QueryPerformanceCounter(), but on OSX - c++

This question has been asked before (see What's the equivalent of Windows' QueryPerformanceCounter on OSX?), but it seems like my needs are a bit different than in other questions, so I'm going to ask again.
All I'm looking for is a tick counter - I don't need UTC or anything like that. And I need a timer that isn't affected by sleep-mode - I need a tick counter that accurately reflects how many ticks have passed, even while the machine was in sleep mode.
QueryPerformanceCounter() on win32 has a number of nice properties that fit my requirements:
High resolution, down to microseconds
Continues counting, even in system sleep (or rather its count includes time that went by when the system was in sleep mode)
Monotonic - never goes down. Not affected by changing the system time.
On OSX, as far as I can tell, I have the following alternatives, and none of them are very good:
resolution is down to milliseconds (ok, not great)
continues counting in system sleep (good)
is affected by changing the system clock (bad)
resolution is down to microseconds (good)
doesn't count in system sleep (bad)
not affected by changing system clock (good)
host_get_clock_service( SYSTEM_CLOCK ) & clock_get_time() (see mach/clock.h)
seems to be identical to mach_absolute_time()
host_get_clock_service( CALENDAR_CLOCK ) & clock_get_time() (see mach/clock.h)
seems to be identical to gettimeofday()
I don't think that I fully appreciated just how great QueryPerformanceCounter() was until I started looking at this problem. How does it work? Does it use the HPET? Does the HPET go to sleep when the system goes to sleep? If not, why doesn't OSX expose the HPET this way? If so, how does Windows compensate for this?
Update 1:
There's an interesting discussion of how QueryPerformanceCounter works here: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/dn553408(v=vs.85).aspx
Apparently it once used CPU TSCs in Win XP days, switched to using the HPET/ACPI timers in Vista, and switched again to improved TSCs in Win 7 but falling back to HPET/ACPI. Still, I was always under the impression that the HPET and TSC didn't survive sleep mode.


Is there no equivalent of millis() from Arduino in C++?

I am currently implementing a PID controller for a project I am doing, but I realized I don't know how to ensure a fixed interval for each iteration. I want the PID controller to run at a frequency of 10Hz, but I don't want to use any sleep functions or anything that would otherwise slow down the thread it's running in. I've looked around but I cannot for the life of me find any good topics/functions that simply gives me an accurate measurement of milliseconds. Those that I have found simply uses time_t or clock_t, but time_t only seems to give seconds(?) and clock_t will vary greatly depending on different factors.
Is there any clean and good way to simply see if it's been >= 100 milliseconds since a given point in time in C++? I'm using the Qt5 framework and OpenCV library and the program is running on an ODROID X-2, if that's of any helpful information to anyone.
Thank you for reading, Christian.
I don't know much about the ODROID X-2 platform but if it's at all unixy you may have access to gettimeofday or clock_gettime either one of which would provide a higher resolution clock if available on your hardware.

Why is there no boost::date_time with microsec resolution on Windows?

On Win32 system boost::date_time::microsec_clock() is implemented using ftime, which provides only millisecond resolution: Link to doc
There are some questions/answers on Stackoverflow stating this and linking the documentation, but not explaining why that is the case:
Stackoverflow #1
Stackoverflow #2
There seemingly are ways to implement microsecond resolution on Windows:
GetSystemTimePreciseAsFileTime (Win8++)
What I'm interested in is why Boost implemented it that way, when in turn there are possibly solutions that would be more fitting?
QueryPerformanceCounter can't help you on this problem. It gives you a timestamp, but as you don't know when the counter starts there is no reliable way to calculate an absolute time point out of it. boost::date_time is such a (user-understandable) time point.
The other difference is that a counter like QueryPerformanceCounter gives you a steadily increasing timer, while the system time can be influenced by the user and can therefore jump.
So the 2 things are for different use cases. One for representing a real time, the other one for getting precise timing in the software and for benchmarking.
GetSystemTimePreciseAsFileTime seems to fit the bill for a high resolution absolute time. I guess it wasn't used because it requires Windows8.
GetSystemTimePreciseAsFileTime only became available with Windows 8 Desktop applications. It mimics Linuxes GetTimeOfDay. The implementation uses QueryPerformanceCounter to achieve the microsecond resolution. Timestamps are taken at the time of a system time increment. Subsequent calls to GetSystemTimePreciseAsFileTime will take the system time and add the elapsed "performance counter time" (elapsed ticks / performance counter frequency) as the high resolution part.
The functionallity of QueryPerformanceCounter again depends on platform specific details (HPET, ACPI PM timer, invariant TSC etc.). See MSDN: Acquiring high-resolution time stamps and SO: Is QueryPerformanceFrequency acurate when using HPET? for details.
The various versions of Windows do have specific schemes to update the system time. Windows XP has a fixed file time granularty which is independent of the systems timer resolution. Only post Windows XP versions allow to modify the system time granularity by changing the system timer resolution.
This can be accomplished by means of the multimedia timer API timeBeginPeriod and/or the hidden API NtSetTimerResolution (See this SO answer for more details about using `
timeBeginPeriod and NtSetTimerResolution).
As stated, GetSystemTimePreciseAsFileTime is only available for desktop applications. The reason for this is the need for specific hardware.
What I'm interested in is why Boost implemented it that way, when in turn there are possibly solutions that would be more fitting?
Taking the facts stated above will make the implementation very complex and the result very platform specific. Every (!) Windows version has undergone severe changes of time keeping. Even the latest small step from 8 to 8.1 has changed the time keeping procedure considerably. However, there is still room to further improve time matters on Windows.
I should mention that GetSystemTimePreciseAsFileTime is, as of Windows 8.1, not giving results as accurate as expected or specified at MSDN: GetSystemTimePreciseAsFileTime function. It combines the system file time with the result of QueryPerformanceCounter to fill the gap between consecutive file time increments but it does not take system time adjustments into account. An active system time adjustement, e.g. done by SetSystemTimeAdjustment, modifies the system time granularity and the progress of the system time. However, the used performance counter frequency to build the result of GetSystemTimePreciseAsFileTime is kept constant. As a result, the microseconds part is off by the adjustment gain set by SetSystemTimeAdjustment.

How to realise long-term high-resolution timing on windows using C++?

I need to get exact timestamps every couple of ms (20, 30, 40ms) over a long period of time (a couple of hours). The function in which the timestamp is taken is invoked as a callback by a 3rd-party library.
Using GetSystemTime() one can get the correct system timestamp but only with milliseconds accuracy, which is not precise enough for me. Using QueryPerformanceTimer() yields more accurate timestamps but is not synchronous to the system timestamp over a long period of time (see http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/magazine/cc163996.aspx).
The solution provided at the site linked above somehow works only on older computers, it hangs while synchronizing when i try to use it with newer computers.
It seems to me like boost is also only working on milliseconds accuracy.
If possible, I'd like to avoid using external libraries, but if there's no other choice I'll go with it.
Any suggestions?
Deleted article from CodeProject, this seems to be the copy: DateTimePrecise C# Class The idea is to use QueryPerformanceCounter API for accurate small increments and periodically adjust it in order to keep long term accuracy. This is about to give microsecond accuracy ("about" because it's still not exactly precise, but still quite usable).
See also: Microsecond resolution timestamps on Windows
Which language are you using?
In Java (1.5 or above) I'd suggest 'System.nanoTime()' which requires no import.
Remember in Windows that time-slice granularity is 1000ms / 64 = 15.625ms.
This will affect inter-process communication, especially on uni-processor machines, or machines that run several heavy CPU usage processes 'concurrently'*.
In fact, I just got DOS 6.22 and Windows for Workgroups 3.11/3.15 via eBay, so I can screenshot the original timeslice configuration for uni-processor Windows machines of the era when I started to get into it. (Although it might not be visible in versions above 3.0).
You'll be hard pressed to find anything better than QueryPerformanceTimer() on Windows.
On modern hardware it uses the HPET as a source which replaces the RTC interrupt controller. I would expect QueryPerformanceTimer() and the System clock to be synchronous.
There is no such QueryPerformanceTimer() on windows. The resource is named QueryPerformanceCounter(). It provides a counter value counting at some higher frequency.
Its incrementing frequency can be retrieved by a call to QueryPerformanceFrequency().
Since this frequency is typically in the MHz range, microsecond resolution can be observed.
There are some implementations around, i.e. this thread or at the Windows Timestamp Project

Sleeping for an exact duration

My understanding of the Sleep function is that it follows "at least semantics" i.e. sleep(5) will guarantee that the thread sleeps for 5 seconds, but it may remain blocked for more than 5 seconds depending on other factors. Is there a way to sleep for exactly a specified time period (without busy waiting).
As others have said, you really need to use a real-time OS to try and achieve this. Precise software timing is quite tricky.
However... although not perfect, you can get a LOT better results than "normal" by simply boosting the priority of the process that needs better timing. In Windows you can achieve this with the SetPriorityClass function. If you set the priority to the highest level (REALTIME_PRIORITY_CLASS: 0x00000100) you'll get much better timing results. Again - this will not be perfect like you are asking for, though.
This is also likely possible on other platforms than Windows, but I've never had reason to do it so haven't tested it.
EDIT: As per the comment by Andy T, if your app is multi-threaded you also need to watch out for the priority assigned to the threads. For Windows this is documented here.
Some background...
A while back I used SetPriorityClass to boost the priority on an application where I was doing real-time analysis of high-speed video and I could NOT miss a frame. Frames were arriving to the pc at a very regular (driven by external framegrabber HW) frequency of 300 frames per second (fps), which fired a HW interrupt on every frame which I then serviced. Since timing was very important, I collected a lot of stats on the interrupt timing (using QueryPerformanceCounter stuff) to see how bad the situation really was, and was appalled at the resulting distributions. I don't have the stats handy, but basically Windows was servicing the interrupt whenever it felt like it when run at normal priority. The histograms were very messy, with the stdev being wider than my ~3ms period. Frequently I would have gigantic gaps of 200 ms or greater in the interrupt servicing (recall that the interrupt fired roughly every 3 ms)!! ie: HW interrupts are FAR from exact! You're stuck with what the OS decides to do for you.
However - when I discovered the REALTIME_PRIORITY_CLASS setting and benchmarked with that priority, it was significantly better and the service interval distribution was extremely tight. I could run 10 minutes of 300 fps and not miss a single frame. Measured interrupt servicing periods were pretty much exactly 1/300 s with a tight distribution.
Also - try and minimize the other things the OS is doing to help improve the odds of your timing working better in the app where it matters. eg: no background video transcoding or disk de-fragging or anything while your trying to get precision timing with other code!!
In summary:
If you really need this, go with a real time OS
If you can't use a real-time OS (impossible or impractical), boosting your process priority will likely improve your timing by a lot, as it did for me
HW interrupts won't do it... the OS still needs to decide to service them!
Make sure that you don't have a lot of other processes running that are competing for OS attention
If timing is really important to you, do some testing. Although getting code to run exactly when you want it to is not very easy, measuring this deviation is quite easy. The high performance counters in PCs (what you get with QueryPerformanceCounter) are extremely good.
Since it may be helpful (although a bit off topic), here's a small class I wrote a long time ago for using the high performance counters on a Windows machine. It may be useful for your testing:
#pragma once
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <windows.h>
class CHiResTimer
LARGE_INTEGER frequency;
LARGE_INTEGER startCounts;
double ConvertCountsToSeconds(LONGLONG Counts);
CHiResTimer(); // constructor
void ResetTimer(void);
double GetElapsedTime_s(void);
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "CHiResTimer.h"
double CHiResTimer::ConvertCountsToSeconds(LONGLONG Counts)
return ((double)Counts / (double)frequency.QuadPart) ;
QueryPerformanceCounter(&startCounts); // starts the timer right away
void CHiResTimer::ResetTimer()
QueryPerformanceCounter(&startCounts); // reset the reference counter
double CHiResTimer::GetElapsedTime_s()
return ConvertCountsToSeconds(countsNow.QuadPart - startCounts.QuadPart);
The reason it's "at least semantics" is because that after those 5 seconds some other thread may be busy.
Every thread gets a time slice from the Operating System. The Operating System controls the order in which the threads are run.
When you put a thread to sleep, the OS puts the thread in a waiting list, and when the timer is over the operating system "Wakes" the thread.
This means that the thread is added back to the active threads list, but it isn't guaranteed that t will be added in first place. (What if 100 threads need to be awaken in that specific second ? Who will go first ?)
While standard Linux is not a realtime operating system, the kernel developers pay close attention to how long a high priority process would remain starved while kernel locks are held. Thus, a stock Linux kernel is usually good enough for many soft-realtime applications.
You can schedule your process as a realtime task with the sched_setscheduler(2) call, using either SCHED_FIFO or SCHED_RR. The two have slight differences in semantics, but it may be enough to know that a SCHED_RR task will eventually relinquish the processor to another task of the same priority due to time slices, while a SCHED_FIFO task will only relinquish the CPU to another task of the same priority due to blocking I/O or an explicit call to sched_yield(2).
Be careful when using realtime scheduled tasks; as they always take priority over standard tasks, you can easily find yourself coding an infinite loop that never relinquishes the CPU and blocks admins from using ssh to kill the process. So it might not hurt to run an sshd at a higher realtime priority, at least until you're sure you've fixed the worst bugs.
There are variants of Linux available that have been worked on to provide hard-realtime guarantees. RTLinux has commercial support; Xenomai and RTAI are competing implementations of realtime extensions for Linux, but I know nothing else about them.
As previous answerers said: there is no way to be exact (some suggested realtime-os or hardware interrupts and even those are not exact). I think what you are looking for is something that is just more precise than the sleep() function and you find that depending on your OS in e.g. the Windows Sleep() function or under GNU the nanosleep() function.
Both will give you precision within a few milliseconds.
Well, you try to tackle a difficult problem, and achieving exact timing is not feasible: the best you can do is to use hardware interrupts, and the implementation will depend on both your underlying hardware, and your operating system (namely, you will need a real-time operating system, which most regular desktop OS are not). What is your exact target platform?
No. Because you're always depending on the OS to handle waking up threads at the right time.
There is no way to sleep for a specified time period using standard C. You will need, at minimum, a 3rd party library which provides greater granularity, and you might also need a special operating system kernel such as the real-time Linux kernels.
For instance, here is a discussion of how close you can come on Win32 systems.
This is not a C question.

Sleep thread 100.8564 millisecond in c++ under window plateform

I there any method to sleep the thread upto 100.8564 millisecond under window OS. I am using multimedia timer but its resolution is minimum 1 second. Kindly guide me so that I can handle the fractional part of the millisecond.
Yes you can do it. See QueryPerformanceCounter() to read accurate time, and make a busy loop.
This will enable you to make waits with up to 10 nanosecond resolution, however, if thread scheduler decides to steal control from you at the moment of the cycle end, it will, and there's nothing you can do about it except assigning your process realtime priority.
You may also have a look at this: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms838340(WinEmbedded.5).aspx
Several frameworks were developed to do hard realtime on windows.
Otherwise, your question probably implies that you might be doing something wrong. There're numerous mechanisms to trick around ever needing precise delays, such as using proper bus drivers (in case of hardware/IO, or respective DMAs if you are designing a driver), and more.
Please tell us what exactly are you building.
I do not know your use case, but even a high end realtime operating system would be hard pressed to achieve less 100ns jitter on timings.
In most cases I found you do not need that precision in reproducibility but only for long time drift. In that respect it is relatively straightforward to keep a timeline and calculate the event on the desired precision. Then use that timeline to synchronize the events which may be off even by 10's of ms. As long as these errors do not add up, I found I got adequate performance.
If you need guaranteed latency, you cannot get it with MS Windows. It's not a realtime operating system. It might swap in another thread or process at an importune instant. You might get a cache miss. When I did a robot controller a while back, I used an OS called On Time RTOS 32. It has an MS Windows API emulation layer. You can use it with Visual Studio. You'll need something like that.
The resolution of a multimedia timer is much better than one second. It can go down to 1 millisecond when you call timeBeginPeriod(1) first. The timer will automatically adjust its interval for the next call when the callback is delivered late. Which is inevitable on a multi-tasking operating system, there is always some kind of kernel thread with a higher priority than yours that will delay the callback.
While it will work pretty well on average, worst case latency is in the order of hundreds of milliseconds. Clearly, your requirements cannot be met by Windows by a long shot. You'll need some kind of microcontroller to supply that kind of execution guarantee.