How to get a WebSocket server run on aws - c++

I'm developing an iOS app that requires realtime dual-way server/client messaging.
I'm trying to use WebSocket++ to develop a WebSocket server app on an AWS EC2. Have to use C++ because that's the only language I know on the server side.
The problem is I'm a fresh guy on server side development. I have 2 very basic questions:
1, Do I need have to setup an HTTP server like apache/nginx in order to get websocket running?
That is, can websocket app live independently alone?
2, I have now setup an nginx server in case it is a must have, is there any resource that I can refer to to make nginx & websocket work together well?

No, you don't need a Web server, a (reverse) Web proxy or anything to have your C++ WebSocket server talk to WebSocket clients.
Nginx (as HAproxy) supports reverse proxying WebSocket. This can make sense in certain situations, like you want to terminate TLS at the proxy and forward plain WebSocket to your backend server, or you want to load-balance incoming WebSocket connections to multiple backend nodes. However, as said, this isn't required.

No you don't, websocket and socket for an HTTP server are two diffent things.
HTTP server is for the HTTP protocol while there is not protocol defined for websocket, you have to define it yourself typically by the mean of sending/receiving Json message (a stream of character which each side (the server and the client) knows how to read/write).
The goal of websocket is to offer to javascript through HTML5 an easy, light and quick way to communicate through a socket, without websocket you have to do that with web services and in that case you need a http server.
With websocket you can create an html file leveraging html tag and javascript, javascript use client side of websocket to communicate with a C++/websocket server program, and you do not need even a web server, in this scenario you have a "desktop web app" ! (here web term is only because you use html tags)
Same question, same answer, no again ;-)
Good luck, and welcome in the wonderful world of asio !


How to make Qt Websocket and QNetworkRequest (HTTP) to use the same connection?

Is it possible with Qt to upgrade a HTTP connection that handles the normal HTTP requests to a Websocket with the same connection?
I'm thinking about something like this with Poco libraries, but all done in Qt similar to QtWebApp.
The simple answer is no and that is mostly because of specifics of the server side. And Qt just follows the protocol available and exposed by the server (HTTP/WebSocket) as mostly the client-side development framework and AFAIK won't be able to do the kind of transformation you want of going from HTTP to Websocket that are two different protocols. But of course, theoretically that can be done as long as both protocols able to use IP port 80. But that implies new unique sever and new unique client implementations.
We use both WebSocket and REST in our app. And WebSocket is for triggering the client by the server to do something. Client gets the "poke" from the server and starts normal JSON HTTP-based exchange with the server.
Somewhat relative link:

Difference between a web-service and web-socket

As I mentioned in the title: I would like to know the difference between the web-service and the web-socket? when we used each one?
A web service is an HTTP server that responds to client SOAP/REST/JSON requests.
A web socket is a client-side API that allows a web browser to create a bidirectional communication link with a server without having to change/reload the current page. This is typically used for AJAX requests to dynamically update live content on the current page, or create chat sessions between clients, or implement custom protocols that run in the web browser.
Web services are based on HTTP protocol and use HTTP methods to relay data in a request and response paradigm. Thus the client will always be the one responsible for communicating with the server, requesting data and submitting data to the server i.e getting list of customers or products, adding products or customers to server.
In contrast, Web sockets allow bidirectional communication, meaning server can initiate communication as much as client can do the same. Typically you supply a host IP Address and port to the socket. Web sockets can be used to implement a chat application.
The key difference between Web sockets and Web services is that with web sockets you get bi-directional connection in which the server and client can continuously send messages back and forth while Web services are uni-directional connection concerned with supplying clients with resources

Do we need to install a webserver for a webservice to work, always?

I will be having a software which will give me information about the moving vehicles on the server side and I need to pass this information to the client computer on demand.
There will be a website which will act like a server and another website will act like a client. The client
website will ask for a data from the server website.
From here:
As the protocol may not be HTTP, you may provide WebServices over mail or other protocols, and you do not need a web server for that.
I request an explanation on the above quote. In my case will I be needing a webserver?
There is a bunch of webservice protocols, some of them may use and some may not use http as transport layer. When http is used - you need a webserver on server-side of your service and a webbrowser as a client. If the transport is other than http, you need server of other type, and other client, for example, mail server and mail client in case of running service over smtp.

Keeping connection open in Django without websockets

I have a mini computer that does not support websockets that I would like to receive push notifications from a server.
The issue is that after the client connects to the server, the server responds and then closes the connection. This makes it so the client has to continually reconnect to the server to get new information.
Is there a way using Django to allow the connection to be left open and then have the server publish data to the client?
Django is primarily a request/response framework and as such does not have support for real duplex communication.
Socket.IO is the de facto library that makes websocket-like functionality cross-browser (IE5.5+), using real websockets as a transport if the browser allows it, falling back to HTTP long-polling or whatever else if it doesn't. For various options on integrating Socket.IO with Django, read this.

Secure data transfer over http with custom server

I am pretty new to security aspect of application. I have a C++ window service (server) that listens to a particular port for http requests. The http requests can be made via ajax or C# client. Due to some scope change now we have to secure this communication between the clients and custom server written in C++.
Therefore i am looking for options to secure this communication. Can someone help me out with the possible approaches i can take to achieve this.
Given that you have an existing HTTP server (non-IIS) and you want to implement HTTPS (which is easy to screw up and hard to get right), you have a couple of options:
Rewrite your server as a COM object, and then put together an IIS webservice that calls your COM object to implement the webservice. With this done, you can then configure IIS to provide your webservice via HTTP and HTTPS.
Install a proxy server (Internet Security and Acceleration Server or Apache with mod_proxy) on the same host as your existing server and setup the proxy server to listen via HTTPS and then reverse proxy the requests to your service.
The second option requires little to no changes to your application; the first option is the better long-term architectural move.
A good toolkit for securing your communication channel is OpenSSL.
That said, even with a toolkit, there are plenty of ways to make mistakes when implementing your security layer that can leave your data open to attack. You should consider using an existing https server and having it forward the requests to your server on the loopback channel.
It's reasonably easy to do this using either OpenSSL or Microsoft's SChannel SSPI interface.
How complex it is for you depends on how you've structured your server. If it's a traditional style BSD sockets 'select' type server then it should be fairly straight forward to take the examples from either OpenSSL or SChannel and get something working pretty quickly.
If you're using a more complex server design (async sockets, IOCP, etc) then it's a bit more work as the examples don't tend to show these things. I wrote an article for Windows Developer Magazine back in 2002 which is available here which shows how to use OpenSSL with async sockets and this code can be used to work with overlapped I/O and IOCP based servers if you need to.