Address of start block storage - c++

The allocation function attempts to allocate the requested amount of
If it is successful, it shall return the address of the start of a
block of storage whose length in bytes shall be at least as large as
the requested size.
What does that constraint mean? Could you get an example it violates?
It seems, my question is unclear.
Why "at least"? What is the point of allocation more than requested size? Could you get suitable example?

The allowance for allocating "more than required" is there to allow:
Good alignment of the next block of data.
Reduce restrictions on what platforms are able to run code compiled from C and C++.
Flexibility in the design of the memory allocation functionality.
An example of point one is:
char *p1 = new char[1];
int *p2 = new int[1];
If we allocate exactly 1 byte at address 0x1000 for the first allocation, and follow that exactly with a second allocation of 4 bytes for an int, the int will start at address 0x1001. This is "valid" on some architectures, but often leads to a "slower load of the value", on other architectures it will directly lead to a crash, because an int is not accessible on an address that isn't an even multiple of 4. Since the underlying architecture of new doesn't actually know what the memory is eventually going to be used for, it's best to allocate it at "the highest alignment", which in most architectures means 8 or 16 bytes. (If the memory is used for example to store SSE data, it will need an alignment of 16 bytes)
The second case would be where "pointers can only point to whole blocks of 32-bit words". There have been architectures like that in the past. In this case, even if we ignore the above problem with alignment, the memory location specified by a generic pointer is two parts, one for the actual address, and one for the "which byte within that word". In the memory allocator, since typical allocations are much larger than a single byte, we decide to only use the "full word" pointer, so all allocations are by design always rounded up to whole words.
The third case, for example, would be to use a "pre-sized block" allocator. Some real-time OS's for example will have a fixed number of predefined sizes that they allocate - for example 16, 32, 64, 256, 1024, 16384, 65536, 1M, 16M bytes. Allocations are then rounded up to the nearest equal or larger size, so an allocation for 257 bytes would be allocated from the 1024 size. The idea here is to a) provide fast allocation, by keeping track of free blocks in each size, rather than the traditional model of having a large number of blocks in any size to search through to see if there is a big enough block. It also helps against fragmentation (when lots of memory is "free", but the wrong size, so can't be used - for example, if run a loop until the system is out of memory that allocates blocks of 64 bytes, then free every other, and try to allocate a 128 byte block, there is not a single 128 byte block free, because ALL of the memory is carved up into little 64-byte sections).

It means that the allocation function shall return an address of a block of memory whose size is at least the size you requested.
Most of the allocation functions, however, shall return an address of a memory block whose size is bigger than the one you requested and the next allocations will return an address inside this block until it reaches the end of it.
The main reasons for this behavior are:
Minimize the number of new memory block allocations (each block can contain several allocations), which are expensive in terms of time complexity.
Specific alignment issues.

The two most common reasons why allocation
returns a block larger than requested is

It may be such because in modern operating systems it is much effective to allocate memory page that can be of 512 kb. So internal malloc functionality can just alloc this page of memory, fill its beginning with some service information as to in how many sub-blocks it's divided into, theirs sizes, etc. And only after that it returns to you an address suitable for your needs. Next call to malloc will return another portion of this allocated page for instance. It doesn't matter that the block of memory is restricted to the size you requested. In fact you can heap-overflow this buffer because of no safe mechanism to prevent this sort of activity. Also you can consider alignment questions that other responders stated above. There are enough of types of memory management. You can google it if you are interested enough(Best Fit, First Fit, Last Fit, correct me if I'm wrong).


How much is there overhead per single object memory allocation? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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Say, if I call malloc(sizeof(int)), requesting 4 bytes, how much extra will be added by system (or std library?) to support memory management infrastructure? I believe there should be some. Otherwise, how the system would know how many bytes to dispose of when I call free(ptr).
UPDATE 1: It may sound like a 'too broad question' and, obviously, a C/C++ library specific, but what I am interested in, is a minimum extra memory needed to support a single allocation. Even not a system or implementation specific. For example, for binary tree, there is a must of 2 pointers - left and right children, and no way you can squeeze it.
I decided to check it for myself on Windows 64.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <psapi.h>
void main(int argc, char *argv[])
int m = (argc > 1) ? atoi(argv[1]) : 1;
int n = (argc > 2) ? atoi(argv[2]) : 0;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
size_t peakKb(0);
if ( GetProcessMemoryInfo(GetCurrentProcess(), &pmc, sizeof(pmc)) )
peakKb = pmc.PeakWorkingSetSize >> 10;
printf("requested : %d kb, total: %d kb\n", (m*n) >> 10, peakKb);
requested : 0 kb, total: 2080 kb
1 byte:
requested : 976 kb, total: 17788 kb
extra: 17788 - 2080 - 976 = 14732 (+1410%)
2 bytes:
requested : 1953 kb, total: 17784 kb
extra: 17784 - 2080 - 1953 = (+605% over)
4 bytes:
requested : 3906 kb, total: 17796 kb
extra: 17796 - 2080 - 3906 = 10810 (+177%)
8 bytes:
requested : 7812 kb, total: 17784 kb
extra: 17784 - 2080 - 7812 = (0%)
UPDATE 3: THIS IS THE ANSWER TO MY QUESTION I’VE BEEN LOOKING FOR: In addition to being slow, the genericity of the default C++ allocator makes it very space inefficient for small objects. The default allocator manages a pool of memory, and such management often requires some extra memory. Usually, the bookkeeping memory amounts to a few extra bytes (4 to 32) for each block allocated with new. If you allocate 1024-byte blocks, the per-block space overhead is insignificant (0.4% to 3%). If you allocate 8-byte objects, the per-object overhead becomes 50% to 400%, a figure big enough to make you worry if you allocate many such small objects.
For allocated objects, no additional metadata is theoretically required. A conforming implementation of malloc could round up all allocation requests to a fixed maximum object size, for example. So for malloc (25), you would actually receive a 256-byte buffer, and malloc (257) would fail and return a null pointer.
More realistically, some malloc implementations encode the allocation size in the pointer itself, either directly using bit patterns corresponding to specific fixed sized classes, or indirectly using a hash table or a multi-level trie. If I recall correctly, the internal malloc for Address Sanitizer is of this type. For such mallocs, at least part of the immediate allocation overhead does not come from the addition of metadata for heap management, but from rounding the allocation size up to a supported size class.
Other mallocs have a per-allocation header of a single word. (dlmalloc and its derivative are popular examples). The actual per-allocation overhead is usually slightly larger because due to the header word, you get weired supported allocation sizes (such as 24, 40, 56, … bytes with 16-byte alignment on a 64-bit system).
One thing to keep in mind is that many malloc implementations put a lot of data deallocated objects (which have not yet been returned to the operating system kernel), so that malloc (the function) can quickly find an unused memory region of the appropriate size. Particularly for dlmalloc-style allocators, this also provides a constraint on minimum object size. The use of deallocated objects for heap management contributes to malloc overhead, too, but its impact on individual allocations is difficult to quantify.
Say, if I call malloc(sizeof(int)), requesting 4 bytes, how much extra will be added by system (or std library?) to support memory management infrastructure? I believe there should be some. Otherwise, how the system would know how many bytes to dispose of when I call free(ptr).
This is entirely library specific. The answer could be anything from zero to whatever. Your library could add data to the front of the block. Some add data to the front and back of the block to track overwrites. The amount of overhead added varies among libraries.
The length could be tracked within the library itself with a table. In that case, there may not be hidden field added to the allocated memory.
The library might only allocate blocks in fixed sizes. The amount you ask for gets rounded up to the next block size.
The pointer itself is essentially overhead and can be a dominant driver of memory use in some programs.
The theoretical minimum overhead, might be sizeof(void*) for some theoretical system and use, but that combination of CPU, Memory and usage pattern is so unlikely to exist as to be absolutely worthless for consideration. The standard requires that memory returned by malloc be suitably aligned for any data type, therefore there will always be some overhead; in the form of unused memory between the end of one allocated block, and the beginning of the next allocated block, except in the rare cases where all memory usage is sized to a multiple of the block size.
The minimum implementation of malloc/free/realloc, assumes the heap manager has one contiguous block of memory at it's disposal, located somewhere in system memory, the pointer that said heap manager uses to reference that original block, is overhead (again sizeof(void*)). One could imagine a highly contrived application that requested that entire block of memory, thus avoiding the need for additional tracking data. At this point we have 2 * sizeof(void*) worth of overhead, one internal to the heap manager, plus the returned pointer to the one allocated block (the theoretical minimum). Such a conforming heap manager is unlikely to exist as it must also have some means of allocating more than one block from its pool and that implies at a minimum, tracking which blocks within its pool are in use.
One scheme to avoid overhead involves using pointer sizes that are larger than the physical or logical memory available to the application. One can store some information in those unused bits, but they would also count as overhead if their number exceeds a processor word size. Generally, only a hand full of bits are used and those identify which of the memory managers internal pools the memory comes from. The later, implies additonal overhead of pointers to pools. This brings us to real world systems, where the heap manager implementation is tuned to the OS, hardware architecture and typical usage patterns.
Most hosted implementations (hosted == runs on OS) request one or more memory blocks from the operating system in the c-runtime initialization phase. OS memory management calls are expensive in time and space. The OS has it's own memory manager, with its own overhead set, driven by its own design criteria and usage patterns. So c-runtime heap managers attempt to limit the number of calls into the OS memory manager, in order to reduce the latency of the average call to malloc() and free(). Most request the first block from the OS when malloc is first called, but this usually happens at some point in the c-runtime initialization code. This first block is usually a low multiple of the system page size, which can be one or more orders of magnitude larger than the size requested in the initial malloc() call.
At this point it is obvious that heap manager overhead is extremely fluid and difficult to quantify. On a typical modern system, the heap manager must track multiple blocks of memory allocated from the OS, how many bytes are currently allocated to the application in each of those blocks and potentially, how much time has passed since a block went to zero. Then there's the overhead of tracking allocations from within each of those blocks.
Generally malloc rounds up to a minimum alignment boundary and often this is not special cased for small allocations as applications are expected to aggregate many of these into a single allocation. The minimum alignment is often based on the largest required alignment for a load instruction in the architecture the code is running on. So with 128-bit SIMD (e.g. SSE or NEON) the minimum is 16 bytes. In practice there is a header as well which causes the minimum cost in size to be doubled. As SIMD register widths have increased, malloc hasn't increased it's guaranteed alignment.
As was pointed out, the minimum possible overhead is 0. Though the pointer itself should probably be counted in any reasonable analysis. In a garbage collector design, at least one pointer to the data has to be present. In straight a non-GC design, one has to have a pointer to call free, but there's not an iron clad requirement it has to be called. One could theoretically compress a bunch of pointers together into less space as well, but now we're into an analysis of the entropy of the bits in the pointers. Point being you likely need to specify some more constraints to get a really solid answer.
By way of illustration, if one needs arbitrary allocation and deallocation of just int size, one can allocate a large block and create a linked list of indexes using each int to hold the index of the next. Allocation pulls an item off the list and deallocation adds one back. There is a constraint that each allocation is exactly an int. (And that the block is small enough that the maximum index fits in an int.) Multiple sizes can be handled by having different blocks and searching for which block the pointer is in when deallocation happens. Some malloc implementations do something like this for small fixed sizes such as 4, 8, and 16 bytes.
This approach doesn't hit zero overhead as one needs to maintain some data structure to keep track of the blocks. This is illustrated by considering the case of one-byte allocations. A block can at most hold 256 allocations as that is the maximum index that can fit in the block. If we want to allow more allocations than this, we will need at least one pointer per block, which is e.g. 4 or 8 bytes overhead per 256 bytes.
One can also use bitmaps, which amortize to one bit per some granularity plus the quantization of that granularity. Whether this is low overhead or not depends on the specifics. E.g. one bit per byte has no quantization but eats one eighth the allocation size in the free map. Generally this will all require storing the size of the allocation.
In practice allocator design is hard because the trade-off space between size overhead, runtime cost, and fragmentation overhead is complicated, often has large cost differences, and is allocation pattern dependent.

mmap: enforce 64K alignment

I'm porting a project written (by me) for Windows to mobile platforms.
I need an equivalent of VirtualAlloc (+friends), and the natural one is mmap. However there are 2 significant differences.
Addresses returned by VirtualAlloc are guaranteed to be multiples of the so-called allocation granularity (dwAllocationGranularity). Not to be confused with the page size, this number is arbitrary, and on most Windows system is 64K. In contrast address returned by mmap is only guaranteed to be page-aligned.
The reserved/allocated region may be freed at once by a call to VirtualFree, and there's no need to pass the allocation size (that is, the size used in VirtualAlloc). In contrast munmap should be given the exact region size to be unmapped, i.e. it frees the given number of memory pages without any relation about how they were allocated.
This imposes problems for me. While I could live with (2), the (1) is a real problem. I don't want to get into details, but assuming the much smaller allocation granularity, such as 4K, will lead to a serious efficiency degradation. This is related to the fact that my code needs to put some information at every granularity boundary within the allocated regions, which impose "gaps" within the contiguous memory region.
I need to solve this. I can think about pretty naive methods of allocating increased regions, so that they can be 64K-aligned and still have adequate size. Or alternatively reserve huge regions of virtual address space, and then allocating properly-aligned memory regions (i.e. implement a sort of an aligned heap). But I wonder if there are alternatives. Such as special APIs, maybe some flags, secret system calls or whatever.
(1) is actually quite easy to solve. As you note, munmap takes a size parameter, and this is because munmap is capable of partial deallocation. You can thus allocate a chunk of memory that is bigger than what you need, then deallocate the parts that aren't aligned.
If possible, use posix_memalign (which despite the name allocates rather than aligns memory); this allows you to specify an alignment, and the memory allocated can be released using free. You would need to check whether posix_memalign is provided by your target platform.

Why does Malloc() care about boundary alignments?

I've heard that malloc() aligns memory based on the type that is being allocated. For example, from the book Understanding and Using C Pointers:
The memory allocated will be aligned according to the pointer's data type. Fore example, a four-byte integer would be allocated on an address boundary evenly divisible by four.
If I follow, this means that
int *integer=malloc(sizeof(int)); will be allocated on an address boundary evenly divisible by four. Even without casting (int *) on malloc.
I was working on a chat server; I read of a similar effect with structs.
And I have to ask: logically, why does it matter what the address boundary itself is divisible on? What's wrong with allocating a group of memory to the tune of n*sizeof(int) using an integer on address 129?
I know how pointer arithmetic works *(integer+1), but I can't work out the importance of boundaries...
The memory allocated will be aligned according to the pointer's data
If you are talking about malloc, this is false. malloc doesn't care what you do with the data and will allocate memory aligned to fit the most stringent native type of the implementation.
From the standard:
The pointer returned if the allocation succeeds is suitably aligned so
that it may be assigned to a pointer to any type of object with a
fundamental alignment requirement and then used to access such an
object or an array of such objects in the space allocated (until the
space is explicitly deallocated)
Logically, why does it matter what the address boundary itself is
divisible on
Due to the workings of the underlying machine, accessing unaligned data might be more expensive (e.g. x86) or illegal (e.g. arm). This lets the hardware take shortcuts that improve performance / simplify implementation.
In many processors, data that isn't aligned will cause a "trap" or "exception" (this is a different form of exception than those understood by the C++ compiler. Even on processors that don't trap when data isn't aligned, it is typically slower (twice as slow, for example) when the data is not correctly aligned. So it's in the compiler's/runtime library's best interest to ensure that things are nicely aligned.
And by the way, malloc (typically) doesn't know what you are allocating. Insteat, malloc will align ALL data, no matter what size it is, to some suitable boundary that is "good enough" for general data-access - typically 8 or 16 bytes in modern OS/processor combinations, 4 bytes in older systems.
This is because malloc won't know if you do char* p = malloc(1000); or double* p = malloc(1000);, so it has to assume you are storing double or whatever is the item with the largest alignment requirement.
The importance of alignment is not a language issue but a hardware issue. Some machines are incapable of reading a data value that is not properly aligned. Others can do it but do so less efficiently, e.g., requiring two reads to read one misaligned value.
The book quote is wrong; the memory returned by malloc is guaranteed to be aligned correctly for any type. Even if you write char *ch = malloc(37);, it is still aligned for int or any other type.
You seem to be asking "What is alignment?" If so, there are several questions on SO about this already, e.g. here, or a good explanation from IBM here.
It depends on the hardware. Even assuming int is 32 bits, malloc(sizeof(int)) could return an address divisible by 1, 2, or 4. Different processors handle unaligned access differently.
Processors don't read directly from RAM any more, that's too slow (it takes hundreds of cycles). So when they do grab RAM, they grab it in big chunks, like 64 bytes at a time. If your address isn't aligned, the 4-byte integer might straddle two 64-byte cache lines, so your processor has to do two loads and fix up the result. Or maybe the engineers decided that building the hardware to fix up unaligned loads isn't necessary, so the processor signals an exception: either your program crashes, or the operating system catches the exception and fixes up the operation (hundreds of wasted cycles).
Aligning addresses means your program plays nicely with hardware.
Because it's more fast; Most processor likes data which is aligned. Even, Some processor CANNOT access data which is not aligned! (If you try to access this data, processor may occur fault)

Is there a memory overhead associated with heap memory allocations (eg markers in the heap)?

Thinking in particular of C++ on Windows using a recent Visual Studio C++ compiler, I am wondering about the heap implementation:
Assuming that I'm using the release compiler, and I'm not concerned with memory fragmentation/packing issues, is there a memory overhead associated with allocating memory on the heap? If so, roughly how many bytes per allocation might this be?
Would it be larger in 64-bit code than 32-bit?
I don't really know a lot about modern heap implementations, but am wondering whether there are markers written into the heap with each allocation, or whether some kind of table is maintained (like a file allocation table).
On a related point (because I'm primarily thinking about standard-library features like 'map'), does the Microsoft standard-library implementation ever use its own allocator (for things like tree nodes) in order to optimize heap usage?
Yes, absolutely.
Every block of memory allocated will have a constant overhead of a "header", as well as a small variable part (typically at the end). Exactly how much that is depends on the exact C runtime library used. In the past, I've experimentally found it to be around 32-64 bytes per allocation. The variable part is to cope with alignment - each block of memory will be aligned to some nice even 2^n base-address - typically 8 or 16 bytes.
I'm not familiar with how the internal design of std::map or similar works, but I very much doubt they have special optimisations there.
You can quite easily test the overhead by:
char *a, *b;
a = new char;
b = new char;
ptrdiff_t diff = a - b;
cout << "a=" << a << " b=" << b << " diff=" << diff;
[Note to the pedants, which is probably most of the regulars here, the above a-b expression invokes undefined behaviour, since subtracting the address of one piece of allocated and the address of another, is undefined behaviour. This is to cope with machines that don't have linear memory addresses, e.g. segmented memory or "different types of data is stored in locations based on their type". The above should definitely work on any x86-based OS that doesn't use a segmented memory model with multiple data segments in for the heap - which means it works for Windows and Linux in 32- and 64-bit mode for sure].
You may want to run it with varying types - just bear in mind that the diff is in "number of the type, so if you make it int *a, *b will be in "four bytes units". You could make a reinterpret_cast<char*>(a) - reinterpret_cast<char *>(b);
[diff may be negative, and if you run this in a loop (without deleting a and b), you may find sudden jumps where one large section of memory is exhausted, and the runtime library allocated another large block]
Visual C++ embeds control information (links/sizes and possibly some checksums) near the boundaries of allocated buffers. That also helps to catch some buffer overflows during memory allocation and deallocation.
On top of that you should remember that malloc() needs to return pointers suitably aligned for all fundamental types (char, int, long long, double, void*, void(*)()) and that alignment is typically of the size of the largest type, so it could be 8 or even 16 bytes. If you allocate a single byte, 7 to 15 bytes can be lost to alignment only. I'm not sure if operator new has the same behavior, but it may very well be the case.
This should give you an idea. The precise memory waste can only be determined from the documentation (if any) or testing. The language standard does not define it in any terms.
Yes. All practical dynamic memory allocators have a minimal granularity1. For example, if the granularity is 16 bytes and you request only 1 byte, the whole 16 bytes is allocated nonetheless. If you ask for 17 bytes, a block whose size is 32 bytes is allocated etc...
There is also a (related) issue of alignment.2
Quite a few allocators seem to be a combination of a size map and free lists - they split potential allocation sizes to "buckets" and keep a separate free list for each of them. Take a look at Doug Lea's malloc. There are many other allocation techniques with various tradeoffs but that goes beyond the scope here...
1 Typically 8 or 16 bytes. If the allocator uses a free list then it must encode two pointers inside every free slot, so a free slot cannot be smaller than 8 bytes (on 32-bit) or 16 byte (on 16-bit). For example, if allocator tried to split a 8-byte slot to satisfy a 4-byte request, the remaining 4 bytes would not have enough room to encode the free list pointers.
2 For example, if the long long on your platform is 8 bytes, then even if the allocator's internal data structures can handle blocks smaller than that, actually allocating the smaller block might push the next 8-byte allocation to an unaligned memory address.

Why is the heap after array allocation so large

I've got a very basic application that boils down to the following code:
char* gBigArray[200][200][200];
unsigned int Initialise(){
for(int ta=0;ta<200;ta++)
for(int tb=0;tb<200;tb++)
for(int tc=0;tc<200;tc++)
gBigArray[ta][tb][tc]=new char;
return sizeof(gBigArray);
The function returns the expected value of 32000000 bytes, which is approximately 30MB, yet in the Windows Task Manager (and granted it's not 100% accurate) gives a Memory (Private Working Set) value of around 157MB. I've loaded the application into VMMap by SysInternals and have the following values:
I'm unsure what Image means (listed under Type), although irrelevant of that its value is around what I'm expecting. What is really throwing things out for me is the Heap value, which is where the apparent enormous size is coming from.
What I don't understand is why this is? According to this answer if I've understood it correctly, gBigArray would be placed in the data or bss segment - however I'm guessing as each element is an uninitialised pointer it would be placed in the bss segment. Why then would the heap value be larger by a silly amount than what is required?
It doesn't sound silly if you know how memory allocators work. They keep track of the allocated blocks so there's a field storing the size and also a pointer to the next block, perhaps even some padding. Some compilers place guarding space around the allocated area in debug builds so if you write beyond or before the allocated area the program can detect it at runtime when you try to free the allocated space.
you are allocating one char at a time. There is typically a space overhead per allocation
Allocate the memory on one big chunk (or at least in a few chunks)
Do not forget that char* gBigArray[200][200][200]; allocates space for 200*200*200=8000000 pointers, each word size. That is 32 MB on a 32 bit system.
Add another 8000000 char's to that for another 8MB. Since you are allocating them one by one it probably can't allocate them at one byte per item so they'll probably also take the word size per item resulting in another 32MB (32 bit system).
The rest is probably overhead, which is also significant because the C++ system must remember how many elements an array allocated with new contains for delete [].
Owww! My embedded systems stuff would roll over and die if faced with that code. Each allocation has quite a bit of extra info associated with it and either is spaced to a fixed size, or is managed via a linked list type object. On my system, that 1 char new would become a 64 byte allocation out of a small object allocator such that management would be in O(1) time. But in other systems, this could easily fragment your memory horribly, make subsequent new and deletes run extremely slowly O(n) where n is number of things it tracks, and in general bring doom upon an app over time as each char would become at least a 32 byte allocation and be placed in all sorts of cubby holes in memory, thus pushing your allocation heap out much further than you might expect.
Do a single large allocation and map your 3D array over it if you need to with a placement new or other pointer trickery.
Allocating 1 char at a time is probably more expensive. There are metadata headers per allocation so 1 byte for a character is smaller than the header metadata so you might actually save space by doing one large allocation (if possible) that way you mitigate the overhead of each individual allocation having its own metadata.
Perhaps this is an issue of memory stride? What size of gaps are between values?
30 MB is for the pointers. The rest is for the storage you allocated with the new call that the pointers are pointing to. Compilers are allowed to allocate more than one byte for various reasons, like to align on word boundaries, or give some growing room in case you want it later. If you want 8 MB worth of characters, leave the * off your declaration for gBigArray.
Edited out of the above post into a community wiki post:
As the answers below say, the issue here is I am creating a new char 200^3 times, and although each char is only 1 byte, there is overhead for every object on the heap. It seems creating a char array for all chars knocks the memory down to a more believable level:
char* gBigArray[200][200][200];
char* gCharBlock=new char[200*200*200];
unsigned int Initialise(){
unsigned int mIndex=0;
for(int ta=0;ta<200;ta++)
for(int tb=0;tb<200;tb++)
for(int tc=0;tc<200;tc++)
return sizeof(gBigArray);