reserve(n) will allocate space without actually putting elements there - increasing capacity() without increasing size().
BTW, if "adding to them is controlled by user-input" means that the user hits "insert X" and you insert X into the vector, you need not worry about the overhead of resizing. Waiting for user input is many times slower than the amortized constant resizing performance.
Your question is a little confusing, so let me try to answer what I think you asked.
Let's say you have a vector<B> which you default-construct. You then call vec.reserve(100). Now, vec contains 0 elements. It's empty. vec.empty() returns true and vec.size() returns 0. Every time you call push_back, you will insert one element, and unless vec conatins 100 elements, there will be no reallocation.