How can I safely terminate worker threads when they are complete? - c++

I was trying to implement a master-worker model using the C++ 11 synchronization features for practice. The model uses a std::queue object along with a condition variable and some mutexes. The master thread puts tasks in the queue and the worker threads pops a task off the queue and "processes" them.
The code I have works properly (unless I've missed some race conditions) when I don't terminate the worker threads. However, the program never ends until you manually terminate it with Ctrl+C. I have some code to terminate the workers after the master thread finishes. Unfortunately, this doesn't work properly as it skips the last task on some execution runs.
So my question:
Is it possible to safely and properly terminate worker threads after all tasks have been processed?
This was just a proof of concept and I'm new to C++ 11 features so I apologize for my style. I appreciate any constructive criticism.
EDIT: nogard has kindly pointed out that this implementation of the model makes it quite complicated and showed me that what I'm asking for is pointless since a good implementation will not have this problem. Thread pools are the way to go in order to implement this properly. Also, I should be using an std::atomic instead of a normal boolean for worker_done (Thanks Jarod42).
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <thread>
#include <mutex>
#include <queue>
#include <condition_variable>
//To sleep
#include <unistd.h>
struct Task
int taskID;
typedef struct Task task;
//cout mutex
std::mutex printstream_accessor;
//queue related objects
std::queue<task> taskList;
std::mutex queue_accessor;
std::condition_variable cv;
//worker flag
bool worker_done = false;
//It is acceptable to call this on a lock only if you poll - you will get an inaccurate answer otherwise
//Will return true if the queue is empty, false if not
bool task_delegation_eligible()
return taskList.empty();
//Thread safe cout function
void safe_cout(std::string input)
// Apply a stream lock and state the calling thread information then print the input
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> cout_lock(printstream_accessor);
std::cout << "Thread:" << std::this_thread::get_id() << " " << input << std::endl;
}//cout_lock destroyed, therefore printstream_accessor mutex is unlocked
void worker_thread()
safe_cout("worker_thread() initialized");
while (!worker_done)
task getTask;
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> q_lock(queue_accessor);
{ //predicate that will check if available
//using a lambda function to apply the ! operator
if (worker_done)
return true;
return !task_delegation_eligible();
if (!worker_done)
//Remove task from the queue
getTask = taskList.front();
if (!worker_done)
//process task
std::string statement = "Processing TaskID:";
std::stringstream convert;
convert << getTask.taskID;
statement += convert.str();
//print task information
//"process" task
* master_thread():
* This thread is responsible for creating task objects and pushing them onto the queue
* After this, it will notify all other threads who are waiting to consume data
void master_thread()
safe_cout("master_thread() initialized");
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
//Following 2 lines needed if you want to don't want this thread to bombard the queue with tasks before processing of a task can be done
while (!task_delegation_eligible() ) //task_eligible() is true IFF queue is empty
std::this_thread::yield(); //yield execution to other threads (if there are tasks on the queue)
//create a new task
task newTask;
newTask.taskID = (i+1);
//lock the queue then push
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> q_lock(queue_accessor);
}//unique_lock destroyed here
safe_cout("master_thread() complete");
int main(void)
std::thread MASTER_THREAD(master_thread); //create a thread object named MASTER_THREAD and have it run the function master_thread()
std::thread WORKER_THREAD_1(worker_thread);
std::thread WORKER_THREAD_2(worker_thread);
std::thread WORKER_THREAD_3(worker_thread);
//wait for the queue tasks to finish
while (!task_delegation_eligible()); //wait if the queue is full
* Following 2 lines
* Terminate worker threads => this doesn't work as expected.
* The model is fine as long as you don't try to stop the worker
* threads like this as it might skip a task, however this program
* will terminate
worker_done = true;
return 0;
Thanks a lot

There is visibility issue in your program: the change of worker_done flag made in one thread might not be observed by worker thread. In order to guarantee that the results of one action are observable to a second action, then you have to use some form of synchronization to make sure that the second thread sees what the first thread did.
To fix this issue you can use atomic as proposed by Jarod42.
If you do this program for practicing it's fine, but for the real applications you could profit from existing thread pool, which would greatly simplify your code.


Accurate timer based processing implementation using condition variable

I need a thread to perform processing every one second accurately. Suppose if the worker thread is busy on some operation that takes more than one second, I want the worker thread to miss the 1s expiry notification and perform the processing in the next cycle.
I am trying to implement this using two threads. One thread is a worker thread, another thread sleeps for one second and notifies the worker thread via condition variable.
Code is shown below
Worker thread
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mutex);
// Block until a signal is received
condVar_.wait(lock, [this](){return (threadExit || performProc);)});
// Perform the processing
Timer thread
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mutex);
performProc= false;
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mutex);
performProc= true;
Please note the variable threadExit is set by the main thread under the mutex lock and notified to worker thread. The timer thread can see this flag when it wakes up(which should be fine for my implementation)
Do you think performProc may set to false again before the worker thread sees it as true? If yes, can you please throw some light on how to tackle this problem? Thanks!
Unless threadExit is atomic, the code exhibits undefined behavior (race condition). All accesses to threadExit must be protected by a mutex, so also reads in while(!threadExit) and if(threadExit)....
But there's no need to do any of this. You can run everything in the same thread if you use sleep_until (and a steady clock) instead of sleep_for.
#include <chrono>
#include <iostream>
#include <thread>
using namespace std::literals;
void do_work() {
std::cout << "Work # " << std::chrono::system_clock::now() << std::endl;
int main() {
while (true) {
auto t = ceil<std::chrono::seconds>(std::chrono::steady_clock::now() + 600ms);
Work # 2022-03-04 09:56:51.0148904
Work # 2022-03-04 09:56:52.0134687
Work # 2022-03-04 09:56:53.0198704
Work # 2022-03-04 09:56:54.0010437
Work # 2022-03-04 09:56:55.0148975
. . .

How to let thread wait for specific other thread to unlock data c++

Lets say I have one thread that continuously updates a certain object. During the update, the object must be locked for thread safety.
Now the second thread is more of an event kind of operation. If such a thread is spawned, I'd like the running update to finish it's call and then immediately perform the event operation.
What I absolutely want to avoid is a situation where the event thread needs to wait until it gets lucky to be given computation time at a specific time the update thread doesn't lock up the data it needs to access.
Is there any way I could use the threading/mutex tools in c++ to accomplish this? Or should I save the to-be-done operation in an unlocked var and perform the operation on the update thread?
//// System.h
#pragma once
#include <mutex>
#include <iostream>
#include <chrono>
#include <thread>
class System {
int state = 0;
std::mutex mutex;
void update();
void reset(int e);
//////// System.cpp
#include "System.h"
void System::update() {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(mutex);
std::cout << state << std::endl;
void System::reset(int e) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(mutex);
state = e;
std::cout << state << std::endl;
////// ThreadTest.h
#pragma once
#include <iostream>
#include "System.h"
void loop_update(System& system);
void reset_system(System& system);
int main();
////// ThreadTest.cpp
#include "ThreadTest.h"
void loop_update(System& system) {
while (true) system.update();
void reset_system(System& system) {
int main()
System system;
std::thread t1 = std::thread(loop_update, std::ref(system));
int reset = 0;
while (true) {
std::cout << "Reset" << std::endl;
Example gives following output. You can clearly see a huge delay in the actual update.
If I understand you correctly, you have 2 threads using the same mutex. However, you want one thread to get a higher preference than the other to get the actual lock.
As far as I know, there ain't a way to ensure preference using the native tools. You can work around it, if you don't mind the code of both threads knowing about it.
For example:
std::atomic<int> shouldPriorityThreadRun{0};
auto priorityThreadCode = [&shouldPriorityThreadRun](){
auto lock = std::unique_lock{mutex};
auto backgroundThreadCode = [&shouldPriorityThreadRun](){
while (true)
if (shouldPriorityThreadRun == 0)
auto lock = std::unique_lock{mutex};
If you have multiple priority threads, those can't have priority over each other.
If you don't like the yield, you could do fancier stuff with std::condition_variable, so you can inform other threads that the mutex is available. However, I believe it's good enough.
it should already work with your current approach.
The mutex is locking concurrent access to your data, so you can lock it within the first thread to update the data.
If the event routine / your second thread comes to execution, it always has to check if the mutex is unlocked. If the mutex is unlocked - and only then, you can lock the mutex and perform the tasks of the second thread.
If I understand your code correctly (i am not a c++ expert), the std::lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(mutex); seems to be locking the mutex the entire time of the update function...
And therefore other threads merely have time to access the mutex.
When the update thread finish the job, it needs to unlock the mutex before entering the sleep state, then the reset thread could have a chance to take the lock without any delay. I also tried running your codes on my machine and observe it's still waiting for the lock. I don't know when it gets lucky to take the lock. I think in this case it's an UB
void System::update() {
std::cout << state << std::endl;
void System::reset(int e) {
state = e;
std::cout << state << std::endl;

What's the good way to pass data to a thread in c++?

I'm learning multi-thread coding using c++. What I need to do is continuously read word from keyboard, and pass it to a data thread for data processing. I used global variable word[] to pass the data. When word[0] != 0 means a new input from keyboard. And the data thread will set word[0] to 0 once it read the data. It works! But I'm not sure if it safe or not, or there are better ways to do this. Here is my code:
#include <iostream>
#include <thread>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
using namespace std;
static const int buff_len = 32;
static char* word = new char[buff_len];
static void data_thread () { // thread to handle data
while (1)
if (word[0]) { // have a new word
char* w = new char[buff_len];
strcpy(w, word);
cout << "Data processed!\n";
word[0] = 0; // Inform the producer that we consumed the word
static void read_keyboard () {
char * linebuf = new char[buff_len];
thread * worker = new thread( data_thread );
while (1) //enter "end" to terminate the loop
if (!std::fgets( linebuf, buff_len, stdin)) // EOF?
linebuf[strcspn(linebuf, "\n")] = '\0'; //remove new line '\n' from the string
word = linebuf; // Pass the word to the worker thread
while (word[0]); // Wait for the worker thread to consume it
worker->join(); // Wait for the worker to terminate
int main ()
return 0;
The problem with this type of multi threading implementation is busy waiting. The input reader & the data consumer both are busy waiting and wasting the cpu cycles. To overcome this you need Semaphore.
Semaphore s_full(0);
Semaphore s_empty(1);
void data_processor ()
while (true) {
// Wait for data availability.
// Data is available to you, consume it.
// Unblock the data producer.
void input_reader()
while (true) {
// Wait for empty buffer.
// Read data.
// Unblock data com=nsumer.
In addition this solution will work only for a single data consumer thread. But for multiple data consumer threads you'll need thread safe buffer queue and proper implementation of producer - consumer problem.
See below blog links for additional information to solve this problem:
Thread safe buffer queue:
Producer - consumer problem:
There are a few problems with your approach:
This method is not scalable. What if you have more than 1 processing thread?
You would need a mutex to synchronise read-write access to the memory stored by word. At the scale of this example, not a big deal. In a "serious" application you might not have the luxury of waiting till you get the data thread stops processing. In that case, you might be tempted to remove the while(word[0]) but that is unsafe.
You fire off a "daemon" thread (not exactly but close enough) to handle your computations. Most of the time the thread is waiting for your input and cannot proceed without it. This is inefficient, and modern C++ gives you a way around it without explicitly handling raw threads using std::async paradigm.
#include <future>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
static std::string worker(const std::string &input)
// assume this is a lengthy operation
return input.substr(1);
int main()
while (true)
std::string input;
std::getline (std::cin, input);
if (input.empty())
std::future<std::string> fut= std::async(std::launch::async, &worker, input);
// Other tasks
// size_t n_stars = count_number_of_stars();
std::string result = fut.get(); // wait for the task to complete
printf("Output : %s\n", result.c_str());
return 0;
Something like this in my opinion is the better approach. std::async will launch a thread (if std::launch::async option is specified) and return a waitable future. The computation will continue in the background, and you can do other work in the main thread. When you need to get the result of your computation, you can get() the result of the future(btw the future can be void too).
Also there are a lot of C-isms in your C++ code. Unless there is a reason to do so, why would you not use std::string?
In modern CPP multithreading, u should be using condition_variable, mutex, and queue to handle this. the mutex prevents mutual reach to the queue and the condition variable makes the reader thread sleep until the writer writes what it write. the following is an example
static void data_thread (std::queue<char> & dataToProcess, std::mutex & mut, std::condition_variable & cv, std::atomic<bool>& finished) { // thread to handle data
std::string readData;
while (!finished)
std::unique_lock lock{mut};
cv.wait(lock, [&] { return !dataToProcess.empty() || finished; });
if (finished) {
while (!dataToProcess.empty()){
readData += dataToProcess.front();
readData += dataToProcess.front();
std::cout << "\nData processed\n";
std::cout << readData;
static void read_keyboard () {
std::queue<char> data;
std::condition_variable cv;
std::mutex mut;
std::atomic<bool> finished = false;
std::thread worker = std::thread( data_thread, std::ref(data), std::ref(mut), std::ref(cv), std::ref(finished) );
char temp;
while (true) //enter "end" to terminate the loop
if (!std::cin.get(temp)) // EOF?
finished = true;
std::lock_guard lock {mut};
worker.join(); // Wait for the worker to terminate
int main ()
return 0;
What you are looking for is a message queue. This needs mutex and condition variable.
Here is one on github (not mine but it popped up when I searched)
and another
I will get told off for posting links, but I am not going to type the entire code here and github's not going anywhere soon

How to create an efficient multi-threaded task scheduler in C++?

I'd like to create a very efficient task scheduler system in C++.
The basic idea is this:
class Task {
virtual void run() = 0;
class Scheduler {
void add(Task &task, double delayToRun);
Behind Scheduler, there should be a fixed-size thread pool, which run the tasks (I don't want to create a thread for each task). delayToRun means that the task doesn't get executed immediately, but delayToRun seconds later (measuring from the point it was added into the Scheduler).
(delayToRun means an "at-least" value, of course. If the system is loaded, or if we ask the impossible from the Scheduler, it won't be able to handle our request. But it should do the best it can)
And here's my problem. How to implement delayToRun functionality efficiently? I'm trying to solve this problem with the use of mutexes and condition variables.
I see two ways:
With manager thread
Scheduler contains two queues: allTasksQueue, and tasksReadyToRunQueue. A task gets added into allTasksQueue at Scheduler::add. There is a manager thread, which waits the smallest amount of time so it can put a task from allTasksQueue to tasksReadyToRunQueue. Worker threads wait for a task available in tasksReadyToRunQueue.
If Scheduler::add adds a task in front of allTasksQueue (a task, which has a value of delayToRun so it should go before the current soonest-to-run task), then the manager task need to be woken up, so it can update the time of wait.
This method can be considered inefficient, because it needs two queues, and it needs two condvar.signals to make a task run (one for allTasksQueue->tasksReadyToRunQueue, and one for signalling a worker thread to actually run the task)
Without manager thread
There is one queue in the scheduler. A task gets added into this queue at Scheduler::add. A worker thread checks the queue. If it is empty, it waits without a time constraint. If it is not empty, it waits for the soonest task.
If there is only one condition variable for which the working threads waiting for: this method can be considered inefficient, because if a task added in front of the queue (front means, if there are N worker threads, then the task index < N) then all the worker threads need to be woken up to update the time which they are waiting for.
If there is a separate condition variable for each thread, then we can control which thread to wake up, so in this case we don't need to wake up all threads (we only need to wake up the thread which has the largest waiting time, so we need to manage this value). I'm currently thinking about implementing this, but working out the exact details are complex. Are there any recommendations/thoughts/document on this method?
Is there any better solution for this problem? I'm trying to use standard C++ features, but I'm willing to use platform dependent (my main platform is linux) tools too (like pthreads), or even linux specific tools (like futexes), if they provide a better solution.
You can avoid both having a separate "manager" thread, and having to wake up a large number of tasks when the next-to-run task changes, by using a design where a single pool thread waits for the "next to run" task (if there is one) on one condition variable, and the remaining pool threads wait indefinitely on a second condition variable.
The pool threads would execute pseudocode along these lines:
while (running)
if (head task is ready to run)
dequeue head task;
if (task_thread == 1)
run dequeued task;
else if (!queue_empty && task_thread == 0)
task_thread = 1;
pthread_cond_timedwait(&task_cv, &queue_lock, time head task is ready to run);
task_thread = 0;
pthread_cond_wait(&queue_cv, &queue_lock);
If you change the next task to run, then you execute:
if (task_thread == 1)
with the queue_lock held.
Under this scheme, all wakeups are directly at only a single thread, there's only one priority queue of tasks, and there's no manager thread required.
Your specification is a bit too strong:
delayToRun means that the task doesn't get executed immediately, but delayToRun seconds later
You forgot to add "at least" :
The task don't get executed now, but at least delayToRun seconds later
The point is that if ten thousand tasks are all scheduled with a 0.1 delayToRun, they surely won't practically be able to run at the same time.
With such correction, you just maintain some queue (or agenda) of (scheduled-start-time, closure to run), you keep that queue sorted, and you start N (some fixed number) of threads which atomically pop the first element of the agenda and run it.
then all the worker threads need to be woken up to update the time which they are waiting for.
No, some worker threads would be woken up.
Read about condition variables and broadcast.
You might also user POSIX timers, see timer_create(2), or Linux specific fd timer, see timerfd_create(2)
You probably would avoid running blocking system calls in your threads, and have some central thread managing them using some event loop (see poll(2)...); otherwise, if you have a hundred tasks running sleep(100) and one task scheduled to run in half a second it won't run before a hundred seconds.
You may want to read about continuation-passing style programming (it -CPS- is highly relevant). Read the paper about Continuation Passing C by Juliusz Chroboczek.
Look also into Qt threads.
You could also consider coding in Go (with its Goroutines).
This is a sample implementation for the interface you provided that comes closest to your 'With manager thread' description.
It uses a single thread (timer_thread) to manage a queue (allTasksQueue) that is sorted based on the actual time when a task must be started (std::chrono::time_point).
The 'queue' is a std::priority_queue (which keeps its time_point key elements sorted).
timer_thread is normally suspended until the next task is started or when a new task is added.
When a task is about to be run, it is placed in tasksReadyToRunQueue, one of the worker threads is signaled, wakes up, removes it from the queue and starts processing the task..
Note that the thread pool has a compile-time upper limit for the number of threads (40). If you are scheduling more tasks than can be dispatched to workers,
new task will block until threads are available again.
You said this approach is not efficient, but overall, it seems reasonably efficient to me. It's all event driven and you are not wasting CPU cycles by unnecessary spinning.
Of course, it's just an example, optimizations are possible (note: std::multimap has been replaced with std::priority_queue).
The implementation is C++11 compliant
#include <iostream>
#include <chrono>
#include <queue>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <vector>
#include <thread>
#include <condition_variable>
#include <mutex>
#include <memory>
class Task {
virtual void run() = 0;
virtual ~Task() { }
class Scheduler {
void add(Task &task, double delayToRun);
using timepoint = std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::steady_clock>;
struct key {
timepoint tp;
Task *taskp;
struct TScomp {
bool operator()(const key &a, const key &b) const
return >;
const int ThreadPoolSize = 40;
std::vector<std::thread> ThreadPool;
std::vector<Task *> tasksReadyToRunQueue;
std::priority_queue<key, std::vector<key>, TScomp> allTasksQueue;
std::thread TimerThr;
std::mutex TimerMtx, WorkerMtx;
std::condition_variable TimerCV, WorkerCV;
bool WorkerIsRunning = true;
bool TimerIsRunning = true;
void worker_thread();
void timer_thread();
for (int i = 0; i <ThreadPoolSize; ++i)
ThreadPool.push_back(std::thread(&Scheduler::worker_thread, this));
TimerThr = std::thread(&Scheduler::timer_thread, this);
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lck{TimerMtx};
TimerIsRunning = false;
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lck{WorkerMtx};
WorkerIsRunning = false;
for (auto &t : ThreadPool)
void Scheduler::add(Task &task, double delayToRun)
auto now = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
long delay_ms = delayToRun * 1000;
std::chrono::milliseconds duration (delay_ms);
timepoint tp = now + duration;
if (now >= tp)
* This is a short-cut
* When time is due, the task is directly dispatched to the workers
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lck{WorkerMtx};
} else
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lck{TimerMtx};
allTasksQueue.push({tp, &task});
void Scheduler::worker_thread()
for (;;)
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lck{WorkerMtx};
WorkerCV.wait(lck, [this] { return tasksReadyToRunQueue.size() != 0 ||
!WorkerIsRunning; } );
if (!WorkerIsRunning)
Task *p = tasksReadyToRunQueue.back();
delete p; // delete Task
void Scheduler::timer_thread()
for (;;)
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lck{TimerMtx};
if (!TimerIsRunning)
auto duration = std::chrono::nanoseconds(1000000000);
if (allTasksQueue.size() != 0)
auto now = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
auto head =;
Task *p = head.taskp;
duration = - now;
if (now >=
* A Task is due, pass to worker threads
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> ulck{WorkerMtx};
TimerCV.wait_for(lck, duration);
* End sample implementation
class DemoTask : public Task {
int n;
DemoTask(int n=0) : n{n} { }
void run() override
std::cout << "Start task " << n << std::endl;;
std::cout << " Stop task " << n << std::endl;;
int main()
Scheduler sched;
Task *t0 = new DemoTask{0};
Task *t1 = new DemoTask{1};
Task *t2 = new DemoTask{2};
Task *t3 = new DemoTask{3};
Task *t4 = new DemoTask{4};
Task *t5 = new DemoTask{5};
sched.add(*t0, 7.313);
sched.add(*t1, 2.213);
sched.add(*t2, 0.713);
sched.add(*t3, 1.243);
sched.add(*t4, 0.913);
sched.add(*t5, 3.313);
It means that you want to run all tasks continuously using some order.
You can create some type of sorted by a delay stack (or even linked list) of tasks. When a new task is coming you should insert it in the position depending of a delay time (just efficiently calculate that position and efficiently insert the new task).
Run all tasks starting with the head of the task stack (or list).
Core code for C++11:
#include <thread>
#include <queue>
#include <chrono>
#include <mutex>
#include <atomic>
using namespace std::chrono;
using namespace std;
class Task {
virtual void run() = 0;
template<typename T, typename = enable_if<std::is_base_of<Task, T>::value>>
class SchedulerItem {
T task;
time_point<steady_clock> startTime;
int delay;
SchedulerItem(T t, time_point<steady_clock> s, int d) : task(t), startTime(s), delay(d){}
template<typename T, typename = enable_if<std::is_base_of<Task, T>::value>>
class Scheduler {
queue<SchedulerItem<T>> pool;
mutex mtx;
atomic<bool> running;
Scheduler() : running(false){}
void add(T task, double delayMsToRun) {
lock_guard<mutex> lock(mtx);
pool.push(SchedulerItem<T>(task, high_resolution_clock::now(), delayMsToRun));
if (running == false) runNext();
void runNext(void) {
running = true;
auto th = [this]() {
auto item = pool.front();
auto remaining = (item.startTime + milliseconds(item.delay)) - high_resolution_clock::now();
if(remaining.count() > 0) this_thread::sleep_for(remaining);;
if(pool.size() > 0)
running = false;
thread t(th);
Test code:
class MyTask : Task {
virtual void run() override {
printf("mytask \n");
int main()
Scheduler<MyTask> s;
s.add(MyTask(), 0);
s.add(MyTask(), 2000);
s.add(MyTask(), 2500);
s.add(MyTask(), 6000);

std::condition_variable not properly wakes up after std::condition_variable::notify_all() from other thread

This code is simplification of real project code. Main thread create worker thread and wait with std::condition_variable for worker thread really started. In code below std::condition_variable wakes up after current_thread_state becomes "ThreadState::Stopping" - this is the second notification from worker thread, that is the main thread did not wake up after the first notification, when current_thread_state becomes "ThreadState::Starting". The result was deadlock. Why this happens? Why std::condition_variable not wake up after first thread_event.notify_all()?
int main()
std::thread thread_var;
struct ThreadState {
enum Type { Stopped, Started, Stopping };
ThreadState::Type current_thread_state = ThreadState::Stopped;
std::mutex thread_mutex;
std::condition_variable thread_event;
while (true) {
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lck(thread_mutex);
thread_var = std::move(std::thread([&]() {
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lck(thread_mutex);
cout << "ThreadFunction() - step 1\n";
current_thread_state = ThreadState::Started;
// This code need to disable output to console (simulate some work).
cout << "ThreadFunction() - step 1 -> step 2\n";
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lck(thread_mutex);
cout << "ThreadFunction() - step 2\n";
current_thread_state = ThreadState::Stopping;
while (current_thread_state != ThreadState::Started) {
if (thread_var.joinable()) {
current_thread_state = ThreadState::Stopped;
return 0;
Once you call the notify_all method, your main thread and your worker thread (after doing its work) both try to get a lock on the thread_mutex mutex. If your work load is insignificant, like in your example, the worker thread is likely to get the lock before the main thread and sets the state back to ThreadState::Stopped before the main thread ever reads it. This results in a dead lock.
Try adding a significant work load, e.g.
std::this_thread::sleep_for( std::chrono::seconds( 1 ) );
to the worker thread. Dead locks are far less likely now. Of course, this is not a fix for your problem. This is just for illustrating the problem.
You have two threads racing: one writes values of current_thread_state twice, another reads the value of current_thread_state once.
It is indeterminate whether the sequence of events is write-write-read or write-read-write as you expect, both are valid executions of your application.