Neural Network gives same output for different inputs, doesn't learn - c++

I have a neural network written in standard C++11 which I believe follows the back-propagation algorithm correctly (based on this). If I output the error in each step of the algorithm, however, it seems to oscillate without dampening over time. I've tried removing momentum entirely and choosing a very small learning rate (0.02), but it still oscillates at roughly the same amplitude per network (with each network having a different amplitude within a certain range).
Further, all inputs result in the same output (a problem I found posted here before, although for a different language. The author also mentions that he never got it working.)
The code can be found here.
To summarize how I have implemented the network:
Neurons hold the current weights to the neurons ahead of them, previous changes to those weights, and the sum of all inputs.
Neurons can have their value (sum of all inputs) accessed, or can output the result of passing said value through a given activation function.
NeuronLayers act as Neuron containers and set up the actual connections to the next layer.
NeuronLayers can send the actual outputs to the next layer (instead of pulling from the previous).
FFNeuralNetworks act as containers for NeuronLayers and manage forward-propagation, error calculation, and back-propagation. They can also simply process inputs.
The input layer of an FFNeuralNetwork sends its weighted values (value * weight) to the next layer. Each neuron in each layer afterwards outputs the weighted result of the activation function unless it is a bias, or the layer is the output layer (biases output the weighted value, the output layer simply passes the sum through the activation function).
Have I made a fundamental mistake in the implementation (a misunderstanding of the theory), or is there some simple bug I haven't found yet? If it would be a bug, where might it be?
Why might the error oscillate by the amount it does (around +-(0.2 +- learning rate)) even with a very low learning rate? Why might all the outputs be the same, no matter the input?
I've gone over most of it so much that I might be skipping over something, but I think I may have a plain misunderstanding of the theory.

It turns out I was just staring at the FFNeuralNetwork parts too much and accidentally used the wrong input set to confirm the correctness of the network. It actually does work correctly with the right learning rate, momentum, and number of iterations.
Specifically, in main, I was using inputs instead of a smaller array in to test the outputs of the network.


how to get txPower to calculate distance from RSSI

I got this code from google code :
void QBluetoothDeviceDiscoveryAgent::deviceDiscovered(const QBluetoothDeviceInfo &info)
But how to get rssi distance from `QBluetoothServiceDiscoveryAgent ?
I tried with
QBluetoothServiceDiscoveryAgent serviceInfo;
quint i =serviceInfo.device().rssi();
here i = -43
how to convert it to distance?
I got the link
Understanding ibeacon distancing
but how to get the transmitter power? to calculate the distance according to formula?
Make sure you understood the implications of QBluetoothDeviceInfo::rssi(). Calling this functions returns immediately with the last stored value when the device was scanned last. If you only receive one advertisement-packet, which happens to be at e.x. -90dB, and then immediately connect, this function will keep returning -90 until you disconnect from it and scan it again. Connected devices usually don't send advertisement-packets so the RSSI you can read via Qt won't be updated during the connection.
As for proximity, it's not so easy to get good values. To accurately convert from RSSI to geometric distance you must know the sender's original/intended signal-strength (or TX-power-level == RSSI at 1m distance). This value will differ between devices. To make things worse, in practice it can also vary by a huge margin depending on things like the sender's battery-level, physical orientations of sender/receiver to eachother, quality of individual parts, random interference from other RF devices....
The BLE-folk has a blog explaining how you should do it. You can read it up here. The linked article doesn't read or assume the theoretical maximum RSSI of the sender but instead it propoposes to gather multiple RSSI-values over time (+ do some mean/mode filtering), and use the current mean-value in comparison with the previous value to determine if you are approaching or moving away from the sender. Paired with some fine-tuning using real-world data you gotta collect, plus documentation-reading and common-sense, you could probably develop a proximity calculation for many or even most sender-devices which would be accurate to about one meter or even less at close proximity. In the end it's a tradeoff between how many devices you wish to 'calibrate' for and those you are okay with having shifted values due to higher or lower TX-power-levels.
The downside being - you can't test for every possible device on the market and as I said earlier, different devices have different TX-power-levels. With this approach you can develop an algorithm to get pretty good measurements for devices which have approximately equal signal-configurations but others will seem far off. The article's author talks about creating different profiles for different vendors but that's not really gonna help (consider two identical beacons ("big/small"), one for large and one for small indoor locations - with RSSI alone you can't reliably determine if you're close to the small beacon or in medium range to the big one unless they identify themselves via GAP or otherwise (forget MAC-addresses if you plan to deploy on MacOS or iOS).
Also, prepare yourself for the joyride that is Android BLE development. Some vendors know that their BLE implementation is so terribly bad and broken, they even disabled the HCI-Logging-Feature on all their ROMs to hide it. Others can be BLE-nuked like Win98 by ethernet, back in the days.

How to normalize sequence of numbers?

I am working user behavior project. Based on user interaction I have got some data. There is nice sequence which smoothly increases and decreases over the time. But there are little discrepancies, which are very bad. Please refer to graph below:
You can also find data here:
2.0789 2.09604 2.11472 2.13414 2.15609 2.17776 2.2021 2.22722 2.25019 2.27304 2.29724 2.31991 2.34285 2.36569 2.38682 2.40634 2.42068 2.43947 2.45099 2.46564 2.48385 2.49747 2.49031 2.51458 2.5149 2.52632 2.54689 2.56077 2.57821 2.57877 2.59104 2.57625 2.55987 2.5694 2.56244 2.56599 2.54696 2.52479 2.50345 2.48306 2.50934 2.4512 2.43586 2.40664 2.38721 2.3816 2.36415 2.33408 2.31225 2.28801 2.26583 2.24054 2.2135 2.19678 2.16366 2.13945 2.11102 2.08389 2.05533 2.02899 2.00373 1.9752 1.94862 1.91982 1.89125 1.86307 1.83539 1.80641 1.77946 1.75333 1.72765 1.70417 1.68106 1.65971 1.64032 1.62386 1.6034 1.5829 1.56022 1.54167 1.53141 1.52329 1.51128 1.52125 1.51127 1.50753 1.51494 1.51777 1.55563 1.56948 1.57866 1.60095 1.61939 1.64399 1.67643 1.70784 1.74259 1.7815 1.81939 1.84942 1.87731
1.89895 1.91676 1.92987
I would want to smooth out this sequence. The technique should be able to eliminate numbers with characteristic of X and Y, i.e. error in mono-increasing or mono-decreasing.
If not eliminate, technique should be able to shift them so that series is not affected by errors.
What I have tried and failed:
I tried to test difference between values. In some special cases it works, but for sequence as presented in this the distance between numbers is not such that I can cut out errors
I tried applying a counter, which is some X, then only change is accepted otherwise point is mapped to previous point only. Here I have great trouble deciding on value of X, because this is based on user-interaction, I am not really controller of it. If user interaction is such that its plot would be a zigzag pattern, I am ending up with 'no user movement data detected at all' situation.
Please share the techniques that you are aware of.
PS: Data made available in this example is a particular case. There is no typical pattern in which numbers are going to occure, but we expect some range to be continuous with all the examples. Solution I am seeking is generic.
I do not know how much effort you want to involve in this problem but if you want theoretical guaranties,
topological persistence seems well adapted to your problem imho.
Basically with that method, you can filtrate local maximum/minimum by fixing a scale
and there are theoritical proofs that says that if you sampling is
close from your function, then you extracts correct number of maximums with persistence.
You can see these slides (mainly pages 7-9 to get the idea) to get an idea of the method.
Basically, if you take your points as a landscape and imagine a watershed starting from maximum height and decreasing, you have some picks.
Every pick has a time where it is born which is the time where it becomes emerged and a time where it dies which is when it merges with an higher pick. Now a persistence diagram pictures a point for every pick where its x/y coordinates are its time of birth/death (by assumption the first pick does not die and is not shown).
If a pick is a global maximal, then it will be further from the diagonal in the persistence diagram than a local maximum pick. To remove local maximums you have to remove picks close to the diagonal. There are fours local maximums in your example as you can see with the persistence diagram of your data (thanks for providing the data btw) and two global ones (the first pick is not pictured in a persistence diagram):
If you noise your data like that :
You will still get a very decent persistence diagram that will allow you to filter local maximum as you want :
Please ask if you want more details or references.
Since you can not decide on a cut off frequency, and not even on the filter you want to use, I would implement several, and let the user set the parameters.
The first thing that I thought of is running average, and you can see that there are so many things to set, to get different outputs.

Neural Network seems to work fine until used for processing data (all of the results are practically the same)

I have recently implemented a typical 3 layer neural network (input -> hidden -> output) and I'm using the sigmoid function for activation. So far, the host program has 3 modes:
Creation, which seems to work fine. It creates a network with a specified number of input, hidden and output neurons, initializes the weights to either random values or zero.
Training, which loads a dataset, computes the output of the network then backpropagates the error and updates the weights. As far as I can tell, this works ok. The weights change, but not extremely, after training on the dataset.
Processing, which seems to work ok. However, the data output for the dataset which was used for training, or any other dataset for that matter is very bad. It's usually either just a continuuous stream of 1's, with an occasional 0.999999 or every output value for every input is 0.9999 with the last digits being different between inputs. As far as I could tell there was no correlation between those last 2 digits and what was supposed to be outputed.
How should I go about figuring out what's not working right?
You need to find a set of parameters (number of neurons, learning rate, number of iterations for training) that works well for classifying previously unseen data. People often achieve this by separating their data into three groups: training, validation and testing.
Whatever you decide to do, just remember that it really doesn't make sense to be testing on the same data with which you trained, because any classifcation method close to reasonable should be getting everything 100% right under such a setup.

How to process multiple inputs in c++ for artificial neural network

How does C++ process multiple inputs for an artificial neural network in real-time?
I'm assuming this is without using a spiking neural network, but a more traditional one (i.e. just a basic neural network as described here)
Is this possible in a real-time world? I was thinking one would have to process either each input individually (which will always result in the same output, hence the dilemna), or accrue a certain # of inputs per time threshold and then process them at once...
then again, what does someone do with multiple instances of the same input? Process it twice?
I ask this because I'm looking at neuralbot, which I believe uses a normal neural network, but I'm trying to understand ANN's first before I delve into it, and am not sure how an ANN processes multiple inputs before processing target output(s).
Your question is not really clear but I'll try to answer. :)
You can see an ANN (Artificial Neural Network) like a particular case of Adaptive Filters.
There are three main elements:
A sequence of inputs x(n).
A Parametric Variable Filter. In this case the filter is the ANN and the parameters are the neurons weights.
An Update Algorithm that updates the filter parameters according to the error between desired an actual output. In ANN the most used update algorithm is the Backpropagation Algorithm.
In ANN there are two steps:
The Training Step. This is the hard part. You start with random neurons weights. You have a sequence of inputs and their desired outputs and you run the ANN with the update algorithm on. When the error is under a certain threshold you can say that your ANN is trained. This step is usually done off-line (not in real time).
The Execution Step. You have the trained ANN. Now just put in sequence the input in it and use the output. This is usually a fast operation and can be done in real-time (if it is what you mean).
Now.. what do you mean for "multiple inputs at once"? First of all standard computers can do only a very very small number of operations at once, standard PC has 4/8 cores so can do almost 4-8 operations at once. This number is too low for every real world ANN applications.
You said:
what does someone do with multiple instances of the same input? Process it twice?
The answer is Yes. The "Execution Step" is so fast that there are no reason to don't do it. In the "Training Step" duplicated inputs can be removed before training starts (cause the training inputs are known a priori). So there are no problem in this. :)

Autocorrelation returns random results with mic input (using a high pass filter)

Sorry to ask a similar question to the one i asked before (FFT Problem (Returns random results)), but i've looked up pitch detection and autocorrelation and have found some code for pitch detection using autocorrelation.
Im trying to do pitch detection of a users singing. Problem is, it keeps returning random results. I've got some code from which i've converted to C++ and modified (below). My sample rate is 2048, and data size is 1024. I'm detecting pitch of both a sine wave and mic input. The frequency of the sine wave is 726.0, and its detecting it to be 722.950820 (which im ok with), but its detecting the pitch of the mic as a random number from around 100 to around 1050.
I'm now using a High pass filter to remove the DC offset, but it's not working. Am i doing it right, and if so, what else can i do to fix it? Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Edit: Changed the code to implement a high pass filter with a cutoff of 30hz (from What Are High-Pass and Low-Pass Filters?, can anyone tell me how to convert the low-pass filter using convolution to a high-pass one?) but it's still returning random results. Plugging it into a VST host and using VST plugins to compare spectrums isn't an option to me unfortunately.
Edit: Fixed, thanks for everyones help, but I never got it to work, now using new code.
I am no sound expert, but if you are sampling with 44100 (I guess samples per second) and use 1024 datapoints. You are working with about 1/40th of a second worth of data. I doesn't surprise me that the current pitch varies a lot, depending on which piece you pick. If you want to find the average or main pitch of a voice, I'd expect to need about 1second worth of data.
At 44.1 kHz sampling frequency, 1024 samples is only a little bit over 23 ms worth of data. Isn't it possible that this is simply insufficient data in order to compute the pitch of a human singer?
I mean, the sound I can make that lasts for 23 ms is probably not something I have a lot of pitch-control over; I would expect this kind of measurement to be done over slighly longer periods of time.
The problem is in your findBestCandidates() function:
Inside this function you access the 'inputs' array from 0 up to 'length - 1'.
When you call this function inside detectPitchCalculation() function 'inputs' is 'results' and 'length' is 'nHiPeriodInSamples'.
But 'results' is only allocated and filled up to 'nHiPeriodInSamples - nLowPeriodInSamples - 1'.
So if 'nLowPeriodInSamples' is greater 0 you access unallocated and random memory inside the findBestCandidates() function!
Another bug is that you fill each 'nResolution' entry of the 'results' array in detectPitchCalculation() function but access each entry in the findBestCandidates() function (via the 'inputs' argument). But since you call detectPitchCalculation() with a 'nResolution=1' this does not explain your specific I will look a little bit more. But it would definitely a problem if you call it with higher resolutions.
I don't see the problem in you code, but I'm no good in C. But I'd try the following to find the problem:
run with data where the result in known, e.g. with sin(x) as input
run it with small data size (e.g. 2)
Compare the results with known correct ones. You should be able to find those on the internet, or do them by hand.
If random means: same input, different output, you most probably have some bug in the initialisation of variables. Use a debugger and known input to check, that all variables, especially all elements of arrays are properly initialized.