Handle Enter to change value of edit control in MFC - mfc

I use edit control to display input value in MFC. That value is used in a while loop to calculate other parameters. When using EN_CHANGE to update data value, I can not use float input number. How can I actually change that value after hit "Enter" key?
float m_ini_gainG; // m_ini_gainG is value of edit Control.
void CMy0Dlg::OnClickedPlay()
m_thread = AfxBeginThread(MainThread,this);
UINT CMy01Dlg::MainThread(LPVOID pParam)
CMy01Dlg *pMainDlg = (CMy01BayerToRGBDlg*)pParam;
pMainDlg->m_iTimer = pMainDlg->SetTimer(DISPLAY, 10, 0);
return 0;
void CMy01BayerToRGBDlg::OnTimer(UINT_PTR nIDEvent)
if(nIDEvent == DISPLAY)
Read(data); // data is read continuously
gainB = temp_G*m_ini_gainG/temp_B;
void CMy01BayerToRGBDlg::OnChangeIniG()
I can only set integer value for m_ini_gainG. I can not enter "." to set float value.


GetAsyncKeyState constantly active

I am trying to make an autoclicker to mess around with getkeystate and key pressing functions in VS and c++, for some odd reason it will never stop clicking once it is initially clicked. I looked over my code and couldn't find anything wrong with it, i know the issue is gonna be something stupidly small. Heres my code:
#include <iostream>
#include <Windows.h>
using namespace std;
bool click = false;
int x = 0, y = 0, cps;
void gui()
cout << "Enter desired clicks per second: ";
cin >> cps;
void clicked()
while (1)
if (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_LBUTTON)) // Left mbutton
click = true;
click = false;
if (click == true)
mouse_event(MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTDOWN, x, y, 0, 0);
mouse_event(MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTUP, x, y, 0, 0);
Sleep(1000 / cps);
if (click == false)
int main()
You maybe missed to read the documentation about return value of GetAsyncKeyState.
The return value of GetAsyncKeyState is zero for the following cases:
The current desktop is not the active desktop
The foreground thread belongs to another process and the desktop does not allow the hook or the journal record.
And,if the most significant bit is set , the key is down.
So, for checking up, you need to check, if the most significant bit is reset.
[Sorry, I am writing the answer on mobile. So, could not provide source code.]

How to check if a key sequence is press?

I would like to check if a key sequence is press. Like a password, i would like that to see the message box you must type "bcqwl" in right sequenze. I tried
#include <iostream>
#include <windows.h>
using namespace std;
int main()
if(GetKeyState('B') & 0x8000)
cout<<"b has been press"<<endl;
if(GetKeyState('C') & 0x8000)
cout<<"c has been press"<<endl;
if(GetKeyState('Q') & 0x8000)
cout<<"Q has been press"<<endl;
if(GetKeyState('W') & 0x8000)
cout<<"W has been press"<<endl;
if(GetKeyState('L') & 0x8000)
But it doesn't works. He print "B has been press" ,many times but not infinitely times,if b is pressed. If after to press b I press c nothing happens.
So i tired:
if(GetKeyState('B') & 0x8000)
cout<<"B has been press"<<endl;
goto step1;
goto step;
if(GetKeyState('C') & 0x8000)
goto step;
But doesn't work.
I also tired:
#include <iostream>
#include <windows.h>
int main()
int progress = 0;
if(GetKeyState('B') & 0x8000)
std::cout<<"b has been press"<<std::endl;
if(GetKeyState('C') & 0x8000)
std::cout<<"c has been press"<<std::endl;
if(GetKeyState('Q') & 0x8000)
std::cout<<"q has been press"<<std::endl;
if(GetKeyState('W') & 0x8000)
std::cout<<"w has been press"<<std::endl;
if(GetKeyState('L') & 0x8000)
std::cout<<"l has been press"<<std::endl;
return 0;
But that output "b has been press" for many times but not infinitely if i press b, and after if i press c nothing is happening, praticaly after press b and the program go in if(process==1) but if i press c nothing happen
P.S. sorry for my bad english.
The problem you are still having comes from the fact that you are in no way storing the progress in your key sequence.
Let's say your password is stored in a char array (for easier access to the single characters later on):
#define PWD_LEN 6 // bcqwl has a length of 5 characters but you need +1 for the '\0' (terminating character) at the end of your string
// ...
char password[PWD_LEN] = "bcqwl";
In addition you will need a counter:
#define PWD_LEN 5
// ...
char password[PWD_LEN] = "bcqwl";
int progress = 0;
while(true) { ... }
Both need to be stored before and outside the while loop because both store data that you don't want to reset in each iteration step in your loop.
The counter will be used to track the progress of the user towards completing the key sequence your password represents.
Whenever the user presses a key you will need to do the following checks:
Is the key allowed? - if you have a password abc but the user presses y or !, or something other then a, b or c the key is not allowed.
If the key is allowed take the character it represents and check if it's the same as the character in your password at index progress:
if ( key allowed )
if (password[progress] == '<your key character here>')
// Handle incorrect key stroke relative to key sequence
Now in order to prevent the counter going bananas I would suggest doing all the checking upon key released, which unlike key pressed is a one time event. A key being pressed can also be part of key hold, in which case you will land in the else (from the code snippet above) many times, which might not be such a good idea.
If the key is ok and in terms of sequence it fits your password then you increase the progress so that in the next iteration step you can do the same check with a new released key event and a new index value for accessing your password array.
When your progress reaches the required value indicating that the key sequence is completed and that all the characters your password consists of have been "inserted" you can break the loop.
This is very basic so I hope that the instructions are clear enough for you to implement.
PREVIOUS ANSWER (now obsolete due to change in the question)
Unless other out-of-the-box way is available to do that (I haven't used GetKeyState() or anything else from windows.h) the general practice is to simply store the pressed state of each button (in an array, a struct etc.).
In your loop you can use a simple chain of if statements (but not nested like you do it!) to check which button is pressed during the current iteration step. Whenever a known key (one that you application wants to process) is pressed, you just need to toggle the respective state of that button in your array, struct or whatever other container you use to store this information:
// Check state of supported buttons
if(GetKeyState('A') & 0x8000)
// store change of state of key A
if(GetKeyState('B') & 0x8000)
// store change of state of key B
if (...)
// ...
At the end or beginning of your while's body you can then ask for the state of each button and also make combined queries:
// Check state of supported buttons
if(GetKeyState('A') & 0x8000)
// store change of state of key A
if(GetKeyState('B') & 0x8000)
// store change of state of key B
if (...)
// ...
// Do something
// Check for states of buttons
// ...
For example let's say you are using the following structure to store the key's state:
typedef struct Key
char keyCode;
bool pressed;
} Key;
Key keyA;
keyA.pressed = false;
you can simply do
if (keyA.pressed)
// Trigger some change that key 'A' controls
to check if your specific button is currently pressed and respectively trigger some action.
For key combinations things are not much different. You just need to use simply boolean logic to handle it:
if (keyA.pressed && keyB.pressed)
// Both key 'A' and 'B' are pressed - we have a key combo!
You can improve the readability of your code by storing all supported buttons in an array and even adding a nice enum to provide easy access to each button:
enum KeyCode
Key keys[n]; //with n being the number of keys you want to support and also the number of elements your enum has
// Access with an improved readability
if (keys[A].pressed && keys[B].pressed)
// ...
If you can't find any code for GetKeyState() in particular (highly unlikely) you can look at SDL for example.

Abnormal output when reading from serial port in QT

I am using QT and QCustomPlot to create a real time plotting tool, and the data of the plot is read from the Arduino UNO board. My application succeeded in plotting while the data is a total mess. Here is my code below (Some code is from QCustomPlot website):
void Dialog::realtimeDataSlot()
bool currentPortNameChanged = false;
QString currentPortName;
if (currentPortName != portName) {
currentPortName = portName;
currentPortNameChanged = true;
QString currentRequest = request;
QSerialPort serial;
if (currentPortNameChanged) {
if (!serial.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) {
static QTime time(QTime::currentTime());
// calculate two new data points:
double key = time.elapsed()/1000.0;
static double lastPointKey = 0;
if (key-lastPointKey > 0.002) // at most add point every 2 ms
// add data to lines:
data = serial.readAll();
QTextStream(stdout) << "HERE:" << data.toDouble() << endl;
customPlot->graph(0)->addData(key, data.toDouble());
customPlot->graph(0)->rescaleValueAxis(); //rescale value (vertical) axis to fit the current data:
lastPointKey = key;
customPlot->xAxis->setRange(key, 8, Qt::AlignRight);
static double lastFpsKey;
static int frameCount;
if (key-lastFpsKey > 2) // average fps over 2 seconds
lastFpsKey = key;
frameCount = 0;
// calculate frames per second:
if (currentPortName != portName) {
currentPortName = portName;
currentPortNameChanged = true;
} else {
currentPortNameChanged = false;
When I Tried to print out the data I read from the serial port, I found the following:
The values around 150 are normal while the value that are 0, 1 to others are not. Also it is not print out at a stable speed. I don't know what happened to this, and thanks to whoever may help, and I would appreciate it if there is any better ways to implement this.
The problem here is that it is not guaranteed that the serial transmission is received all at once. So it is better to let the serial to be processed somewhere else, for instance:
// in the class definition
QSerialPort serialPort;
private slots:
void handleReadyRead();
QByteArray serialBuffer;
volatile double lastSerialValue;
// In the initialization part (not the realtimeDataSlot function)
lastSerialValue = qQNaN();
connect(&serialPort, &QSerialPort::readyRead, this, &Dialog::handleReadyRead, Qt::UniqueConnection);
if (!serialPort.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) {
// Other functions:
void Dialog::realtimeDataSlot()
if (key-lastPointKey > 0.002) // at most add point every 2 ms
if (!qIsNaN(lastSerialData))
// use lastSerialValue as the data.toDouble() you had before, then, at the end
lastSerialValue = qQNaN();
void Dialog::handleReadyRead()
int serPos;
while ((serPos = serialBuffer.indexOf('\n')) >= 0)
bool ok;
double tempValue = QString::fromLatin1(serialBuffer.left(serPos)).toDouble(&ok);
if (ok) lastSerialValue = tempValue;
serialBuffer = serialBuffer.mid(serPos+1);
Explanation: whenever you receive something from the arduino the bytes are appended to a buffer. Then the byte array is parsed looking for a terminator, and if found the byte array is split and analysed. When the other function needs the data, it simply pulls the most recent one saved in the variable.
NOTE 1: I saw that you used a binary transmission. The problem is that you do not have any way to determine where the data begins and end in this way. For instance, if you receive 0x01 0x02 0x03 0x04 and you know that there are 3 bytes, are they 01..03 or 02..04 or 03, 04 and a missing one or...? The version I implemented requires you to send data in string format with a new-line terminator (simplest version, you just have to write Serial.println(doubleValue); in the arduino code), but if you need the binary version I can give you some hints
NOTE 2: The code I wrote is NOT thread safe. It will work only if the realtimeDataSlot and the handleReadyRead are called in the same thread. Note that if they belong to the same object and are called through signals this is guaranteed.
Now, this should work. But I highly discourage you from doing this. I don't know who needs to call the realtimeDataSlot(), but I think that the most correct version is something like this:
// in the class definition
QSerialPort serialPort;
private slots:
void handleReadyRead();
void receivedData(double val);
QByteArray serialBuffer;
void newData(double data);
// In the initialization part (not the realtimeDataSlot function)
connect(&serialPort, &QSerialPort::readyRead, this, &Dialog::handleReadyRead, Qt::UniqueConnection);
connect(this, &Dialog::newData, this, &Dialog::receivedData, Qt::UniqueConnection);
if (!serialPort.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) {
// Other functions:
void Dialog::receivedData(double val)
double key = time.elapsed()/1000.0;
static double lastPointKey = 0;
if (key-lastPointKey > 0.002) // at most add point every 2 ms
QTextStream(stdout) << "HERE:" << data.toDouble() << endl;
customPlot->graph(0)->addData(key, data.toDouble());
void Dialog::handleReadyRead()
int serPos;
while ((serPos = serialBuffer.indexOf('\n')) >= 0)
bool ok;
double tempValue = QString::fromLatin1(serialBuffer.left(serPos)).toDouble(&ok);
if (ok) emit newData(tempValue);
serialBuffer = serialBuffer.mid(serPos+1);
So keep the graph responsive to events (received a new data) instead of to a timer.
One more thing: I removed the port change on purpose. I suggest you to handle it in another way: put a button to start and stop the serial, and when the serial port is started prevent the user from changing the port name. This way the user will explicitely need to shut it down when he needs to change the port. If you want your version, however, don't include it in your code, but make a slot on its own to call whenever you need to change the port name:
void changeSerialPortName(QString newName)
if (newName != serialPort.portName()) {
if (serialPort.isOpen())
if (!serialPort.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) {

MFC Dialog Data Validation reverting data on failure

Has anyone found a way to revert a value on an editbox if it fails validation? If the value is invalid, it harasses the user with message boxes until they fix it.
void MyDlg::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX)
DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_EDIT_FOO, foo);
DDV_MinMaxFloat(pDX, foo, 0.001f, 300.0f);
I was able to do this by writing custom DDX_ handlers. The application I worked on used a custom control (MCReal derived from CEdit) that would only accept decimal values between an acceptable range defined in the control. When the user entered a non-decimal value, or, a value outside of the range, the code would pop up a custom message and revert the value entered into the dialog field.
This was accomplished by creating a custom control and a custom validation handler. Here’s what the DDX_ routine looked like:
void AFXAPI_EXPORT DDX_ProcessEditReal(CDataExchange* pDX, int nIDC, MCReal& mcr)
// prepare edit control
HWND hWndCtrl = pDX->PrepareEditCtrl(nIDC);
// does control exist yet?
if (!IsWindow(mcr.m_hWnd))
// subclass the control
if (!mcr.SubclassWindow(hWndCtrl))
// possibly trying to subclass twice?
if (!ValidateMCRealCtrl (mcr, pDX->m_pDlgWnd, (pDX->m_bSaveAndValidate == TRUE)))
pDX->Fail ();
I used the standard DDX_ routines as a starting point to write a custom version. The real work is done in ValidateMCRealCtrl():
bool ValidateMCRealCtrl (MCReal &mcRealCtrl, CWnd *pParentWnd, bool bSaveAndValidate)
CString ctext;
double val = 0.0, r = 0.0;
double unit_factor = 0.0;
bool bDmsrg = false;
bool rc = false;
bool ret;
if (bSaveAndValidate) // Move from dialog to data
if (pParentWnd != nullptr && mcRealCtrl.CancelButtonClicked (pParentWnd))
return true;
if (!mcRealCtrl.IsWindowEnabled () || !mcRealCtrl.IsWindowVisible ())
return true;; // don't update if not enabled
mcRealCtrl.GetWindowText (ctext);
// base field validation.
ret = mcRealCtrl.Validate ();
if (!ret)
make_mcreal_str (r, ctext.GetBuffer (mcRealCtrl.maxlen), mcRealCtrl.maxlen, prec, mcRealCtrl.add_plus,
mcRealCtrl.m_strip_trailing == TRUE);
ctext.ReleaseBuffer ();
InvalidRealField (mcRealCtrl); // Bad value
return false; // Reset Focus
ctext.ReleaseBuffer ();
mcRealCtrl.SetWindowText (ctext);
else // Move from data to dialog
if (mcRealCtrl.angle) // If angle field...
val = mcRealCtrl.value * R2D; // Convert to degrees
val = mcRealCtrl.value; // Use data value
make_mcreal_str (val, ctext.GetBuffer (mcRealCtrl.maxlen), mcRealCtrl.maxlen, prec, mcRealCtrl.add_plus,
mcRealCtrl.m_strip_trailing == TRUE);
ctext.ReleaseBuffer ();
mcRealCtrl.SetWindowText (ctext);
mcRealCtrl.SetLimitText (mcRealCtrl.maxlen);
return true;
(Note: I've replaced code that does not pertain to your question with "...")
The work to revert the field value occurs in InvalidRealField (). That code displays a pop up message and uses the previous value of the field (saved within the actual MCReal control class), before it was changed, to revert the value.
This framework was not written specifically to revert incorrect dialog field values. It provides much more than that since the control class provides some extra capabilities. However, having the control defined in a custom class allowed me to provide custom validation.

CEdit numeric validation event C++ MFC

I have a CEdit text box which is a part of a property pane and only allows numeric values (positive integers). The box works fine when people enter non-numeric values, but when they delete the value in the box a dialog pops up saying:
"Please enter a positive integer."
Here is the situation:
1. I have a number (say 20) in the box.
2. I delete the number.
3. I get the error dialog.
Could anybody tell me how I can intercept this event and put a default value in there?
Here is what my property pane looks like:
const int DEFAULT_VALUE = 20;
class MyPropertyPane:public CPropertyPane
CEdit m_NumericBox;
int m_value;
afx_msg void OnEnChangeNumericBox();
void MyPropertyPane::MyPropertyPane()
// Set a default value
m_value = DEFAULT_VALUE;
void MyPropertyPane::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX)
DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_NUMERIC_BOX, m_NumericBox);
// this sets the displayed value to 20
DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_NUMERIC_BOX, m_value);
void MyPropertyPane::OnEnChangeNumericBox()
// Somebody deleted the value in the box and I got an event
// saying that the value is changed.
// I try to get the value from the box by updating my data
// m_value is still 20 although the value is
// deleted inside the text box.
The message you are receiving is coming from the data validation routines, not the data exchange routines. There is probably a call like this in DoDataExchange():
void MyPropertyPane::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX)
DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_NUMERIC_BOX, m_NumericBox);
DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_NUMERIC_BOX, m_value);
DDV_MinMaxInt(pDX, m_value, 1, 20); // if the value in m_value is outside the range 1-20, MFC will pop up an error dialog
You can fix this problem by removing the built-in MFC data validation and adding your own:
void MyPropertyPane::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX)
DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_NUMERIC_BOX, m_NumericBox);
DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_NUMERIC_BOX, m_value);
if( m_value < 1 || m_value > 20 )
m_value = DefaultValue;
John Dibling's hint led me to this solution:
void MyPropertyPane::OnEnChangeNumericBox()
CString value;
if( value.IsEmpty() )
m_value = DEFAULT_VALUE;
The ONLY validation that I really had to do is to check that the box contains a value, since the actual numeric validation is already handled by the box. The user can't enter a non-numeric value, but they can delete the existing one so that was a situation which was hard to handle in the data exchange function and I had to "hack" the OnChange event.
This one worked for me
void CtimersDlg::OnEnChangeInterval()
CString value; //or use char *
int i = _wtoi(value); //if char * use _atol()
if((!value.IsEmpty())&& (i)) //To check i = 0 or 00 entered or not